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18850 lines (9506 loc) · 253 KB

#The Compleat justice. Being an exact and compendious collection out of such as have treated of the office of justices of the peace, but principally out of Mr. Lambert, Mr. Crompton, and Mr. Dalton. / Now amplified and purged from sundry errors which were in former impressions thereof. ; Whereunto are added the resolutions of the judges of assises in the year 1633. ; Together with a compendious charge to be given at the quarter-sessions, not in print till this year 1661.# The Compleat justice. Being an exact and compendious collection out of such as have treated of the office of justices of the peace, but principally out of Mr. Lambert, Mr. Crompton, and Mr. Dalton. / Now amplified and purged from sundry errors which were in former impressions thereof. ; Whereunto are added the resolutions of the judges of assises in the year 1633. ; Together with a compendious charge to be given at the quarter-sessions, not in print till this year 1661.

##General Summary##


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##Content Summary##

#####Front##### THE Compleat Juſtice. BEING An exact and Compendious Collection out of ſuch as have treated of the O

  1. To the Reader.


#####Body##### Abjuration.THe abjuration of a ſeditious Sectary, ought to be made in open quarter Seſſions of the P _ Abjuration.

_ Abſolve, Vide Treaſon.

_ Acceſſary and Principal.

_ Acquital, vide Enditements.

_ Affray and Affrayers.

_ Agnus Dei, Croſſes, Beads, &c.

_ Alehouſes.

_ Alias dictus, vide Eudictment. Alien and his trial, vide Trial. Allegiance, vide Supremacy.

_ Amerciaments.

_ Appearance.

_ Appeachment, vide Approvers.

_ Appeal.

_ Apprentices.

_ Approvers or Appeachers.

_ Archery.

_ Armour.

_ Arreſts.

_ Arraignment.

_ Artificers, vide Labourers.

_ Aſſault.

_ Aſſembly unlawful, vide Unlawful Aſſembly.

_ Aſſize of Bread and Beer.

_ Attainder.

_ A wait lying, vid, Way-laying.

_ Averments.

_ Badgers and Drovers.

_ Bailment.

_ Bailiffs:

_ Bakers, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Barettor.

_ Bargain and Sale, vide Inrolement. Bark of Trees, vide Leather.

_ Baſtardy.

_ Battery lawful, vide Riot, Aſſault,

_ Breach of the Peace. Bath and Buxton, vide Licence.

_ Bawdery.

_ Beads, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Bear-wards, vide Licence.

_ Beer and Beer-brewers, vide Victual•ers.

_ Beggers, vide Rogues and poor people.

_ Blockwood, vide Logwood.

_ Bloudſhed.

_ Bonds, vide Recognizances.

_ Bowyers, vide Archery.

_ Braſs and Pewter.

_ Breach of the Peace, or good behaviour.

_ Brewers vide Victuallers.

_ Bridges.

_ Buckſtalls.

_ Buggery.

_ Bull from Rome, vide Treaſons.

_ Burglary.

_ Burning of houſes.

_ Butchers.

_ Butter and Cheeſe, vide Victuals.

_ Butts.

Buying and ſelling, vide Cattel. _ Calves and Kine.

_ Captains.

_ Caſtle, vide Felony.

_ Cattel.

_ Certificate.

_ Certiorari.

_ Challenge.

_ Champerty.

_ Chance-medly, vide Homicide.

_ Chaſtiſement, vide Correction.

_ Church and Church-yard.

_ Church-Wardens.

_ Clark of the Peace.

_ Clark of a Juſtice his fees, v. Fees.

_ Clark of the Crown, what Records he ought to certifie, vide Certificate.

_ Clark of the Market.

_ Clergy and Sanctuary.

_ Cloth.

_ Commiſſion of the Peace.

_ Commons.

_ Concealment, vide Jurors.

_ Confeſſion.

_ Conjuration.

_ Conſervers of the Peace.

_ Conſtables.

_ Conventicles.

_ Conies, vide Hunting.

_ Corn.

_ Cutter and carriers away of cor•Vide Hedge breakers.

_ Coroners.

_ Coroners fees, vide Fees.

_ Cottages.

_ County.

_ Cozeners and Cozenage.

_ Croſſes, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Croſs-bows and Hand-guns:

_ Curriers, vide Leather.

_ Cuſtomer, vide Corn.

_ Cuſtos Rotulorum.

_ Cutting out of tongues.

_ Cutting of a Pond head.

_ Deer and Deer-hayes.

_ Demurrer.

_ Deputy.

_ Divine Service.

_ Dogs, vide Hunting, & Partridges 

_ Drovers, vide Badgers. 

_ Dier, vide Cloth.

_ Drunkenneſs.

_ Eccleſiaſtical cauſes and perſons.

_ Eggs of wild-fowl.

_ Egyptians.

_ Embezeling of Records, vide Records. Embracer, vide Maintainer.

_ Enditements.

_ Enquiry.

_ Enquiry of a forcible entry, vide Forcible entry.

_ Enquiry by examination, vide Examination.

_ Enquiry by information, vide information.

_ Eſcapes.

_ Evesdroppers.

_ Evidences

_ Eſtreats.

_ Examination.

_ Extolling forein power, vide Treaſon.

_ Extortion.

_ Fairs and Markets.

_ Falſe impriſonment vide Arreſt. Falſe tokens, vide Cozeners.

_ Fees.

_ Felo de ſe.

_ Felony.

_ Felonies by Statute.

_ Felony of his own goods, vide Theft. 

_ Ferrets, vide Hunting.

_ Fewell.

_ Fines.

_ Fines of Rioters, vide Riots. 

_ Fines of Brewer, Baker, Tipler, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Fiſh.

_ Fiſh-days.

_ Flax.

_ Fleſh, vide Fiſh-daies. 

_ Forein power, vide Treaſon. 

_ Forein plea, vide Trial.

_ Force.

_ Forfeitures of a Recognizance taken for the Peace.

_ Forgery.

_ Forein plea.

_ Forreſter.

_ Foreſtalling and Foreſtallers.

_ Fowlers and Fowling.

_ Games, vide Unlawful games.

_ Goal. Goaler.

_ Glaſs-men.

_ Goldſmith.

_ Good abearing.

_ Greyhounds, vide Hunting.

_ Guns and Gunners.

_ Hares.

_ Harneſs and Habiliments of war.

_ Hart proclaimed, vide Deer,

_ Harveſt.

_ Hawks and Hawking.

_ Hay and Oats.

_ Hedge-breakers.

_ High-waies.

_ Homicide.

_ Horſes and Mares.

_ Horſe-bread.

_ Hoſpital.

_ Hoſpitality; vide Religious houſe.

_ Houſe.

_ Houſe of Correction.

_ Hunting.

_ Hundred.

_ Hue and Cry.

_ Jeſuites and Seminary Prieſts.

_ Impriſonments, vide Priſon. 

_ Indictments, vide Enditements.

_ Information.

_ Informers and Promoters.

_ Ingroſſer.

_ In-holder

_ Inmates, vide Cottages.

_ Inrolement.

_ Iſſues.

_ Judgement.

_ Juglers, vide Licence.

_ Jurors.

_ Juſtices of the Peace.

_ Laboures and Servants.

_ Larceny.

_ Leets.

_ Lent, vide Fiſh-daies.

_ Liberties and Franchiſes.

_ Libellers.

_ Licenſes.

_ Linnen cloth.

_ Lying in a way, vide Way-lying.

_ Log-wood, alias Block-wood.

_ Long bows.

_ Maſons.

_ Mainpriſe, vide Bailment.

_ Maintainers and Embracers,

_ Maim.

_ Malt.

_ Manſlaughter, vide Homicide.

_ Mariner.

_ Market-overt.

_ Marriage.

_ Maſs.

_ Maſter, v. Servant and Labourers. 

_ Meaſure, vide Weight.

_ Meſſages falſe.

_ Milch-Kine, vide Calves. 

_ Minſtrels, vide Rogues.

_ Miſpriſion.

_ Miſpriſon of Treaſon.

_ Miſpriſion of Felony.

_ Mitigation of fines and forfeitures vide Lamb 577.

_ Mittimus.

_ The form of the Mi•timus.

_ Monaſteries, v. Religious houſes.

_ Mortuaries.

_ Multiplication of gold and ſilver.

_ Murder.

_ Muſters.

_ Name.

_ Nets, vide Hunting, Partridges and Pheſants.

_ News.

_ Next Juſtice.

_ Night-walkers, vide Watches,

_ Noble Perſonages.

_ Non ſanae memoriae.

_ Nuſance.

_ Obedience to the King.

_ Colore Officii.

_ Ordinary.

_ Oath.

_ Orchards and Gardens, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Overſeers of the Poor.

_ Pannel, Ʋide Jurors.

_ Pardon.

_ Park and Parker.

_ Parſon and Vicar, vide Eccleſiaſtical cauſes.

_ Peace.

_ Peers, vide Noble perſonages. 

_ Pedlers, vide Rogues.

_ Perjury.

_ Petty-treaſon.

_ Pewter, vide Braſs.

_ Phyſician.

_ Pictures brought from Rome vide Agnus Dei.

_ Plays and Players, vide Unlawful games, vide Rogues.

_ Plaints in Court.

_ Pond and Pond-heads, vide Fiſh.

_ Poiſoning, vide Murder.

_ Pope.

_ Popiſh books.

_ Poor people.

_ Poſſeſſion actual and in Law.

_ Preacher.

_ Precept, vide Warrant.

_ Praemunire.

_ Preſentment.

_ Prieſts, vide Jeſuites. 

_ Principal and Acceſſary, vide Acceſſary.

_ Priſoners.

_ Privy Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Proceſs.

_ Proclamation.

_ Promoters, vide Informers.

_ Propheſying.

_ Purveyors.

_ Quarter-Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Rape, or Raviſhment.

_ Rates, vide Taxation.

_ Rebellious aſſemblies.

_ Recognizance.

_ Reconciliation, vide Treaſon.

_ Records.

_ Recuſants.

_ Regrator.

_ Releaſe.

_ Religious Houſes.

_ Replevin, vide Bailment.

_ Reſcous of a Felon.

_ Reſtitution of Poſſeſſion.

_ Reſtitution of ſtoln goods.

_ Return.

_ Riots.

_ Rivers.

_ Robbery.

_ Robbing of an houſe.

_ Rogues.

_ Rome, vide Pope, Co. 11. 36.

_ Rout.

_ Sacriledge.

_ Sacraments.

_ Salmons, vide Fiſh.

_ Salt-peter-men.

_ School-maſter.

_ Seditious Sectaries.

_ Sermon, vide Preaching. 

_ Servants, vide Labourers and Apprentices. 

_ Serving-men, vide Teſtimonial.

_ Sewers.

_ Sheep.

_ Sheriff.

_ Shoes.

_ Shooting.

_ Silk, vide Apparel. 

_ Sope, vide Veſſels.

_ Souldiers.

_ Star-chamber.

_ Stolen goods.

_ Stock of the ſhire.

_ Subſidy.

_ Suggeſtion, vide Information. 

_ Summons of the Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Sunday.

_ Superſedeas.

_ Supplicavit.

_ Supremacy.

_ Suſpicion and ſuſ•ects of felony.

_ Swans.

_ Swearing.

_ Taxations vide Stock of the ſhire.

_ Tale-bearers, vide News. 

_ Tanners, vide Leather.

_ Tavern-keeper.

_ Teſtimonial.

_ Theft.

_ Threatning.

_ Tile-making.

_ Tipling.

_ Tithes.

_ Tranſportation.

_ Travelling beyond the Seas.

_ Traveller.

_ Treaſon.

_ Treaſurer.

_ Treſpaſs, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Trial.

_ Turn of the Sheriff.

_ VAgabons, vide Rogues.

_ Venire facias.

_ Verdict.

_ Veſſels.

_ Victuals and Victualler.

_ Under-Sheriff.

_ Unlawful games.

_ Unlawful Aſſemblies.

_ Uſury.

_ Utlawry.

_ Wages.

_ Wainlings.

_ Warrants.

_ Warreners, vide Foreſters.

_ Watches.

_ Water-men.

_ Wax.

_ Weapons which be forcible. vide Forcible Entry.

_ Weers.

_ Weights and Meaſures.

_ Witchcraft.

_ Wines.

_ Wood.

_ Wooll and Wooll-ſeller.

_ Woollen-yarn.

_ 1. Question.

_ 2 Q.

_ 3 Q.

_ 4 Q.

_ 5 Q.

_ 6 Q.

_ 7 Q.

_ 8 Q.

_ 9 Q.

_ 10 Q.

_ 11 Q.

_ 12 Q.

_ 13 Q.

_ 14 Q.

_ 15 Q.

_ 16 Q.

_ 17 Q.

_ 18 Q.

_ 19 Q.

_ 20 Q.

_ 21 Q.

_ 22 Q.

_ 23 Q.

_ 24 Q.

_ 25 Q.

_ 26. Q.

_ 27 Q.

_ 28 Q.

_ 29 Q.

_ 30 Q.

_ 31 Q.

_ 32 Q.

_ 33 Q.

_ 34 Q.

_ 35 Q

_ 36 Q.

_ 37 Q.

_ 38 Q.

_ The Juſtices opinion touching the Commiſſions by which the Juſtices ſit at Newgate.

_ Hammonds Caſe Mich. 3 Car. Kings Bench.

_ Concerning providing for Baſtard-children.

_ Caſes concerning proviſion for poor people.

_ The Articles of the Charge.

Badgers and Drovers.LIcence to Badgers and Drovers, and Loaders of corn, muſt be in open Seſſions, a _ Abjuration.

_ Abſolve, Vide Treaſon.

_ Acceſſary and Principal.

_ Acquital, vide Enditements.

_ Affray and Affrayers.

_ Agnus Dei, Croſſes, Beads, &c.

_ Alehouſes.

_ Alias dictus, vide Eudictment. Alien and his trial, vide Trial. Allegiance, vide Supremacy.

_ Amerciaments.

_ Appearance.

_ Appeachment, vide Approvers.

_ Appeal.

_ Apprentices.

_ Approvers or Appeachers.

_ Archery.

_ Armour.

_ Arreſts.

_ Arraignment.

_ Artificers, vide Labourers.

_ Aſſault.

_ Aſſembly unlawful, vide Unlawful Aſſembly.

_ Aſſize of Bread and Beer.

_ Attainder.

_ A wait lying, vid, Way-laying.

_ Averments.

_ Badgers and Drovers.

_ Bailment.

_ Bailiffs:

_ Bakers, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Barettor.

_ Bargain and Sale, vide Inrolement. Bark of Trees, vide Leather.

_ Baſtardy.

_ Battery lawful, vide Riot, Aſſault,

_ Breach of the Peace. Bath and Buxton, vide Licence.

_ Bawdery.

_ Beads, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Bear-wards, vide Licence.

_ Beer and Beer-brewers, vide Victual•ers.

_ Beggers, vide Rogues and poor people.

_ Blockwood, vide Logwood.

_ Bloudſhed.

_ Bonds, vide Recognizances.

_ Bowyers, vide Archery.

_ Braſs and Pewter.

_ Breach of the Peace, or good behaviour.

_ Brewers vide Victuallers.

_ Bridges.

_ Buckſtalls.

_ Buggery.

_ Bull from Rome, vide Treaſons.

_ Burglary.

_ Burning of houſes.

_ Butchers.

_ Butter and Cheeſe, vide Victuals.

_ Butts.

Buying and ſelling, vide Cattel. _ Calves and Kine.

_ Captains.

_ Caſtle, vide Felony.

_ Cattel.

_ Certificate.

_ Certiorari.

_ Challenge.

_ Champerty.

_ Chance-medly, vide Homicide.

_ Chaſtiſement, vide Correction.

_ Church and Church-yard.

_ Church-Wardens.

_ Clark of the Peace.

_ Clark of a Juſtice his fees, v. Fees.

_ Clark of the Crown, what Records he ought to certifie, vide Certificate.

_ Clark of the Market.

_ Clergy and Sanctuary.

_ Cloth.

_ Commiſſion of the Peace.

_ Commons.

_ Concealment, vide Jurors.

_ Confeſſion.

_ Conjuration.

_ Conſervers of the Peace.

_ Conſtables.

_ Conventicles.

_ Conies, vide Hunting.

_ Corn.

_ Cutter and carriers away of cor•Vide Hedge breakers.

_ Coroners.

_ Coroners fees, vide Fees.

_ Cottages.

_ County.

_ Cozeners and Cozenage.

_ Croſſes, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Croſs-bows and Hand-guns:

_ Curriers, vide Leather.

_ Cuſtomer, vide Corn.

_ Cuſtos Rotulorum.

_ Cutting out of tongues.

_ Cutting of a Pond head.

_ Deer and Deer-hayes.

_ Demurrer.

_ Deputy.

_ Divine Service.

_ Dogs, vide Hunting, & Partridges 

_ Drovers, vide Badgers. 

_ Dier, vide Cloth.

_ Drunkenneſs.

_ Eccleſiaſtical cauſes and perſons.

_ Eggs of wild-fowl.

_ Egyptians.

_ Embezeling of Records, vide Records. Embracer, vide Maintainer.

_ Enditements.

_ Enquiry.

_ Enquiry of a forcible entry, vide Forcible entry.

_ Enquiry by examination, vide Examination.

_ Enquiry by information, vide information.

_ Eſcapes.

_ Evesdroppers.

_ Evidences

_ Eſtreats.

_ Examination.

_ Extolling forein power, vide Treaſon.

_ Extortion.

_ Fairs and Markets.

_ Falſe impriſonment vide Arreſt. Falſe tokens, vide Cozeners.

_ Fees.

_ Felo de ſe.

_ Felony.

_ Felonies by Statute.

_ Felony of his own goods, vide Theft. 

_ Ferrets, vide Hunting.

_ Fewell.

_ Fines.

_ Fines of Rioters, vide Riots. 

_ Fines of Brewer, Baker, Tipler, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Fiſh.

_ Fiſh-days.

_ Flax.

_ Fleſh, vide Fiſh-daies. 

_ Forein power, vide Treaſon. 

_ Forein plea, vide Trial.

_ Force.

_ Forfeitures of a Recognizance taken for the Peace.

_ Forgery.

_ Forein plea.

_ Forreſter.

_ Foreſtalling and Foreſtallers.

_ Fowlers and Fowling.

_ Games, vide Unlawful games.

_ Goal. Goaler.

_ Glaſs-men.

_ Goldſmith.

_ Good abearing.

_ Greyhounds, vide Hunting.

_ Guns and Gunners.

_ Hares.

_ Harneſs and Habiliments of war.

_ Hart proclaimed, vide Deer,

_ Harveſt.

_ Hawks and Hawking.

_ Hay and Oats.

_ Hedge-breakers.

_ High-waies.

_ Homicide.

_ Horſes and Mares.

_ Horſe-bread.

_ Hoſpital.

_ Hoſpitality; vide Religious houſe.

_ Houſe.

_ Houſe of Correction.

_ Hunting.

_ Hundred.

_ Hue and Cry.

_ Jeſuites and Seminary Prieſts.

_ Impriſonments, vide Priſon. 

_ Indictments, vide Enditements.

_ Information.

_ Informers and Promoters.

_ Ingroſſer.

_ In-holder

_ Inmates, vide Cottages.

_ Inrolement.

_ Iſſues.

_ Judgement.

_ Juglers, vide Licence.

_ Jurors.

_ Juſtices of the Peace.

_ Laboures and Servants.

_ Larceny.

_ Leets.

_ Lent, vide Fiſh-daies.

_ Liberties and Franchiſes.

_ Libellers.

_ Licenſes.

_ Linnen cloth.

_ Lying in a way, vide Way-lying.

_ Log-wood, alias Block-wood.

_ Long bows.

_ Maſons.

_ Mainpriſe, vide Bailment.

_ Maintainers and Embracers,

_ Maim.

_ Malt.

_ Manſlaughter, vide Homicide.

_ Mariner.

_ Market-overt.

_ Marriage.

_ Maſs.

_ Maſter, v. Servant and Labourers. 

_ Meaſure, vide Weight.

_ Meſſages falſe.

_ Milch-Kine, vide Calves. 

_ Minſtrels, vide Rogues.

_ Miſpriſion.

_ Miſpriſon of Treaſon.

_ Miſpriſion of Felony.

_ Mitigation of fines and forfeitures vide Lamb 577.

_ Mittimus.

_ The form of the Mi•timus.

_ Monaſteries, v. Religious houſes.

_ Mortuaries.

_ Multiplication of gold and ſilver.

_ Murder.

_ Muſters.

_ Name.

_ Nets, vide Hunting, Partridges and Pheſants.

_ News.

_ Next Juſtice.

_ Night-walkers, vide Watches,

_ Noble Perſonages.

_ Non ſanae memoriae.

_ Nuſance.

_ Obedience to the King.

_ Colore Officii.

_ Ordinary.

_ Oath.

_ Orchards and Gardens, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Overſeers of the Poor.

_ Pannel, Ʋide Jurors.

_ Pardon.

_ Park and Parker.

_ Parſon and Vicar, vide Eccleſiaſtical cauſes.

_ Peace.

_ Peers, vide Noble perſonages. 

_ Pedlers, vide Rogues.

_ Perjury.

_ Petty-treaſon.

_ Pewter, vide Braſs.

_ Phyſician.

_ Pictures brought from Rome vide Agnus Dei.

_ Plays and Players, vide Unlawful games, vide Rogues.

_ Plaints in Court.

_ Pond and Pond-heads, vide Fiſh.

_ Poiſoning, vide Murder.

_ Pope.

_ Popiſh books.

_ Poor people.

_ Poſſeſſion actual and in Law.

_ Preacher.

_ Precept, vide Warrant.

_ Praemunire.

_ Preſentment.

_ Prieſts, vide Jeſuites. 

_ Principal and Acceſſary, vide Acceſſary.

_ Priſoners.

_ Privy Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Proceſs.

_ Proclamation.

_ Promoters, vide Informers.

_ Propheſying.

_ Purveyors.

_ Quarter-Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Rape, or Raviſhment.

_ Rates, vide Taxation.

_ Rebellious aſſemblies.

_ Recognizance.

_ Reconciliation, vide Treaſon.

_ Records.

_ Recuſants.

_ Regrator.

_ Releaſe.

_ Religious Houſes.

_ Replevin, vide Bailment.

_ Reſcous of a Felon.

_ Reſtitution of Poſſeſſion.

_ Reſtitution of ſtoln goods.

_ Return.

_ Riots.

_ Rivers.

_ Robbery.

_ Robbing of an houſe.

_ Rogues.

_ Rome, vide Pope, Co. 11. 36.

_ Rout.

_ Sacriledge.

_ Sacraments.

_ Salmons, vide Fiſh.

_ Salt-peter-men.

_ School-maſter.

_ Seditious Sectaries.

_ Sermon, vide Preaching. 

_ Servants, vide Labourers and Apprentices. 

_ Serving-men, vide Teſtimonial.

_ Sewers.

_ Sheep.

_ Sheriff.

_ Shoes.

_ Shooting.

_ Silk, vide Apparel. 

_ Sope, vide Veſſels.

_ Souldiers.

_ Star-chamber.

_ Stolen goods.

_ Stock of the ſhire.

_ Subſidy.

_ Suggeſtion, vide Information. 

_ Summons of the Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Sunday.

_ Superſedeas.

_ Supplicavit.

_ Supremacy.

_ Suſpicion and ſuſ•ects of felony.

_ Swans.

_ Swearing.

_ Taxations vide Stock of the ſhire.

_ Tale-bearers, vide News. 

_ Tanners, vide Leather.

_ Tavern-keeper.

_ Teſtimonial.

_ Theft.

_ Threatning.

_ Tile-making.

_ Tipling.

_ Tithes.

_ Tranſportation.

_ Travelling beyond the Seas.

_ Traveller.

_ Treaſon.

_ Treaſurer.

_ Treſpaſs, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Trial.

_ Turn of the Sheriff.

_ VAgabons, vide Rogues.

_ Venire facias.

_ Verdict.

_ Veſſels.

_ Victuals and Victualler.

_ Under-Sheriff.

_ Unlawful games.

_ Unlawful Aſſemblies.

_ Uſury.

_ Utlawry.

_ Wages.

_ Wainlings.

_ Warrants.

_ Warreners, vide Foreſters.

_ Watches.

_ Water-men.

_ Wax.

_ Weapons which be forcible. vide Forcible Entry.

_ Weers.

_ Weights and Meaſures.

_ Witchcraft.

_ Wines.

_ Wood.

_ Wooll and Wooll-ſeller.

_ Woollen-yarn.

_ 1. Question.

_ 2 Q.

_ 3 Q.

_ 4 Q.

_ 5 Q.

_ 6 Q.

_ 7 Q.

_ 8 Q.

_ 9 Q.

_ 10 Q.

_ 11 Q.

_ 12 Q.

_ 13 Q.

_ 14 Q.

_ 15 Q.

_ 16 Q.

_ 17 Q.

_ 18 Q.

_ 19 Q.

_ 20 Q.

_ 21 Q.

_ 22 Q.

_ 23 Q.

_ 24 Q.

_ 25 Q.

_ 26. Q.

_ 27 Q.

_ 28 Q.

_ 29 Q.

_ 30 Q.

_ 31 Q.

_ 32 Q.

_ 33 Q.

_ 34 Q.

_ 35 Q

_ 36 Q.

_ 37 Q.

_ 38 Q.

_ The Juſtices opinion touching the Commiſſions by which the Juſtices ſit at Newgate.

_ Hammonds Caſe Mich. 3 Car. Kings Bench.

_ Concerning providing for Baſtard-children.

_ Caſes concerning proviſion for poor people.

_ The Articles of the Charge.

Calves and Kine.ANy killing Calves to ſell under five weeks old, loſe for every one 6 ſhillings 8 pe _ Abjuration.

_ Abſolve, Vide Treaſon.

_ Acceſſary and Principal.

_ Acquital, vide Enditements.

_ Affray and Affrayers.

_ Agnus Dei, Croſſes, Beads, &c.

_ Alehouſes.

_ Alias dictus, vide Eudictment. Alien and his trial, vide Trial. Allegiance, vide Supremacy.

_ Amerciaments.

_ Appearance.

_ Appeachment, vide Approvers.

_ Appeal.

_ Apprentices.

_ Approvers or Appeachers.

_ Archery.

_ Armour.

_ Arreſts.

_ Arraignment.

_ Artificers, vide Labourers.

_ Aſſault.

_ Aſſembly unlawful, vide Unlawful Aſſembly.

_ Aſſize of Bread and Beer.

_ Attainder.

_ A wait lying, vid, Way-laying.

_ Averments.

_ Badgers and Drovers.

_ Bailment.

_ Bailiffs:

_ Bakers, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Barettor.

_ Bargain and Sale, vide Inrolement. Bark of Trees, vide Leather.

_ Baſtardy.

_ Battery lawful, vide Riot, Aſſault,

_ Breach of the Peace. Bath and Buxton, vide Licence.

_ Bawdery.

_ Beads, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Bear-wards, vide Licence.

_ Beer and Beer-brewers, vide Victual•ers.

_ Beggers, vide Rogues and poor people.

_ Blockwood, vide Logwood.

_ Bloudſhed.

_ Bonds, vide Recognizances.

_ Bowyers, vide Archery.

_ Braſs and Pewter.

_ Breach of the Peace, or good behaviour.

_ Brewers vide Victuallers.

_ Bridges.

_ Buckſtalls.

_ Buggery.

_ Bull from Rome, vide Treaſons.

_ Burglary.

_ Burning of houſes.

_ Butchers.

_ Butter and Cheeſe, vide Victuals.

_ Butts.

Buying and ſelling, vide Cattel. _ Calves and Kine.

_ Captains.

_ Caſtle, vide Felony.

_ Cattel.

_ Certificate.

_ Certiorari.

_ Challenge.

_ Champerty.

_ Chance-medly, vide Homicide.

_ Chaſtiſement, vide Correction.

_ Church and Church-yard.

_ Church-Wardens.

_ Clark of the Peace.

_ Clark of a Juſtice his fees, v. Fees.

_ Clark of the Crown, what Records he ought to certifie, vide Certificate.

_ Clark of the Market.

_ Clergy and Sanctuary.

_ Cloth.

_ Commiſſion of the Peace.

_ Commons.

_ Concealment, vide Jurors.

_ Confeſſion.

_ Conjuration.

_ Conſervers of the Peace.

_ Conſtables.

_ Conventicles.

_ Conies, vide Hunting.

_ Corn.

_ Cutter and carriers away of cor•Vide Hedge breakers.

_ Coroners.

_ Coroners fees, vide Fees.

_ Cottages.

_ County.

_ Cozeners and Cozenage.

_ Croſſes, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Croſs-bows and Hand-guns:

_ Curriers, vide Leather.

_ Cuſtomer, vide Corn.

_ Cuſtos Rotulorum.

_ Cutting out of tongues.

_ Cutting of a Pond head.

_ Deer and Deer-hayes.

_ Demurrer.

_ Deputy.

_ Divine Service.

_ Dogs, vide Hunting, & Partridges 

_ Drovers, vide Badgers. 

_ Dier, vide Cloth.

_ Drunkenneſs.

_ Eccleſiaſtical cauſes and perſons.

_ Eggs of wild-fowl.

_ Egyptians.

_ Embezeling of Records, vide Records. Embracer, vide Maintainer.

_ Enditements.

_ Enquiry.

_ Enquiry of a forcible entry, vide Forcible entry.

_ Enquiry by examination, vide Examination.

_ Enquiry by information, vide information.

_ Eſcapes.

_ Evesdroppers.

_ Evidences

_ Eſtreats.

_ Examination.

_ Extolling forein power, vide Treaſon.

_ Extortion.

_ Fairs and Markets.

_ Falſe impriſonment vide Arreſt. Falſe tokens, vide Cozeners.

_ Fees.

_ Felo de ſe.

_ Felony.

_ Felonies by Statute.

_ Felony of his own goods, vide Theft. 

_ Ferrets, vide Hunting.

_ Fewell.

_ Fines.

_ Fines of Rioters, vide Riots. 

_ Fines of Brewer, Baker, Tipler, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Fiſh.

_ Fiſh-days.

_ Flax.

_ Fleſh, vide Fiſh-daies. 

_ Forein power, vide Treaſon. 

_ Forein plea, vide Trial.

_ Force.

_ Forfeitures of a Recognizance taken for the Peace.

_ Forgery.

_ Forein plea.

_ Forreſter.

_ Foreſtalling and Foreſtallers.

_ Fowlers and Fowling.

_ Games, vide Unlawful games.

_ Goal. Goaler.

_ Glaſs-men.

_ Goldſmith.

_ Good abearing.

_ Greyhounds, vide Hunting.

_ Guns and Gunners.

_ Hares.

_ Harneſs and Habiliments of war.

_ Hart proclaimed, vide Deer,

_ Harveſt.

_ Hawks and Hawking.

_ Hay and Oats.

_ Hedge-breakers.

_ High-waies.

_ Homicide.

_ Horſes and Mares.

_ Horſe-bread.

_ Hoſpital.

_ Hoſpitality; vide Religious houſe.

_ Houſe.

_ Houſe of Correction.

_ Hunting.

_ Hundred.

_ Hue and Cry.

_ Jeſuites and Seminary Prieſts.

_ Impriſonments, vide Priſon. 

_ Indictments, vide Enditements.

_ Information.

_ Informers and Promoters.

_ Ingroſſer.

_ In-holder

_ Inmates, vide Cottages.

_ Inrolement.

_ Iſſues.

_ Judgement.

_ Juglers, vide Licence.

_ Jurors.

_ Juſtices of the Peace.

_ Laboures and Servants.

_ Larceny.

_ Leets.

_ Lent, vide Fiſh-daies.

_ Liberties and Franchiſes.

_ Libellers.

_ Licenſes.

_ Linnen cloth.

_ Lying in a way, vide Way-lying.

_ Log-wood, alias Block-wood.

_ Long bows.

_ Maſons.

_ Mainpriſe, vide Bailment.

_ Maintainers and Embracers,

_ Maim.

_ Malt.

_ Manſlaughter, vide Homicide.

_ Mariner.

_ Market-overt.

_ Marriage.

_ Maſs.

_ Maſter, v. Servant and Labourers. 

_ Meaſure, vide Weight.

_ Meſſages falſe.

_ Milch-Kine, vide Calves. 

_ Minſtrels, vide Rogues.

_ Miſpriſion.

_ Miſpriſon of Treaſon.

_ Miſpriſion of Felony.

_ Mitigation of fines and forfeitures vide Lamb 577.

_ Mittimus.

_ The form of the Mi•timus.

_ Monaſteries, v. Religious houſes.

_ Mortuaries.

_ Multiplication of gold and ſilver.

_ Murder.

_ Muſters.

_ Name.

_ Nets, vide Hunting, Partridges and Pheſants.

_ News.

_ Next Juſtice.

_ Night-walkers, vide Watches,

_ Noble Perſonages.

_ Non ſanae memoriae.

_ Nuſance.

_ Obedience to the King.

_ Colore Officii.

_ Ordinary.

_ Oath.

_ Orchards and Gardens, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Overſeers of the Poor.

_ Pannel, Ʋide Jurors.

_ Pardon.

_ Park and Parker.

_ Parſon and Vicar, vide Eccleſiaſtical cauſes.

_ Peace.

_ Peers, vide Noble perſonages. 

_ Pedlers, vide Rogues.

_ Perjury.

_ Petty-treaſon.

_ Pewter, vide Braſs.

_ Phyſician.

_ Pictures brought from Rome vide Agnus Dei.

_ Plays and Players, vide Unlawful games, vide Rogues.

_ Plaints in Court.

