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const vectors = @import("thing").vectors;

nD vector types & operations


This packages provides a generic Vec n-dimensional vector type factory and several predefined common vector types listed below. Even though most operations are available for all vectors, depending on chosen size and component type, additional features are implemented (for boolean vectors obviously only a reduced subset makes sense).

The generated structs are all zero-size, i.e. they're merely namespaces exposing size & type-specific type aliases, constants and operations. The vectors themselves are always pre-configured versions of Zig's built-in @Vector type, which depending on target platform is SIMD capable/optimized.

Predefined types

  • vec2 / vec3 / vec4 - f32 based
  • ivec2 / ivec3 / ivec4 - i32 based
  • uvec2 / uvec3 / uvec4 - u32 based
  • bvec2 / bvec3 / bvec4 - bool vectors

Vector operations

Type generics used:

  • B: Boolean vector type of size N
  • N: vector size
  • T: Vector component type (e.g. f32)
  • V: Vector type (e.g. @Vector(N, T))
Op Sizes Types
abs(a: V) V all float / int
acos(a: V) V all float
allEqDelta(a: V, b: V, eps: T) bool all float / int
angleBetween(a: V, b: V) T all float
asin(a: V) V all float
argmin(a: V) usize all all
argmax(a: V) usize all all
atan(a: V) V all float
atan2(a: V, b: V) V all float
ceil(a: V) V all float
center(a: V) V all float
centroid(a: []const V) V all all
clamp(a: V, b: V, c: V) V all all
clamp01(a: V) V all float
cos(a: V) V all float
cross(a: V, b: V) V 2, 3 float
direction(a: V, b: V) T all float
distSq(a: V, b: V) T all all
dist(a: V, b: V) T all float
divN(a: V, n: T) V all all
dot(a: V, b: V) T all all
eqDelta(a: V, b: V, eps: T) B all float / int
equal(a: V, b: V) bool all all
exp(a: V) V all float
exp2(a: V) V all float
fill(buf: []V, val: V) void all all
fit(a: V, b: V, c: V, d: V, e: V) V all float
fitN(a: V, b: T, c: T, d: T, e: T) V all float
fitClamped(a: V, b: V, c: V, d: V, e: V) V all float
fitNClamped(a: V, b: T, c: T, d: T, e: T) V all float
fit01(a: V, b: V, c: V) V all float
floor(a: V) V all float
fract(a: V) V all float
fromBVec(a: B) V all all
fromVec(comptime S: type, a: @Vector(N, S)) V all all
fromVec2(a: @Vector(2, T), z: T) V 3 all
fromVec2(a: @Vector(2, T), b: @Vector(2, T)) V 4 all
fromVec2N(a: @Vector(2, T), z: T, w: T) V 4 all
fromVec3(a: @Vector(3, T), w: T) V 4 all
isZero(a: V) bool all all
heading(a: V) T 2 float
invSqrt(a: V) V all float
log(a: V) V all float
log2(a: V) V all float
log10(a: V) V all float
maddN(a: V, n: T, b: V) V all all
mag(a: V) T all float
magSq(a: V) T all all
mean(a: V) T all float
min(a: V, b: V) V all all
minComp(a: V) T all all
mix(a: V, b: V, t: V) V all float
mixN(a: V, b: V, n: T) V all float
max(a: V, b: V) V all all
maxComp(a: V) T all all
mod(a: V, b: V) V all float
modN(a: V, b: T) V all float
mulN(a: V, n: T) V all all
normalize(a: V) V all float
normalizeTo(a: V, n: T) V all float
of(n: T) V all all
orthoNormal(a: V, b: V, c: V) V 3 float
perpendicularCCW(a: V) V 2 float / int
perpendicularCW(a: V) V 2 float / int
pow(a: V, b: V) V all float
powN(a: V, n: T) V all float
product(a: V) T all all
reflect(a: V, n: V) V all float
refract(a: V, n: V, eta: T) V all float
rotate(a: V, theta: T) V 2 float
rotateX(a: V, theta: T) V 3 float
rotateY(a: V, theta: T) V 3 float
rotateZ(a: V, theta: T) V 3 float
round(a: V) V all float
sd(a: V) T all float
sdError(a: V) T all float
select(mask: B, a: V, b: V) V all all
sin(a: V) V all float
smoothStep(e0: V, e1: V, a: V) V all float
sqrt(a: V) V all float
standardize(a: V) V all float
step(edge: V, a: V) V all all
subN(a: V, n: Y) V all all
sum(a: V) T all all
tan(a: V) V all float
trunc(a: V) V all float
variance(a: V) T all float
_not(a: V) V all int / uint
_and(a: V, b: V) V all int / uint
_or(a: V, b: V) V all int / uint
_xor(a: V, b: V) V all int / uint
pow(a: V, n: T) V all all

Vector swizzling

Named swizzles are implemented for 2D, 3D and 4D vectors, e.g. vec3.zyx(), vec4.xxzz() etc.

Boolean vector operations

  • all(v: V) bool
  • _not(a: V) V
  • _and(a: V, b: V) V
  • _or(a: V, b: V) V
  • any(v: V) bool
  • of(n: bool) V
  • select(mask: V, a: V, b: V) V


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