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Data Analysis

BARs related to analysis of non-image numerical data.

Create Boxplot

Displays a box-and-whisker plot from data in an ImageJ table using the JFreeChart library, bundled with Fiji. Data can be split into groups and plot can be exported as vector graphics.


Create Polar Plot

Generates a polar plot from data in an ImageJ table using the JFreeChart library, bundled with Fiji. plot can be exported as vector graphics.

polar plot

Distribution Plotter

Plots relative and cumulative frequencies of a measured parameter. Detailed functionality:

  1. Retrieves relative and cumulative frequencies; 2) Fits a Normal distribution to histogram of relative frequencies; 3) Offers several methods to determine the optimal number of histogram bins: Square root (used by e.g., M. Excel), Sturges', Scott's (used by Analyze>Distribution...) and Freedman–Diaconis. More information can be found on its initial documentation page, that has yet to be transferred to

distribution plotter

Find Peaks

Retrieves local maxima and minima from an ImageJ plot, allowing several filtering options such as: 1) Peak amplitude; 2) Peak height and 3) Peak width. More information can be found on its documentation page

find peaks

Fit Polynomial

Fits a polynomial function (of arbitrary degree) to sampled data from an ImageJ plot using The Apache Commons Mathematics Library distributed with Fiji. Features an heuristic algorithm for guessing a polynomial of 'best fit'. It was first designed to complement the Sholl Analysis plugin.

polynomial fitter

Interactive Plotting

The interactive plotting GUI for ImageJ. Interactively creates a multi-series XY plot (with or without error bars), from ImageJ measurements, plugin tables or imported spreadsheet data. Multi-series vector field plots are also supported.

plot builder

NN Distances

Retrieves nearest neighbor distances from a 2D/3D list of centroid coordinates, and plots the frequencies of calculated distances.


  • Most of these scripts use PlotUtils to script the JFreeChart API
  • Other BAR scripts dealing with data analysis can be accessed through the Script Editor templates menu

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