_ Pond and Pond-heads, vide Fiſh.

_ Poiſoning, vide Murder.

_ Pope.

_ Popiſh books.

_ Poor people.

_ Poſſeſſion actual and in Law.

_ Preacher.

_ Precept, vide Warrant.

_ Praemunire.

_ Preſentment.

_ Prieſts, vide Jeſuites. 

_ Principal and Acceſſary, vide Acceſſary.

_ Priſoners.

_ Privy Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Proceſs.

_ Proclamation.

_ Promoters, vide Informers.

_ Propheſying.

_ Purveyors.

_ Quarter-Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Rape, or Raviſhment.

_ Rates, vide Taxation.

_ Rebellious aſſemblies.

_ Recognizance.

_ Reconciliation, vide Treaſon.

_ Records.

_ Recuſants.

_ Regrator.

_ Releaſe.

_ Religious Houſes.

_ Replevin, vide Bailment.

_ Reſcous of a Felon.

_ Reſtitution of Poſſeſſion.

_ Reſtitution of ſtoln goods.

_ Return.

_ Riots.

_ Rivers.

_ Robbery.

_ Robbing of an houſe.

_ Rogues.

_ Rome, vide Pope, Co. 11. 36.

_ Rout.

_ Sacriledge.

_ Sacraments.

_ Salmons, vide Fiſh.

_ Salt-peter-men.

_ School-maſter.

_ Seditious Sectaries.

_ Sermon, vide Preaching. 

_ Servants, vide Labourers and Apprentices. 

_ Serving-men, vide Teſtimonial.

_ Sewers.

_ Sheep.

_ Sheriff.

_ Shoes.

_ Shooting.

_ Silk, vide Apparel. 

_ Sope, vide Veſſels.

_ Souldiers.

_ Star-chamber.

_ Stolen goods.

_ Stock of the ſhire.

_ Subſidy.

_ Suggeſtion, vide Information. 

_ Summons of the Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Sunday.

_ Superſedeas.

_ Supplicavit.

_ Supremacy.

_ Suſpicion and ſuſ•ects of felony.

_ Swans.

_ Swearing.

_ Taxations vide Stock of the ſhire.

_ Tale-bearers, vide News. 

_ Tanners, vide Leather.

_ Tavern-keeper.

_ Teſtimonial.

_ Theft.

_ Threatning.

_ Tile-making.

_ Tipling.

_ Tithes.

_ Tranſportation.

_ Travelling beyond the Seas.

_ Traveller.

_ Treaſon.

_ Treaſurer.

_ Treſpaſs, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Trial.

_ Turn of the Sheriff.

_ VAgabons, vide Rogues.

_ Venire facias.

_ Verdict.

_ Veſſels.

_ Victuals and Victualler.

_ Under-Sheriff.

_ Unlawful games.

_ Unlawful Aſſemblies.

_ Uſury.

_ Utlawry.

_ Wages.

_ Wainlings.

_ Warrants.

_ Warreners, vide Foreſters.

_ Watches.

_ Water-men.

_ Wax.

_ Weapons which be forcible. vide Forcible Entry.

_ Weers.

_ Weights and Meaſures.

_ Witchcraft.

_ Wines.

_ Wood.

_ Wooll and Wooll-ſeller.

_ Woollen-yarn.

_ 1. Question.

_ 2 Q.

_ 3 Q.

_ 4 Q.

_ 5 Q.

_ 6 Q.

_ 7 Q.

_ 8 Q.

_ 9 Q.

_ 10 Q.

_ 11 Q.

_ 12 Q.

_ 13 Q.

_ 14 Q.

_ 15 Q.

_ 16 Q.

_ 17 Q.

_ 18 Q.

_ 19 Q.

_ 20 Q.

_ 21 Q.

_ 22 Q.

_ 23 Q.

_ 24 Q.

_ 25 Q.

_ 26. Q.

_ 27 Q.

_ 28 Q.

_ 29 Q.

_ 30 Q.

_ 31 Q.

_ 32 Q.

_ 33 Q.

_ 34 Q.

_ 35 Q

_ 36 Q.

_ 37 Q.

_ 38 Q.

_ The Juſtices opinion touching the Commiſſions by which the Juſtices ſit at Newgate.

_ Hammonds Caſe Mich. 3 Car. Kings Bench.

_ Concerning providing for Baſtard-children.

_ Caſes concerning proviſion for poor people.

_ The Articles of the Charge.

Deer and Deer-hayes.JUſtices of Peace may not receive an indictment for killing a Hart proclaimed, f _ Abjuration.

_ Abſolve, Vide Treaſon.

_ Acceſſary and Principal.

_ Acquital, vide Enditements.

_ Affray and Affrayers.

_ Agnus Dei, Croſſes, Beads, &c.

_ Alehouſes.

_ Alias dictus, vide Eudictment. Alien and his trial, vide Trial. Allegiance, vide Supremacy.

_ Amerciaments.

_ Appearance.

_ Appeachment, vide Approvers.

_ Appeal.

_ Apprentices.

_ Approvers or Appeachers.

_ Archery.

_ Armour.

_ Arreſts.

_ Arraignment.

_ Artificers, vide Labourers.

_ Aſſault.

_ Aſſembly unlawful, vide Unlawful Aſſembly.

_ Aſſize of Bread and Beer.

_ Attainder.

_ A wait lying, vid, Way-laying.

_ Averments.

_ Badgers and Drovers.

_ Bailment.

_ Bailiffs:

_ Bakers, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Barettor.

_ Bargain and Sale, vide Inrolement. Bark of Trees, vide Leather.

_ Baſtardy.

_ Battery lawful, vide Riot, Aſſault,

_ Breach of the Peace. Bath and Buxton, vide Licence.

_ Bawdery.

_ Beads, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Bear-wards, vide Licence.

_ Beer and Beer-brewers, vide Victual•ers.

_ Beggers, vide Rogues and poor people.

_ Blockwood, vide Logwood.

_ Bloudſhed.

_ Bonds, vide Recognizances.

_ Bowyers, vide Archery.

_ Braſs and Pewter.

_ Breach of the Peace, or good behaviour.

_ Brewers vide Victuallers.

_ Bridges.

_ Buckſtalls.

_ Buggery.

_ Bull from Rome, vide Treaſons.

_ Burglary.

_ Burning of houſes.

_ Butchers.

_ Butter and Cheeſe, vide Victuals.

_ Butts.

Buying and ſelling, vide Cattel. _ Calves and Kine.

_ Captains.

_ Caſtle, vide Felony.

_ Cattel.

_ Certificate.

_ Certiorari.

_ Challenge.

_ Champerty.

_ Chance-medly, vide Homicide.

_ Chaſtiſement, vide Correction.

_ Church and Church-yard.

_ Church-Wardens.

_ Clark of the Peace.

_ Clark of a Juſtice his fees, v. Fees.

_ Clark of the Crown, what Records he ought to certifie, vide Certificate.

_ Clark of the Market.

_ Clergy and Sanctuary.

_ Cloth.

_ Commiſſion of the Peace.

_ Commons.

_ Concealment, vide Jurors.

_ Confeſſion.

_ Conjuration.

_ Conſervers of the Peace.

_ Conſtables.

_ Conventicles.

_ Conies, vide Hunting.

_ Corn.

_ Cutter and carriers away of cor•Vide Hedge breakers.

_ Coroners.

_ Coroners fees, vide Fees.

_ Cottages.

_ County.

_ Cozeners and Cozenage.

_ Croſſes, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Croſs-bows and Hand-guns:

_ Curriers, vide Leather.

_ Cuſtomer, vide Corn.

_ Cuſtos Rotulorum.

_ Cutting out of tongues.

_ Cutting of a Pond head.

_ Deer and Deer-hayes.

_ Demurrer.

_ Deputy.

_ Divine Service.

_ Dogs, vide Hunting, & Partridges 

_ Drovers, vide Badgers. 

_ Dier, vide Cloth.

_ Drunkenneſs.

_ Eccleſiaſtical cauſes and perſons.

_ Eggs of wild-fowl.

_ Egyptians.

_ Embezeling of Records, vide Records. Embracer, vide Maintainer.

_ Enditements.

_ Enquiry.

_ Enquiry of a forcible entry, vide Forcible entry.

_ Enquiry by examination, vide Examination.

_ Enquiry by information, vide information.

_ Eſcapes.

_ Evesdroppers.

_ Evidences

_ Eſtreats.

_ Examination.

_ Extolling forein power, vide Treaſon.

_ Extortion.

_ Fairs and Markets.

_ Falſe impriſonment vide Arreſt. Falſe tokens, vide Cozeners.

_ Fees.

_ Felo de ſe.

_ Felony.

_ Felonies by Statute.

_ Felony of his own goods, vide Theft. 

_ Ferrets, vide Hunting.

_ Fewell.

_ Fines.

_ Fines of Rioters, vide Riots. 

_ Fines of Brewer, Baker, Tipler, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Fiſh.

_ Fiſh-days.

_ Flax.

_ Fleſh, vide Fiſh-daies. 

_ Forein power, vide Treaſon. 

_ Forein plea, vide Trial.

_ Force.

_ Forfeitures of a Recognizance taken for the Peace.

_ Forgery.

_ Forein plea.

_ Forreſter.

_ Foreſtalling and Foreſtallers.

_ Fowlers and Fowling.

_ Games, vide Unlawful games.

_ Goal. Goaler.

_ Glaſs-men.

_ Goldſmith.

_ Good abearing.

_ Greyhounds, vide Hunting.

_ Guns and Gunners.

_ Hares.

_ Harneſs and Habiliments of war.

_ Hart proclaimed, vide Deer,

_ Harveſt.

_ Hawks and Hawking.

_ Hay and Oats.

_ Hedge-breakers.

_ High-waies.

_ Homicide.

_ Horſes and Mares.

_ Horſe-bread.

_ Hoſpital.

_ Hoſpitality; vide Religious houſe.

_ Houſe.

_ Houſe of Correction.

_ Hunting.

_ Hundred.

_ Hue and Cry.

_ Jeſuites and Seminary Prieſts.

_ Impriſonments, vide Priſon. 

_ Indictments, vide Enditements.

_ Information.

_ Informers and Promoters.

_ Ingroſſer.

_ In-holder

_ Inmates, vide Cottages.

_ Inrolement.

_ Iſſues.

_ Judgement.

_ Juglers, vide Licence.

_ Jurors.

_ Juſtices of the Peace.

_ Laboures and Servants.

_ Larceny.

_ Leets.

_ Lent, vide Fiſh-daies.

_ Liberties and Franchiſes.

_ Libellers.

_ Licenſes.

_ Linnen cloth.

_ Lying in a way, vide Way-lying.

_ Log-wood, alias Block-wood.

_ Long bows.

_ Maſons.

_ Mainpriſe, vide Bailment.

_ Maintainers and Embracers,

_ Maim.

_ Malt.

_ Manſlaughter, vide Homicide.

_ Mariner.

_ Market-overt.

_ Marriage.

_ Maſs.

_ Maſter, v. Servant and Labourers. 

_ Meaſure, vide Weight.

_ Meſſages falſe.

_ Milch-Kine, vide Calves. 

_ Minſtrels, vide Rogues.

_ Miſpriſion.

_ Miſpriſon of Treaſon.

_ Miſpriſion of Felony.

_ Mitigation of fines and forfeitures vide Lamb 577.

_ Mittimus.

_ The form of the Mi•timus.

_ Monaſteries, v. Religious houſes.

_ Mortuaries.

_ Multiplication of gold and ſilver.

_ Murder.

_ Muſters.

_ Name.

_ Nets, vide Hunting, Partridges and Pheſants.

_ News.

_ Next Juſtice.

_ Night-walkers, vide Watches,

_ Noble Perſonages.

_ Non ſanae memoriae.

_ Nuſance.

_ Obedience to the King.

_ Colore Officii.

_ Ordinary.

_ Oath.

_ Orchards and Gardens, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Overſeers of the Poor.

_ Pannel, Ʋide Jurors.

_ Pardon.

_ Park and Parker.

_ Parſon and Vicar, vide Eccleſiaſtical cauſes.

_ Peace.

_ Peers, vide Noble perſonages. 

_ Pedlers, vide Rogues.

_ Perjury.

_ Petty-treaſon.

_ Pewter, vide Braſs.

_ Phyſician.

_ Pictures brought from Rome vide Agnus Dei.

_ Plays and Players, vide Unlawful games, vide Rogues.

_ Plaints in Court.

_ Pond and Pond-heads, vide Fiſh.

_ Poiſoning, vide Murder.

_ Pope.

_ Popiſh books.

_ Poor people.

_ Poſſeſſion actual and in Law.

_ Preacher.

_ Precept, vide Warrant.

_ Praemunire.

_ Preſentment.

_ Prieſts, vide Jeſuites. 

_ Principal and Acceſſary, vide Acceſſary.

_ Priſoners.

_ Privy Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Proceſs.

_ Proclamation.

_ Promoters, vide Informers.

_ Propheſying.

_ Purveyors.

_ Quarter-Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Rape, or Raviſhment.

_ Rates, vide Taxation.

_ Rebellious aſſemblies.

_ Recognizance.

_ Reconciliation, vide Treaſon.

_ Records.

_ Recuſants.

_ Regrator.

_ Releaſe.

_ Religious Houſes.

_ Replevin, vide Bailment.

_ Reſcous of a Felon.

_ Reſtitution of Poſſeſſion.

_ Reſtitution of ſtoln goods.

_ Return.

_ Riots.

_ Rivers.

_ Robbery.

_ Robbing of an houſe.

_ Rogues.

_ Rome, vide Pope, Co. 11. 36.

_ Rout.

_ Sacriledge.

_ Sacraments.

_ Salmons, vide Fiſh.

_ Salt-peter-men.

_ School-maſter.

_ Seditious Sectaries.

_ Sermon, vide Preaching. 

_ Servants, vide Labourers and Apprentices. 

_ Serving-men, vide Teſtimonial.

_ Sewers.

_ Sheep.

_ Sheriff.

_ Shoes.

_ Shooting.

_ Silk, vide Apparel. 

_ Sope, vide Veſſels.

_ Souldiers.

_ Star-chamber.

_ Stolen goods.

_ Stock of the ſhire.

_ Subſidy.

_ Suggeſtion, vide Information. 

_ Summons of the Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Sunday.

_ Superſedeas.

_ Supplicavit.

_ Supremacy.

_ Suſpicion and ſuſ•ects of felony.

_ Swans.

_ Swearing.

_ Taxations vide Stock of the ſhire.

_ Tale-bearers, vide News. 

_ Tanners, vide Leather.

_ Tavern-keeper.

_ Teſtimonial.

_ Theft.

_ Threatning.

_ Tile-making.

_ Tipling.

_ Tithes.

_ Tranſportation.

_ Travelling beyond the Seas.

_ Traveller.

_ Treaſon.

_ Treaſurer.

_ Treſpaſs, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Trial.

_ Turn of the Sheriff.

_ VAgabons, vide Rogues.

_ Venire facias.

_ Verdict.

_ Veſſels.

_ Victuals and Victualler.

_ Under-Sheriff.

_ Unlawful games.

_ Unlawful Aſſemblies.

_ Uſury.

_ Utlawry.

_ Wages.

_ Wainlings.

_ Warrants.

_ Warreners, vide Foreſters.

_ Watches.

_ Water-men.

_ Wax.

_ Weapons which be forcible. vide Forcible Entry.

_ Weers.

_ Weights and Meaſures.

_ Witchcraft.

_ Wines.

_ Wood.

_ Wooll and Wooll-ſeller.

_ Woollen-yarn.

_ 1. Question.

_ 2 Q.

_ 3 Q.

_ 4 Q.

_ 5 Q.

_ 6 Q.

_ 7 Q.

_ 8 Q.

_ 9 Q.

_ 10 Q.

_ 11 Q.

_ 12 Q.

_ 13 Q.

_ 14 Q.

_ 15 Q.

_ 16 Q.

_ 17 Q.

_ 18 Q.

_ 19 Q.

_ 20 Q.

_ 21 Q.

_ 22 Q.

_ 23 Q.

_ 24 Q.

_ 25 Q.

_ 26. Q.

_ 27 Q.

_ 28 Q.

_ 29 Q.

_ 30 Q.

_ 31 Q.

_ 32 Q.

_ 33 Q.

_ 34 Q.

_ 35 Q

_ 36 Q.

_ 37 Q.

_ 38 Q.

_ The Juſtices opinion touching the Commiſſions by which the Juſtices ſit at Newgate.

_ Hammonds Caſe Mich. 3 Car. Kings Bench.

_ Concerning providing for Baſtard-children.

_ Caſes concerning proviſion for poor people.

_ The Articles of the Charge.

Eccleſiaſtical cauſes and perſons.ECcleſiaſtical perſons are ſubject to arreſt for the Peace, unleſs _ Abjuration.

_ Abſolve, Vide Treaſon.

_ Acceſſary and Principal.

_ Acquital, vide Enditements.

_ Affray and Affrayers.

_ Agnus Dei, Croſſes, Beads, &c.

_ Alehouſes.

_ Alias dictus, vide Eudictment. Alien and his trial, vide Trial. Allegiance, vide Supremacy.

_ Amerciaments.

_ Appearance.

_ Appeachment, vide Approvers.

_ Appeal.

_ Apprentices.

_ Approvers or Appeachers.

_ Archery.

_ Armour.

_ Arreſts.

_ Arraignment.

_ Artificers, vide Labourers.

_ Aſſault.

_ Aſſembly unlawful, vide Unlawful Aſſembly.

_ Aſſize of Bread and Beer.

_ Attainder.

_ A wait lying, vid, Way-laying.

_ Averments.

_ Badgers and Drovers.

_ Bailment.

_ Bailiffs:

_ Bakers, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Barettor.

_ Bargain and Sale, vide Inrolement. Bark of Trees, vide Leather.

_ Baſtardy.

_ Battery lawful, vide Riot, Aſſault,

_ Breach of the Peace. Bath and Buxton, vide Licence.

_ Bawdery.

_ Beads, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Bear-wards, vide Licence.

_ Beer and Beer-brewers, vide Victual•ers.

_ Beggers, vide Rogues and poor people.

_ Blockwood, vide Logwood.

_ Bloudſhed.

_ Bonds, vide Recognizances.

_ Bowyers, vide Archery.

_ Braſs and Pewter.

_ Breach of the Peace, or good behaviour.

_ Brewers vide Victuallers.

_ Bridges.

_ Buckſtalls.

_ Buggery.

_ Bull from Rome, vide Treaſons.

_ Burglary.

_ Burning of houſes.

_ Butchers.

_ Butter and Cheeſe, vide Victuals.

_ Butts.

Buying and ſelling, vide Cattel. _ Calves and Kine.

_ Captains.

_ Caſtle, vide Felony.

_ Cattel.

_ Certificate.

_ Certiorari.

_ Challenge.

_ Champerty.

_ Chance-medly, vide Homicide.

_ Chaſtiſement, vide Correction.

_ Church and Church-yard.

_ Church-Wardens.

_ Clark of the Peace.

_ Clark of a Juſtice his fees, v. Fees.

_ Clark of the Crown, what Records he ought to certifie, vide Certificate.

_ Clark of the Market.

_ Clergy and Sanctuary.

_ Cloth.

_ Commiſſion of the Peace.

_ Commons.

_ Concealment, vide Jurors.

_ Confeſſion.

_ Conjuration.

_ Conſervers of the Peace.

_ Conſtables.

_ Conventicles.

_ Conies, vide Hunting.

_ Corn.

_ Cutter and carriers away of cor•Vide Hedge breakers.

_ Coroners.

_ Coroners fees, vide Fees.

_ Cottages.

_ County.

_ Cozeners and Cozenage.

_ Croſſes, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Croſs-bows and Hand-guns:

_ Curriers, vide Leather.

_ Cuſtomer, vide Corn.

_ Cuſtos Rotulorum.

_ Cutting out of tongues.

_ Cutting of a Pond head.

_ Deer and Deer-hayes.

_ Demurrer.

_ Deputy.

_ Divine Service.

_ Dogs, vide Hunting, & Partridges 

_ Drovers, vide Badgers. 

_ Dier, vide Cloth.

_ Drunkenneſs.

_ Eccleſiaſtical cauſes and perſons.

_ Eggs of wild-fowl.

_ Egyptians.

_ Embezeling of Records, vide Records. Embracer, vide Maintainer.

_ Enditements.

_ Enquiry.

_ Enquiry of a forcible entry, vide Forcible entry.

_ Enquiry by examination, vide Examination.

_ Enquiry by information, vide information.

_ Eſcapes.

_ Evesdroppers.

_ Evidences

_ Eſtreats.

_ Examination.

_ Extolling forein power, vide Treaſon.

_ Extortion.

_ Fairs and Markets.

_ Falſe impriſonment vide Arreſt. Falſe tokens, vide Cozeners.

_ Fees.

_ Felo de ſe.

_ Felony.

_ Felonies by Statute.

_ Felony of his own goods, vide Theft. 

_ Ferrets, vide Hunting.

_ Fewell.

_ Fines.

_ Fines of Rioters, vide Riots. 

_ Fines of Brewer, Baker, Tipler, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Fiſh.

_ Fiſh-days.

_ Flax.

_ Fleſh, vide Fiſh-daies. 

_ Forein power, vide Treaſon. 

_ Forein plea, vide Trial.

_ Force.

_ Forfeitures of a Recognizance taken for the Peace.

_ Forgery.

_ Forein plea.

_ Forreſter.

_ Foreſtalling and Foreſtallers.

_ Fowlers and Fowling.

_ Games, vide Unlawful games.

_ Goal. Goaler.

_ Glaſs-men.

_ Goldſmith.

_ Good abearing.

_ Greyhounds, vide Hunting.

_ Guns and Gunners.

_ Hares.

_ Harneſs and Habiliments of war.

_ Hart proclaimed, vide Deer,

_ Harveſt.

_ Hawks and Hawking.

_ Hay and Oats.

_ Hedge-breakers.

_ High-waies.

_ Homicide.

_ Horſes and Mares.

_ Horſe-bread.

_ Hoſpital.

_ Hoſpitality; vide Religious houſe.

_ Houſe.

_ Houſe of Correction.

_ Hunting.

_ Hundred.

_ Hue and Cry.

_ Jeſuites and Seminary Prieſts.

_ Impriſonments, vide Priſon. 

_ Indictments, vide Enditements.

_ Information.

_ Informers and Promoters.

_ Ingroſſer.

_ In-holder

_ Inmates, vide Cottages.

_ Inrolement.

_ Iſſues.

_ Judgement.

_ Juglers, vide Licence.

_ Jurors.

_ Juſtices of the Peace.

_ Laboures and Servants.

_ Larceny.

_ Leets.

_ Lent, vide Fiſh-daies.

_ Liberties and Franchiſes.

_ Libellers.

_ Licenſes.

_ Linnen cloth.

_ Lying in a way, vide Way-lying.

_ Log-wood, alias Block-wood.

_ Long bows.

_ Maſons.

_ Mainpriſe, vide Bailment.

_ Maintainers and Embracers,

_ Maim.

_ Malt.

_ Manſlaughter, vide Homicide.

_ Mariner.

_ Market-overt.

_ Marriage.

_ Maſs.

_ Maſter, v. Servant and Labourers. 

_ Meaſure, vide Weight.

_ Meſſages falſe.

_ Milch-Kine, vide Calves. 

_ Minſtrels, vide Rogues.

_ Miſpriſion.

_ Miſpriſon of Treaſon.

_ Miſpriſion of Felony.

_ Mitigation of fines and forfeitures vide Lamb 577.

_ Mittimus.

_ The form of the Mi•timus.

_ Monaſteries, v. Religious houſes.

_ Mortuaries.

_ Multiplication of gold and ſilver.

_ Murder.

_ Muſters.

_ Name.

_ Nets, vide Hunting, Partridges and Pheſants.

_ News.

_ Next Juſtice.

_ Night-walkers, vide Watches,

_ Noble Perſonages.

_ Non ſanae memoriae.

_ Nuſance.

_ Obedience to the King.

_ Colore Officii.

_ Ordinary.

_ Oath.

_ Orchards and Gardens, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Overſeers of the Poor.

_ Pannel, Ʋide Jurors.

_ Pardon.

_ Park and Parker.

_ Parſon and Vicar, vide Eccleſiaſtical cauſes.

_ Peace.

_ Peers, vide Noble perſonages. 

_ Pedlers, vide Rogues.

_ Perjury.

_ Petty-treaſon.

_ Pewter, vide Braſs.

_ Phyſician.

_ Pictures brought from Rome vide Agnus Dei.

_ Plays and Players, vide Unlawful games, vide Rogues.

_ Plaints in Court.

_ Pond and Pond-heads, vide Fiſh.

_ Poiſoning, vide Murder.

_ Pope.

_ Popiſh books.

_ Poor people.

_ Poſſeſſion actual and in Law.

_ Preacher.

_ Precept, vide Warrant.

_ Praemunire.

_ Preſentment.

_ Prieſts, vide Jeſuites. 

_ Principal and Acceſſary, vide Acceſſary.

_ Priſoners.

_ Privy Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Proceſs.

_ Proclamation.

_ Promoters, vide Informers.

_ Propheſying.

_ Purveyors.

_ Quarter-Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Rape, or Raviſhment.

_ Rates, vide Taxation.

_ Rebellious aſſemblies.

_ Recognizance.

_ Reconciliation, vide Treaſon.

_ Records.

_ Recuſants.

_ Regrator.

_ Releaſe.

_ Religious Houſes.

_ Replevin, vide Bailment.

_ Reſcous of a Felon.

_ Reſtitution of Poſſeſſion.

_ Reſtitution of ſtoln goods.

_ Return.

_ Riots.

_ Rivers.

_ Robbery.

_ Robbing of an houſe.

_ Rogues.

_ Rome, vide Pope, Co. 11. 36.

_ Rout.

_ Sacriledge.

_ Sacraments.

_ Salmons, vide Fiſh.

_ Salt-peter-men.

_ School-maſter.

_ Seditious Sectaries.

_ Sermon, vide Preaching. 

_ Servants, vide Labourers and Apprentices. 

_ Serving-men, vide Teſtimonial.

_ Sewers.

_ Sheep.

_ Sheriff.

_ Shoes.

_ Shooting.

_ Silk, vide Apparel. 

_ Sope, vide Veſſels.

_ Souldiers.

_ Star-chamber.

_ Stolen goods.

_ Stock of the ſhire.

_ Subſidy.

_ Suggeſtion, vide Information. 

_ Summons of the Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Sunday.

_ Superſedeas.

_ Supplicavit.

_ Supremacy.

_ Suſpicion and ſuſ•ects of felony.

_ Swans.

_ Swearing.

_ Taxations vide Stock of the ſhire.

_ Tale-bearers, vide News. 

_ Tanners, vide Leather.

_ Tavern-keeper.

_ Teſtimonial.

_ Theft.

_ Threatning.

_ Tile-making.

_ Tipling.

_ Tithes.

_ Tranſportation.

_ Travelling beyond the Seas.

_ Traveller.

_ Treaſon.

_ Treaſurer.

_ Treſpaſs, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Trial.

_ Turn of the Sheriff.

_ VAgabons, vide Rogues.

_ Venire facias.

_ Verdict.

_ Veſſels.

_ Victuals and Victualler.

_ Under-Sheriff.

_ Unlawful games.

_ Unlawful Aſſemblies.

_ Uſury.

_ Utlawry.

_ Wages.

_ Wainlings.

_ Warrants.

_ Warreners, vide Foreſters.

_ Watches.

_ Water-men.

_ Wax.

_ Weapons which be forcible. vide Forcible Entry.

_ Weers.

_ Weights and Meaſures.

_ Witchcraft.

_ Wines.

_ Wood.

_ Wooll and Wooll-ſeller.

_ Woollen-yarn.

_ 1. Question.

_ 2 Q.

_ 3 Q.

_ 4 Q.

_ 5 Q.

_ 6 Q.

_ 7 Q.

_ 8 Q.

_ 9 Q.

_ 10 Q.

_ 11 Q.

_ 12 Q.

_ 13 Q.

_ 14 Q.

_ 15 Q.

_ 16 Q.

_ 17 Q.

_ 18 Q.

_ 19 Q.

_ 20 Q.

_ 21 Q.

_ 22 Q.

_ 23 Q.

_ 24 Q.

_ 25 Q.

_ 26. Q.

_ 27 Q.

_ 28 Q.

_ 29 Q.

_ 30 Q.

_ 31 Q.

_ 32 Q.

_ 33 Q.

_ 34 Q.

_ 35 Q

_ 36 Q.

_ 37 Q.

_ 38 Q.

_ The Juſtices opinion touching the Commiſſions by which the Juſtices ſit at Newgate.

_ Hammonds Caſe Mich. 3 Car. Kings Bench.

_ Concerning providing for Baſtard-children.

_ Caſes concerning proviſion for poor people.

_ The Articles of the Charge.

Fairs and Markets.HE that keepeth a Fair or Market in a Church-yard ſhall be fined Stat. Wint. 13 E. _ Abjuration.

_ Abſolve, Vide Treaſon.

_ Acceſſary and Principal.

_ Acquital, vide Enditements.

_ Affray and Affrayers.

_ Agnus Dei, Croſſes, Beads, &c.

_ Alehouſes.

_ Alias dictus, vide Eudictment. Alien and his trial, vide Trial. Allegiance, vide Supremacy.

_ Amerciaments.

_ Appearance.

_ Appeachment, vide Approvers.

_ Appeal.

_ Apprentices.

_ Approvers or Appeachers.

_ Archery.

_ Armour.

_ Arreſts.

_ Arraignment.

_ Artificers, vide Labourers.

_ Aſſault.

_ Aſſembly unlawful, vide Unlawful Aſſembly.

_ Aſſize of Bread and Beer.

_ Attainder.

_ A wait lying, vid, Way-laying.

_ Averments.

_ Badgers and Drovers.

_ Bailment.

_ Bailiffs:

_ Bakers, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Barettor.

_ Bargain and Sale, vide Inrolement. Bark of Trees, vide Leather.

_ Baſtardy.

_ Battery lawful, vide Riot, Aſſault,

_ Breach of the Peace. Bath and Buxton, vide Licence.

_ Bawdery.

_ Beads, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Bear-wards, vide Licence.

_ Beer and Beer-brewers, vide Victual•ers.

_ Beggers, vide Rogues and poor people.

_ Blockwood, vide Logwood.

_ Bloudſhed.

_ Bonds, vide Recognizances.

_ Bowyers, vide Archery.

_ Braſs and Pewter.

_ Breach of the Peace, or good behaviour.

_ Brewers vide Victuallers.

_ Bridges.

_ Buckſtalls.

_ Buggery.

_ Bull from Rome, vide Treaſons.

_ Burglary.

_ Burning of houſes.

_ Butchers.

_ Butter and Cheeſe, vide Victuals.

_ Butts.

Buying and ſelling, vide Cattel. _ Calves and Kine.

_ Captains.

_ Caſtle, vide Felony.

_ Cattel.

_ Certificate.

_ Certiorari.

_ Challenge.

_ Champerty.

_ Chance-medly, vide Homicide.

_ Chaſtiſement, vide Correction.

_ Church and Church-yard.

_ Church-Wardens.

_ Clark of the Peace.

_ Clark of a Juſtice his fees, v. Fees.

_ Clark of the Crown, what Records he ought to certifie, vide Certificate.

_ Clark of the Market.

_ Clergy and Sanctuary.

_ Cloth.

_ Commiſſion of the Peace.

_ Commons.

_ Concealment, vide Jurors.

_ Confeſſion.

_ Conjuration.

_ Conſervers of the Peace.

_ Conſtables.

_ Conventicles.

_ Conies, vide Hunting.

_ Corn.

_ Cutter and carriers away of cor•Vide Hedge breakers.

_ Coroners.

_ Coroners fees, vide Fees.

_ Cottages.

_ County.

_ Cozeners and Cozenage.

_ Croſſes, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Croſs-bows and Hand-guns:

_ Curriers, vide Leather.

_ Cuſtomer, vide Corn.

_ Cuſtos Rotulorum.

_ Cutting out of tongues.

_ Cutting of a Pond head.

_ Deer and Deer-hayes.

_ Demurrer.

_ Deputy.

_ Divine Service.

_ Dogs, vide Hunting, & Partridges 

_ Drovers, vide Badgers. 

_ Dier, vide Cloth.

_ Drunkenneſs.

_ Eccleſiaſtical cauſes and perſons.

_ Eggs of wild-fowl.

_ Egyptians.

_ Embezeling of Records, vide Records. Embracer, vide Maintainer.

_ Enditements.

_ Enquiry.

_ Enquiry of a forcible entry, vide Forcible entry.

_ Enquiry by examination, vide Examination.

_ Enquiry by information, vide information.

_ Eſcapes.

_ Evesdroppers.

_ Evidences

_ Eſtreats.

_ Examination.

_ Extolling forein power, vide Treaſon.

_ Extortion.

_ Fairs and Markets.

_ Falſe impriſonment vide Arreſt. Falſe tokens, vide Cozeners.

_ Fees.

_ Felo de ſe.

_ Felony.

_ Felonies by Statute.

_ Felony of his own goods, vide Theft. 

_ Ferrets, vide Hunting.

_ Fewell.

_ Fines.

_ Fines of Rioters, vide Riots. 

_ Fines of Brewer, Baker, Tipler, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Fiſh.

_ Fiſh-days.

_ Flax.

_ Fleſh, vide Fiſh-daies. 

_ Forein power, vide Treaſon. 

_ Forein plea, vide Trial.

_ Force.

_ Forfeitures of a Recognizance taken for the Peace.

_ Forgery.

_ Forein plea.

_ Forreſter.

_ Foreſtalling and Foreſtallers.

_ Fowlers and Fowling.

_ Games, vide Unlawful games.

_ Goal. Goaler.

_ Glaſs-men.

_ Goldſmith.

_ Good abearing.

_ Greyhounds, vide Hunting.

_ Guns and Gunners.

_ Hares.

_ Harneſs and Habiliments of war.

_ Hart proclaimed, vide Deer,

_ Harveſt.

_ Hawks and Hawking.

_ Hay and Oats.

_ Hedge-breakers.

_ High-waies.

_ Homicide.

_ Horſes and Mares.

_ Horſe-bread.

_ Hoſpital.

_ Hoſpitality; vide Religious houſe.

_ Houſe.

_ Houſe of Correction.

_ Hunting.

_ Hundred.

_ Hue and Cry.

_ Jeſuites and Seminary Prieſts.

_ Impriſonments, vide Priſon. 

_ Indictments, vide Enditements.

_ Information.

_ Informers and Promoters.

_ Ingroſſer.

_ In-holder

_ Inmates, vide Cottages.

_ Inrolement.

_ Iſſues.

_ Judgement.

_ Juglers, vide Licence.

_ Jurors.

_ Juſtices of the Peace.

_ Laboures and Servants.

_ Larceny.

_ Leets.

_ Lent, vide Fiſh-daies.

_ Liberties and Franchiſes.

_ Libellers.

_ Licenſes.

_ Linnen cloth.

_ Lying in a way, vide Way-lying.

_ Log-wood, alias Block-wood.

_ Long bows.

_ Maſons.

_ Mainpriſe, vide Bailment.

_ Maintainers and Embracers,

_ Maim.

_ Malt.

_ Manſlaughter, vide Homicide.

_ Mariner.

_ Market-overt.

_ Marriage.

_ Maſs.

_ Maſter, v. Servant and Labourers. 

_ Meaſure, vide Weight.

_ Meſſages falſe.

_ Milch-Kine, vide Calves. 

_ Minſtrels, vide Rogues.

_ Miſpriſion.

_ Miſpriſon of Treaſon.

_ Miſpriſion of Felony.

_ Mitigation of fines and forfeitures vide Lamb 577.

_ Mittimus.

_ The form of the Mi•timus.

_ Monaſteries, v. Religious houſes.

_ Mortuaries.

_ Multiplication of gold and ſilver.

_ Murder.

_ Muſters.

_ Name.

_ Nets, vide Hunting, Partridges and Pheſants.

_ News.

_ Next Juſtice.

_ Night-walkers, vide Watches,

_ Noble Perſonages.

_ Non ſanae memoriae.

_ Nuſance.

_ Obedience to the King.

_ Colore Officii.

_ Ordinary.

_ Oath.

_ Orchards and Gardens, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Overſeers of the Poor.

_ Pannel, Ʋide Jurors.

_ Pardon.

_ Park and Parker.

_ Parſon and Vicar, vide Eccleſiaſtical cauſes.

_ Peace.

_ Peers, vide Noble perſonages. 

_ Pedlers, vide Rogues.

_ Perjury.

_ Petty-treaſon.

_ Pewter, vide Braſs.

_ Phyſician.

_ Pictures brought from Rome vide Agnus Dei.

_ Plays and Players, vide Unlawful games, vide Rogues.

_ Plaints in Court.

_ Pond and Pond-heads, vide Fiſh.

_ Poiſoning, vide Murder.

_ Pope.

_ Popiſh books.

_ Poor people.

_ Poſſeſſion actual and in Law.

_ Preacher.

_ Precept, vide Warrant.

_ Praemunire.

_ Preſentment.

_ Prieſts, vide Jeſuites. 

_ Principal and Acceſſary, vide Acceſſary.

_ Priſoners.

_ Privy Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Proceſs.

_ Proclamation.

_ Promoters, vide Informers.

_ Propheſying.

_ Purveyors.

_ Quarter-Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Rape, or Raviſhment.

_ Rates, vide Taxation.

_ Rebellious aſſemblies.

_ Recognizance.

_ Reconciliation, vide Treaſon.

_ Records.

_ Recuſants.

_ Regrator.

_ Releaſe.

_ Religious Houſes.

_ Replevin, vide Bailment.

_ Reſcous of a Felon.

_ Reſtitution of Poſſeſſion.

_ Reſtitution of ſtoln goods.

_ Return.

_ Riots.

_ Rivers.

_ Robbery.

_ Robbing of an houſe.

_ Rogues.

_ Rome, vide Pope, Co. 11. 36.

_ Rout.

_ Sacriledge.

_ Sacraments.

_ Salmons, vide Fiſh.

_ Salt-peter-men.

_ School-maſter.

_ Seditious Sectaries.

_ Sermon, vide Preaching. 

_ Servants, vide Labourers and Apprentices. 

_ Serving-men, vide Teſtimonial.

_ Sewers.

_ Sheep.

_ Sheriff.

_ Shoes.

_ Shooting.

_ Silk, vide Apparel. 

_ Sope, vide Veſſels.

_ Souldiers.

_ Star-chamber.

_ Stolen goods.

_ Stock of the ſhire.

_ Subſidy.

_ Suggeſtion, vide Information. 

_ Summons of the Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Sunday.

_ Superſedeas.

_ Supplicavit.

_ Supremacy.

_ Suſpicion and ſuſ•ects of felony.

_ Swans.

_ Swearing.

_ Taxations vide Stock of the ſhire.

_ Tale-bearers, vide News. 

_ Tanners, vide Leather.

_ Tavern-keeper.

_ Teſtimonial.

_ Theft.

_ Threatning.

_ Tile-making.

_ Tipling.

_ Tithes.

_ Tranſportation.

_ Travelling beyond the Seas.

_ Traveller.

_ Treaſon.

_ Treaſurer.

_ Treſpaſs, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Trial.

_ Turn of the Sheriff.

_ VAgabons, vide Rogues.

_ Venire facias.

_ Verdict.

_ Veſſels.

_ Victuals and Victualler.

_ Under-Sheriff.

_ Unlawful games.

_ Unlawful Aſſemblies.

_ Uſury.

_ Utlawry.

_ Wages.

_ Wainlings.

_ Warrants.

_ Warreners, vide Foreſters.

_ Watches.

_ Water-men.

_ Wax.

_ Weapons which be forcible. vide Forcible Entry.

_ Weers.

_ Weights and Meaſures.

_ Witchcraft.

_ Wines.

_ Wood.

_ Wooll and Wooll-ſeller.

_ Woollen-yarn.

_ 1. Question.

_ 2 Q.

_ 3 Q.

_ 4 Q.

_ 5 Q.

_ 6 Q.

_ 7 Q.

_ 8 Q.

_ 9 Q.

_ 10 Q.

_ 11 Q.

_ 12 Q.

_ 13 Q.

_ 14 Q.

_ 15 Q.

_ 16 Q.

_ 17 Q.

_ 18 Q.

_ 19 Q.

_ 20 Q.

_ 21 Q.

_ 22 Q.

_ 23 Q.

_ 24 Q.

_ 25 Q.

_ 26. Q.

_ 27 Q.

_ 28 Q.

_ 29 Q.

_ 30 Q.

_ 31 Q.

_ 32 Q.

_ 33 Q.

_ 34 Q.

_ 35 Q

_ 36 Q.

_ 37 Q.

_ 38 Q.

_ The Juſtices opinion touching the Commiſſions by which the Juſtices ſit at Newgate.

_ Hammonds Caſe Mich. 3 Car. Kings Bench.

_ Concerning providing for Baſtard-children.

_ Caſes concerning proviſion for poor people.

_ The Articles of the Charge.

Games, vide Unlawful games..Goal. Goaler.Goaler or Sheriff may make a goal of his own houſe, ſo cann _ Abjuration.

_ Abſolve, Vide Treaſon.

_ Acceſſary and Principal.

_ Acquital, vide Enditements.

_ Affray and Affrayers.

_ Agnus Dei, Croſſes, Beads, &c.

_ Alehouſes.

_ Alias dictus, vide Eudictment. Alien and his trial, vide Trial. Allegiance, vide Supremacy.

_ Amerciaments.

_ Appearance.

_ Appeachment, vide Approvers.

_ Appeal.

_ Apprentices.

_ Approvers or Appeachers.

_ Archery.

_ Armour.

_ Arreſts.

_ Arraignment.

_ Artificers, vide Labourers.

_ Aſſault.

_ Aſſembly unlawful, vide Unlawful Aſſembly.

_ Aſſize of Bread and Beer.

_ Attainder.

_ A wait lying, vid, Way-laying.

_ Averments.

_ Badgers and Drovers.

_ Bailment.

_ Bailiffs:

_ Bakers, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Barettor.

_ Bargain and Sale, vide Inrolement. Bark of Trees, vide Leather.

_ Baſtardy.

_ Battery lawful, vide Riot, Aſſault,

_ Breach of the Peace. Bath and Buxton, vide Licence.

_ Bawdery.

_ Beads, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Bear-wards, vide Licence.

_ Beer and Beer-brewers, vide Victual•ers.

_ Beggers, vide Rogues and poor people.

_ Blockwood, vide Logwood.

_ Bloudſhed.

_ Bonds, vide Recognizances.

_ Bowyers, vide Archery.

_ Braſs and Pewter.

_ Breach of the Peace, or good behaviour.

_ Brewers vide Victuallers.

_ Bridges.

_ Buckſtalls.

_ Buggery.

_ Bull from Rome, vide Treaſons.

_ Burglary.

_ Burning of houſes.

_ Butchers.

_ Butter and Cheeſe, vide Victuals.

_ Butts.

Buying and ſelling, vide Cattel. _ Calves and Kine.

_ Captains.

_ Caſtle, vide Felony.

_ Cattel.

_ Certificate.

_ Certiorari.

_ Challenge.

_ Champerty.

_ Chance-medly, vide Homicide.

_ Chaſtiſement, vide Correction.

_ Church and Church-yard.

_ Church-Wardens.

_ Clark of the Peace.

_ Clark of a Juſtice his fees, v. Fees.

_ Clark of the Crown, what Records he ought to certifie, vide Certificate.

_ Clark of the Market.

_ Clergy and Sanctuary.

_ Cloth.

_ Commiſſion of the Peace.

_ Commons.

_ Concealment, vide Jurors.

_ Confeſſion.

_ Conjuration.

_ Conſervers of the Peace.

_ Conſtables.

_ Conventicles.

_ Conies, vide Hunting.

_ Corn.

_ Cutter and carriers away of cor•Vide Hedge breakers.

_ Coroners.

_ Coroners fees, vide Fees.

_ Cottages.

_ County.

_ Cozeners and Cozenage.

_ Croſſes, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Croſs-bows and Hand-guns:

_ Curriers, vide Leather.

_ Cuſtomer, vide Corn.

_ Cuſtos Rotulorum.

_ Cutting out of tongues.

_ Cutting of a Pond head.

_ Deer and Deer-hayes.

_ Demurrer.

_ Deputy.

_ Divine Service.

_ Dogs, vide Hunting, & Partridges 

_ Drovers, vide Badgers. 

_ Dier, vide Cloth.

_ Drunkenneſs.

_ Eccleſiaſtical cauſes and perſons.

_ Eggs of wild-fowl.

_ Egyptians.

_ Embezeling of Records, vide Records. Embracer, vide Maintainer.

_ Enditements.

_ Enquiry.

_ Enquiry of a forcible entry, vide Forcible entry.

_ Enquiry by examination, vide Examination.

_ Enquiry by information, vide information.

_ Eſcapes.

_ Evesdroppers.

_ Evidences

_ Eſtreats.

_ Examination.

_ Extolling forein power, vide Treaſon.

_ Extortion.

_ Fairs and Markets.

_ Falſe impriſonment vide Arreſt. Falſe tokens, vide Cozeners.

_ Fees.

_ Felo de ſe.

_ Felony.

_ Felonies by Statute.

_ Felony of his own goods, vide Theft. 

_ Ferrets, vide Hunting.

_ Fewell.

_ Fines.

_ Fines of Rioters, vide Riots. 

_ Fines of Brewer, Baker, Tipler, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Fiſh.

_ Fiſh-days.

_ Flax.

_ Fleſh, vide Fiſh-daies. 

_ Forein power, vide Treaſon. 

_ Forein plea, vide Trial.

_ Force.

_ Forfeitures of a Recognizance taken for the Peace.

_ Forgery.

_ Forein plea.

_ Forreſter.

_ Foreſtalling and Foreſtallers.

_ Fowlers and Fowling.

_ Games, vide Unlawful games.

_ Goal. Goaler.

_ Glaſs-men.

_ Goldſmith.

_ Good abearing.

_ Greyhounds, vide Hunting.

_ Guns and Gunners.

_ Hares.

_ Harneſs and Habiliments of war.

_ Hart proclaimed, vide Deer,

_ Harveſt.

_ Hawks and Hawking.

_ Hay and Oats.

_ Hedge-breakers.

_ High-waies.

_ Homicide.

_ Horſes and Mares.

_ Horſe-bread.

_ Hoſpital.

_ Hoſpitality; vide Religious houſe.

_ Houſe.

_ Houſe of Correction.

_ Hunting.

_ Hundred.

_ Hue and Cry.

_ Jeſuites and Seminary Prieſts.

_ Impriſonments, vide Priſon. 

_ Indictments, vide Enditements.

_ Information.

_ Informers and Promoters.

_ Ingroſſer.

_ In-holder

_ Inmates, vide Cottages.

_ Inrolement.

_ Iſſues.

_ Judgement.

_ Juglers, vide Licence.

_ Jurors.

_ Juſtices of the Peace.

_ Laboures and Servants.

_ Larceny.

_ Leets.

_ Lent, vide Fiſh-daies.

_ Liberties and Franchiſes.

_ Libellers.

_ Licenſes.

_ Linnen cloth.

_ Lying in a way, vide Way-lying.

_ Log-wood, alias Block-wood.

_ Long bows.

_ Maſons.

_ Mainpriſe, vide Bailment.

_ Maintainers and Embracers,

_ Maim.

_ Malt.

_ Manſlaughter, vide Homicide.

_ Mariner.

_ Market-overt.

_ Marriage.

_ Maſs.

_ Maſter, v. Servant and Labourers. 

_ Meaſure, vide Weight.

_ Meſſages falſe.

_ Milch-Kine, vide Calves. 

_ Minſtrels, vide Rogues.

_ Miſpriſion.

_ Miſpriſon of Treaſon.

_ Miſpriſion of Felony.

_ Mitigation of fines and forfeitures vide Lamb 577.

_ Mittimus.

_ The form of the Mi•timus.

_ Monaſteries, v. Religious houſes.

_ Mortuaries.

_ Multiplication of gold and ſilver.

_ Murder.

_ Muſters.

_ Name.

_ Nets, vide Hunting, Partridges and Pheſants.

_ News.

_ Next Juſtice.

_ Night-walkers, vide Watches,

_ Noble Perſonages.

_ Non ſanae memoriae.

_ Nuſance.

_ Obedience to the King.

_ Colore Officii.

_ Ordinary.

_ Oath.

_ Orchards and Gardens, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Overſeers of the Poor.

_ Pannel, Ʋide Jurors.

_ Pardon.

_ Park and Parker.

_ Parſon and Vicar, vide Eccleſiaſtical cauſes.

_ Peace.

_ Peers, vide Noble perſonages. 

_ Pedlers, vide Rogues.

_ Perjury.

_ Petty-treaſon.

_ Pewter, vide Braſs.

_ Phyſician.

_ Pictures brought from Rome vide Agnus Dei.

_ Plays and Players, vide Unlawful games, vide Rogues.

_ Plaints in Court.

_ Pond and Pond-heads, vide Fiſh.

_ Poiſoning, vide Murder.

_ Pope.

_ Popiſh books.

_ Poor people.

_ Poſſeſſion actual and in Law.

_ Preacher.

_ Precept, vide Warrant.

_ Praemunire.

_ Preſentment.

_ Prieſts, vide Jeſuites. 

_ Principal and Acceſſary, vide Acceſſary.

_ Priſoners.

_ Privy Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Proceſs.

_ Proclamation.

_ Promoters, vide Informers.

_ Propheſying.

_ Purveyors.

_ Quarter-Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Rape, or Raviſhment.

_ Rates, vide Taxation.

_ Rebellious aſſemblies.

_ Recognizance.

_ Reconciliation, vide Treaſon.

_ Records.

_ Recuſants.

_ Regrator.

_ Releaſe.

_ Religious Houſes.

_ Replevin, vide Bailment.

_ Reſcous of a Felon.

_ Reſtitution of Poſſeſſion.

_ Reſtitution of ſtoln goods.

_ Return.

_ Riots.

_ Rivers.

_ Robbery.

_ Robbing of an houſe.

_ Rogues.

_ Rome, vide Pope, Co. 11. 36.

_ Rout.

_ Sacriledge.

_ Sacraments.

_ Salmons, vide Fiſh.

_ Salt-peter-men.

_ School-maſter.

_ Seditious Sectaries.

_ Sermon, vide Preaching. 

_ Servants, vide Labourers and Apprentices. 

_ Serving-men, vide Teſtimonial.

_ Sewers.

_ Sheep.

_ Sheriff.

_ Shoes.

_ Shooting.

_ Silk, vide Apparel. 

_ Sope, vide Veſſels.

_ Souldiers.

_ Star-chamber.

_ Stolen goods.

_ Stock of the ſhire.

_ Subſidy.

_ Suggeſtion, vide Information. 

_ Summons of the Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Sunday.

_ Superſedeas.

_ Supplicavit.

_ Supremacy.

_ Suſpicion and ſuſ•ects of felony.

_ Swans.

_ Swearing.

_ Taxations vide Stock of the ſhire.

_ Tale-bearers, vide News. 

_ Tanners, vide Leather.

_ Tavern-keeper.

_ Teſtimonial.

_ Theft.

_ Threatning.

_ Tile-making.

_ Tipling.

_ Tithes.

_ Tranſportation.

_ Travelling beyond the Seas.

_ Traveller.

_ Treaſon.

_ Treaſurer.

_ Treſpaſs, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Trial.

_ Turn of the Sheriff.

_ VAgabons, vide Rogues.

_ Venire facias.

_ Verdict.

_ Veſſels.

_ Victuals and Victualler.

_ Under-Sheriff.

_ Unlawful games.

_ Unlawful Aſſemblies.

_ Uſury.

_ Utlawry.

_ Wages.

_ Wainlings.

_ Warrants.

_ Warreners, vide Foreſters.

_ Watches.

_ Water-men.

_ Wax.

_ Weapons which be forcible. vide Forcible Entry.

_ Weers.

_ Weights and Meaſures.

_ Witchcraft.

_ Wines.

_ Wood.

_ Wooll and Wooll-ſeller.

_ Woollen-yarn.

_ 1. Question.

_ 2 Q.

_ 3 Q.

_ 4 Q.

_ 5 Q.

_ 6 Q.

_ 7 Q.

_ 8 Q.

_ 9 Q.

_ 10 Q.

_ 11 Q.

_ 12 Q.

_ 13 Q.

_ 14 Q.

_ 15 Q.

_ 16 Q.

_ 17 Q.

_ 18 Q.

_ 19 Q.

_ 20 Q.

_ 21 Q.

_ 22 Q.

_ 23 Q.

_ 24 Q.

_ 25 Q.

_ 26. Q.

_ 27 Q.

_ 28 Q.

_ 29 Q.

_ 30 Q.

_ 31 Q.

_ 32 Q.

_ 33 Q.

_ 34 Q.

_ 35 Q

_ 36 Q.

_ 37 Q.

_ 38 Q.

_ The Juſtices opinion touching the Commiſſions by which the Juſtices ſit at Newgate.

_ Hammonds Caſe Mich. 3 Car. Kings Bench.

_ Concerning providing for Baſtard-children.

_ Caſes concerning proviſion for poor people.

_ The Articles of the Charge.

Hares.IF any have traced, killed, or deſtroyed any Hare in the ſnow, he loſeth 6 ſhill. 8 pence for _ Abjuration.

_ Abſolve, Vide Treaſon.

_ Acceſſary and Principal.

_ Acquital, vide Enditements.

_ Affray and Affrayers.

_ Agnus Dei, Croſſes, Beads, &c.

_ Alehouſes.

_ Alias dictus, vide Eudictment. Alien and his trial, vide Trial. Allegiance, vide Supremacy.

_ Amerciaments.

_ Appearance.

_ Appeachment, vide Approvers.

_ Appeal.

_ Apprentices.

_ Approvers or Appeachers.

_ Archery.

_ Armour.

_ Arreſts.

_ Arraignment.

_ Artificers, vide Labourers.

_ Aſſault.

_ Aſſembly unlawful, vide Unlawful Aſſembly.

_ Aſſize of Bread and Beer.

_ Attainder.

_ A wait lying, vid, Way-laying.

_ Averments.

_ Badgers and Drovers.

_ Bailment.

_ Bailiffs:

_ Bakers, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Barettor.

_ Bargain and Sale, vide Inrolement. Bark of Trees, vide Leather.

_ Baſtardy.

_ Battery lawful, vide Riot, Aſſault,

_ Breach of the Peace. Bath and Buxton, vide Licence.

_ Bawdery.

_ Beads, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Bear-wards, vide Licence.

_ Beer and Beer-brewers, vide Victual•ers.

_ Beggers, vide Rogues and poor people.

_ Blockwood, vide Logwood.

_ Bloudſhed.

_ Bonds, vide Recognizances.

_ Bowyers, vide Archery.

_ Braſs and Pewter.

_ Breach of the Peace, or good behaviour.

_ Brewers vide Victuallers.

_ Bridges.

_ Buckſtalls.

_ Buggery.

_ Bull from Rome, vide Treaſons.

_ Burglary.

_ Burning of houſes.

_ Butchers.

_ Butter and Cheeſe, vide Victuals.

_ Butts.

Buying and ſelling, vide Cattel. _ Calves and Kine.

_ Captains.

_ Caſtle, vide Felony.

_ Cattel.

_ Certificate.

_ Certiorari.

_ Challenge.

_ Champerty.

_ Chance-medly, vide Homicide.

_ Chaſtiſement, vide Correction.

_ Church and Church-yard.

_ Church-Wardens.

_ Clark of the Peace.

_ Clark of a Juſtice his fees, v. Fees.

_ Clark of the Crown, what Records he ought to certifie, vide Certificate.

_ Clark of the Market.

_ Clergy and Sanctuary.

_ Cloth.

_ Commiſſion of the Peace.

_ Commons.

_ Concealment, vide Jurors.

_ Confeſſion.

_ Conjuration.

_ Conſervers of the Peace.

_ Conſtables.

_ Conventicles.

_ Conies, vide Hunting.

_ Corn.

_ Cutter and carriers away of cor•Vide Hedge breakers.

_ Coroners.

_ Coroners fees, vide Fees.

_ Cottages.

_ County.

_ Cozeners and Cozenage.

_ Croſſes, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Croſs-bows and Hand-guns:

_ Curriers, vide Leather.

_ Cuſtomer, vide Corn.

_ Cuſtos Rotulorum.

_ Cutting out of tongues.

_ Cutting of a Pond head.

_ Deer and Deer-hayes.

_ Demurrer.

_ Deputy.

_ Divine Service.

_ Dogs, vide Hunting, & Partridges 

_ Drovers, vide Badgers. 

_ Dier, vide Cloth.

_ Drunkenneſs.

_ Eccleſiaſtical cauſes and perſons.

_ Eggs of wild-fowl.

_ Egyptians.

_ Embezeling of Records, vide Records. Embracer, vide Maintainer.

_ Enditements.

_ Enquiry.

_ Enquiry of a forcible entry, vide Forcible entry.

_ Enquiry by examination, vide Examination.

_ Enquiry by information, vide information.

_ Eſcapes.

_ Evesdroppers.

_ Evidences

_ Eſtreats.

_ Examination.

_ Extolling forein power, vide Treaſon.

_ Extortion.

_ Fairs and Markets.

_ Falſe impriſonment vide Arreſt. Falſe tokens, vide Cozeners.

_ Fees.

_ Felo de ſe.

_ Felony.

_ Felonies by Statute.

_ Felony of his own goods, vide Theft. 

_ Ferrets, vide Hunting.

_ Fewell.

_ Fines.

_ Fines of Rioters, vide Riots. 

_ Fines of Brewer, Baker, Tipler, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Fiſh.

_ Fiſh-days.

_ Flax.

_ Fleſh, vide Fiſh-daies. 

_ Forein power, vide Treaſon. 

_ Forein plea, vide Trial.

_ Force.

_ Forfeitures of a Recognizance taken for the Peace.

_ Forgery.

_ Forein plea.

_ Forreſter.

_ Foreſtalling and Foreſtallers.

_ Fowlers and Fowling.

_ Games, vide Unlawful games.

_ Goal. Goaler.

_ Glaſs-men.

_ Goldſmith.

_ Good abearing.

_ Greyhounds, vide Hunting.

_ Guns and Gunners.

_ Hares.

_ Harneſs and Habiliments of war.

_ Hart proclaimed, vide Deer,

_ Harveſt.

_ Hawks and Hawking.

_ Hay and Oats.

_ Hedge-breakers.

_ High-waies.

_ Homicide.

_ Horſes and Mares.

_ Horſe-bread.

_ Hoſpital.

_ Hoſpitality; vide Religious houſe.

_ Houſe.

_ Houſe of Correction.

_ Hunting.

_ Hundred.

_ Hue and Cry.

_ Jeſuites and Seminary Prieſts.

_ Impriſonments, vide Priſon. 

_ Indictments, vide Enditements.

_ Information.

_ Informers and Promoters.

_ Ingroſſer.

_ In-holder

_ Inmates, vide Cottages.

_ Inrolement.

_ Iſſues.

_ Judgement.

_ Juglers, vide Licence.

_ Jurors.

_ Juſtices of the Peace.

_ Laboures and Servants.

_ Larceny.

_ Leets.

_ Lent, vide Fiſh-daies.

_ Liberties and Franchiſes.

_ Libellers.

_ Licenſes.

_ Linnen cloth.

_ Lying in a way, vide Way-lying.

_ Log-wood, alias Block-wood.

_ Long bows.

_ Maſons.

_ Mainpriſe, vide Bailment.

_ Maintainers and Embracers,

_ Maim.

_ Malt.

_ Manſlaughter, vide Homicide.

_ Mariner.

_ Market-overt.

_ Marriage.

_ Maſs.

_ Maſter, v. Servant and Labourers. 

_ Meaſure, vide Weight.

_ Meſſages falſe.

_ Milch-Kine, vide Calves. 

_ Minſtrels, vide Rogues.

_ Miſpriſion.

_ Miſpriſon of Treaſon.

_ Miſpriſion of Felony.

_ Mitigation of fines and forfeitures vide Lamb 577.

_ Mittimus.

_ The form of the Mi•timus.

_ Monaſteries, v. Religious houſes.

_ Mortuaries.

_ Multiplication of gold and ſilver.

_ Murder.

_ Muſters.

_ Name.

_ Nets, vide Hunting, Partridges and Pheſants.

_ News.

_ Next Juſtice.

_ Night-walkers, vide Watches,

_ Noble Perſonages.

_ Non ſanae memoriae.

_ Nuſance.

_ Obedience to the King.

_ Colore Officii.

_ Ordinary.

_ Oath.

_ Orchards and Gardens, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Overſeers of the Poor.

_ Pannel, Ʋide Jurors.

_ Pardon.

_ Park and Parker.

_ Parſon and Vicar, vide Eccleſiaſtical cauſes.

_ Peace.

_ Peers, vide Noble perſonages. 

_ Pedlers, vide Rogues.

_ Perjury.

_ Petty-treaſon.

_ Pewter, vide Braſs.

_ Phyſician.

_ Pictures brought from Rome vide Agnus Dei.

_ Plays and Players, vide Unlawful games, vide Rogues.

_ Plaints in Court.

_ Pond and Pond-heads, vide Fiſh.

_ Poiſoning, vide Murder.

_ Pope.

_ Popiſh books.

_ Poor people.

_ Poſſeſſion actual and in Law.

_ Preacher.

_ Precept, vide Warrant.

_ Praemunire.

_ Preſentment.

_ Prieſts, vide Jeſuites. 

_ Principal and Acceſſary, vide Acceſſary.

_ Priſoners.

_ Privy Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Proceſs.

_ Proclamation.

_ Promoters, vide Informers.

_ Propheſying.

_ Purveyors.

_ Quarter-Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Rape, or Raviſhment.

_ Rates, vide Taxation.

_ Rebellious aſſemblies.

_ Recognizance.

_ Reconciliation, vide Treaſon.

_ Records.

_ Recuſants.

_ Regrator.

_ Releaſe.

_ Religious Houſes.

_ Replevin, vide Bailment.

_ Reſcous of a Felon.

_ Reſtitution of Poſſeſſion.

_ Reſtitution of ſtoln goods.

_ Return.

_ Riots.

_ Rivers.

_ Robbery.

_ Robbing of an houſe.

_ Rogues.

_ Rome, vide Pope, Co. 11. 36.

_ Rout.

_ Sacriledge.

_ Sacraments.

_ Salmons, vide Fiſh.

_ Salt-peter-men.

_ School-maſter.

_ Seditious Sectaries.

_ Sermon, vide Preaching. 

_ Servants, vide Labourers and Apprentices. 

_ Serving-men, vide Teſtimonial.

_ Sewers.

_ Sheep.

_ Sheriff.

_ Shoes.

_ Shooting.

_ Silk, vide Apparel. 

_ Sope, vide Veſſels.

_ Souldiers.

_ Star-chamber.

_ Stolen goods.

_ Stock of the ſhire.

_ Subſidy.

_ Suggeſtion, vide Information. 

_ Summons of the Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Sunday.

_ Superſedeas.

_ Supplicavit.

_ Supremacy.

_ Suſpicion and ſuſ•ects of felony.

_ Swans.

_ Swearing.

_ Taxations vide Stock of the ſhire.

_ Tale-bearers, vide News. 

_ Tanners, vide Leather.

_ Tavern-keeper.

_ Teſtimonial.

_ Theft.

_ Threatning.

_ Tile-making.

_ Tipling.

_ Tithes.

_ Tranſportation.

_ Travelling beyond the Seas.

_ Traveller.

_ Treaſon.

_ Treaſurer.

_ Treſpaſs, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Trial.

_ Turn of the Sheriff.

_ VAgabons, vide Rogues.

_ Venire facias.

_ Verdict.

_ Veſſels.

_ Victuals and Victualler.

_ Under-Sheriff.

_ Unlawful games.

_ Unlawful Aſſemblies.

_ Uſury.

_ Utlawry.

_ Wages.

_ Wainlings.

_ Warrants.

_ Warreners, vide Foreſters.

_ Watches.

_ Water-men.

_ Wax.

_ Weapons which be forcible. vide Forcible Entry.

_ Weers.

_ Weights and Meaſures.

_ Witchcraft.

_ Wines.

_ Wood.

_ Wooll and Wooll-ſeller.

_ Woollen-yarn.

_ 1. Question.

_ 2 Q.

_ 3 Q.

_ 4 Q.

_ 5 Q.

_ 6 Q.

_ 7 Q.

_ 8 Q.

_ 9 Q.

_ 10 Q.

_ 11 Q.

_ 12 Q.

_ 13 Q.

_ 14 Q.

_ 15 Q.

_ 16 Q.

_ 17 Q.

_ 18 Q.

_ 19 Q.

_ 20 Q.

_ 21 Q.

_ 22 Q.

_ 23 Q.

_ 24 Q.

_ 25 Q.

_ 26. Q.

_ 27 Q.

_ 28 Q.

_ 29 Q.

_ 30 Q.

_ 31 Q.

_ 32 Q.

_ 33 Q.

_ 34 Q.

_ 35 Q

_ 36 Q.

_ 37 Q.

_ 38 Q.

_ The Juſtices opinion touching the Commiſſions by which the Juſtices ſit at Newgate.

_ Hammonds Caſe Mich. 3 Car. Kings Bench.

_ Concerning providing for Baſtard-children.

_ Caſes concerning proviſion for poor people.

_ The Articles of the Charge.

Jeſuites and Seminary Prieſts.ANy Juſtice of Peace within the County in which any Jeſuite, Seminary _ Abjuration.

_ Abſolve, Vide Treaſon.

_ Acceſſary and Principal.

_ Acquital, vide Enditements.

_ Affray and Affrayers.

_ Agnus Dei, Croſſes, Beads, &c.

_ Alehouſes.

_ Alias dictus, vide Eudictment. Alien and his trial, vide Trial. Allegiance, vide Supremacy.

_ Amerciaments.

_ Appearance.

_ Appeachment, vide Approvers.

_ Appeal.

_ Apprentices.

_ Approvers or Appeachers.

_ Archery.

_ Armour.

_ Arreſts.

_ Arraignment.

_ Artificers, vide Labourers.

_ Aſſault.

_ Aſſembly unlawful, vide Unlawful Aſſembly.

_ Aſſize of Bread and Beer.

_ Attainder.

_ A wait lying, vid, Way-laying.

_ Averments.

_ Badgers and Drovers.

_ Bailment.

_ Bailiffs:

_ Bakers, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Barettor.

_ Bargain and Sale, vide Inrolement. Bark of Trees, vide Leather.

_ Baſtardy.

_ Battery lawful, vide Riot, Aſſault,

_ Breach of the Peace. Bath and Buxton, vide Licence.

_ Bawdery.

_ Beads, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Bear-wards, vide Licence.

_ Beer and Beer-brewers, vide Victual•ers.

_ Beggers, vide Rogues and poor people.

_ Blockwood, vide Logwood.

_ Bloudſhed.

_ Bonds, vide Recognizances.

_ Bowyers, vide Archery.

_ Braſs and Pewter.

_ Breach of the Peace, or good behaviour.

_ Brewers vide Victuallers.

_ Bridges.

_ Buckſtalls.

_ Buggery.

_ Bull from Rome, vide Treaſons.

_ Burglary.

_ Burning of houſes.

_ Butchers.

_ Butter and Cheeſe, vide Victuals.

_ Butts.

Buying and ſelling, vide Cattel. _ Calves and Kine.

_ Captains.

_ Caſtle, vide Felony.

_ Cattel.

_ Certificate.

_ Certiorari.

_ Challenge.

_ Champerty.

_ Chance-medly, vide Homicide.

_ Chaſtiſement, vide Correction.

_ Church and Church-yard.

_ Church-Wardens.

_ Clark of the Peace.

_ Clark of a Juſtice his fees, v. Fees.

_ Clark of the Crown, what Records he ought to certifie, vide Certificate.

_ Clark of the Market.

_ Clergy and Sanctuary.

_ Cloth.

_ Commiſſion of the Peace.

_ Commons.

_ Concealment, vide Jurors.

_ Confeſſion.

_ Conjuration.

_ Conſervers of the Peace.

_ Conſtables.

_ Conventicles.

_ Conies, vide Hunting.

_ Corn.

_ Cutter and carriers away of cor•Vide Hedge breakers.

_ Coroners.

_ Coroners fees, vide Fees.

_ Cottages.

_ County.

_ Cozeners and Cozenage.

_ Croſſes, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Croſs-bows and Hand-guns:

_ Curriers, vide Leather.

_ Cuſtomer, vide Corn.

_ Cuſtos Rotulorum.

_ Cutting out of tongues.

_ Cutting of a Pond head.

_ Deer and Deer-hayes.

_ Demurrer.

_ Deputy.

_ Divine Service.

_ Dogs, vide Hunting, & Partridges 

_ Drovers, vide Badgers. 

_ Dier, vide Cloth.

_ Drunkenneſs.

_ Eccleſiaſtical cauſes and perſons.

_ Eggs of wild-fowl.

_ Egyptians.

_ Embezeling of Records, vide Records. Embracer, vide Maintainer.

_ Enditements.

_ Enquiry.

_ Enquiry of a forcible entry, vide Forcible entry.

_ Enquiry by examination, vide Examination.

_ Enquiry by information, vide information.

_ Eſcapes.

_ Evesdroppers.

_ Evidences

_ Eſtreats.

_ Examination.

_ Extolling forein power, vide Treaſon.

_ Extortion.

_ Fairs and Markets.

_ Falſe impriſonment vide Arreſt. Falſe tokens, vide Cozeners.

_ Fees.

_ Felo de ſe.

_ Felony.

_ Felonies by Statute.

_ Felony of his own goods, vide Theft. 

_ Ferrets, vide Hunting.

_ Fewell.

_ Fines.

_ Fines of Rioters, vide Riots. 

_ Fines of Brewer, Baker, Tipler, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Fiſh.

_ Fiſh-days.

_ Flax.

_ Fleſh, vide Fiſh-daies. 

_ Forein power, vide Treaſon. 

_ Forein plea, vide Trial.

_ Force.

_ Forfeitures of a Recognizance taken for the Peace.

_ Forgery.

_ Forein plea.

_ Forreſter.

_ Foreſtalling and Foreſtallers.

_ Fowlers and Fowling.

_ Games, vide Unlawful games.

_ Goal. Goaler.

_ Glaſs-men.

_ Goldſmith.

_ Good abearing.

_ Greyhounds, vide Hunting.

_ Guns and Gunners.

_ Hares.

_ Harneſs and Habiliments of war.

_ Hart proclaimed, vide Deer,

_ Harveſt.

_ Hawks and Hawking.

_ Hay and Oats.

_ Hedge-breakers.

_ High-waies.

_ Homicide.

_ Horſes and Mares.

_ Horſe-bread.

_ Hoſpital.

_ Hoſpitality; vide Religious houſe.

_ Houſe.

_ Houſe of Correction.

_ Hunting.

_ Hundred.

_ Hue and Cry.

_ Jeſuites and Seminary Prieſts.

_ Impriſonments, vide Priſon. 

_ Indictments, vide Enditements.

_ Information.

_ Informers and Promoters.

_ Ingroſſer.

_ In-holder

_ Inmates, vide Cottages.

_ Inrolement.

_ Iſſues.

_ Judgement.

_ Juglers, vide Licence.

_ Jurors.

_ Juſtices of the Peace.

_ Laboures and Servants.

_ Larceny.

_ Leets.

_ Lent, vide Fiſh-daies.

_ Liberties and Franchiſes.

_ Libellers.

_ Licenſes.

_ Linnen cloth.

_ Lying in a way, vide Way-lying.

_ Log-wood, alias Block-wood.

_ Long bows.

_ Maſons.

_ Mainpriſe, vide Bailment.

_ Maintainers and Embracers,

_ Maim.

_ Malt.

_ Manſlaughter, vide Homicide.

_ Mariner.

_ Market-overt.

_ Marriage.

_ Maſs.

_ Maſter, v. Servant and Labourers. 

_ Meaſure, vide Weight.

_ Meſſages falſe.

_ Milch-Kine, vide Calves. 

_ Minſtrels, vide Rogues.

_ Miſpriſion.

_ Miſpriſon of Treaſon.

_ Miſpriſion of Felony.

_ Mitigation of fines and forfeitures vide Lamb 577.

_ Mittimus.

_ The form of the Mi•timus.

_ Monaſteries, v. Religious houſes.

_ Mortuaries.

_ Multiplication of gold and ſilver.

_ Murder.

_ Muſters.

_ Name.

_ Nets, vide Hunting, Partridges and Pheſants.

_ News.

_ Next Juſtice.

_ Night-walkers, vide Watches,

_ Noble Perſonages.

_ Non ſanae memoriae.

_ Nuſance.

_ Obedience to the King.

_ Colore Officii.

_ Ordinary.

_ Oath.

_ Orchards and Gardens, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Overſeers of the Poor.

_ Pannel, Ʋide Jurors.

_ Pardon.

_ Park and Parker.

_ Parſon and Vicar, vide Eccleſiaſtical cauſes.

_ Peace.

_ Peers, vide Noble perſonages. 

_ Pedlers, vide Rogues.

_ Perjury.

_ Petty-treaſon.

_ Pewter, vide Braſs.

_ Phyſician.

_ Pictures brought from Rome vide Agnus Dei.

_ Plays and Players, vide Unlawful games, vide Rogues.

_ Plaints in Court.

_ Pond and Pond-heads, vide Fiſh.

_ Poiſoning, vide Murder.

_ Pope.

_ Popiſh books.

_ Poor people.

_ Poſſeſſion actual and in Law.

_ Preacher.

_ Precept, vide Warrant.

_ Praemunire.

_ Preſentment.

_ Prieſts, vide Jeſuites. 

_ Principal and Acceſſary, vide Acceſſary.

_ Priſoners.

_ Privy Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Proceſs.

_ Proclamation.

_ Promoters, vide Informers.

_ Propheſying.

_ Purveyors.

_ Quarter-Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Rape, or Raviſhment.

_ Rates, vide Taxation.

_ Rebellious aſſemblies.

_ Recognizance.

_ Reconciliation, vide Treaſon.

_ Records.

_ Recuſants.

_ Regrator.

_ Releaſe.

_ Religious Houſes.

_ Replevin, vide Bailment.

_ Reſcous of a Felon.

_ Reſtitution of Poſſeſſion.

_ Reſtitution of ſtoln goods.

_ Return.

_ Riots.

_ Rivers.

_ Robbery.

_ Robbing of an houſe.

_ Rogues.

_ Rome, vide Pope, Co. 11. 36.

_ Rout.

_ Sacriledge.

_ Sacraments.

_ Salmons, vide Fiſh.

_ Salt-peter-men.

_ School-maſter.

_ Seditious Sectaries.

_ Sermon, vide Preaching. 

_ Servants, vide Labourers and Apprentices. 

_ Serving-men, vide Teſtimonial.

_ Sewers.

_ Sheep.

_ Sheriff.

_ Shoes.

_ Shooting.

_ Silk, vide Apparel. 

_ Sope, vide Veſſels.

_ Souldiers.

_ Star-chamber.

_ Stolen goods.

_ Stock of the ſhire.

_ Subſidy.

_ Suggeſtion, vide Information. 

_ Summons of the Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Sunday.

_ Superſedeas.

_ Supplicavit.

_ Supremacy.

_ Suſpicion and ſuſ•ects of felony.

_ Swans.

_ Swearing.

_ Taxations vide Stock of the ſhire.

_ Tale-bearers, vide News. 

_ Tanners, vide Leather.

_ Tavern-keeper.

_ Teſtimonial.

_ Theft.

_ Threatning.

_ Tile-making.

_ Tipling.

_ Tithes.

_ Tranſportation.

_ Travelling beyond the Seas.

_ Traveller.

_ Treaſon.

_ Treaſurer.

_ Treſpaſs, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Trial.

_ Turn of the Sheriff.

_ VAgabons, vide Rogues.

_ Venire facias.

_ Verdict.

_ Veſſels.

_ Victuals and Victualler.

_ Under-Sheriff.

_ Unlawful games.

_ Unlawful Aſſemblies.

_ Uſury.

_ Utlawry.

_ Wages.

_ Wainlings.

_ Warrants.

_ Warreners, vide Foreſters.

_ Watches.

_ Water-men.

_ Wax.

_ Weapons which be forcible. vide Forcible Entry.

_ Weers.

_ Weights and Meaſures.

_ Witchcraft.

_ Wines.

_ Wood.

_ Wooll and Wooll-ſeller.

_ Woollen-yarn.

_ 1. Question.

_ 2 Q.

_ 3 Q.

_ 4 Q.

_ 5 Q.

_ 6 Q.

_ 7 Q.

_ 8 Q.

_ 9 Q.

_ 10 Q.

_ 11 Q.

_ 12 Q.

_ 13 Q.

_ 14 Q.

_ 15 Q.

_ 16 Q.

_ 17 Q.

_ 18 Q.

_ 19 Q.

_ 20 Q.

_ 21 Q.

_ 22 Q.

_ 23 Q.

_ 24 Q.

_ 25 Q.

_ 26. Q.

_ 27 Q.

_ 28 Q.

_ 29 Q.

_ 30 Q.

_ 31 Q.

_ 32 Q.

_ 33 Q.

_ 34 Q.

_ 35 Q

_ 36 Q.

_ 37 Q.

_ 38 Q.

_ The Juſtices opinion touching the Commiſſions by which the Juſtices ſit at Newgate.

_ Hammonds Caſe Mich. 3 Car. Kings Bench.

_ Concerning providing for Baſtard-children.

_ Caſes concerning proviſion for poor people.

_ The Articles of the Charge.

Laboures and Servants.ONe Juſtice of Peace may cauſe all artificers and other perſons meet to labou• _ Abjuration.

_ Abſolve, Vide Treaſon.

_ Acceſſary and Principal.

_ Acquital, vide Enditements.

_ Affray and Affrayers.

_ Agnus Dei, Croſſes, Beads, &c.

_ Alehouſes.

_ Alias dictus, vide Eudictment. Alien and his trial, vide Trial. Allegiance, vide Supremacy.

_ Amerciaments.

_ Appearance.

_ Appeachment, vide Approvers.

_ Appeal.

_ Apprentices.

_ Approvers or Appeachers.

_ Archery.

_ Armour.

_ Arreſts.

_ Arraignment.

_ Artificers, vide Labourers.

_ Aſſault.

_ Aſſembly unlawful, vide Unlawful Aſſembly.

_ Aſſize of Bread and Beer.

_ Attainder.

_ A wait lying, vid, Way-laying.

_ Averments.

_ Badgers and Drovers.

_ Bailment.

_ Bailiffs:

_ Bakers, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Barettor.

_ Bargain and Sale, vide Inrolement. Bark of Trees, vide Leather.

_ Baſtardy.

_ Battery lawful, vide Riot, Aſſault,

_ Breach of the Peace. Bath and Buxton, vide Licence.

_ Bawdery.

_ Beads, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Bear-wards, vide Licence.

_ Beer and Beer-brewers, vide Victual•ers.

_ Beggers, vide Rogues and poor people.

_ Blockwood, vide Logwood.

_ Bloudſhed.

_ Bonds, vide Recognizances.

_ Bowyers, vide Archery.

_ Braſs and Pewter.

_ Breach of the Peace, or good behaviour.

_ Brewers vide Victuallers.

_ Bridges.

_ Buckſtalls.

_ Buggery.

_ Bull from Rome, vide Treaſons.

_ Burglary.

_ Burning of houſes.

_ Butchers.

_ Butter and Cheeſe, vide Victuals.

_ Butts.

Buying and ſelling, vide Cattel. _ Calves and Kine.

_ Captains.

_ Caſtle, vide Felony.

_ Cattel.

_ Certificate.

_ Certiorari.

_ Challenge.

_ Champerty.

_ Chance-medly, vide Homicide.

_ Chaſtiſement, vide Correction.

_ Church and Church-yard.

_ Church-Wardens.

_ Clark of the Peace.

_ Clark of a Juſtice his fees, v. Fees.

_ Clark of the Crown, what Records he ought to certifie, vide Certificate.

_ Clark of the Market.

_ Clergy and Sanctuary.

_ Cloth.

_ Commiſſion of the Peace.

_ Commons.

_ Concealment, vide Jurors.

_ Confeſſion.

_ Conjuration.

_ Conſervers of the Peace.

_ Conſtables.

_ Conventicles.

_ Conies, vide Hunting.

_ Corn.

_ Cutter and carriers away of cor•Vide Hedge breakers.

_ Coroners.

_ Coroners fees, vide Fees.

_ Cottages.

_ County.

_ Cozeners and Cozenage.

_ Croſſes, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Croſs-bows and Hand-guns:

_ Curriers, vide Leather.

_ Cuſtomer, vide Corn.

_ Cuſtos Rotulorum.

_ Cutting out of tongues.

_ Cutting of a Pond head.

_ Deer and Deer-hayes.

_ Demurrer.

_ Deputy.

_ Divine Service.

_ Dogs, vide Hunting, & Partridges 

_ Drovers, vide Badgers. 

_ Dier, vide Cloth.

_ Drunkenneſs.

_ Eccleſiaſtical cauſes and perſons.

_ Eggs of wild-fowl.

_ Egyptians.

_ Embezeling of Records, vide Records. Embracer, vide Maintainer.

_ Enditements.

_ Enquiry.

_ Enquiry of a forcible entry, vide Forcible entry.

_ Enquiry by examination, vide Examination.

_ Enquiry by information, vide information.

_ Eſcapes.

_ Evesdroppers.

_ Evidences

_ Eſtreats.

_ Examination.

_ Extolling forein power, vide Treaſon.

_ Extortion.

_ Fairs and Markets.

_ Falſe impriſonment vide Arreſt. Falſe tokens, vide Cozeners.

_ Fees.

_ Felo de ſe.

_ Felony.

_ Felonies by Statute.

_ Felony of his own goods, vide Theft. 

_ Ferrets, vide Hunting.

_ Fewell.

_ Fines.

_ Fines of Rioters, vide Riots. 

_ Fines of Brewer, Baker, Tipler, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Fiſh.

_ Fiſh-days.

_ Flax.

_ Fleſh, vide Fiſh-daies. 

_ Forein power, vide Treaſon. 

_ Forein plea, vide Trial.

_ Force.

_ Forfeitures of a Recognizance taken for the Peace.

_ Forgery.

_ Forein plea.

_ Forreſter.

_ Foreſtalling and Foreſtallers.

_ Fowlers and Fowling.

_ Games, vide Unlawful games.

_ Goal. Goaler.

_ Glaſs-men.

_ Goldſmith.

_ Good abearing.

_ Greyhounds, vide Hunting.

_ Guns and Gunners.

_ Hares.

_ Harneſs and Habiliments of war.

_ Hart proclaimed, vide Deer,

_ Harveſt.

_ Hawks and Hawking.

_ Hay and Oats.

_ Hedge-breakers.

_ High-waies.

_ Homicide.

_ Horſes and Mares.

_ Horſe-bread.

_ Hoſpital.

_ Hoſpitality; vide Religious houſe.

_ Houſe.

_ Houſe of Correction.

_ Hunting.

_ Hundred.

_ Hue and Cry.

_ Jeſuites and Seminary Prieſts.

_ Impriſonments, vide Priſon. 

_ Indictments, vide Enditements.

_ Information.

_ Informers and Promoters.

_ Ingroſſer.

_ In-holder

_ Inmates, vide Cottages.

_ Inrolement.

_ Iſſues.

_ Judgement.

_ Juglers, vide Licence.

_ Jurors.

_ Juſtices of the Peace.

_ Laboures and Servants.

_ Larceny.

_ Leets.

_ Lent, vide Fiſh-daies.

_ Liberties and Franchiſes.

_ Libellers.

_ Licenſes.

_ Linnen cloth.

_ Lying in a way, vide Way-lying.

_ Log-wood, alias Block-wood.

_ Long bows.

_ Maſons.

_ Mainpriſe, vide Bailment.

_ Maintainers and Embracers,

_ Maim.

_ Malt.

_ Manſlaughter, vide Homicide.

_ Mariner.

_ Market-overt.

_ Marriage.

_ Maſs.

_ Maſter, v. Servant and Labourers. 

_ Meaſure, vide Weight.

_ Meſſages falſe.

_ Milch-Kine, vide Calves. 

_ Minſtrels, vide Rogues.

_ Miſpriſion.

_ Miſpriſon of Treaſon.

_ Miſpriſion of Felony.

_ Mitigation of fines and forfeitures vide Lamb 577.

_ Mittimus.

_ The form of the Mi•timus.

_ Monaſteries, v. Religious houſes.

_ Mortuaries.

_ Multiplication of gold and ſilver.

_ Murder.

_ Muſters.

_ Name.

_ Nets, vide Hunting, Partridges and Pheſants.

_ News.

_ Next Juſtice.

_ Night-walkers, vide Watches,

_ Noble Perſonages.

_ Non ſanae memoriae.

_ Nuſance.

_ Obedience to the King.

_ Colore Officii.

_ Ordinary.

_ Oath.

_ Orchards and Gardens, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Overſeers of the Poor.

_ Pannel, Ʋide Jurors.

_ Pardon.

_ Park and Parker.

_ Parſon and Vicar, vide Eccleſiaſtical cauſes.

_ Peace.

_ Peers, vide Noble perſonages. 

_ Pedlers, vide Rogues.

_ Perjury.

_ Petty-treaſon.

_ Pewter, vide Braſs.

_ Phyſician.

_ Pictures brought from Rome vide Agnus Dei.

_ Plays and Players, vide Unlawful games, vide Rogues.

_ Plaints in Court.

_ Pond and Pond-heads, vide Fiſh.

_ Poiſoning, vide Murder.

_ Pope.

_ Popiſh books.

_ Poor people.

_ Poſſeſſion actual and in Law.

_ Preacher.

_ Precept, vide Warrant.

_ Praemunire.

_ Preſentment.

_ Prieſts, vide Jeſuites. 

_ Principal and Acceſſary, vide Acceſſary.

_ Priſoners.

_ Privy Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Proceſs.

_ Proclamation.

_ Promoters, vide Informers.

_ Propheſying.

_ Purveyors.

_ Quarter-Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Rape, or Raviſhment.

_ Rates, vide Taxation.

_ Rebellious aſſemblies.

_ Recognizance.

_ Reconciliation, vide Treaſon.

_ Records.

_ Recuſants.

_ Regrator.

_ Releaſe.

_ Religious Houſes.

_ Replevin, vide Bailment.

_ Reſcous of a Felon.

_ Reſtitution of Poſſeſſion.

_ Reſtitution of ſtoln goods.

_ Return.

_ Riots.

_ Rivers.

_ Robbery.

_ Robbing of an houſe.

_ Rogues.

_ Rome, vide Pope, Co. 11. 36.

_ Rout.

_ Sacriledge.

_ Sacraments.

_ Salmons, vide Fiſh.

_ Salt-peter-men.

_ School-maſter.

_ Seditious Sectaries.

_ Sermon, vide Preaching. 

_ Servants, vide Labourers and Apprentices. 

_ Serving-men, vide Teſtimonial.

_ Sewers.

_ Sheep.

_ Sheriff.

_ Shoes.

_ Shooting.

_ Silk, vide Apparel. 

_ Sope, vide Veſſels.

_ Souldiers.

_ Star-chamber.

_ Stolen goods.

_ Stock of the ſhire.

_ Subſidy.

_ Suggeſtion, vide Information. 

_ Summons of the Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Sunday.

_ Superſedeas.

_ Supplicavit.

_ Supremacy.

_ Suſpicion and ſuſ•ects of felony.

_ Swans.

_ Swearing.

_ Taxations vide Stock of the ſhire.

_ Tale-bearers, vide News. 

_ Tanners, vide Leather.

_ Tavern-keeper.

_ Teſtimonial.

_ Theft.

_ Threatning.

_ Tile-making.

_ Tipling.

_ Tithes.

_ Tranſportation.

_ Travelling beyond the Seas.

_ Traveller.

_ Treaſon.

_ Treaſurer.

_ Treſpaſs, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Trial.

_ Turn of the Sheriff.

_ VAgabons, vide Rogues.

_ Venire facias.

_ Verdict.

_ Veſſels.

_ Victuals and Victualler.

_ Under-Sheriff.

_ Unlawful games.

_ Unlawful Aſſemblies.

_ Uſury.

_ Utlawry.

_ Wages.

_ Wainlings.

_ Warrants.

_ Warreners, vide Foreſters.

_ Watches.

_ Water-men.

_ Wax.

_ Weapons which be forcible. vide Forcible Entry.

_ Weers.

_ Weights and Meaſures.

_ Witchcraft.

_ Wines.

_ Wood.

_ Wooll and Wooll-ſeller.

_ Woollen-yarn.

_ 1. Question.

_ 2 Q.

_ 3 Q.

_ 4 Q.

_ 5 Q.

_ 6 Q.

_ 7 Q.

_ 8 Q.

_ 9 Q.

_ 10 Q.

_ 11 Q.

_ 12 Q.

_ 13 Q.

_ 14 Q.

_ 15 Q.

_ 16 Q.

_ 17 Q.

_ 18 Q.

_ 19 Q.

_ 20 Q.

_ 21 Q.

_ 22 Q.

_ 23 Q.

_ 24 Q.

_ 25 Q.

_ 26. Q.

_ 27 Q.

_ 28 Q.

_ 29 Q.

_ 30 Q.

_ 31 Q.

_ 32 Q.

_ 33 Q.

_ 34 Q.

_ 35 Q

_ 36 Q.

_ 37 Q.

_ 38 Q.

_ The Juſtices opinion touching the Commiſſions by which the Juſtices ſit at Newgate.

_ Hammonds Caſe Mich. 3 Car. Kings Bench.

_ Concerning providing for Baſtard-children.

_ Caſes concerning proviſion for poor people.

_ The Articles of the Charge.

Maſons.THe cauſing of maſons to congregate themſelves in chapters, is felony, Lam. 227. 3 H. 6. c. 1 _ Abjuration.

_ Abſolve, Vide Treaſon.

_ Acceſſary and Principal.

_ Acquital, vide Enditements.

_ Affray and Affrayers.

_ Agnus Dei, Croſſes, Beads, &c.

_ Alehouſes.

_ Alias dictus, vide Eudictment. Alien and his trial, vide Trial. Allegiance, vide Supremacy.

_ Amerciaments.

_ Appearance.

_ Appeachment, vide Approvers.

_ Appeal.

_ Apprentices.

_ Approvers or Appeachers.

_ Archery.

_ Armour.

_ Arreſts.

_ Arraignment.

_ Artificers, vide Labourers.

_ Aſſault.

_ Aſſembly unlawful, vide Unlawful Aſſembly.

_ Aſſize of Bread and Beer.

_ Attainder.

_ A wait lying, vid, Way-laying.

_ Averments.

_ Badgers and Drovers.

_ Bailment.

_ Bailiffs:

_ Bakers, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Barettor.

_ Bargain and Sale, vide Inrolement. Bark of Trees, vide Leather.

_ Baſtardy.

_ Battery lawful, vide Riot, Aſſault,

_ Breach of the Peace. Bath and Buxton, vide Licence.

_ Bawdery.

_ Beads, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Bear-wards, vide Licence.

_ Beer and Beer-brewers, vide Victual•ers.

_ Beggers, vide Rogues and poor people.

_ Blockwood, vide Logwood.

_ Bloudſhed.

_ Bonds, vide Recognizances.

_ Bowyers, vide Archery.

_ Braſs and Pewter.

_ Breach of the Peace, or good behaviour.

_ Brewers vide Victuallers.

_ Bridges.

_ Buckſtalls.

_ Buggery.

_ Bull from Rome, vide Treaſons.

_ Burglary.

_ Burning of houſes.

_ Butchers.

_ Butter and Cheeſe, vide Victuals.

_ Butts.

Buying and ſelling, vide Cattel. _ Calves and Kine.

_ Captains.

_ Caſtle, vide Felony.

_ Cattel.

_ Certificate.

_ Certiorari.

_ Challenge.

_ Champerty.

_ Chance-medly, vide Homicide.

_ Chaſtiſement, vide Correction.

_ Church and Church-yard.

_ Church-Wardens.

_ Clark of the Peace.

_ Clark of a Juſtice his fees, v. Fees.

_ Clark of the Crown, what Records he ought to certifie, vide Certificate.

_ Clark of the Market.

_ Clergy and Sanctuary.

_ Cloth.

_ Commiſſion of the Peace.

_ Commons.

_ Concealment, vide Jurors.

_ Confeſſion.

_ Conjuration.

_ Conſervers of the Peace.

_ Conſtables.

_ Conventicles.

_ Conies, vide Hunting.

_ Corn.

_ Cutter and carriers away of cor•Vide Hedge breakers.

_ Coroners.

_ Coroners fees, vide Fees.

_ Cottages.

_ County.

_ Cozeners and Cozenage.

_ Croſſes, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Croſs-bows and Hand-guns:

_ Curriers, vide Leather.

_ Cuſtomer, vide Corn.

_ Cuſtos Rotulorum.

_ Cutting out of tongues.

_ Cutting of a Pond head.

_ Deer and Deer-hayes.

_ Demurrer.

_ Deputy.

_ Divine Service.

_ Dogs, vide Hunting, & Partridges 

_ Drovers, vide Badgers. 

_ Dier, vide Cloth.

_ Drunkenneſs.

_ Eccleſiaſtical cauſes and perſons.

_ Eggs of wild-fowl.

_ Egyptians.

_ Embezeling of Records, vide Records. Embracer, vide Maintainer.

_ Enditements.

_ Enquiry.

_ Enquiry of a forcible entry, vide Forcible entry.

_ Enquiry by examination, vide Examination.

_ Enquiry by information, vide information.

_ Eſcapes.

_ Evesdroppers.

_ Evidences

_ Eſtreats.

_ Examination.

_ Extolling forein power, vide Treaſon.

_ Extortion.

_ Fairs and Markets.

_ Falſe impriſonment vide Arreſt. Falſe tokens, vide Cozeners.

_ Fees.

_ Felo de ſe.

_ Felony.

_ Felonies by Statute.

_ Felony of his own goods, vide Theft. 

_ Ferrets, vide Hunting.

_ Fewell.

_ Fines.

_ Fines of Rioters, vide Riots. 

_ Fines of Brewer, Baker, Tipler, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Fiſh.

_ Fiſh-days.

_ Flax.

_ Fleſh, vide Fiſh-daies. 

_ Forein power, vide Treaſon. 

_ Forein plea, vide Trial.

_ Force.

_ Forfeitures of a Recognizance taken for the Peace.

_ Forgery.

_ Forein plea.

_ Forreſter.

_ Foreſtalling and Foreſtallers.

_ Fowlers and Fowling.

_ Games, vide Unlawful games.

_ Goal. Goaler.

_ Glaſs-men.

_ Goldſmith.

_ Good abearing.

_ Greyhounds, vide Hunting.

_ Guns and Gunners.

_ Hares.

_ Harneſs and Habiliments of war.

_ Hart proclaimed, vide Deer,

_ Harveſt.

_ Hawks and Hawking.

_ Hay and Oats.

_ Hedge-breakers.

_ High-waies.

_ Homicide.

_ Horſes and Mares.

_ Horſe-bread.

_ Hoſpital.

_ Hoſpitality; vide Religious houſe.

_ Houſe.

_ Houſe of Correction.

_ Hunting.

_ Hundred.

_ Hue and Cry.

_ Jeſuites and Seminary Prieſts.

_ Impriſonments, vide Priſon. 

_ Indictments, vide Enditements.

_ Information.

_ Informers and Promoters.

_ Ingroſſer.

_ In-holder

_ Inmates, vide Cottages.

_ Inrolement.

_ Iſſues.

_ Judgement.

_ Juglers, vide Licence.

_ Jurors.

_ Juſtices of the Peace.

_ Laboures and Servants.

_ Larceny.

_ Leets.

_ Lent, vide Fiſh-daies.

_ Liberties and Franchiſes.

_ Libellers.

_ Licenſes.

_ Linnen cloth.

_ Lying in a way, vide Way-lying.

_ Log-wood, alias Block-wood.

_ Long bows.

_ Maſons.

_ Mainpriſe, vide Bailment.

_ Maintainers and Embracers,

_ Maim.

_ Malt.

_ Manſlaughter, vide Homicide.

_ Mariner.

_ Market-overt.

_ Marriage.

_ Maſs.

_ Maſter, v. Servant and Labourers. 

_ Meaſure, vide Weight.

_ Meſſages falſe.

_ Milch-Kine, vide Calves. 

_ Minſtrels, vide Rogues.

_ Miſpriſion.

_ Miſpriſon of Treaſon.

_ Miſpriſion of Felony.

_ Mitigation of fines and forfeitures vide Lamb 577.

_ Mittimus.

_ The form of the Mi•timus.

_ Monaſteries, v. Religious houſes.

_ Mortuaries.

_ Multiplication of gold and ſilver.

_ Murder.

_ Muſters.

_ Name.

_ Nets, vide Hunting, Partridges and Pheſants.

_ News.

_ Next Juſtice.

_ Night-walkers, vide Watches,

_ Noble Perſonages.

_ Non ſanae memoriae.

_ Nuſance.

_ Obedience to the King.

_ Colore Officii.

_ Ordinary.

_ Oath.

_ Orchards and Gardens, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Overſeers of the Poor.

_ Pannel, Ʋide Jurors.

_ Pardon.

_ Park and Parker.

_ Parſon and Vicar, vide Eccleſiaſtical cauſes.

_ Peace.

_ Peers, vide Noble perſonages. 

_ Pedlers, vide Rogues.

_ Perjury.

_ Petty-treaſon.

_ Pewter, vide Braſs.

_ Phyſician.

_ Pictures brought from Rome vide Agnus Dei.

_ Plays and Players, vide Unlawful games, vide Rogues.

_ Plaints in Court.

_ Pond and Pond-heads, vide Fiſh.

_ Poiſoning, vide Murder.

_ Pope.

_ Popiſh books.

_ Poor people.

_ Poſſeſſion actual and in Law.

_ Preacher.

_ Precept, vide Warrant.

_ Praemunire.

_ Preſentment.

_ Prieſts, vide Jeſuites. 

_ Principal and Acceſſary, vide Acceſſary.

_ Priſoners.

_ Privy Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Proceſs.

_ Proclamation.

_ Promoters, vide Informers.

_ Propheſying.

_ Purveyors.

_ Quarter-Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Rape, or Raviſhment.

_ Rates, vide Taxation.

_ Rebellious aſſemblies.

_ Recognizance.

_ Reconciliation, vide Treaſon.

_ Records.

_ Recuſants.

_ Regrator.

_ Releaſe.

_ Religious Houſes.

_ Replevin, vide Bailment.

_ Reſcous of a Felon.

_ Reſtitution of Poſſeſſion.

_ Reſtitution of ſtoln goods.

_ Return.

_ Riots.

_ Rivers.

_ Robbery.

_ Robbing of an houſe.

_ Rogues.

_ Rome, vide Pope, Co. 11. 36.

_ Rout.

_ Sacriledge.

_ Sacraments.

_ Salmons, vide Fiſh.

_ Salt-peter-men.

_ School-maſter.

_ Seditious Sectaries.

_ Sermon, vide Preaching. 

_ Servants, vide Labourers and Apprentices. 

_ Serving-men, vide Teſtimonial.

_ Sewers.

_ Sheep.

_ Sheriff.

_ Shoes.

_ Shooting.

_ Silk, vide Apparel. 

_ Sope, vide Veſſels.

_ Souldiers.

_ Star-chamber.

_ Stolen goods.

_ Stock of the ſhire.

_ Subſidy.

_ Suggeſtion, vide Information. 

_ Summons of the Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Sunday.

_ Superſedeas.

_ Supplicavit.

_ Supremacy.

_ Suſpicion and ſuſ•ects of felony.

_ Swans.

_ Swearing.

_ Taxations vide Stock of the ſhire.

_ Tale-bearers, vide News. 

_ Tanners, vide Leather.

_ Tavern-keeper.

_ Teſtimonial.

_ Theft.

_ Threatning.

_ Tile-making.

_ Tipling.

_ Tithes.

_ Tranſportation.

_ Travelling beyond the Seas.

_ Traveller.

_ Treaſon.

_ Treaſurer.

_ Treſpaſs, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Trial.

_ Turn of the Sheriff.

_ VAgabons, vide Rogues.

_ Venire facias.

_ Verdict.

_ Veſſels.

_ Victuals and Victualler.

_ Under-Sheriff.

_ Unlawful games.

_ Unlawful Aſſemblies.

_ Uſury.

_ Utlawry.

_ Wages.

_ Wainlings.

_ Warrants.

_ Warreners, vide Foreſters.

_ Watches.

_ Water-men.

_ Wax.

_ Weapons which be forcible. vide Forcible Entry.

_ Weers.

_ Weights and Meaſures.

_ Witchcraft.

_ Wines.

_ Wood.

_ Wooll and Wooll-ſeller.

_ Woollen-yarn.

_ 1. Question.

_ 2 Q.

_ 3 Q.

_ 4 Q.

_ 5 Q.

_ 6 Q.

_ 7 Q.

_ 8 Q.

_ 9 Q.

_ 10 Q.

_ 11 Q.

_ 12 Q.

_ 13 Q.

_ 14 Q.

_ 15 Q.

_ 16 Q.

_ 17 Q.

_ 18 Q.

_ 19 Q.

_ 20 Q.

_ 21 Q.

_ 22 Q.

_ 23 Q.

_ 24 Q.

_ 25 Q.

_ 26. Q.

_ 27 Q.

_ 28 Q.

_ 29 Q.

_ 30 Q.

_ 31 Q.

_ 32 Q.

_ 33 Q.

_ 34 Q.

_ 35 Q

_ 36 Q.

_ 37 Q.

_ 38 Q.

_ The Juſtices opinion touching the Commiſſions by which the Juſtices ſit at Newgate.

_ Hammonds Caſe Mich. 3 Car. Kings Bench.

_ Concerning providing for Baſtard-children.

_ Caſes concerning proviſion for poor people.

_ The Articles of the Charge.

Name.THE names and ſurnames of the party indicted muſt be certainly expreſſed; and if the indictment _ Abjuration.

_ Abſolve, Vide Treaſon.

_ Acceſſary and Principal.

_ Acquital, vide Enditements.

_ Affray and Affrayers.

_ Agnus Dei, Croſſes, Beads, &c.

_ Alehouſes.

_ Alias dictus, vide Eudictment. Alien and his trial, vide Trial. Allegiance, vide Supremacy.

_ Amerciaments.

_ Appearance.

_ Appeachment, vide Approvers.

_ Appeal.

_ Apprentices.

_ Approvers or Appeachers.

_ Archery.

_ Armour.

_ Arreſts.

_ Arraignment.

_ Artificers, vide Labourers.

_ Aſſault.

_ Aſſembly unlawful, vide Unlawful Aſſembly.

_ Aſſize of Bread and Beer.

_ Attainder.

_ A wait lying, vid, Way-laying.

_ Averments.

_ Badgers and Drovers.

_ Bailment.

_ Bailiffs:

_ Bakers, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Barettor.

_ Bargain and Sale, vide Inrolement. Bark of Trees, vide Leather.

_ Baſtardy.

_ Battery lawful, vide Riot, Aſſault,

_ Breach of the Peace. Bath and Buxton, vide Licence.

_ Bawdery.

_ Beads, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Bear-wards, vide Licence.

_ Beer and Beer-brewers, vide Victual•ers.

_ Beggers, vide Rogues and poor people.

_ Blockwood, vide Logwood.

_ Bloudſhed.

_ Bonds, vide Recognizances.

_ Bowyers, vide Archery.

_ Braſs and Pewter.

_ Breach of the Peace, or good behaviour.

_ Brewers vide Victuallers.

_ Bridges.

_ Buckſtalls.

_ Buggery.

_ Bull from Rome, vide Treaſons.

_ Burglary.

_ Burning of houſes.

_ Butchers.

_ Butter and Cheeſe, vide Victuals.

_ Butts.

Buying and ſelling, vide Cattel. _ Calves and Kine.

_ Captains.

_ Caſtle, vide Felony.

_ Cattel.

_ Certificate.

_ Certiorari.

_ Challenge.

_ Champerty.

_ Chance-medly, vide Homicide.

_ Chaſtiſement, vide Correction.

_ Church and Church-yard.

_ Church-Wardens.

_ Clark of the Peace.

_ Clark of a Juſtice his fees, v. Fees.

_ Clark of the Crown, what Records he ought to certifie, vide Certificate.

_ Clark of the Market.

_ Clergy and Sanctuary.

_ Cloth.

_ Commiſſion of the Peace.

_ Commons.

_ Concealment, vide Jurors.

_ Confeſſion.

_ Conjuration.

_ Conſervers of the Peace.

_ Conſtables.

_ Conventicles.

_ Conies, vide Hunting.

_ Corn.

_ Cutter and carriers away of cor•Vide Hedge breakers.

_ Coroners.

_ Coroners fees, vide Fees.

_ Cottages.

_ County.

_ Cozeners and Cozenage.

_ Croſſes, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Croſs-bows and Hand-guns:

_ Curriers, vide Leather.

_ Cuſtomer, vide Corn.

_ Cuſtos Rotulorum.

_ Cutting out of tongues.

_ Cutting of a Pond head.

_ Deer and Deer-hayes.

_ Demurrer.

_ Deputy.

_ Divine Service.

_ Dogs, vide Hunting, & Partridges 

_ Drovers, vide Badgers. 

_ Dier, vide Cloth.

_ Drunkenneſs.

_ Eccleſiaſtical cauſes and perſons.

_ Eggs of wild-fowl.

_ Egyptians.

_ Embezeling of Records, vide Records. Embracer, vide Maintainer.

_ Enditements.

_ Enquiry.

_ Enquiry of a forcible entry, vide Forcible entry.

_ Enquiry by examination, vide Examination.

_ Enquiry by information, vide information.

_ Eſcapes.

_ Evesdroppers.

_ Evidences

_ Eſtreats.

_ Examination.

_ Extolling forein power, vide Treaſon.

_ Extortion.

_ Fairs and Markets.

_ Falſe impriſonment vide Arreſt. Falſe tokens, vide Cozeners.

_ Fees.

_ Felo de ſe.

_ Felony.

_ Felonies by Statute.

_ Felony of his own goods, vide Theft. 

_ Ferrets, vide Hunting.

_ Fewell.

_ Fines.

_ Fines of Rioters, vide Riots. 

_ Fines of Brewer, Baker, Tipler, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Fiſh.

_ Fiſh-days.

_ Flax.

_ Fleſh, vide Fiſh-daies. 

_ Forein power, vide Treaſon. 

_ Forein plea, vide Trial.

_ Force.

_ Forfeitures of a Recognizance taken for the Peace.

_ Forgery.

_ Forein plea.

_ Forreſter.

_ Foreſtalling and Foreſtallers.

_ Fowlers and Fowling.

_ Games, vide Unlawful games.

_ Goal. Goaler.

_ Glaſs-men.

_ Goldſmith.

_ Good abearing.

_ Greyhounds, vide Hunting.

_ Guns and Gunners.

_ Hares.

_ Harneſs and Habiliments of war.

_ Hart proclaimed, vide Deer,

_ Harveſt.

_ Hawks and Hawking.

_ Hay and Oats.

_ Hedge-breakers.

_ High-waies.

_ Homicide.

_ Horſes and Mares.

_ Horſe-bread.

_ Hoſpital.

_ Hoſpitality; vide Religious houſe.

_ Houſe.

_ Houſe of Correction.

_ Hunting.

_ Hundred.

_ Hue and Cry.

_ Jeſuites and Seminary Prieſts.

_ Impriſonments, vide Priſon. 

_ Indictments, vide Enditements.

_ Information.

_ Informers and Promoters.

_ Ingroſſer.

_ In-holder

_ Inmates, vide Cottages.

_ Inrolement.

_ Iſſues.

_ Judgement.

_ Juglers, vide Licence.

_ Jurors.

_ Juſtices of the Peace.

_ Laboures and Servants.

_ Larceny.

_ Leets.

_ Lent, vide Fiſh-daies.

_ Liberties and Franchiſes.

_ Libellers.

_ Licenſes.

_ Linnen cloth.

_ Lying in a way, vide Way-lying.

_ Log-wood, alias Block-wood.

_ Long bows.

_ Maſons.

_ Mainpriſe, vide Bailment.

_ Maintainers and Embracers,

_ Maim.

_ Malt.

_ Manſlaughter, vide Homicide.

_ Mariner.

_ Market-overt.

_ Marriage.

_ Maſs.

_ Maſter, v. Servant and Labourers. 

_ Meaſure, vide Weight.

_ Meſſages falſe.

_ Milch-Kine, vide Calves. 

_ Minſtrels, vide Rogues.

_ Miſpriſion.

_ Miſpriſon of Treaſon.

_ Miſpriſion of Felony.

_ Mitigation of fines and forfeitures vide Lamb 577.

_ Mittimus.

_ The form of the Mi•timus.

_ Monaſteries, v. Religious houſes.

_ Mortuaries.

_ Multiplication of gold and ſilver.

_ Murder.

_ Muſters.

_ Name.

_ Nets, vide Hunting, Partridges and Pheſants.

_ News.

_ Next Juſtice.

_ Night-walkers, vide Watches,

_ Noble Perſonages.

_ Non ſanae memoriae.

_ Nuſance.

_ Obedience to the King.

_ Colore Officii.

_ Ordinary.

_ Oath.

_ Orchards and Gardens, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Overſeers of the Poor.

_ Pannel, Ʋide Jurors.

_ Pardon.

_ Park and Parker.

_ Parſon and Vicar, vide Eccleſiaſtical cauſes.

_ Peace.

_ Peers, vide Noble perſonages. 

_ Pedlers, vide Rogues.

_ Perjury.

_ Petty-treaſon.

_ Pewter, vide Braſs.

_ Phyſician.

_ Pictures brought from Rome vide Agnus Dei.

_ Plays and Players, vide Unlawful games, vide Rogues.

_ Plaints in Court.

_ Pond and Pond-heads, vide Fiſh.

_ Poiſoning, vide Murder.

_ Pope.

_ Popiſh books.

_ Poor people.

_ Poſſeſſion actual and in Law.

_ Preacher.

_ Precept, vide Warrant.

_ Praemunire.

_ Preſentment.

_ Prieſts, vide Jeſuites. 

_ Principal and Acceſſary, vide Acceſſary.

_ Priſoners.

_ Privy Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Proceſs.

_ Proclamation.

_ Promoters, vide Informers.

_ Propheſying.

_ Purveyors.

_ Quarter-Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Rape, or Raviſhment.

_ Rates, vide Taxation.

_ Rebellious aſſemblies.

_ Recognizance.

_ Reconciliation, vide Treaſon.

_ Records.

_ Recuſants.

_ Regrator.

_ Releaſe.

_ Religious Houſes.

_ Replevin, vide Bailment.

_ Reſcous of a Felon.

_ Reſtitution of Poſſeſſion.

_ Reſtitution of ſtoln goods.

_ Return.

_ Riots.

_ Rivers.

_ Robbery.

_ Robbing of an houſe.

_ Rogues.

_ Rome, vide Pope, Co. 11. 36.

_ Rout.

_ Sacriledge.

_ Sacraments.

_ Salmons, vide Fiſh.

_ Salt-peter-men.

_ School-maſter.

_ Seditious Sectaries.

_ Sermon, vide Preaching. 

_ Servants, vide Labourers and Apprentices. 

_ Serving-men, vide Teſtimonial.

_ Sewers.

_ Sheep.

_ Sheriff.

_ Shoes.

_ Shooting.

_ Silk, vide Apparel. 

_ Sope, vide Veſſels.

_ Souldiers.

_ Star-chamber.

_ Stolen goods.

_ Stock of the ſhire.

_ Subſidy.

_ Suggeſtion, vide Information. 

_ Summons of the Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Sunday.

_ Superſedeas.

_ Supplicavit.

_ Supremacy.

_ Suſpicion and ſuſ•ects of felony.

_ Swans.

_ Swearing.

_ Taxations vide Stock of the ſhire.

_ Tale-bearers, vide News. 

_ Tanners, vide Leather.

_ Tavern-keeper.

_ Teſtimonial.

_ Theft.

_ Threatning.

_ Tile-making.

_ Tipling.

_ Tithes.

_ Tranſportation.

_ Travelling beyond the Seas.

_ Traveller.

_ Treaſon.

_ Treaſurer.

_ Treſpaſs, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Trial.

_ Turn of the Sheriff.

_ VAgabons, vide Rogues.

_ Venire facias.

_ Verdict.

_ Veſſels.

_ Victuals and Victualler.

_ Under-Sheriff.

_ Unlawful games.

_ Unlawful Aſſemblies.

_ Uſury.

_ Utlawry.

_ Wages.

_ Wainlings.

_ Warrants.

_ Warreners, vide Foreſters.

_ Watches.

_ Water-men.

_ Wax.

_ Weapons which be forcible. vide Forcible Entry.

_ Weers.

_ Weights and Meaſures.

_ Witchcraft.

_ Wines.

_ Wood.

_ Wooll and Wooll-ſeller.

_ Woollen-yarn.

_ 1. Question.

_ 2 Q.

_ 3 Q.

_ 4 Q.

_ 5 Q.

_ 6 Q.

_ 7 Q.

_ 8 Q.

_ 9 Q.

_ 10 Q.

_ 11 Q.

_ 12 Q.

_ 13 Q.

_ 14 Q.

_ 15 Q.

_ 16 Q.

_ 17 Q.

_ 18 Q.

_ 19 Q.

_ 20 Q.

_ 21 Q.

_ 22 Q.

_ 23 Q.

_ 24 Q.

_ 25 Q.

_ 26. Q.

_ 27 Q.

_ 28 Q.

_ 29 Q.

_ 30 Q.

_ 31 Q.

_ 32 Q.

_ 33 Q.

_ 34 Q.

_ 35 Q

_ 36 Q.

_ 37 Q.

_ 38 Q.

_ The Juſtices opinion touching the Commiſſions by which the Juſtices ſit at Newgate.

_ Hammonds Caſe Mich. 3 Car. Kings Bench.

_ Concerning providing for Baſtard-children.

_ Caſes concerning proviſion for poor people.

_ The Articles of the Charge.

Obedience to the King.IF any practice to abſolve, perſwade, or withdraw any from their natural obedi _ Abjuration.

_ Abſolve, Vide Treaſon.

_ Acceſſary and Principal.

_ Acquital, vide Enditements.

_ Affray and Affrayers.

_ Agnus Dei, Croſſes, Beads, &c.

_ Alehouſes.

_ Alias dictus, vide Eudictment. Alien and his trial, vide Trial. Allegiance, vide Supremacy.

_ Amerciaments.

_ Appearance.

_ Appeachment, vide Approvers.

_ Appeal.

_ Apprentices.

_ Approvers or Appeachers.

_ Archery.

_ Armour.

_ Arreſts.

_ Arraignment.

_ Artificers, vide Labourers.

_ Aſſault.

_ Aſſembly unlawful, vide Unlawful Aſſembly.

_ Aſſize of Bread and Beer.

_ Attainder.

_ A wait lying, vid, Way-laying.

_ Averments.

_ Badgers and Drovers.

_ Bailment.

_ Bailiffs:

_ Bakers, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Barettor.

_ Bargain and Sale, vide Inrolement. Bark of Trees, vide Leather.

_ Baſtardy.

_ Battery lawful, vide Riot, Aſſault,

_ Breach of the Peace. Bath and Buxton, vide Licence.

_ Bawdery.

_ Beads, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Bear-wards, vide Licence.

_ Beer and Beer-brewers, vide Victual•ers.

_ Beggers, vide Rogues and poor people.

_ Blockwood, vide Logwood.

_ Bloudſhed.

_ Bonds, vide Recognizances.

_ Bowyers, vide Archery.

_ Braſs and Pewter.

_ Breach of the Peace, or good behaviour.

_ Brewers vide Victuallers.

_ Bridges.

_ Buckſtalls.

_ Buggery.

_ Bull from Rome, vide Treaſons.

_ Burglary.

_ Burning of houſes.

_ Butchers.

_ Butter and Cheeſe, vide Victuals.

_ Butts.

Buying and ſelling, vide Cattel. _ Calves and Kine.

_ Captains.

_ Caſtle, vide Felony.

_ Cattel.

_ Certificate.

_ Certiorari.

_ Challenge.

_ Champerty.

_ Chance-medly, vide Homicide.

_ Chaſtiſement, vide Correction.

_ Church and Church-yard.

_ Church-Wardens.

_ Clark of the Peace.

_ Clark of a Juſtice his fees, v. Fees.

_ Clark of the Crown, what Records he ought to certifie, vide Certificate.

_ Clark of the Market.

_ Clergy and Sanctuary.

_ Cloth.

_ Commiſſion of the Peace.

_ Commons.

_ Concealment, vide Jurors.

_ Confeſſion.

_ Conjuration.

_ Conſervers of the Peace.

_ Conſtables.

_ Conventicles.

_ Conies, vide Hunting.

_ Corn.

_ Cutter and carriers away of cor•Vide Hedge breakers.

_ Coroners.

_ Coroners fees, vide Fees.

_ Cottages.

_ County.

_ Cozeners and Cozenage.

_ Croſſes, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Croſs-bows and Hand-guns:

_ Curriers, vide Leather.

_ Cuſtomer, vide Corn.

_ Cuſtos Rotulorum.

_ Cutting out of tongues.

_ Cutting of a Pond head.

_ Deer and Deer-hayes.

_ Demurrer.

_ Deputy.

_ Divine Service.

_ Dogs, vide Hunting, & Partridges 

_ Drovers, vide Badgers. 

_ Dier, vide Cloth.

_ Drunkenneſs.

_ Eccleſiaſtical cauſes and perſons.

_ Eggs of wild-fowl.

_ Egyptians.

_ Embezeling of Records, vide Records. Embracer, vide Maintainer.

_ Enditements.

_ Enquiry.

_ Enquiry of a forcible entry, vide Forcible entry.

_ Enquiry by examination, vide Examination.

_ Enquiry by information, vide information.

_ Eſcapes.

_ Evesdroppers.

_ Evidences

_ Eſtreats.

_ Examination.

_ Extolling forein power, vide Treaſon.

_ Extortion.

_ Fairs and Markets.

_ Falſe impriſonment vide Arreſt. Falſe tokens, vide Cozeners.

_ Fees.

_ Felo de ſe.

_ Felony.

_ Felonies by Statute.

_ Felony of his own goods, vide Theft. 

_ Ferrets, vide Hunting.

_ Fewell.

_ Fines.

_ Fines of Rioters, vide Riots. 

_ Fines of Brewer, Baker, Tipler, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Fiſh.

_ Fiſh-days.

_ Flax.

_ Fleſh, vide Fiſh-daies. 

_ Forein power, vide Treaſon. 

_ Forein plea, vide Trial.

_ Force.

_ Forfeitures of a Recognizance taken for the Peace.

_ Forgery.

_ Forein plea.

_ Forreſter.

_ Foreſtalling and Foreſtallers.

_ Fowlers and Fowling.

_ Games, vide Unlawful games.

_ Goal. Goaler.

_ Glaſs-men.

_ Goldſmith.

_ Good abearing.

_ Greyhounds, vide Hunting.

_ Guns and Gunners.

_ Hares.

_ Harneſs and Habiliments of war.

_ Hart proclaimed, vide Deer,

_ Harveſt.

_ Hawks and Hawking.

_ Hay and Oats.

_ Hedge-breakers.

_ High-waies.

_ Homicide.

_ Horſes and Mares.

_ Horſe-bread.

_ Hoſpital.

_ Hoſpitality; vide Religious houſe.

_ Houſe.

_ Houſe of Correction.

_ Hunting.

_ Hundred.

_ Hue and Cry.

_ Jeſuites and Seminary Prieſts.

_ Impriſonments, vide Priſon. 

_ Indictments, vide Enditements.

_ Information.

_ Informers and Promoters.

_ Ingroſſer.

_ In-holder

_ Inmates, vide Cottages.

_ Inrolement.

_ Iſſues.

_ Judgement.

_ Juglers, vide Licence.

_ Jurors.

_ Juſtices of the Peace.

_ Laboures and Servants.

_ Larceny.

_ Leets.

_ Lent, vide Fiſh-daies.

_ Liberties and Franchiſes.

_ Libellers.

_ Licenſes.

_ Linnen cloth.

_ Lying in a way, vide Way-lying.

_ Log-wood, alias Block-wood.

_ Long bows.

_ Maſons.

_ Mainpriſe, vide Bailment.

_ Maintainers and Embracers,

_ Maim.

_ Malt.

_ Manſlaughter, vide Homicide.

_ Mariner.

_ Market-overt.

_ Marriage.

_ Maſs.

_ Maſter, v. Servant and Labourers. 

_ Meaſure, vide Weight.

_ Meſſages falſe.

_ Milch-Kine, vide Calves. 

_ Minſtrels, vide Rogues.

_ Miſpriſion.

_ Miſpriſon of Treaſon.

_ Miſpriſion of Felony.

_ Mitigation of fines and forfeitures vide Lamb 577.

_ Mittimus.

_ The form of the Mi•timus.

_ Monaſteries, v. Religious houſes.

_ Mortuaries.

_ Multiplication of gold and ſilver.

_ Murder.

_ Muſters.

_ Name.

_ Nets, vide Hunting, Partridges and Pheſants.

_ News.

_ Next Juſtice.

_ Night-walkers, vide Watches,

_ Noble Perſonages.

_ Non ſanae memoriae.

_ Nuſance.

_ Obedience to the King.

_ Colore Officii.

_ Ordinary.

_ Oath.

_ Orchards and Gardens, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Overſeers of the Poor.

_ Pannel, Ʋide Jurors.

_ Pardon.

_ Park and Parker.

_ Parſon and Vicar, vide Eccleſiaſtical cauſes.

_ Peace.

_ Peers, vide Noble perſonages. 

_ Pedlers, vide Rogues.

_ Perjury.

_ Petty-treaſon.

_ Pewter, vide Braſs.

_ Phyſician.

_ Pictures brought from Rome vide Agnus Dei.

_ Plays and Players, vide Unlawful games, vide Rogues.

_ Plaints in Court.

_ Pond and Pond-heads, vide Fiſh.

_ Poiſoning, vide Murder.

_ Pope.

_ Popiſh books.

_ Poor people.

_ Poſſeſſion actual and in Law.

_ Preacher.

_ Precept, vide Warrant.

_ Praemunire.

_ Preſentment.

_ Prieſts, vide Jeſuites. 

_ Principal and Acceſſary, vide Acceſſary.

_ Priſoners.

_ Privy Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Proceſs.

_ Proclamation.

_ Promoters, vide Informers.

_ Propheſying.

_ Purveyors.

_ Quarter-Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Rape, or Raviſhment.

_ Rates, vide Taxation.

_ Rebellious aſſemblies.

_ Recognizance.

_ Reconciliation, vide Treaſon.

_ Records.

_ Recuſants.

_ Regrator.

_ Releaſe.

_ Religious Houſes.

_ Replevin, vide Bailment.

_ Reſcous of a Felon.

_ Reſtitution of Poſſeſſion.

_ Reſtitution of ſtoln goods.

_ Return.

_ Riots.

_ Rivers.

_ Robbery.

_ Robbing of an houſe.

_ Rogues.

_ Rome, vide Pope, Co. 11. 36.

_ Rout.

_ Sacriledge.

_ Sacraments.

_ Salmons, vide Fiſh.

_ Salt-peter-men.

_ School-maſter.

_ Seditious Sectaries.

_ Sermon, vide Preaching. 

_ Servants, vide Labourers and Apprentices. 

_ Serving-men, vide Teſtimonial.

_ Sewers.

_ Sheep.

_ Sheriff.

_ Shoes.

_ Shooting.

_ Silk, vide Apparel. 

_ Sope, vide Veſſels.

_ Souldiers.

_ Star-chamber.

_ Stolen goods.

_ Stock of the ſhire.

_ Subſidy.

_ Suggeſtion, vide Information. 

_ Summons of the Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Sunday.

_ Superſedeas.

_ Supplicavit.

_ Supremacy.

_ Suſpicion and ſuſ•ects of felony.

_ Swans.

_ Swearing.

_ Taxations vide Stock of the ſhire.

_ Tale-bearers, vide News. 

_ Tanners, vide Leather.

_ Tavern-keeper.

_ Teſtimonial.

_ Theft.

_ Threatning.

_ Tile-making.

_ Tipling.

_ Tithes.

_ Tranſportation.

_ Travelling beyond the Seas.

_ Traveller.

_ Treaſon.

_ Treaſurer.

_ Treſpaſs, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Trial.

_ Turn of the Sheriff.

_ VAgabons, vide Rogues.

_ Venire facias.

_ Verdict.

_ Veſſels.

_ Victuals and Victualler.

_ Under-Sheriff.

_ Unlawful games.

_ Unlawful Aſſemblies.

_ Uſury.

_ Utlawry.

_ Wages.

_ Wainlings.

_ Warrants.

_ Warreners, vide Foreſters.

_ Watches.

_ Water-men.

_ Wax.

_ Weapons which be forcible. vide Forcible Entry.

_ Weers.

_ Weights and Meaſures.

_ Witchcraft.

_ Wines.

_ Wood.

_ Wooll and Wooll-ſeller.

_ Woollen-yarn.

_ 1. Question.

_ 2 Q.

_ 3 Q.

_ 4 Q.

_ 5 Q.

_ 6 Q.

_ 7 Q.

_ 8 Q.

_ 9 Q.

_ 10 Q.

_ 11 Q.

_ 12 Q.

_ 13 Q.

_ 14 Q.

_ 15 Q.

_ 16 Q.

_ 17 Q.

_ 18 Q.

_ 19 Q.

_ 20 Q.

_ 21 Q.

_ 22 Q.

_ 23 Q.

_ 24 Q.

_ 25 Q.

_ 26. Q.

_ 27 Q.

_ 28 Q.

_ 29 Q.

_ 30 Q.

_ 31 Q.

_ 32 Q.

_ 33 Q.

_ 34 Q.

_ 35 Q

_ 36 Q.

_ 37 Q.

_ 38 Q.

_ The Juſtices opinion touching the Commiſſions by which the Juſtices ſit at Newgate.

_ Hammonds Caſe Mich. 3 Car. Kings Bench.

_ Concerning providing for Baſtard-children.

_ Caſes concerning proviſion for poor people.

_ The Articles of the Charge.

Pannel, Ʋide Jurors..Pardon.AT the Common Law before the ſtatute of 13 R. 2. stat. 2. c. 1. a pardon _ Abjuration.

_ Abſolve, Vide Treaſon.

_ Acceſſary and Principal.

_ Acquital, vide Enditements.

_ Affray and Affrayers.

_ Agnus Dei, Croſſes, Beads, &c.

_ Alehouſes.

_ Alias dictus, vide Eudictment. Alien and his trial, vide Trial. Allegiance, vide Supremacy.

_ Amerciaments.

_ Appearance.

_ Appeachment, vide Approvers.

_ Appeal.

_ Apprentices.

_ Approvers or Appeachers.

_ Archery.

_ Armour.

_ Arreſts.

_ Arraignment.

_ Artificers, vide Labourers.

_ Aſſault.

_ Aſſembly unlawful, vide Unlawful Aſſembly.

_ Aſſize of Bread and Beer.

_ Attainder.

_ A wait lying, vid, Way-laying.

_ Averments.

_ Badgers and Drovers.

_ Bailment.

_ Bailiffs:

_ Bakers, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Barettor.

_ Bargain and Sale, vide Inrolement. Bark of Trees, vide Leather.

_ Baſtardy.

_ Battery lawful, vide Riot, Aſſault,

_ Breach of the Peace. Bath and Buxton, vide Licence.

_ Bawdery.

_ Beads, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Bear-wards, vide Licence.

_ Beer and Beer-brewers, vide Victual•ers.

_ Beggers, vide Rogues and poor people.

_ Blockwood, vide Logwood.

_ Bloudſhed.

_ Bonds, vide Recognizances.

_ Bowyers, vide Archery.

_ Braſs and Pewter.

_ Breach of the Peace, or good behaviour.

_ Brewers vide Victuallers.

_ Bridges.

_ Buckſtalls.

_ Buggery.

_ Bull from Rome, vide Treaſons.

_ Burglary.

_ Burning of houſes.

_ Butchers.

_ Butter and Cheeſe, vide Victuals.

_ Butts.

Buying and ſelling, vide Cattel. _ Calves and Kine.

_ Captains.

_ Caſtle, vide Felony.

_ Cattel.

_ Certificate.

_ Certiorari.

_ Challenge.

_ Champerty.

_ Chance-medly, vide Homicide.

_ Chaſtiſement, vide Correction.

_ Church and Church-yard.

_ Church-Wardens.

_ Clark of the Peace.

_ Clark of a Juſtice his fees, v. Fees.

_ Clark of the Crown, what Records he ought to certifie, vide Certificate.

_ Clark of the Market.

_ Clergy and Sanctuary.

_ Cloth.

_ Commiſſion of the Peace.

_ Commons.

_ Concealment, vide Jurors.

_ Confeſſion.

_ Conjuration.

_ Conſervers of the Peace.

_ Conſtables.

_ Conventicles.

_ Conies, vide Hunting.

_ Corn.

_ Cutter and carriers away of cor•Vide Hedge breakers.

_ Coroners.

_ Coroners fees, vide Fees.

_ Cottages.

_ County.

_ Cozeners and Cozenage.

_ Croſſes, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Croſs-bows and Hand-guns:

_ Curriers, vide Leather.

_ Cuſtomer, vide Corn.

_ Cuſtos Rotulorum.

_ Cutting out of tongues.

_ Cutting of a Pond head.

_ Deer and Deer-hayes.

_ Demurrer.

_ Deputy.

_ Divine Service.

_ Dogs, vide Hunting, & Partridges 

_ Drovers, vide Badgers. 

_ Dier, vide Cloth.

_ Drunkenneſs.

_ Eccleſiaſtical cauſes and perſons.

_ Eggs of wild-fowl.

_ Egyptians.

_ Embezeling of Records, vide Records. Embracer, vide Maintainer.

_ Enditements.

_ Enquiry.

_ Enquiry of a forcible entry, vide Forcible entry.

_ Enquiry by examination, vide Examination.

_ Enquiry by information, vide information.

_ Eſcapes.

_ Evesdroppers.

_ Evidences

_ Eſtreats.

_ Examination.

_ Extolling forein power, vide Treaſon.

_ Extortion.

_ Fairs and Markets.

_ Falſe impriſonment vide Arreſt. Falſe tokens, vide Cozeners.

_ Fees.

_ Felo de ſe.

_ Felony.

_ Felonies by Statute.

_ Felony of his own goods, vide Theft. 

_ Ferrets, vide Hunting.

_ Fewell.

_ Fines.

_ Fines of Rioters, vide Riots. 

_ Fines of Brewer, Baker, Tipler, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Fiſh.

_ Fiſh-days.

_ Flax.

_ Fleſh, vide Fiſh-daies. 

_ Forein power, vide Treaſon. 

_ Forein plea, vide Trial.

_ Force.

_ Forfeitures of a Recognizance taken for the Peace.

_ Forgery.

_ Forein plea.

_ Forreſter.

_ Foreſtalling and Foreſtallers.

_ Fowlers and Fowling.

_ Games, vide Unlawful games.

_ Goal. Goaler.

_ Glaſs-men.

_ Goldſmith.

_ Good abearing.

_ Greyhounds, vide Hunting.

_ Guns and Gunners.

_ Hares.

_ Harneſs and Habiliments of war.

_ Hart proclaimed, vide Deer,

_ Harveſt.

_ Hawks and Hawking.

_ Hay and Oats.

_ Hedge-breakers.

_ High-waies.

_ Homicide.

_ Horſes and Mares.

_ Horſe-bread.

_ Hoſpital.

_ Hoſpitality; vide Religious houſe.

_ Houſe.

_ Houſe of Correction.

_ Hunting.

_ Hundred.

_ Hue and Cry.

_ Jeſuites and Seminary Prieſts.

_ Impriſonments, vide Priſon. 

_ Indictments, vide Enditements.

_ Information.

_ Informers and Promoters.

_ Ingroſſer.

_ In-holder

_ Inmates, vide Cottages.

_ Inrolement.

_ Iſſues.

_ Judgement.

_ Juglers, vide Licence.

_ Jurors.

_ Juſtices of the Peace.

_ Laboures and Servants.

_ Larceny.

_ Leets.

_ Lent, vide Fiſh-daies.

_ Liberties and Franchiſes.

_ Libellers.

_ Licenſes.

_ Linnen cloth.

_ Lying in a way, vide Way-lying.

_ Log-wood, alias Block-wood.

_ Long bows.

_ Maſons.

_ Mainpriſe, vide Bailment.

_ Maintainers and Embracers,

_ Maim.

_ Malt.

_ Manſlaughter, vide Homicide.

_ Mariner.

_ Market-overt.

_ Marriage.

_ Maſs.

_ Maſter, v. Servant and Labourers. 

_ Meaſure, vide Weight.

_ Meſſages falſe.

_ Milch-Kine, vide Calves. 

_ Minſtrels, vide Rogues.

_ Miſpriſion.

_ Miſpriſon of Treaſon.

_ Miſpriſion of Felony.

_ Mitigation of fines and forfeitures vide Lamb 577.

_ Mittimus.

_ The form of the Mi•timus.

_ Monaſteries, v. Religious houſes.

_ Mortuaries.

_ Multiplication of gold and ſilver.

_ Murder.

_ Muſters.

_ Name.

_ Nets, vide Hunting, Partridges and Pheſants.

_ News.

_ Next Juſtice.

_ Night-walkers, vide Watches,

_ Noble Perſonages.

_ Non ſanae memoriae.

_ Nuſance.

_ Obedience to the King.

_ Colore Officii.

_ Ordinary.

_ Oath.

_ Orchards and Gardens, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Overſeers of the Poor.

_ Pannel, Ʋide Jurors.

_ Pardon.

_ Park and Parker.

_ Parſon and Vicar, vide Eccleſiaſtical cauſes.

_ Peace.

_ Peers, vide Noble perſonages. 

_ Pedlers, vide Rogues.

_ Perjury.

_ Petty-treaſon.

_ Pewter, vide Braſs.

_ Phyſician.

_ Pictures brought from Rome vide Agnus Dei.

_ Plays and Players, vide Unlawful games, vide Rogues.

_ Plaints in Court.

_ Pond and Pond-heads, vide Fiſh.

_ Poiſoning, vide Murder.

_ Pope.

_ Popiſh books.

_ Poor people.

_ Poſſeſſion actual and in Law.

_ Preacher.

_ Precept, vide Warrant.

_ Praemunire.

_ Preſentment.

_ Prieſts, vide Jeſuites. 

_ Principal and Acceſſary, vide Acceſſary.

_ Priſoners.

_ Privy Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Proceſs.

_ Proclamation.

_ Promoters, vide Informers.

_ Propheſying.

_ Purveyors.

_ Quarter-Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Rape, or Raviſhment.

_ Rates, vide Taxation.

_ Rebellious aſſemblies.

_ Recognizance.

_ Reconciliation, vide Treaſon.

_ Records.

_ Recuſants.

_ Regrator.

_ Releaſe.

_ Religious Houſes.

_ Replevin, vide Bailment.

_ Reſcous of a Felon.

_ Reſtitution of Poſſeſſion.

_ Reſtitution of ſtoln goods.

_ Return.

_ Riots.

_ Rivers.

_ Robbery.

_ Robbing of an houſe.

_ Rogues.

_ Rome, vide Pope, Co. 11. 36.

_ Rout.

_ Sacriledge.

_ Sacraments.

_ Salmons, vide Fiſh.

_ Salt-peter-men.

_ School-maſter.

_ Seditious Sectaries.

_ Sermon, vide Preaching. 

_ Servants, vide Labourers and Apprentices. 

_ Serving-men, vide Teſtimonial.

_ Sewers.

_ Sheep.

_ Sheriff.

_ Shoes.

_ Shooting.

_ Silk, vide Apparel. 

_ Sope, vide Veſſels.

_ Souldiers.

_ Star-chamber.

_ Stolen goods.

_ Stock of the ſhire.

_ Subſidy.

_ Suggeſtion, vide Information. 

_ Summons of the Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Sunday.

_ Superſedeas.

_ Supplicavit.

_ Supremacy.

_ Suſpicion and ſuſ•ects of felony.

_ Swans.

_ Swearing.

_ Taxations vide Stock of the ſhire.

_ Tale-bearers, vide News. 

_ Tanners, vide Leather.

_ Tavern-keeper.

_ Teſtimonial.

_ Theft.

_ Threatning.

_ Tile-making.

_ Tipling.

_ Tithes.

_ Tranſportation.

_ Travelling beyond the Seas.

_ Traveller.

_ Treaſon.

_ Treaſurer.

_ Treſpaſs, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Trial.

_ Turn of the Sheriff.

_ VAgabons, vide Rogues.

_ Venire facias.

_ Verdict.

_ Veſſels.

_ Victuals and Victualler.

_ Under-Sheriff.

_ Unlawful games.

_ Unlawful Aſſemblies.

_ Uſury.

_ Utlawry.

_ Wages.

_ Wainlings.

_ Warrants.

_ Warreners, vide Foreſters.

_ Watches.

_ Water-men.

_ Wax.

_ Weapons which be forcible. vide Forcible Entry.

_ Weers.

_ Weights and Meaſures.

_ Witchcraft.

_ Wines.

_ Wood.

_ Wooll and Wooll-ſeller.

_ Woollen-yarn.

_ 1. Question.

_ 2 Q.

_ 3 Q.

_ 4 Q.

_ 5 Q.

_ 6 Q.

_ 7 Q.

_ 8 Q.

_ 9 Q.

_ 10 Q.

_ 11 Q.

_ 12 Q.

_ 13 Q.

_ 14 Q.

_ 15 Q.

_ 16 Q.

_ 17 Q.

_ 18 Q.

_ 19 Q.

_ 20 Q.

_ 21 Q.

_ 22 Q.

_ 23 Q.

_ 24 Q.

_ 25 Q.

_ 26. Q.

_ 27 Q.

_ 28 Q.

_ 29 Q.

_ 30 Q.

_ 31 Q.

_ 32 Q.

_ 33 Q.

_ 34 Q.

_ 35 Q

_ 36 Q.

_ 37 Q.

_ 38 Q.

_ The Juſtices opinion touching the Commiſſions by which the Juſtices ſit at Newgate.

_ Hammonds Caſe Mich. 3 Car. Kings Bench.

_ Concerning providing for Baſtard-children.

_ Caſes concerning proviſion for poor people.

_ The Articles of the Charge.

Quarter-Seſſions, vide Seſſions.. _ Abjuration.

_ Abſolve, Vide Treaſon.

_ Acceſſary and Principal.

_ Acquital, vide Enditements.

_ Affray and Affrayers.

_ Agnus Dei, Croſſes, Beads, &c.

_ Alehouſes.

_ Alias dictus, vide Eudictment. Alien and his trial, vide Trial. Allegiance, vide Supremacy.

_ Amerciaments.

_ Appearance.

_ Appeachment, vide Approvers.

_ Appeal.

_ Apprentices.

_ Approvers or Appeachers.

_ Archery.

_ Armour.

_ Arreſts.

_ Arraignment.

_ Artificers, vide Labourers.

_ Aſſault.

_ Aſſembly unlawful, vide Unlawful Aſſembly.

_ Aſſize of Bread and Beer.

_ Attainder.

_ A wait lying, vid, Way-laying.

_ Averments.

_ Badgers and Drovers.

_ Bailment.

_ Bailiffs:

_ Bakers, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Barettor.

_ Bargain and Sale, vide Inrolement. Bark of Trees, vide Leather.

_ Baſtardy.

_ Battery lawful, vide Riot, Aſſault,

_ Breach of the Peace. Bath and Buxton, vide Licence.

_ Bawdery.

_ Beads, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Bear-wards, vide Licence.

_ Beer and Beer-brewers, vide Victual•ers.

_ Beggers, vide Rogues and poor people.

_ Blockwood, vide Logwood.

_ Bloudſhed.

_ Bonds, vide Recognizances.

_ Bowyers, vide Archery.

_ Braſs and Pewter.

_ Breach of the Peace, or good behaviour.

_ Brewers vide Victuallers.

_ Bridges.

_ Buckſtalls.

_ Buggery.

_ Bull from Rome, vide Treaſons.

_ Burglary.

_ Burning of houſes.

_ Butchers.

_ Butter and Cheeſe, vide Victuals.

_ Butts.

Buying and ſelling, vide Cattel. _ Calves and Kine.

_ Captains.

_ Caſtle, vide Felony.

_ Cattel.

_ Certificate.

_ Certiorari.

_ Challenge.

_ Champerty.

_ Chance-medly, vide Homicide.

_ Chaſtiſement, vide Correction.

_ Church and Church-yard.

_ Church-Wardens.

_ Clark of the Peace.

_ Clark of a Juſtice his fees, v. Fees.

_ Clark of the Crown, what Records he ought to certifie, vide Certificate.

_ Clark of the Market.

_ Clergy and Sanctuary.

_ Cloth.

_ Commiſſion of the Peace.

_ Commons.

_ Concealment, vide Jurors.

_ Confeſſion.

_ Conjuration.

_ Conſervers of the Peace.

_ Conſtables.

_ Conventicles.

_ Conies, vide Hunting.

_ Corn.

_ Cutter and carriers away of cor•Vide Hedge breakers.

_ Coroners.

_ Coroners fees, vide Fees.

_ Cottages.

_ County.

_ Cozeners and Cozenage.

_ Croſſes, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Croſs-bows and Hand-guns:

_ Curriers, vide Leather.

_ Cuſtomer, vide Corn.

_ Cuſtos Rotulorum.

_ Cutting out of tongues.

_ Cutting of a Pond head.

_ Deer and Deer-hayes.

_ Demurrer.

_ Deputy.

_ Divine Service.

_ Dogs, vide Hunting, & Partridges 

_ Drovers, vide Badgers. 

_ Dier, vide Cloth.

_ Drunkenneſs.

_ Eccleſiaſtical cauſes and perſons.

_ Eggs of wild-fowl.

_ Egyptians.

_ Embezeling of Records, vide Records. Embracer, vide Maintainer.

_ Enditements.

_ Enquiry.

_ Enquiry of a forcible entry, vide Forcible entry.

_ Enquiry by examination, vide Examination.

_ Enquiry by information, vide information.

_ Eſcapes.

_ Evesdroppers.

_ Evidences

_ Eſtreats.

_ Examination.

_ Extolling forein power, vide Treaſon.

_ Extortion.

_ Fairs and Markets.

_ Falſe impriſonment vide Arreſt. Falſe tokens, vide Cozeners.

_ Fees.

_ Felo de ſe.

_ Felony.

_ Felonies by Statute.

_ Felony of his own goods, vide Theft. 

_ Ferrets, vide Hunting.

_ Fewell.

_ Fines.

_ Fines of Rioters, vide Riots. 

_ Fines of Brewer, Baker, Tipler, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Fiſh.

_ Fiſh-days.

_ Flax.

_ Fleſh, vide Fiſh-daies. 

_ Forein power, vide Treaſon. 

_ Forein plea, vide Trial.

_ Force.

_ Forfeitures of a Recognizance taken for the Peace.

_ Forgery.

_ Forein plea.

_ Forreſter.

_ Foreſtalling and Foreſtallers.

_ Fowlers and Fowling.

_ Games, vide Unlawful games.

_ Goal. Goaler.

_ Glaſs-men.

_ Goldſmith.

_ Good abearing.

_ Greyhounds, vide Hunting.

_ Guns and Gunners.

_ Hares.

_ Harneſs and Habiliments of war.

_ Hart proclaimed, vide Deer,

_ Harveſt.

_ Hawks and Hawking.

_ Hay and Oats.

_ Hedge-breakers.

_ High-waies.

_ Homicide.

_ Horſes and Mares.

_ Horſe-bread.

_ Hoſpital.

_ Hoſpitality; vide Religious houſe.

_ Houſe.

_ Houſe of Correction.

_ Hunting.

_ Hundred.

_ Hue and Cry.

_ Jeſuites and Seminary Prieſts.

_ Impriſonments, vide Priſon. 

_ Indictments, vide Enditements.

_ Information.

_ Informers and Promoters.

_ Ingroſſer.

_ In-holder

_ Inmates, vide Cottages.

_ Inrolement.

_ Iſſues.

_ Judgement.

_ Juglers, vide Licence.

_ Jurors.

_ Juſtices of the Peace.

_ Laboures and Servants.

_ Larceny.

_ Leets.

_ Lent, vide Fiſh-daies.

_ Liberties and Franchiſes.

_ Libellers.

_ Licenſes.

_ Linnen cloth.

_ Lying in a way, vide Way-lying.

_ Log-wood, alias Block-wood.

_ Long bows.

_ Maſons.

_ Mainpriſe, vide Bailment.

_ Maintainers and Embracers,

_ Maim.

_ Malt.

_ Manſlaughter, vide Homicide.

_ Mariner.

_ Market-overt.

_ Marriage.

_ Maſs.

_ Maſter, v. Servant and Labourers. 

_ Meaſure, vide Weight.

_ Meſſages falſe.

_ Milch-Kine, vide Calves. 

_ Minſtrels, vide Rogues.

_ Miſpriſion.

_ Miſpriſon of Treaſon.

_ Miſpriſion of Felony.

_ Mitigation of fines and forfeitures vide Lamb 577.

_ Mittimus.

_ The form of the Mi•timus.

_ Monaſteries, v. Religious houſes.

_ Mortuaries.

_ Multiplication of gold and ſilver.

_ Murder.

_ Muſters.

_ Name.

_ Nets, vide Hunting, Partridges and Pheſants.

_ News.

_ Next Juſtice.

_ Night-walkers, vide Watches,

_ Noble Perſonages.

_ Non ſanae memoriae.

_ Nuſance.

_ Obedience to the King.

_ Colore Officii.

_ Ordinary.

_ Oath.

_ Orchards and Gardens, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Overſeers of the Poor.

_ Pannel, Ʋide Jurors.

_ Pardon.

_ Park and Parker.

_ Parſon and Vicar, vide Eccleſiaſtical cauſes.

_ Peace.

_ Peers, vide Noble perſonages. 

_ Pedlers, vide Rogues.

_ Perjury.

_ Petty-treaſon.

_ Pewter, vide Braſs.

_ Phyſician.

_ Pictures brought from Rome vide Agnus Dei.

_ Plays and Players, vide Unlawful games, vide Rogues.

_ Plaints in Court.

_ Pond and Pond-heads, vide Fiſh.

_ Poiſoning, vide Murder.

_ Pope.

_ Popiſh books.

_ Poor people.

_ Poſſeſſion actual and in Law.

_ Preacher.

_ Precept, vide Warrant.

_ Praemunire.

_ Preſentment.

_ Prieſts, vide Jeſuites. 

_ Principal and Acceſſary, vide Acceſſary.

_ Priſoners.

_ Privy Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Proceſs.

_ Proclamation.

_ Promoters, vide Informers.

_ Propheſying.

_ Purveyors.

_ Quarter-Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Rape, or Raviſhment.

_ Rates, vide Taxation.

_ Rebellious aſſemblies.

_ Recognizance.

_ Reconciliation, vide Treaſon.

_ Records.

_ Recuſants.

_ Regrator.

_ Releaſe.

_ Religious Houſes.

_ Replevin, vide Bailment.

_ Reſcous of a Felon.

_ Reſtitution of Poſſeſſion.

_ Reſtitution of ſtoln goods.

_ Return.

_ Riots.

_ Rivers.

_ Robbery.

_ Robbing of an houſe.

_ Rogues.

_ Rome, vide Pope, Co. 11. 36.

_ Rout.

_ Sacriledge.

_ Sacraments.

_ Salmons, vide Fiſh.

_ Salt-peter-men.

_ School-maſter.

_ Seditious Sectaries.

_ Sermon, vide Preaching. 

_ Servants, vide Labourers and Apprentices. 

_ Serving-men, vide Teſtimonial.

_ Sewers.

_ Sheep.

_ Sheriff.

_ Shoes.

_ Shooting.

_ Silk, vide Apparel. 

_ Sope, vide Veſſels.

_ Souldiers.

_ Star-chamber.

_ Stolen goods.

_ Stock of the ſhire.

_ Subſidy.

_ Suggeſtion, vide Information. 

_ Summons of the Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Sunday.

_ Superſedeas.

_ Supplicavit.

_ Supremacy.

_ Suſpicion and ſuſ•ects of felony.

_ Swans.

_ Swearing.

_ Taxations vide Stock of the ſhire.

_ Tale-bearers, vide News. 

_ Tanners, vide Leather.

_ Tavern-keeper.

_ Teſtimonial.

_ Theft.

_ Threatning.

_ Tile-making.

_ Tipling.

_ Tithes.

_ Tranſportation.

_ Travelling beyond the Seas.

_ Traveller.

_ Treaſon.

_ Treaſurer.

_ Treſpaſs, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Trial.

_ Turn of the Sheriff.

_ VAgabons, vide Rogues.

_ Venire facias.

_ Verdict.

_ Veſſels.

_ Victuals and Victualler.

_ Under-Sheriff.

_ Unlawful games.

_ Unlawful Aſſemblies.

_ Uſury.

_ Utlawry.

_ Wages.

_ Wainlings.

_ Warrants.

_ Warreners, vide Foreſters.

_ Watches.

_ Water-men.

_ Wax.

_ Weapons which be forcible. vide Forcible Entry.

_ Weers.

_ Weights and Meaſures.

_ Witchcraft.

_ Wines.

_ Wood.

_ Wooll and Wooll-ſeller.

_ Woollen-yarn.

_ 1. Question.

_ 2 Q.

_ 3 Q.

_ 4 Q.

_ 5 Q.

_ 6 Q.

_ 7 Q.

_ 8 Q.

_ 9 Q.

_ 10 Q.

_ 11 Q.

_ 12 Q.

_ 13 Q.

_ 14 Q.

_ 15 Q.

_ 16 Q.

_ 17 Q.

_ 18 Q.

_ 19 Q.

_ 20 Q.

_ 21 Q.

_ 22 Q.

_ 23 Q.

_ 24 Q.

_ 25 Q.

_ 26. Q.

_ 27 Q.

_ 28 Q.

_ 29 Q.

_ 30 Q.

_ 31 Q.

_ 32 Q.

_ 33 Q.

_ 34 Q.

_ 35 Q

_ 36 Q.

_ 37 Q.

_ 38 Q.

_ The Juſtices opinion touching the Commiſſions by which the Juſtices ſit at Newgate.

_ Hammonds Caſe Mich. 3 Car. Kings Bench.

_ Concerning providing for Baſtard-children.

_ Caſes concerning proviſion for poor people.

_ The Articles of the Charge.

Rape, or Raviſhment.DEflowring of a maid under ten years o• with, or without conſent, is felony wi•• _ Abjuration.

_ Abſolve, Vide Treaſon.

_ Acceſſary and Principal.

_ Acquital, vide Enditements.

_ Affray and Affrayers.

_ Agnus Dei, Croſſes, Beads, &c.

_ Alehouſes.

_ Alias dictus, vide Eudictment. Alien and his trial, vide Trial. Allegiance, vide Supremacy.

_ Amerciaments.

_ Appearance.

_ Appeachment, vide Approvers.

_ Appeal.

_ Apprentices.

_ Approvers or Appeachers.

_ Archery.

_ Armour.

_ Arreſts.

_ Arraignment.

_ Artificers, vide Labourers.

_ Aſſault.

_ Aſſembly unlawful, vide Unlawful Aſſembly.

_ Aſſize of Bread and Beer.

_ Attainder.

_ A wait lying, vid, Way-laying.

_ Averments.

_ Badgers and Drovers.

_ Bailment.

_ Bailiffs:

_ Bakers, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Barettor.

_ Bargain and Sale, vide Inrolement. Bark of Trees, vide Leather.

_ Baſtardy.

_ Battery lawful, vide Riot, Aſſault,

_ Breach of the Peace. Bath and Buxton, vide Licence.

_ Bawdery.

_ Beads, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Bear-wards, vide Licence.

_ Beer and Beer-brewers, vide Victual•ers.

_ Beggers, vide Rogues and poor people.

_ Blockwood, vide Logwood.

_ Bloudſhed.

_ Bonds, vide Recognizances.

_ Bowyers, vide Archery.

_ Braſs and Pewter.

_ Breach of the Peace, or good behaviour.

_ Brewers vide Victuallers.

_ Bridges.

_ Buckſtalls.

_ Buggery.

_ Bull from Rome, vide Treaſons.

_ Burglary.

_ Burning of houſes.

_ Butchers.

_ Butter and Cheeſe, vide Victuals.

_ Butts.

Buying and ſelling, vide Cattel. _ Calves and Kine.

_ Captains.

_ Caſtle, vide Felony.

_ Cattel.

_ Certificate.

_ Certiorari.

_ Challenge.

_ Champerty.

_ Chance-medly, vide Homicide.

_ Chaſtiſement, vide Correction.

_ Church and Church-yard.

_ Church-Wardens.

_ Clark of the Peace.

_ Clark of a Juſtice his fees, v. Fees.

_ Clark of the Crown, what Records he ought to certifie, vide Certificate.

_ Clark of the Market.

_ Clergy and Sanctuary.

_ Cloth.

_ Commiſſion of the Peace.

_ Commons.

_ Concealment, vide Jurors.

_ Confeſſion.

_ Conjuration.

_ Conſervers of the Peace.

_ Conſtables.

_ Conventicles.

_ Conies, vide Hunting.

_ Corn.

_ Cutter and carriers away of cor•Vide Hedge breakers.

_ Coroners.

_ Coroners fees, vide Fees.

_ Cottages.

_ County.

_ Cozeners and Cozenage.

_ Croſſes, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Croſs-bows and Hand-guns:

_ Curriers, vide Leather.

_ Cuſtomer, vide Corn.

_ Cuſtos Rotulorum.

_ Cutting out of tongues.

_ Cutting of a Pond head.

_ Deer and Deer-hayes.

_ Demurrer.

_ Deputy.

_ Divine Service.

_ Dogs, vide Hunting, & Partridges 

_ Drovers, vide Badgers. 

_ Dier, vide Cloth.

_ Drunkenneſs.

_ Eccleſiaſtical cauſes and perſons.

_ Eggs of wild-fowl.

_ Egyptians.

_ Embezeling of Records, vide Records. Embracer, vide Maintainer.

_ Enditements.

_ Enquiry.

_ Enquiry of a forcible entry, vide Forcible entry.

_ Enquiry by examination, vide Examination.

_ Enquiry by information, vide information.

_ Eſcapes.

_ Evesdroppers.

_ Evidences

_ Eſtreats.

_ Examination.

_ Extolling forein power, vide Treaſon.

_ Extortion.

_ Fairs and Markets.

_ Falſe impriſonment vide Arreſt. Falſe tokens, vide Cozeners.

_ Fees.

_ Felo de ſe.

_ Felony.

_ Felonies by Statute.

_ Felony of his own goods, vide Theft. 

_ Ferrets, vide Hunting.

_ Fewell.

_ Fines.

_ Fines of Rioters, vide Riots. 

_ Fines of Brewer, Baker, Tipler, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Fiſh.

_ Fiſh-days.

_ Flax.

_ Fleſh, vide Fiſh-daies. 

_ Forein power, vide Treaſon. 

_ Forein plea, vide Trial.

_ Force.

_ Forfeitures of a Recognizance taken for the Peace.

_ Forgery.

_ Forein plea.

_ Forreſter.

_ Foreſtalling and Foreſtallers.

_ Fowlers and Fowling.

_ Games, vide Unlawful games.

_ Goal. Goaler.

_ Glaſs-men.

_ Goldſmith.

_ Good abearing.

_ Greyhounds, vide Hunting.

_ Guns and Gunners.

_ Hares.

_ Harneſs and Habiliments of war.

_ Hart proclaimed, vide Deer,

_ Harveſt.

_ Hawks and Hawking.

_ Hay and Oats.

_ Hedge-breakers.

_ High-waies.

_ Homicide.

_ Horſes and Mares.

_ Horſe-bread.

_ Hoſpital.

_ Hoſpitality; vide Religious houſe.

_ Houſe.

_ Houſe of Correction.

_ Hunting.

_ Hundred.

_ Hue and Cry.

_ Jeſuites and Seminary Prieſts.

_ Impriſonments, vide Priſon. 

_ Indictments, vide Enditements.

_ Information.

_ Informers and Promoters.

_ Ingroſſer.

_ In-holder

_ Inmates, vide Cottages.

_ Inrolement.

_ Iſſues.

_ Judgement.

_ Juglers, vide Licence.

_ Jurors.

_ Juſtices of the Peace.

_ Laboures and Servants.

_ Larceny.

_ Leets.

_ Lent, vide Fiſh-daies.

_ Liberties and Franchiſes.

_ Libellers.

_ Licenſes.

_ Linnen cloth.

_ Lying in a way, vide Way-lying.

_ Log-wood, alias Block-wood.

_ Long bows.

_ Maſons.

_ Mainpriſe, vide Bailment.

_ Maintainers and Embracers,

_ Maim.

_ Malt.

_ Manſlaughter, vide Homicide.

_ Mariner.

_ Market-overt.

_ Marriage.

_ Maſs.

_ Maſter, v. Servant and Labourers. 

_ Meaſure, vide Weight.

_ Meſſages falſe.

_ Milch-Kine, vide Calves. 

_ Minſtrels, vide Rogues.

_ Miſpriſion.

_ Miſpriſon of Treaſon.

_ Miſpriſion of Felony.

_ Mitigation of fines and forfeitures vide Lamb 577.

_ Mittimus.

_ The form of the Mi•timus.

_ Monaſteries, v. Religious houſes.

_ Mortuaries.

_ Multiplication of gold and ſilver.

_ Murder.

_ Muſters.

_ Name.

_ Nets, vide Hunting, Partridges and Pheſants.

_ News.

_ Next Juſtice.

_ Night-walkers, vide Watches,

_ Noble Perſonages.

_ Non ſanae memoriae.

_ Nuſance.

_ Obedience to the King.

_ Colore Officii.

_ Ordinary.

_ Oath.

_ Orchards and Gardens, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Overſeers of the Poor.

_ Pannel, Ʋide Jurors.

_ Pardon.

_ Park and Parker.

_ Parſon and Vicar, vide Eccleſiaſtical cauſes.

_ Peace.

_ Peers, vide Noble perſonages. 

_ Pedlers, vide Rogues.

_ Perjury.

_ Petty-treaſon.

_ Pewter, vide Braſs.

_ Phyſician.

_ Pictures brought from Rome vide Agnus Dei.

_ Plays and Players, vide Unlawful games, vide Rogues.

_ Plaints in Court.

_ Pond and Pond-heads, vide Fiſh.

_ Poiſoning, vide Murder.

_ Pope.

_ Popiſh books.

_ Poor people.

_ Poſſeſſion actual and in Law.

_ Preacher.

_ Precept, vide Warrant.

_ Praemunire.

_ Preſentment.

_ Prieſts, vide Jeſuites. 

_ Principal and Acceſſary, vide Acceſſary.

_ Priſoners.

_ Privy Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Proceſs.

_ Proclamation.

_ Promoters, vide Informers.

_ Propheſying.

_ Purveyors.

_ Quarter-Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Rape, or Raviſhment.

_ Rates, vide Taxation.

_ Rebellious aſſemblies.

_ Recognizance.

_ Reconciliation, vide Treaſon.

_ Records.

_ Recuſants.

_ Regrator.

_ Releaſe.

_ Religious Houſes.

_ Replevin, vide Bailment.

_ Reſcous of a Felon.

_ Reſtitution of Poſſeſſion.

_ Reſtitution of ſtoln goods.

_ Return.

_ Riots.

_ Rivers.

_ Robbery.

_ Robbing of an houſe.

_ Rogues.

_ Rome, vide Pope, Co. 11. 36.

_ Rout.

_ Sacriledge.

_ Sacraments.

_ Salmons, vide Fiſh.

_ Salt-peter-men.

_ School-maſter.

_ Seditious Sectaries.

_ Sermon, vide Preaching. 

_ Servants, vide Labourers and Apprentices. 

_ Serving-men, vide Teſtimonial.

_ Sewers.

_ Sheep.

_ Sheriff.

_ Shoes.

_ Shooting.

_ Silk, vide Apparel. 

_ Sope, vide Veſſels.

_ Souldiers.

_ Star-chamber.

_ Stolen goods.

_ Stock of the ſhire.

_ Subſidy.

_ Suggeſtion, vide Information. 

_ Summons of the Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Sunday.

_ Superſedeas.

_ Supplicavit.

_ Supremacy.

_ Suſpicion and ſuſ•ects of felony.

_ Swans.

_ Swearing.

_ Taxations vide Stock of the ſhire.

_ Tale-bearers, vide News. 

_ Tanners, vide Leather.

_ Tavern-keeper.

_ Teſtimonial.

_ Theft.

_ Threatning.

_ Tile-making.

_ Tipling.

_ Tithes.

_ Tranſportation.

_ Travelling beyond the Seas.

_ Traveller.

_ Treaſon.

_ Treaſurer.

_ Treſpaſs, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Trial.

_ Turn of the Sheriff.

_ VAgabons, vide Rogues.

_ Venire facias.

_ Verdict.

_ Veſſels.

_ Victuals and Victualler.

_ Under-Sheriff.

_ Unlawful games.

_ Unlawful Aſſemblies.

_ Uſury.

_ Utlawry.

_ Wages.

_ Wainlings.

_ Warrants.

_ Warreners, vide Foreſters.

_ Watches.

_ Water-men.

_ Wax.

_ Weapons which be forcible. vide Forcible Entry.

_ Weers.

_ Weights and Meaſures.

_ Witchcraft.

_ Wines.

_ Wood.

_ Wooll and Wooll-ſeller.

_ Woollen-yarn.

_ 1. Question.

_ 2 Q.

_ 3 Q.

_ 4 Q.

_ 5 Q.

_ 6 Q.

_ 7 Q.

_ 8 Q.

_ 9 Q.

_ 10 Q.

_ 11 Q.

_ 12 Q.

_ 13 Q.

_ 14 Q.

_ 15 Q.

_ 16 Q.

_ 17 Q.

_ 18 Q.

_ 19 Q.

_ 20 Q.

_ 21 Q.

_ 22 Q.

_ 23 Q.

_ 24 Q.

_ 25 Q.

_ 26. Q.

_ 27 Q.

_ 28 Q.

_ 29 Q.

_ 30 Q.

_ 31 Q.

_ 32 Q.

_ 33 Q.

_ 34 Q.

_ 35 Q

_ 36 Q.

_ 37 Q.

_ 38 Q.

_ The Juſtices opinion touching the Commiſſions by which the Juſtices ſit at Newgate.

_ Hammonds Caſe Mich. 3 Car. Kings Bench.

_ Concerning providing for Baſtard-children.

_ Caſes concerning proviſion for poor people.

_ The Articles of the Charge.

Sacriledge.SAcriledge is the felonious taking of goods out of any Church or Chappel, Lam. 420.Sacram _ Abjuration.

_ Abſolve, Vide Treaſon.

_ Acceſſary and Principal.

_ Acquital, vide Enditements.

_ Affray and Affrayers.

_ Agnus Dei, Croſſes, Beads, &c.

_ Alehouſes.

_ Alias dictus, vide Eudictment. Alien and his trial, vide Trial. Allegiance, vide Supremacy.

_ Amerciaments.

_ Appearance.

_ Appeachment, vide Approvers.

_ Appeal.

_ Apprentices.

_ Approvers or Appeachers.

_ Archery.

_ Armour.

_ Arreſts.

_ Arraignment.

_ Artificers, vide Labourers.

_ Aſſault.

_ Aſſembly unlawful, vide Unlawful Aſſembly.

_ Aſſize of Bread and Beer.

_ Attainder.

_ A wait lying, vid, Way-laying.

_ Averments.

_ Badgers and Drovers.

_ Bailment.

_ Bailiffs:

_ Bakers, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Barettor.

_ Bargain and Sale, vide Inrolement. Bark of Trees, vide Leather.

_ Baſtardy.

_ Battery lawful, vide Riot, Aſſault,

_ Breach of the Peace. Bath and Buxton, vide Licence.

_ Bawdery.

_ Beads, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Bear-wards, vide Licence.

_ Beer and Beer-brewers, vide Victual•ers.

_ Beggers, vide Rogues and poor people.

_ Blockwood, vide Logwood.

_ Bloudſhed.

_ Bonds, vide Recognizances.

_ Bowyers, vide Archery.

_ Braſs and Pewter.

_ Breach of the Peace, or good behaviour.

_ Brewers vide Victuallers.

_ Bridges.

_ Buckſtalls.

_ Buggery.

_ Bull from Rome, vide Treaſons.

_ Burglary.

_ Burning of houſes.

_ Butchers.

_ Butter and Cheeſe, vide Victuals.

_ Butts.

Buying and ſelling, vide Cattel. _ Calves and Kine.

_ Captains.

_ Caſtle, vide Felony.

_ Cattel.

_ Certificate.

_ Certiorari.

_ Challenge.

_ Champerty.

_ Chance-medly, vide Homicide.

_ Chaſtiſement, vide Correction.

_ Church and Church-yard.

_ Church-Wardens.

_ Clark of the Peace.

_ Clark of a Juſtice his fees, v. Fees.

_ Clark of the Crown, what Records he ought to certifie, vide Certificate.

_ Clark of the Market.

_ Clergy and Sanctuary.

_ Cloth.

_ Commiſſion of the Peace.

_ Commons.

_ Concealment, vide Jurors.

_ Confeſſion.

_ Conjuration.

_ Conſervers of the Peace.

_ Conſtables.

_ Conventicles.

_ Conies, vide Hunting.

_ Corn.

_ Cutter and carriers away of cor•Vide Hedge breakers.

_ Coroners.

_ Coroners fees, vide Fees.

_ Cottages.

_ County.

_ Cozeners and Cozenage.

_ Croſſes, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Croſs-bows and Hand-guns:

_ Curriers, vide Leather.

_ Cuſtomer, vide Corn.

_ Cuſtos Rotulorum.

_ Cutting out of tongues.

_ Cutting of a Pond head.

_ Deer and Deer-hayes.

_ Demurrer.

_ Deputy.

_ Divine Service.

_ Dogs, vide Hunting, & Partridges 

_ Drovers, vide Badgers. 

_ Dier, vide Cloth.

_ Drunkenneſs.

_ Eccleſiaſtical cauſes and perſons.

_ Eggs of wild-fowl.

_ Egyptians.

_ Embezeling of Records, vide Records. Embracer, vide Maintainer.

_ Enditements.

_ Enquiry.

_ Enquiry of a forcible entry, vide Forcible entry.

_ Enquiry by examination, vide Examination.

_ Enquiry by information, vide information.

_ Eſcapes.

_ Evesdroppers.

_ Evidences

_ Eſtreats.

_ Examination.

_ Extolling forein power, vide Treaſon.

_ Extortion.

_ Fairs and Markets.

_ Falſe impriſonment vide Arreſt. Falſe tokens, vide Cozeners.

_ Fees.

_ Felo de ſe.

_ Felony.

_ Felonies by Statute.

_ Felony of his own goods, vide Theft. 

_ Ferrets, vide Hunting.

_ Fewell.

_ Fines.

_ Fines of Rioters, vide Riots. 

_ Fines of Brewer, Baker, Tipler, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Fiſh.

_ Fiſh-days.

_ Flax.

_ Fleſh, vide Fiſh-daies. 

_ Forein power, vide Treaſon. 

_ Forein plea, vide Trial.

_ Force.

_ Forfeitures of a Recognizance taken for the Peace.

_ Forgery.

_ Forein plea.

_ Forreſter.

_ Foreſtalling and Foreſtallers.

_ Fowlers and Fowling.

_ Games, vide Unlawful games.

_ Goal. Goaler.

_ Glaſs-men.

_ Goldſmith.

_ Good abearing.

_ Greyhounds, vide Hunting.

_ Guns and Gunners.

_ Hares.

_ Harneſs and Habiliments of war.

_ Hart proclaimed, vide Deer,

_ Harveſt.

_ Hawks and Hawking.

_ Hay and Oats.

_ Hedge-breakers.

_ High-waies.

_ Homicide.

_ Horſes and Mares.

_ Horſe-bread.

_ Hoſpital.

_ Hoſpitality; vide Religious houſe.

_ Houſe.

_ Houſe of Correction.

_ Hunting.

_ Hundred.

_ Hue and Cry.

_ Jeſuites and Seminary Prieſts.

_ Impriſonments, vide Priſon. 

_ Indictments, vide Enditements.

_ Information.

_ Informers and Promoters.

_ Ingroſſer.

_ In-holder

_ Inmates, vide Cottages.

_ Inrolement.

_ Iſſues.

_ Judgement.

_ Juglers, vide Licence.

_ Jurors.

_ Juſtices of the Peace.

_ Laboures and Servants.

_ Larceny.

_ Leets.

_ Lent, vide Fiſh-daies.

_ Liberties and Franchiſes.

_ Libellers.

_ Licenſes.

_ Linnen cloth.

_ Lying in a way, vide Way-lying.

_ Log-wood, alias Block-wood.

_ Long bows.

_ Maſons.

_ Mainpriſe, vide Bailment.

_ Maintainers and Embracers,

_ Maim.

_ Malt.

_ Manſlaughter, vide Homicide.

_ Mariner.

_ Market-overt.

_ Marriage.

_ Maſs.

_ Maſter, v. Servant and Labourers. 

_ Meaſure, vide Weight.

_ Meſſages falſe.

_ Milch-Kine, vide Calves. 

_ Minſtrels, vide Rogues.

_ Miſpriſion.

_ Miſpriſon of Treaſon.

_ Miſpriſion of Felony.

_ Mitigation of fines and forfeitures vide Lamb 577.

_ Mittimus.

_ The form of the Mi•timus.

_ Monaſteries, v. Religious houſes.

_ Mortuaries.

_ Multiplication of gold and ſilver.

_ Murder.

_ Muſters.

_ Name.

_ Nets, vide Hunting, Partridges and Pheſants.

_ News.

_ Next Juſtice.

_ Night-walkers, vide Watches,

_ Noble Perſonages.

_ Non ſanae memoriae.

_ Nuſance.

_ Obedience to the King.

_ Colore Officii.

_ Ordinary.

_ Oath.

_ Orchards and Gardens, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Overſeers of the Poor.

_ Pannel, Ʋide Jurors.

_ Pardon.

_ Park and Parker.

_ Parſon and Vicar, vide Eccleſiaſtical cauſes.

_ Peace.

_ Peers, vide Noble perſonages. 

_ Pedlers, vide Rogues.

_ Perjury.

_ Petty-treaſon.

_ Pewter, vide Braſs.

_ Phyſician.

_ Pictures brought from Rome vide Agnus Dei.

_ Plays and Players, vide Unlawful games, vide Rogues.

_ Plaints in Court.

_ Pond and Pond-heads, vide Fiſh.

_ Poiſoning, vide Murder.

_ Pope.

_ Popiſh books.

_ Poor people.

_ Poſſeſſion actual and in Law.

_ Preacher.

_ Precept, vide Warrant.

_ Praemunire.

_ Preſentment.

_ Prieſts, vide Jeſuites. 

_ Principal and Acceſſary, vide Acceſſary.

_ Priſoners.

_ Privy Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Proceſs.

_ Proclamation.

_ Promoters, vide Informers.

_ Propheſying.

_ Purveyors.

_ Quarter-Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Rape, or Raviſhment.

_ Rates, vide Taxation.

_ Rebellious aſſemblies.

_ Recognizance.

_ Reconciliation, vide Treaſon.

_ Records.

_ Recuſants.

_ Regrator.

_ Releaſe.

_ Religious Houſes.

_ Replevin, vide Bailment.

_ Reſcous of a Felon.

_ Reſtitution of Poſſeſſion.

_ Reſtitution of ſtoln goods.

_ Return.

_ Riots.

_ Rivers.

_ Robbery.

_ Robbing of an houſe.

_ Rogues.

_ Rome, vide Pope, Co. 11. 36.

_ Rout.

_ Sacriledge.

_ Sacraments.

_ Salmons, vide Fiſh.

_ Salt-peter-men.

_ School-maſter.

_ Seditious Sectaries.

_ Sermon, vide Preaching. 

_ Servants, vide Labourers and Apprentices. 

_ Serving-men, vide Teſtimonial.

_ Sewers.

_ Sheep.

_ Sheriff.

_ Shoes.

_ Shooting.

_ Silk, vide Apparel. 

_ Sope, vide Veſſels.

_ Souldiers.

_ Star-chamber.

_ Stolen goods.

_ Stock of the ſhire.

_ Subſidy.

_ Suggeſtion, vide Information. 

_ Summons of the Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Sunday.

_ Superſedeas.

_ Supplicavit.

_ Supremacy.

_ Suſpicion and ſuſ•ects of felony.

_ Swans.

_ Swearing.

_ Taxations vide Stock of the ſhire.

_ Tale-bearers, vide News. 

_ Tanners, vide Leather.

_ Tavern-keeper.

_ Teſtimonial.

_ Theft.

_ Threatning.

_ Tile-making.

_ Tipling.

_ Tithes.

_ Tranſportation.

_ Travelling beyond the Seas.

_ Traveller.

_ Treaſon.

_ Treaſurer.

_ Treſpaſs, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Trial.

_ Turn of the Sheriff.

_ VAgabons, vide Rogues.

_ Venire facias.

_ Verdict.

_ Veſſels.

_ Victuals and Victualler.

_ Under-Sheriff.

_ Unlawful games.

_ Unlawful Aſſemblies.

_ Uſury.

_ Utlawry.

_ Wages.

_ Wainlings.

_ Warrants.

_ Warreners, vide Foreſters.

_ Watches.

_ Water-men.

_ Wax.

_ Weapons which be forcible. vide Forcible Entry.

_ Weers.

_ Weights and Meaſures.

_ Witchcraft.

_ Wines.

_ Wood.

_ Wooll and Wooll-ſeller.

_ Woollen-yarn.

_ 1. Question.

_ 2 Q.

_ 3 Q.

_ 4 Q.

_ 5 Q.

_ 6 Q.

_ 7 Q.

_ 8 Q.

_ 9 Q.

_ 10 Q.

_ 11 Q.

_ 12 Q.

_ 13 Q.

_ 14 Q.

_ 15 Q.

_ 16 Q.

_ 17 Q.

_ 18 Q.

_ 19 Q.

_ 20 Q.

_ 21 Q.

_ 22 Q.

_ 23 Q.

_ 24 Q.

_ 25 Q.

_ 26. Q.

_ 27 Q.

_ 28 Q.

_ 29 Q.

_ 30 Q.

_ 31 Q.

_ 32 Q.

_ 33 Q.

_ 34 Q.

_ 35 Q

_ 36 Q.

_ 37 Q.

_ 38 Q.

_ The Juſtices opinion touching the Commiſſions by which the Juſtices ſit at Newgate.

_ Hammonds Caſe Mich. 3 Car. Kings Bench.

_ Concerning providing for Baſtard-children.

_ Caſes concerning proviſion for poor people.

_ The Articles of the Charge.

Taxations vide Stock of the ſhire.TAxations made for a Common-wealth, as making or mending of bridge _ Abjuration.

_ Abſolve, Vide Treaſon.

_ Acceſſary and Principal.

_ Acquital, vide Enditements.

_ Affray and Affrayers.

_ Agnus Dei, Croſſes, Beads, &c.

_ Alehouſes.

_ Alias dictus, vide Eudictment. Alien and his trial, vide Trial. Allegiance, vide Supremacy.

_ Amerciaments.

_ Appearance.

_ Appeachment, vide Approvers.

_ Appeal.

_ Apprentices.

_ Approvers or Appeachers.

_ Archery.

_ Armour.

_ Arreſts.

_ Arraignment.

_ Artificers, vide Labourers.

_ Aſſault.

_ Aſſembly unlawful, vide Unlawful Aſſembly.

_ Aſſize of Bread and Beer.

_ Attainder.

_ A wait lying, vid, Way-laying.

_ Averments.

_ Badgers and Drovers.

_ Bailment.

_ Bailiffs:

_ Bakers, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Barettor.

_ Bargain and Sale, vide Inrolement. Bark of Trees, vide Leather.

_ Baſtardy.

_ Battery lawful, vide Riot, Aſſault,

_ Breach of the Peace. Bath and Buxton, vide Licence.

_ Bawdery.

_ Beads, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Bear-wards, vide Licence.

_ Beer and Beer-brewers, vide Victual•ers.

_ Beggers, vide Rogues and poor people.

_ Blockwood, vide Logwood.

_ Bloudſhed.

_ Bonds, vide Recognizances.

_ Bowyers, vide Archery.

_ Braſs and Pewter.

_ Breach of the Peace, or good behaviour.

_ Brewers vide Victuallers.

_ Bridges.

_ Buckſtalls.

_ Buggery.

_ Bull from Rome, vide Treaſons.

_ Burglary.

_ Burning of houſes.

_ Butchers.

_ Butter and Cheeſe, vide Victuals.

_ Butts.

Buying and ſelling, vide Cattel. _ Calves and Kine.

_ Captains.

_ Caſtle, vide Felony.

_ Cattel.

_ Certificate.

_ Certiorari.

_ Challenge.

_ Champerty.

_ Chance-medly, vide Homicide.

_ Chaſtiſement, vide Correction.

_ Church and Church-yard.

_ Church-Wardens.

_ Clark of the Peace.

_ Clark of a Juſtice his fees, v. Fees.

_ Clark of the Crown, what Records he ought to certifie, vide Certificate.

_ Clark of the Market.

_ Clergy and Sanctuary.

_ Cloth.

_ Commiſſion of the Peace.

_ Commons.

_ Concealment, vide Jurors.

_ Confeſſion.

_ Conjuration.

_ Conſervers of the Peace.

_ Conſtables.

_ Conventicles.

_ Conies, vide Hunting.

_ Corn.

_ Cutter and carriers away of cor•Vide Hedge breakers.

_ Coroners.

_ Coroners fees, vide Fees.

_ Cottages.

_ County.

_ Cozeners and Cozenage.

_ Croſſes, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Croſs-bows and Hand-guns:

_ Curriers, vide Leather.

_ Cuſtomer, vide Corn.

_ Cuſtos Rotulorum.

_ Cutting out of tongues.

_ Cutting of a Pond head.

_ Deer and Deer-hayes.

_ Demurrer.

_ Deputy.

_ Divine Service.

_ Dogs, vide Hunting, & Partridges 

_ Drovers, vide Badgers. 

_ Dier, vide Cloth.

_ Drunkenneſs.

_ Eccleſiaſtical cauſes and perſons.

_ Eggs of wild-fowl.

_ Egyptians.

_ Embezeling of Records, vide Records. Embracer, vide Maintainer.

_ Enditements.

_ Enquiry.

_ Enquiry of a forcible entry, vide Forcible entry.

_ Enquiry by examination, vide Examination.

_ Enquiry by information, vide information.

_ Eſcapes.

_ Evesdroppers.

_ Evidences

_ Eſtreats.

_ Examination.

_ Extolling forein power, vide Treaſon.

_ Extortion.

_ Fairs and Markets.

_ Falſe impriſonment vide Arreſt. Falſe tokens, vide Cozeners.

_ Fees.

_ Felo de ſe.

_ Felony.

_ Felonies by Statute.

_ Felony of his own goods, vide Theft. 

_ Ferrets, vide Hunting.

_ Fewell.

_ Fines.

_ Fines of Rioters, vide Riots. 

_ Fines of Brewer, Baker, Tipler, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Fiſh.

_ Fiſh-days.

_ Flax.

_ Fleſh, vide Fiſh-daies. 

_ Forein power, vide Treaſon. 

_ Forein plea, vide Trial.

_ Force.

_ Forfeitures of a Recognizance taken for the Peace.

_ Forgery.

_ Forein plea.

_ Forreſter.

_ Foreſtalling and Foreſtallers.

_ Fowlers and Fowling.

_ Games, vide Unlawful games.

_ Goal. Goaler.

_ Glaſs-men.

_ Goldſmith.

_ Good abearing.

_ Greyhounds, vide Hunting.

_ Guns and Gunners.

_ Hares.

_ Harneſs and Habiliments of war.

_ Hart proclaimed, vide Deer,

_ Harveſt.

_ Hawks and Hawking.

_ Hay and Oats.

_ Hedge-breakers.

_ High-waies.

_ Homicide.

_ Horſes and Mares.

_ Horſe-bread.

_ Hoſpital.

_ Hoſpitality; vide Religious houſe.

_ Houſe.

_ Houſe of Correction.

_ Hunting.

_ Hundred.

_ Hue and Cry.

_ Jeſuites and Seminary Prieſts.

_ Impriſonments, vide Priſon. 

_ Indictments, vide Enditements.

_ Information.

_ Informers and Promoters.

_ Ingroſſer.

_ In-holder

_ Inmates, vide Cottages.

_ Inrolement.

_ Iſſues.

_ Judgement.

_ Juglers, vide Licence.

_ Jurors.

_ Juſtices of the Peace.

_ Laboures and Servants.

_ Larceny.

_ Leets.

_ Lent, vide Fiſh-daies.

_ Liberties and Franchiſes.

_ Libellers.

_ Licenſes.

_ Linnen cloth.

_ Lying in a way, vide Way-lying.

_ Log-wood, alias Block-wood.

_ Long bows.

_ Maſons.

_ Mainpriſe, vide Bailment.

_ Maintainers and Embracers,

_ Maim.

_ Malt.

_ Manſlaughter, vide Homicide.

_ Mariner.

_ Market-overt.

_ Marriage.

_ Maſs.

_ Maſter, v. Servant and Labourers. 

_ Meaſure, vide Weight.

_ Meſſages falſe.

_ Milch-Kine, vide Calves. 

_ Minſtrels, vide Rogues.

_ Miſpriſion.

_ Miſpriſon of Treaſon.

_ Miſpriſion of Felony.

_ Mitigation of fines and forfeitures vide Lamb 577.

_ Mittimus.

_ The form of the Mi•timus.

_ Monaſteries, v. Religious houſes.

_ Mortuaries.

_ Multiplication of gold and ſilver.

_ Murder.

_ Muſters.

_ Name.

_ Nets, vide Hunting, Partridges and Pheſants.

_ News.

_ Next Juſtice.

_ Night-walkers, vide Watches,

_ Noble Perſonages.

_ Non ſanae memoriae.

_ Nuſance.

_ Obedience to the King.

_ Colore Officii.

_ Ordinary.

_ Oath.

_ Orchards and Gardens, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Overſeers of the Poor.

_ Pannel, Ʋide Jurors.

_ Pardon.

_ Park and Parker.

_ Parſon and Vicar, vide Eccleſiaſtical cauſes.

_ Peace.

_ Peers, vide Noble perſonages. 

_ Pedlers, vide Rogues.

_ Perjury.

_ Petty-treaſon.

_ Pewter, vide Braſs.

_ Phyſician.

_ Pictures brought from Rome vide Agnus Dei.

_ Plays and Players, vide Unlawful games, vide Rogues.

_ Plaints in Court.

_ Pond and Pond-heads, vide Fiſh.

_ Poiſoning, vide Murder.

_ Pope.

_ Popiſh books.

_ Poor people.

_ Poſſeſſion actual and in Law.

_ Preacher.

_ Precept, vide Warrant.

_ Praemunire.

_ Preſentment.

_ Prieſts, vide Jeſuites. 

_ Principal and Acceſſary, vide Acceſſary.

_ Priſoners.

_ Privy Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Proceſs.

_ Proclamation.

_ Promoters, vide Informers.

_ Propheſying.

_ Purveyors.

_ Quarter-Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Rape, or Raviſhment.

_ Rates, vide Taxation.

_ Rebellious aſſemblies.

_ Recognizance.

_ Reconciliation, vide Treaſon.

_ Records.

_ Recuſants.

_ Regrator.

_ Releaſe.

_ Religious Houſes.

_ Replevin, vide Bailment.

_ Reſcous of a Felon.

_ Reſtitution of Poſſeſſion.

_ Reſtitution of ſtoln goods.

_ Return.

_ Riots.

_ Rivers.

_ Robbery.

_ Robbing of an houſe.

_ Rogues.

_ Rome, vide Pope, Co. 11. 36.

_ Rout.

_ Sacriledge.

_ Sacraments.

_ Salmons, vide Fiſh.

_ Salt-peter-men.

_ School-maſter.

_ Seditious Sectaries.

_ Sermon, vide Preaching. 

_ Servants, vide Labourers and Apprentices. 

_ Serving-men, vide Teſtimonial.

_ Sewers.

_ Sheep.

_ Sheriff.

_ Shoes.

_ Shooting.

_ Silk, vide Apparel. 

_ Sope, vide Veſſels.

_ Souldiers.

_ Star-chamber.

_ Stolen goods.

_ Stock of the ſhire.

_ Subſidy.

_ Suggeſtion, vide Information. 

_ Summons of the Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Sunday.

_ Superſedeas.

_ Supplicavit.

_ Supremacy.

_ Suſpicion and ſuſ•ects of felony.

_ Swans.

_ Swearing.

_ Taxations vide Stock of the ſhire.

_ Tale-bearers, vide News. 

_ Tanners, vide Leather.

_ Tavern-keeper.

_ Teſtimonial.

_ Theft.

_ Threatning.

_ Tile-making.

_ Tipling.

_ Tithes.

_ Tranſportation.

_ Travelling beyond the Seas.

_ Traveller.

_ Treaſon.

_ Treaſurer.

_ Treſpaſs, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Trial.

_ Turn of the Sheriff.

_ VAgabons, vide Rogues.

_ Venire facias.

_ Verdict.

_ Veſſels.

_ Victuals and Victualler.

_ Under-Sheriff.

_ Unlawful games.

_ Unlawful Aſſemblies.

_ Uſury.

_ Utlawry.

_ Wages.

_ Wainlings.

_ Warrants.

_ Warreners, vide Foreſters.

_ Watches.

_ Water-men.

_ Wax.

_ Weapons which be forcible. vide Forcible Entry.

_ Weers.

_ Weights and Meaſures.

_ Witchcraft.

_ Wines.

_ Wood.

_ Wooll and Wooll-ſeller.

_ Woollen-yarn.

_ 1. Question.

_ 2 Q.

_ 3 Q.

_ 4 Q.

_ 5 Q.

_ 6 Q.

_ 7 Q.

_ 8 Q.

_ 9 Q.

_ 10 Q.

_ 11 Q.

_ 12 Q.

_ 13 Q.

_ 14 Q.

_ 15 Q.

_ 16 Q.

_ 17 Q.

_ 18 Q.

_ 19 Q.

_ 20 Q.

_ 21 Q.

_ 22 Q.

_ 23 Q.

_ 24 Q.

_ 25 Q.

_ 26. Q.

_ 27 Q.

_ 28 Q.

_ 29 Q.

_ 30 Q.

_ 31 Q.

_ 32 Q.

_ 33 Q.

_ 34 Q.

_ 35 Q

_ 36 Q.

_ 37 Q.

_ 38 Q.

_ The Juſtices opinion touching the Commiſſions by which the Juſtices ſit at Newgate.

_ Hammonds Caſe Mich. 3 Car. Kings Bench.

_ Concerning providing for Baſtard-children.

_ Caſes concerning proviſion for poor people.

_ The Articles of the Charge.

VAgabons, vide Rogues..Venire facias.Juſtices of Peace may award a Venire facias againſt the inditou _ Abjuration.

_ Abſolve, Vide Treaſon.

_ Acceſſary and Principal.

_ Acquital, vide Enditements.

_ Affray and Affrayers.

_ Agnus Dei, Croſſes, Beads, &c.

_ Alehouſes.

_ Alias dictus, vide Eudictment. Alien and his trial, vide Trial. Allegiance, vide Supremacy.

_ Amerciaments.

_ Appearance.

_ Appeachment, vide Approvers.

_ Appeal.

_ Apprentices.

_ Approvers or Appeachers.

_ Archery.

_ Armour.

_ Arreſts.

_ Arraignment.

_ Artificers, vide Labourers.

_ Aſſault.

_ Aſſembly unlawful, vide Unlawful Aſſembly.

_ Aſſize of Bread and Beer.

_ Attainder.

_ A wait lying, vid, Way-laying.

_ Averments.

_ Badgers and Drovers.

_ Bailment.

_ Bailiffs:

_ Bakers, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Barettor.

_ Bargain and Sale, vide Inrolement. Bark of Trees, vide Leather.

_ Baſtardy.

_ Battery lawful, vide Riot, Aſſault,

_ Breach of the Peace. Bath and Buxton, vide Licence.

_ Bawdery.

_ Beads, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Bear-wards, vide Licence.

_ Beer and Beer-brewers, vide Victual•ers.

_ Beggers, vide Rogues and poor people.

_ Blockwood, vide Logwood.

_ Bloudſhed.

_ Bonds, vide Recognizances.

_ Bowyers, vide Archery.

_ Braſs and Pewter.

_ Breach of the Peace, or good behaviour.

_ Brewers vide Victuallers.

_ Bridges.

_ Buckſtalls.

_ Buggery.

_ Bull from Rome, vide Treaſons.

_ Burglary.

_ Burning of houſes.

_ Butchers.

_ Butter and Cheeſe, vide Victuals.

_ Butts.

Buying and ſelling, vide Cattel. _ Calves and Kine.

_ Captains.

_ Caſtle, vide Felony.

_ Cattel.

_ Certificate.

_ Certiorari.

_ Challenge.

_ Champerty.

_ Chance-medly, vide Homicide.

_ Chaſtiſement, vide Correction.

_ Church and Church-yard.

_ Church-Wardens.

_ Clark of the Peace.

_ Clark of a Juſtice his fees, v. Fees.

_ Clark of the Crown, what Records he ought to certifie, vide Certificate.

_ Clark of the Market.

_ Clergy and Sanctuary.

_ Cloth.

_ Commiſſion of the Peace.

_ Commons.

_ Concealment, vide Jurors.

_ Confeſſion.

_ Conjuration.

_ Conſervers of the Peace.

_ Conſtables.

_ Conventicles.

_ Conies, vide Hunting.

_ Corn.

_ Cutter and carriers away of cor•Vide Hedge breakers.

_ Coroners.

_ Coroners fees, vide Fees.

_ Cottages.

_ County.

_ Cozeners and Cozenage.

_ Croſſes, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Croſs-bows and Hand-guns:

_ Curriers, vide Leather.

_ Cuſtomer, vide Corn.

_ Cuſtos Rotulorum.

_ Cutting out of tongues.

_ Cutting of a Pond head.

_ Deer and Deer-hayes.

_ Demurrer.

_ Deputy.

_ Divine Service.

_ Dogs, vide Hunting, & Partridges 

_ Drovers, vide Badgers. 

_ Dier, vide Cloth.

_ Drunkenneſs.

_ Eccleſiaſtical cauſes and perſons.

_ Eggs of wild-fowl.

_ Egyptians.

_ Embezeling of Records, vide Records. Embracer, vide Maintainer.

_ Enditements.

_ Enquiry.

_ Enquiry of a forcible entry, vide Forcible entry.

_ Enquiry by examination, vide Examination.

_ Enquiry by information, vide information.

_ Eſcapes.

_ Evesdroppers.

_ Evidences

_ Eſtreats.

_ Examination.

_ Extolling forein power, vide Treaſon.

_ Extortion.

_ Fairs and Markets.

_ Falſe impriſonment vide Arreſt. Falſe tokens, vide Cozeners.

_ Fees.

_ Felo de ſe.

_ Felony.

_ Felonies by Statute.

_ Felony of his own goods, vide Theft. 

_ Ferrets, vide Hunting.

_ Fewell.

_ Fines.

_ Fines of Rioters, vide Riots. 

_ Fines of Brewer, Baker, Tipler, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Fiſh.

_ Fiſh-days.

_ Flax.

_ Fleſh, vide Fiſh-daies. 

_ Forein power, vide Treaſon. 

_ Forein plea, vide Trial.

_ Force.

_ Forfeitures of a Recognizance taken for the Peace.

_ Forgery.

_ Forein plea.

_ Forreſter.

_ Foreſtalling and Foreſtallers.

_ Fowlers and Fowling.

_ Games, vide Unlawful games.

_ Goal. Goaler.

_ Glaſs-men.

_ Goldſmith.

_ Good abearing.

_ Greyhounds, vide Hunting.

_ Guns and Gunners.

_ Hares.

_ Harneſs and Habiliments of war.

_ Hart proclaimed, vide Deer,

_ Harveſt.

_ Hawks and Hawking.

_ Hay and Oats.

_ Hedge-breakers.

_ High-waies.

_ Homicide.

_ Horſes and Mares.

_ Horſe-bread.

_ Hoſpital.

_ Hoſpitality; vide Religious houſe.

_ Houſe.

_ Houſe of Correction.

_ Hunting.

_ Hundred.

_ Hue and Cry.

_ Jeſuites and Seminary Prieſts.

_ Impriſonments, vide Priſon. 

_ Indictments, vide Enditements.

_ Information.

_ Informers and Promoters.

_ Ingroſſer.

_ In-holder

_ Inmates, vide Cottages.

_ Inrolement.

_ Iſſues.

_ Judgement.

_ Juglers, vide Licence.

_ Jurors.

_ Juſtices of the Peace.

_ Laboures and Servants.

_ Larceny.

_ Leets.

_ Lent, vide Fiſh-daies.

_ Liberties and Franchiſes.

_ Libellers.

_ Licenſes.

_ Linnen cloth.

_ Lying in a way, vide Way-lying.

_ Log-wood, alias Block-wood.

_ Long bows.

_ Maſons.

_ Mainpriſe, vide Bailment.

_ Maintainers and Embracers,

_ Maim.

_ Malt.

_ Manſlaughter, vide Homicide.

_ Mariner.

_ Market-overt.

_ Marriage.

_ Maſs.

_ Maſter, v. Servant and Labourers. 

_ Meaſure, vide Weight.

_ Meſſages falſe.

_ Milch-Kine, vide Calves. 

_ Minſtrels, vide Rogues.

_ Miſpriſion.

_ Miſpriſon of Treaſon.

_ Miſpriſion of Felony.

_ Mitigation of fines and forfeitures vide Lamb 577.

_ Mittimus.

_ The form of the Mi•timus.

_ Monaſteries, v. Religious houſes.

_ Mortuaries.

_ Multiplication of gold and ſilver.

_ Murder.

_ Muſters.

_ Name.

_ Nets, vide Hunting, Partridges and Pheſants.

_ News.

_ Next Juſtice.

_ Night-walkers, vide Watches,

_ Noble Perſonages.

_ Non ſanae memoriae.

_ Nuſance.

_ Obedience to the King.

_ Colore Officii.

_ Ordinary.

_ Oath.

_ Orchards and Gardens, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Overſeers of the Poor.

_ Pannel, Ʋide Jurors.

_ Pardon.

_ Park and Parker.

_ Parſon and Vicar, vide Eccleſiaſtical cauſes.

_ Peace.

_ Peers, vide Noble perſonages. 

_ Pedlers, vide Rogues.

_ Perjury.

_ Petty-treaſon.

_ Pewter, vide Braſs.

_ Phyſician.

_ Pictures brought from Rome vide Agnus Dei.

_ Plays and Players, vide Unlawful games, vide Rogues.

_ Plaints in Court.

_ Pond and Pond-heads, vide Fiſh.

_ Poiſoning, vide Murder.

_ Pope.

_ Popiſh books.

_ Poor people.

_ Poſſeſſion actual and in Law.

_ Preacher.

_ Precept, vide Warrant.

_ Praemunire.

_ Preſentment.

_ Prieſts, vide Jeſuites. 

_ Principal and Acceſſary, vide Acceſſary.

_ Priſoners.

_ Privy Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Proceſs.

_ Proclamation.

_ Promoters, vide Informers.

_ Propheſying.

_ Purveyors.

_ Quarter-Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Rape, or Raviſhment.

_ Rates, vide Taxation.

_ Rebellious aſſemblies.

_ Recognizance.

_ Reconciliation, vide Treaſon.

_ Records.

_ Recuſants.

_ Regrator.

_ Releaſe.

_ Religious Houſes.

_ Replevin, vide Bailment.

_ Reſcous of a Felon.

_ Reſtitution of Poſſeſſion.

_ Reſtitution of ſtoln goods.

_ Return.

_ Riots.

_ Rivers.

_ Robbery.

_ Robbing of an houſe.

_ Rogues.

_ Rome, vide Pope, Co. 11. 36.

_ Rout.

_ Sacriledge.

_ Sacraments.

_ Salmons, vide Fiſh.

_ Salt-peter-men.

_ School-maſter.

_ Seditious Sectaries.

_ Sermon, vide Preaching. 

_ Servants, vide Labourers and Apprentices. 

_ Serving-men, vide Teſtimonial.

_ Sewers.

_ Sheep.

_ Sheriff.

_ Shoes.

_ Shooting.

_ Silk, vide Apparel. 

_ Sope, vide Veſſels.

_ Souldiers.

_ Star-chamber.

_ Stolen goods.

_ Stock of the ſhire.

_ Subſidy.

_ Suggeſtion, vide Information. 

_ Summons of the Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Sunday.

_ Superſedeas.

_ Supplicavit.

_ Supremacy.

_ Suſpicion and ſuſ•ects of felony.

_ Swans.

_ Swearing.

_ Taxations vide Stock of the ſhire.

_ Tale-bearers, vide News. 

_ Tanners, vide Leather.

_ Tavern-keeper.

_ Teſtimonial.

_ Theft.

_ Threatning.

_ Tile-making.

_ Tipling.

_ Tithes.

_ Tranſportation.

_ Travelling beyond the Seas.

_ Traveller.

_ Treaſon.

_ Treaſurer.

_ Treſpaſs, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Trial.

_ Turn of the Sheriff.

_ VAgabons, vide Rogues.

_ Venire facias.

_ Verdict.

_ Veſſels.

_ Victuals and Victualler.

_ Under-Sheriff.

_ Unlawful games.

_ Unlawful Aſſemblies.

_ Uſury.

_ Utlawry.

_ Wages.

_ Wainlings.

_ Warrants.

_ Warreners, vide Foreſters.

_ Watches.

_ Water-men.

_ Wax.

_ Weapons which be forcible. vide Forcible Entry.

_ Weers.

_ Weights and Meaſures.

_ Witchcraft.

_ Wines.

_ Wood.

_ Wooll and Wooll-ſeller.

_ Woollen-yarn.

_ 1. Question.

_ 2 Q.

_ 3 Q.

_ 4 Q.

_ 5 Q.

_ 6 Q.

_ 7 Q.

_ 8 Q.

_ 9 Q.

_ 10 Q.

_ 11 Q.

_ 12 Q.

_ 13 Q.

_ 14 Q.

_ 15 Q.

_ 16 Q.

_ 17 Q.

_ 18 Q.

_ 19 Q.

_ 20 Q.

_ 21 Q.

_ 22 Q.

_ 23 Q.

_ 24 Q.

_ 25 Q.

_ 26. Q.

_ 27 Q.

_ 28 Q.

_ 29 Q.

_ 30 Q.

_ 31 Q.

_ 32 Q.

_ 33 Q.

_ 34 Q.

_ 35 Q

_ 36 Q.

_ 37 Q.

_ 38 Q.

_ The Juſtices opinion touching the Commiſſions by which the Juſtices ſit at Newgate.

_ Hammonds Caſe Mich. 3 Car. Kings Bench.

_ Concerning providing for Baſtard-children.

_ Caſes concerning proviſion for poor people.

_ The Articles of the Charge.

Wages.RAtes of wages of ſervants and labourers are to be made by the Juſtices of Peace at Faſter Qu. _ Abjuration.

_ Abſolve, Vide Treaſon.

_ Acceſſary and Principal.

_ Acquital, vide Enditements.

_ Affray and Affrayers.

_ Agnus Dei, Croſſes, Beads, &c.

_ Alehouſes.

_ Alias dictus, vide Eudictment. Alien and his trial, vide Trial. Allegiance, vide Supremacy.

_ Amerciaments.

_ Appearance.

_ Appeachment, vide Approvers.

_ Appeal.

_ Apprentices.

_ Approvers or Appeachers.

_ Archery.

_ Armour.

_ Arreſts.

_ Arraignment.

_ Artificers, vide Labourers.

_ Aſſault.

_ Aſſembly unlawful, vide Unlawful Aſſembly.

_ Aſſize of Bread and Beer.

_ Attainder.

_ A wait lying, vid, Way-laying.

_ Averments.

_ Badgers and Drovers.

_ Bailment.

_ Bailiffs:

_ Bakers, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Barettor.

_ Bargain and Sale, vide Inrolement. Bark of Trees, vide Leather.

_ Baſtardy.

_ Battery lawful, vide Riot, Aſſault,

_ Breach of the Peace. Bath and Buxton, vide Licence.

_ Bawdery.

_ Beads, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Bear-wards, vide Licence.

_ Beer and Beer-brewers, vide Victual•ers.

_ Beggers, vide Rogues and poor people.

_ Blockwood, vide Logwood.

_ Bloudſhed.

_ Bonds, vide Recognizances.

_ Bowyers, vide Archery.

_ Braſs and Pewter.

_ Breach of the Peace, or good behaviour.

_ Brewers vide Victuallers.

_ Bridges.

_ Buckſtalls.

_ Buggery.

_ Bull from Rome, vide Treaſons.

_ Burglary.

_ Burning of houſes.

_ Butchers.

_ Butter and Cheeſe, vide Victuals.

_ Butts.

Buying and ſelling, vide Cattel. _ Calves and Kine.

_ Captains.

_ Caſtle, vide Felony.

_ Cattel.

_ Certificate.

_ Certiorari.

_ Challenge.

_ Champerty.

_ Chance-medly, vide Homicide.

_ Chaſtiſement, vide Correction.

_ Church and Church-yard.

_ Church-Wardens.

_ Clark of the Peace.

_ Clark of a Juſtice his fees, v. Fees.

_ Clark of the Crown, what Records he ought to certifie, vide Certificate.

_ Clark of the Market.

_ Clergy and Sanctuary.

_ Cloth.

_ Commiſſion of the Peace.

_ Commons.

_ Concealment, vide Jurors.

_ Confeſſion.

_ Conjuration.

_ Conſervers of the Peace.

_ Conſtables.

_ Conventicles.

_ Conies, vide Hunting.

_ Corn.

_ Cutter and carriers away of cor•Vide Hedge breakers.

_ Coroners.

_ Coroners fees, vide Fees.

_ Cottages.

_ County.

_ Cozeners and Cozenage.

_ Croſſes, vide Agnus Dei.

_ Croſs-bows and Hand-guns:

_ Curriers, vide Leather.

_ Cuſtomer, vide Corn.

_ Cuſtos Rotulorum.

_ Cutting out of tongues.

_ Cutting of a Pond head.

_ Deer and Deer-hayes.

_ Demurrer.

_ Deputy.

_ Divine Service.

_ Dogs, vide Hunting, & Partridges 

_ Drovers, vide Badgers. 

_ Dier, vide Cloth.

_ Drunkenneſs.

_ Eccleſiaſtical cauſes and perſons.

_ Eggs of wild-fowl.

_ Egyptians.

_ Embezeling of Records, vide Records. Embracer, vide Maintainer.

_ Enditements.

_ Enquiry.

_ Enquiry of a forcible entry, vide Forcible entry.

_ Enquiry by examination, vide Examination.

_ Enquiry by information, vide information.

_ Eſcapes.

_ Evesdroppers.

_ Evidences

_ Eſtreats.

_ Examination.

_ Extolling forein power, vide Treaſon.

_ Extortion.

_ Fairs and Markets.

_ Falſe impriſonment vide Arreſt. Falſe tokens, vide Cozeners.

_ Fees.

_ Felo de ſe.

_ Felony.

_ Felonies by Statute.

_ Felony of his own goods, vide Theft. 

_ Ferrets, vide Hunting.

_ Fewell.

_ Fines.

_ Fines of Rioters, vide Riots. 

_ Fines of Brewer, Baker, Tipler, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

_ Fiſh.

_ Fiſh-days.

_ Flax.

_ Fleſh, vide Fiſh-daies. 

_ Forein power, vide Treaſon. 

_ Forein plea, vide Trial.

_ Force.

_ Forfeitures of a Recognizance taken for the Peace.

_ Forgery.

_ Forein plea.

_ Forreſter.

_ Foreſtalling and Foreſtallers.

_ Fowlers and Fowling.

_ Games, vide Unlawful games.

_ Goal. Goaler.

_ Glaſs-men.

_ Goldſmith.

_ Good abearing.

_ Greyhounds, vide Hunting.

_ Guns and Gunners.

_ Hares.

_ Harneſs and Habiliments of war.

_ Hart proclaimed, vide Deer,

_ Harveſt.

_ Hawks and Hawking.

_ Hay and Oats.

_ Hedge-breakers.

_ High-waies.

_ Homicide.

_ Horſes and Mares.

_ Horſe-bread.

_ Hoſpital.

_ Hoſpitality; vide Religious houſe.

_ Houſe.

_ Houſe of Correction.

_ Hunting.

_ Hundred.

_ Hue and Cry.

_ Jeſuites and Seminary Prieſts.

_ Impriſonments, vide Priſon. 

_ Indictments, vide Enditements.

_ Information.

_ Informers and Promoters.

_ Ingroſſer.

_ In-holder

_ Inmates, vide Cottages.

_ Inrolement.

_ Iſſues.

_ Judgement.

_ Juglers, vide Licence.

_ Jurors.

_ Juſtices of the Peace.

_ Laboures and Servants.

_ Larceny.

_ Leets.

_ Lent, vide Fiſh-daies.

_ Liberties and Franchiſes.

_ Libellers.

_ Licenſes.

_ Linnen cloth.

_ Lying in a way, vide Way-lying.

_ Log-wood, alias Block-wood.

_ Long bows.

_ Maſons.

_ Mainpriſe, vide Bailment.

_ Maintainers and Embracers,

_ Maim.

_ Malt.

_ Manſlaughter, vide Homicide.

_ Mariner.

_ Market-overt.

_ Marriage.

_ Maſs.

_ Maſter, v. Servant and Labourers. 

_ Meaſure, vide Weight.

_ Meſſages falſe.

_ Milch-Kine, vide Calves. 

_ Minſtrels, vide Rogues.

_ Miſpriſion.

_ Miſpriſon of Treaſon.

_ Miſpriſion of Felony.

_ Mitigation of fines and forfeitures vide Lamb 577.

_ Mittimus.

_ The form of the Mi•timus.

_ Monaſteries, v. Religious houſes.

_ Mortuaries.

_ Multiplication of gold and ſilver.

_ Murder.

_ Muſters.

_ Name.

_ Nets, vide Hunting, Partridges and Pheſants.

_ News.

_ Next Juſtice.

_ Night-walkers, vide Watches,

_ Noble Perſonages.

_ Non ſanae memoriae.

_ Nuſance.

_ Obedience to the King.

_ Colore Officii.

_ Ordinary.

_ Oath.

_ Orchards and Gardens, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Overſeers of the Poor.

_ Pannel, Ʋide Jurors.

_ Pardon.

_ Park and Parker.

_ Parſon and Vicar, vide Eccleſiaſtical cauſes.

_ Peace.

_ Peers, vide Noble perſonages. 

_ Pedlers, vide Rogues.

_ Perjury.

_ Petty-treaſon.

_ Pewter, vide Braſs.

_ Phyſician.

_ Pictures brought from Rome vide Agnus Dei.

_ Plays and Players, vide Unlawful games, vide Rogues.

_ Plaints in Court.

_ Pond and Pond-heads, vide Fiſh.

_ Poiſoning, vide Murder.

_ Pope.

_ Popiſh books.

_ Poor people.

_ Poſſeſſion actual and in Law.

_ Preacher.

_ Precept, vide Warrant.

_ Praemunire.

_ Preſentment.

_ Prieſts, vide Jeſuites. 

_ Principal and Acceſſary, vide Acceſſary.

_ Priſoners.

_ Privy Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Proceſs.

_ Proclamation.

_ Promoters, vide Informers.

_ Propheſying.

_ Purveyors.

_ Quarter-Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Rape, or Raviſhment.

_ Rates, vide Taxation.

_ Rebellious aſſemblies.

_ Recognizance.

_ Reconciliation, vide Treaſon.

_ Records.

_ Recuſants.

_ Regrator.

_ Releaſe.

_ Religious Houſes.

_ Replevin, vide Bailment.

_ Reſcous of a Felon.

_ Reſtitution of Poſſeſſion.

_ Reſtitution of ſtoln goods.

_ Return.

_ Riots.

_ Rivers.

_ Robbery.

_ Robbing of an houſe.

_ Rogues.

_ Rome, vide Pope, Co. 11. 36.

_ Rout.

_ Sacriledge.

_ Sacraments.

_ Salmons, vide Fiſh.

_ Salt-peter-men.

_ School-maſter.

_ Seditious Sectaries.

_ Sermon, vide Preaching. 

_ Servants, vide Labourers and Apprentices. 

_ Serving-men, vide Teſtimonial.

_ Sewers.

_ Sheep.

_ Sheriff.

_ Shoes.

_ Shooting.

_ Silk, vide Apparel. 

_ Sope, vide Veſſels.

_ Souldiers.

_ Star-chamber.

_ Stolen goods.

_ Stock of the ſhire.

_ Subſidy.

_ Suggeſtion, vide Information. 

_ Summons of the Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

_ Sunday.

_ Superſedeas.

_ Supplicavit.

_ Supremacy.

_ Suſpicion and ſuſ•ects of felony.

_ Swans.

_ Swearing.

_ Taxations vide Stock of the ſhire.

_ Tale-bearers, vide News. 

_ Tanners, vide Leather.

_ Tavern-keeper.

_ Teſtimonial.

_ Theft.

_ Threatning.

_ Tile-making.

_ Tipling.

_ Tithes.

_ Tranſportation.

_ Travelling beyond the Seas.

_ Traveller.

_ Treaſon.

_ Treaſurer.

_ Treſpaſs, vide Hedge-breakers.

_ Trial.

_ Turn of the Sheriff.

_ VAgabons, vide Rogues.

_ Venire facias.

_ Verdict.

_ Veſſels.

_ Victuals and Victualler.

_ Under-Sheriff.

_ Unlawful games.

_ Unlawful Aſſemblies.

_ Uſury.

_ Utlawry.

_ Wages.

_ Wainlings.

_ Warrants.

_ Warreners, vide Foreſters.

_ Watches.

_ Water-men.

_ Wax.

_ Weapons which be forcible. vide Forcible Entry.

_ Weers.

_ Weights and Meaſures.

_ Witchcraft.

_ Wines.

_ Wood.

_ Wooll and Wooll-ſeller.

_ Woollen-yarn.

_ 1. Question.

_ 2 Q.

_ 3 Q.

_ 4 Q.

_ 5 Q.

_ 6 Q.

_ 7 Q.

_ 8 Q.

_ 9 Q.

_ 10 Q.

_ 11 Q.

_ 12 Q.

_ 13 Q.

_ 14 Q.

_ 15 Q.

_ 16 Q.

_ 17 Q.

_ 18 Q.

_ 19 Q.

_ 20 Q.

_ 21 Q.

_ 22 Q.

_ 23 Q.

_ 24 Q.

_ 25 Q.

_ 26. Q.

_ 27 Q.

_ 28 Q.

_ 29 Q.

_ 30 Q.

_ 31 Q.

_ 32 Q.

_ 33 Q.

_ 34 Q.

_ 35 Q

_ 36 Q.

_ 37 Q.

_ 38 Q.

_ The Juſtices opinion touching the Commiſſions by which the Juſtices ſit at Newgate.

_ Hammonds Caſe Mich. 3 Car. Kings Bench.

_ Concerning providing for Baſtard-children.

_ Caſes concerning proviſion for poor people.

_ The Articles of the Charge.
  1. Reſolutions of the Judges of Aſſiſes, 1633.

    _ Abjuration.

    _ Abſolve, Vide Treaſon.

    _ Acceſſary and Principal.

    _ Acquital, vide Enditements.

    _ Affray and Affrayers.

    _ Agnus Dei, Croſſes, Beads, &c.

    _ Alehouſes.

    _ Alias dictus, vide Eudictment. Alien and his trial, vide Trial. Allegiance, vide Supremacy.

    _ Amerciaments.

    _ Appearance.

    _ Appeachment, vide Approvers.

    _ Appeal.

    _ Apprentices.

    _ Approvers or Appeachers.

    _ Archery.

    _ Armour.

    _ Arreſts.

    _ Arraignment.

    _ Artificers, vide Labourers.

    _ Aſſault.

    _ Aſſembly unlawful, vide Unlawful Aſſembly.

    _ Aſſize of Bread and Beer.

    _ Attainder.

    _ A wait lying, vid, Way-laying.

    _ Averments.

    _ Badgers and Drovers.

    _ Bailment.

    _ Bailiffs:

    _ Bakers, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

    _ Barettor.

    _ Bargain and Sale, vide Inrolement. Bark of Trees, vide Leather.

    _ Baſtardy.

    _ Battery lawful, vide Riot, Aſſault,

    _ Breach of the Peace. Bath and Buxton, vide Licence.

    _ Bawdery.

    _ Beads, vide Agnus Dei.

    _ Bear-wards, vide Licence.

    _ Beer and Beer-brewers, vide Victual•ers.

    _ Beggers, vide Rogues and poor people.

    _ Blockwood, vide Logwood.

    _ Bloudſhed.

    _ Bonds, vide Recognizances.

    _ Bowyers, vide Archery.

    _ Braſs and Pewter.

    _ Breach of the Peace, or good behaviour.

    _ Brewers vide Victuallers.

    _ Bridges.

    _ Buckſtalls.

    _ Buggery.

    _ Bull from Rome, vide Treaſons.

    _ Burglary.

    _ Burning of houſes.

    _ Butchers.

    _ Butter and Cheeſe, vide Victuals.

    _ Butts. Buying and ſelling, vide Cattel. _ Calves and Kine.

    _ Captains.

    _ Caſtle, vide Felony.

    _ Cattel.

    _ Certificate.

    _ Certiorari.

    _ Challenge.

    _ Champerty.

    _ Chance-medly, vide Homicide.

    _ Chaſtiſement, vide Correction.

    _ Church and Church-yard.

    _ Church-Wardens.

    _ Clark of the Peace.

    _ Clark of a Juſtice his fees, v. Fees.

    _ Clark of the Crown, what Records he ought to certifie, vide Certificate.

    _ Clark of the Market.

    _ Clergy and Sanctuary.

    _ Cloth.

    _ Commiſſion of the Peace.

    _ Commons.

    _ Concealment, vide Jurors.

    _ Confeſſion.

    _ Conjuration.

    _ Conſervers of the Peace.

    _ Conſtables.

    _ Conventicles.

    _ Conies, vide Hunting.

    _ Corn.

    _ Cutter and carriers away of cor•Vide Hedge breakers.

    _ Coroners.

    _ Coroners fees, vide Fees.

    _ Cottages.

    _ County.

    _ Cozeners and Cozenage.

    _ Croſſes, vide Agnus Dei.

    _ Croſs-bows and Hand-guns:

    _ Curriers, vide Leather.

    _ Cuſtomer, vide Corn.

    _ Cuſtos Rotulorum.

    _ Cutting out of tongues.

    _ Cutting of a Pond head.

    _ Deer and Deer-hayes.

    _ Demurrer.

    _ Deputy.

    _ Divine Service.

    _ Dogs, vide Hunting, & Partridges

    _ Drovers, vide Badgers.

    _ Dier, vide Cloth.

    _ Drunkenneſs.

    _ Eccleſiaſtical cauſes and perſons.

    _ Eggs of wild-fowl.

    _ Egyptians.

    _ Embezeling of Records, vide Records. Embracer, vide Maintainer.

    _ Enditements.

    _ Enquiry.

    _ Enquiry of a forcible entry, vide Forcible entry.

    _ Enquiry by examination, vide Examination.

    _ Enquiry by information, vide information.

    _ Eſcapes.

    _ Evesdroppers.

    _ Evidences

    _ Eſtreats.

    _ Examination.

    _ Extolling forein power, vide Treaſon.

    _ Extortion.

    _ Fairs and Markets.

    _ Falſe impriſonment vide Arreſt. Falſe tokens, vide Cozeners.

    _ Fees.

    _ Felo de ſe.

    _ Felony.

    _ Felonies by Statute.

    _ Felony of his own goods, vide Theft.

    _ Ferrets, vide Hunting.

    _ Fewell.

    _ Fines.

    _ Fines of Rioters, vide Riots.

    _ Fines of Brewer, Baker, Tipler, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

    _ Fiſh.

    _ Fiſh-days.

    _ Flax.

    _ Fleſh, vide Fiſh-daies.

    _ Forein power, vide Treaſon.

    _ Forein plea, vide Trial.

    _ Force.

    _ Forfeitures of a Recognizance taken for the Peace.

    _ Forgery.

    _ Forein plea.

    _ Forreſter.

    _ Foreſtalling and Foreſtallers.

    _ Fowlers and Fowling.

    _ Games, vide Unlawful games.

    _ Goal. Goaler.

    _ Glaſs-men.

    _ Goldſmith.

    _ Good abearing.

    _ Greyhounds, vide Hunting.

    _ Guns and Gunners.

    _ Hares.

    _ Harneſs and Habiliments of war.

    _ Hart proclaimed, vide Deer,

    _ Harveſt.

    _ Hawks and Hawking.

    _ Hay and Oats.

    _ Hedge-breakers.

    _ High-waies.

    _ Homicide.

    _ Horſes and Mares.

    _ Horſe-bread.

    _ Hoſpital.

    _ Hoſpitality; vide Religious houſe.

    _ Houſe.

    _ Houſe of Correction.

    _ Hunting.

    _ Hundred.

    _ Hue and Cry.

    _ Jeſuites and Seminary Prieſts.

    _ Impriſonments, vide Priſon.

    _ Indictments, vide Enditements.

    _ Information.

    _ Informers and Promoters.

    _ Ingroſſer.

    _ In-holder

    _ Inmates, vide Cottages.

    _ Inrolement.

    _ Iſſues.

    _ Judgement.

    _ Juglers, vide Licence.

    _ Jurors.

    _ Juſtices of the Peace.

    _ Laboures and Servants.

    _ Larceny.

    _ Leets.

    _ Lent, vide Fiſh-daies.

    _ Liberties and Franchiſes.

    _ Libellers.

    _ Licenſes.

    _ Linnen cloth.

    _ Lying in a way, vide Way-lying.

    _ Log-wood, alias Block-wood.

    _ Long bows.

    _ Maſons.

    _ Mainpriſe, vide Bailment.

    _ Maintainers and Embracers,

    _ Maim.

    _ Malt.

    _ Manſlaughter, vide Homicide.

    _ Mariner.

    _ Market-overt.

    _ Marriage.

    _ Maſs.

    _ Maſter, v. Servant and Labourers.

    _ Meaſure, vide Weight.

    _ Meſſages falſe.

    _ Milch-Kine, vide Calves.

    _ Minſtrels, vide Rogues.

    _ Miſpriſion.

    _ Miſpriſon of Treaſon.

    _ Miſpriſion of Felony.

    _ Mitigation of fines and forfeitures vide Lamb 577.

    _ Mittimus.

    _ The form of the Mi•timus.

    _ Monaſteries, v. Religious houſes.

    _ Mortuaries.

    _ Multiplication of gold and ſilver.

    _ Murder.

    _ Muſters.

    _ Name.

    _ Nets, vide Hunting, Partridges and Pheſants.

    _ News.

    _ Next Juſtice.

    _ Night-walkers, vide Watches,

    _ Noble Perſonages.

    _ Non ſanae memoriae.

    _ Nuſance.

    _ Obedience to the King.

    _ Colore Officii.

    _ Ordinary.

    _ Oath.

    _ Orchards and Gardens, vide Hedge-breakers.

    _ Overſeers of the Poor.

    _ Pannel, Ʋide Jurors.

    _ Pardon.

    _ Park and Parker.

    _ Parſon and Vicar, vide Eccleſiaſtical cauſes.

    _ Peace.

    _ Peers, vide Noble perſonages.

    _ Pedlers, vide Rogues.

    _ Perjury.

    _ Petty-treaſon.

    _ Pewter, vide Braſs.

    _ Phyſician.

    _ Pictures brought from Rome vide Agnus Dei.

    _ Plays and Players, vide Unlawful games, vide Rogues.

    _ Plaints in Court.

    _ Pond and Pond-heads, vide Fiſh.

    _ Poiſoning, vide Murder.

    _ Pope.

    _ Popiſh books.

    _ Poor people.

    _ Poſſeſſion actual and in Law.

    _ Preacher.

    _ Precept, vide Warrant.

    _ Praemunire.

    _ Preſentment.

    _ Prieſts, vide Jeſuites.

    _ Principal and Acceſſary, vide Acceſſary.

    _ Priſoners.

    _ Privy Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

    _ Proceſs.

    _ Proclamation.

    _ Promoters, vide Informers.

    _ Propheſying.

    _ Purveyors.

    _ Quarter-Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

    _ Rape, or Raviſhment.

    _ Rates, vide Taxation.

    _ Rebellious aſſemblies.

    _ Recognizance.

    _ Reconciliation, vide Treaſon.

    _ Records.

    _ Recuſants.

    _ Regrator.

    _ Releaſe.

    _ Religious Houſes.

    _ Replevin, vide Bailment.

    _ Reſcous of a Felon.

    _ Reſtitution of Poſſeſſion.

    _ Reſtitution of ſtoln goods.

    _ Return.

    _ Riots.

    _ Rivers.

    _ Robbery.

    _ Robbing of an houſe.

    _ Rogues.

    _ Rome, vide Pope, Co. 11. 36.

    _ Rout.

    _ Sacriledge.

    _ Sacraments.

    _ Salmons, vide Fiſh.

    _ Salt-peter-men.

    _ School-maſter.

    _ Seditious Sectaries.

    _ Sermon, vide Preaching.

    _ Servants, vide Labourers and Apprentices.

    _ Serving-men, vide Teſtimonial.

    _ Sewers.

    _ Sheep.

    _ Sheriff.

    _ Shoes.

    _ Shooting.

    _ Silk, vide Apparel.

    _ Sope, vide Veſſels.

    _ Souldiers.

    _ Star-chamber.

    _ Stolen goods.

    _ Stock of the ſhire.

    _ Subſidy.

    _ Suggeſtion, vide Information.

    _ Summons of the Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

    _ Sunday.

    _ Superſedeas.

    _ Supplicavit.

    _ Supremacy.

    _ Suſpicion and ſuſ•ects of felony.

    _ Swans.

    _ Swearing.

    _ Taxations vide Stock of the ſhire.

    _ Tale-bearers, vide News.

    _ Tanners, vide Leather.

    _ Tavern-keeper.

    _ Teſtimonial.

    _ Theft.

    _ Threatning.

    _ Tile-making.

    _ Tipling.

    _ Tithes.

    _ Tranſportation.

    _ Travelling beyond the Seas.

    _ Traveller.

    _ Treaſon.

    _ Treaſurer.

    _ Treſpaſs, vide Hedge-breakers.

    _ Trial.

    _ Turn of the Sheriff.

    _ VAgabons, vide Rogues.

    _ Venire facias.

    _ Verdict.

    _ Veſſels.

    _ Victuals and Victualler.

    _ Under-Sheriff.

    _ Unlawful games.

    _ Unlawful Aſſemblies.

    _ Uſury.

    _ Utlawry.

    _ Wages.

    _ Wainlings.

    _ Warrants.

    _ Warreners, vide Foreſters.

    _ Watches.

    _ Water-men.

    _ Wax.

    _ Weapons which be forcible. vide Forcible Entry.

    _ Weers.

    _ Weights and Meaſures.

    _ Witchcraft.

    _ Wines.

    _ Wood.

    _ Wooll and Wooll-ſeller.

    _ Woollen-yarn.

    _ 1. Question.

    _ 2 Q.

    _ 3 Q.

    _ 4 Q.

    _ 5 Q.

    _ 6 Q.

    _ 7 Q.

    _ 8 Q.

    _ 9 Q.

    _ 10 Q.

    _ 11 Q.

    _ 12 Q.

    _ 13 Q.

    _ 14 Q.

    _ 15 Q.

    _ 16 Q.

    _ 17 Q.

    _ 18 Q.

    _ 19 Q.

    _ 20 Q.

    _ 21 Q.

    _ 22 Q.

    _ 23 Q.

    _ 24 Q.

    _ 25 Q.

    _ 26. Q.

    _ 27 Q.

    _ 28 Q.

    _ 29 Q.

    _ 30 Q.

    _ 31 Q.

    _ 32 Q.

    _ 33 Q.

    _ 34 Q.

    _ 35 Q

    _ 36 Q.

    _ 37 Q.

    _ 38 Q.

    _ The Juſtices opinion touching the Commiſſions by which the Juſtices ſit at Newgate.

    _ Hammonds Caſe Mich. 3 Car. Kings Bench.

    _ Concerning providing for Baſtard-children.

    _ Caſes concerning proviſion for poor people.

    _ The Articles of the Charge.

  2. Caſes and Reſolutions upon the Statutes of 18 Eliz. cap. 3. touching Baſtard-children. And upon 43. Eliz. cap. 2. concerning the poor, and proviſion for them.

    _ Abjuration.

    _ Abſolve, Vide Treaſon.

    _ Acceſſary and Principal.

    _ Acquital, vide Enditements.

    _ Affray and Affrayers.

    _ Agnus Dei, Croſſes, Beads, &c.

    _ Alehouſes.

    _ Alias dictus, vide Eudictment. Alien and his trial, vide Trial. Allegiance, vide Supremacy.

    _ Amerciaments.

    _ Appearance.

    _ Appeachment, vide Approvers.

    _ Appeal.

    _ Apprentices.

    _ Approvers or Appeachers.

    _ Archery.

    _ Armour.

    _ Arreſts.

    _ Arraignment.

    _ Artificers, vide Labourers.

    _ Aſſault.

    _ Aſſembly unlawful, vide Unlawful Aſſembly.

    _ Aſſize of Bread and Beer.

    _ Attainder.

    _ A wait lying, vid, Way-laying.

    _ Averments.

    _ Badgers and Drovers.

    _ Bailment.

    _ Bailiffs:

    _ Bakers, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

    _ Barettor.

    _ Bargain and Sale, vide Inrolement. Bark of Trees, vide Leather.

    _ Baſtardy.

    _ Battery lawful, vide Riot, Aſſault,

    _ Breach of the Peace. Bath and Buxton, vide Licence.

    _ Bawdery.

    _ Beads, vide Agnus Dei.

    _ Bear-wards, vide Licence.

    _ Beer and Beer-brewers, vide Victual•ers.

    _ Beggers, vide Rogues and poor people.

    _ Blockwood, vide Logwood.

    _ Bloudſhed.

    _ Bonds, vide Recognizances.

    _ Bowyers, vide Archery.

    _ Braſs and Pewter.

    _ Breach of the Peace, or good behaviour.

    _ Brewers vide Victuallers.

    _ Bridges.

    _ Buckſtalls.

    _ Buggery.

    _ Bull from Rome, vide Treaſons.

    _ Burglary.

    _ Burning of houſes.

    _ Butchers.

    _ Butter and Cheeſe, vide Victuals.

    _ Butts. Buying and ſelling, vide Cattel. _ Calves and Kine.

    _ Captains.

    _ Caſtle, vide Felony.

    _ Cattel.

    _ Certificate.

    _ Certiorari.

    _ Challenge.

    _ Champerty.

    _ Chance-medly, vide Homicide.

    _ Chaſtiſement, vide Correction.

    _ Church and Church-yard.

    _ Church-Wardens.

    _ Clark of the Peace.

    _ Clark of a Juſtice his fees, v. Fees.

    _ Clark of the Crown, what Records he ought to certifie, vide Certificate.

    _ Clark of the Market.

    _ Clergy and Sanctuary.

    _ Cloth.

    _ Commiſſion of the Peace.

    _ Commons.

    _ Concealment, vide Jurors.

    _ Confeſſion.

    _ Conjuration.

    _ Conſervers of the Peace.

    _ Conſtables.

    _ Conventicles.

    _ Conies, vide Hunting.

    _ Corn.

    _ Cutter and carriers away of cor•Vide Hedge breakers.

    _ Coroners.

    _ Coroners fees, vide Fees.

    _ Cottages.

    _ County.

    _ Cozeners and Cozenage.

    _ Croſſes, vide Agnus Dei.

    _ Croſs-bows and Hand-guns:

    _ Curriers, vide Leather.

    _ Cuſtomer, vide Corn.

    _ Cuſtos Rotulorum.

    _ Cutting out of tongues.

    _ Cutting of a Pond head.

    _ Deer and Deer-hayes.

    _ Demurrer.

    _ Deputy.

    _ Divine Service.

    _ Dogs, vide Hunting, & Partridges

    _ Drovers, vide Badgers.

    _ Dier, vide Cloth.

    _ Drunkenneſs.

    _ Eccleſiaſtical cauſes and perſons.

    _ Eggs of wild-fowl.

    _ Egyptians.

    _ Embezeling of Records, vide Records. Embracer, vide Maintainer.

    _ Enditements.

    _ Enquiry.

    _ Enquiry of a forcible entry, vide Forcible entry.

    _ Enquiry by examination, vide Examination.

    _ Enquiry by information, vide information.

    _ Eſcapes.

    _ Evesdroppers.

    _ Evidences

    _ Eſtreats.

    _ Examination.

    _ Extolling forein power, vide Treaſon.

    _ Extortion.

    _ Fairs and Markets.

    _ Falſe impriſonment vide Arreſt. Falſe tokens, vide Cozeners.

    _ Fees.

    _ Felo de ſe.

    _ Felony.

    _ Felonies by Statute.

    _ Felony of his own goods, vide Theft.

    _ Ferrets, vide Hunting.

    _ Fewell.

    _ Fines.

    _ Fines of Rioters, vide Riots.

    _ Fines of Brewer, Baker, Tipler, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

    _ Fiſh.

    _ Fiſh-days.

    _ Flax.

    _ Fleſh, vide Fiſh-daies.

    _ Forein power, vide Treaſon.

    _ Forein plea, vide Trial.

    _ Force.

    _ Forfeitures of a Recognizance taken for the Peace.

    _ Forgery.

    _ Forein plea.

    _ Forreſter.

    _ Foreſtalling and Foreſtallers.

    _ Fowlers and Fowling.

    _ Games, vide Unlawful games.

    _ Goal. Goaler.

    _ Glaſs-men.

    _ Goldſmith.

    _ Good abearing.

    _ Greyhounds, vide Hunting.

    _ Guns and Gunners.

    _ Hares.

    _ Harneſs and Habiliments of war.

    _ Hart proclaimed, vide Deer,

    _ Harveſt.

    _ Hawks and Hawking.

    _ Hay and Oats.

    _ Hedge-breakers.

    _ High-waies.

    _ Homicide.

    _ Horſes and Mares.

    _ Horſe-bread.

    _ Hoſpital.

    _ Hoſpitality; vide Religious houſe.

    _ Houſe.

    _ Houſe of Correction.

    _ Hunting.

    _ Hundred.

    _ Hue and Cry.

    _ Jeſuites and Seminary Prieſts.

    _ Impriſonments, vide Priſon.

    _ Indictments, vide Enditements.

    _ Information.

    _ Informers and Promoters.

    _ Ingroſſer.

    _ In-holder

    _ Inmates, vide Cottages.

    _ Inrolement.

    _ Iſſues.

    _ Judgement.

    _ Juglers, vide Licence.

    _ Jurors.

    _ Juſtices of the Peace.

    _ Laboures and Servants.

    _ Larceny.

    _ Leets.

    _ Lent, vide Fiſh-daies.

    _ Liberties and Franchiſes.

    _ Libellers.

    _ Licenſes.

    _ Linnen cloth.

    _ Lying in a way, vide Way-lying.

    _ Log-wood, alias Block-wood.

    _ Long bows.

    _ Maſons.

    _ Mainpriſe, vide Bailment.

    _ Maintainers and Embracers,

    _ Maim.

    _ Malt.

    _ Manſlaughter, vide Homicide.

    _ Mariner.

    _ Market-overt.

    _ Marriage.

    _ Maſs.

    _ Maſter, v. Servant and Labourers.

    _ Meaſure, vide Weight.

    _ Meſſages falſe.

    _ Milch-Kine, vide Calves.

    _ Minſtrels, vide Rogues.

    _ Miſpriſion.

    _ Miſpriſon of Treaſon.

    _ Miſpriſion of Felony.

    _ Mitigation of fines and forfeitures vide Lamb 577.

    _ Mittimus.

    _ The form of the Mi•timus.

    _ Monaſteries, v. Religious houſes.

    _ Mortuaries.

    _ Multiplication of gold and ſilver.

    _ Murder.

    _ Muſters.

    _ Name.

    _ Nets, vide Hunting, Partridges and Pheſants.

    _ News.

    _ Next Juſtice.

    _ Night-walkers, vide Watches,

    _ Noble Perſonages.

    _ Non ſanae memoriae.

    _ Nuſance.

    _ Obedience to the King.

    _ Colore Officii.

    _ Ordinary.

    _ Oath.

    _ Orchards and Gardens, vide Hedge-breakers.

    _ Overſeers of the Poor.

    _ Pannel, Ʋide Jurors.

    _ Pardon.

    _ Park and Parker.

    _ Parſon and Vicar, vide Eccleſiaſtical cauſes.

    _ Peace.

    _ Peers, vide Noble perſonages.

    _ Pedlers, vide Rogues.

    _ Perjury.

    _ Petty-treaſon.

    _ Pewter, vide Braſs.

    _ Phyſician.

    _ Pictures brought from Rome vide Agnus Dei.

    _ Plays and Players, vide Unlawful games, vide Rogues.

    _ Plaints in Court.

    _ Pond and Pond-heads, vide Fiſh.

    _ Poiſoning, vide Murder.

    _ Pope.

    _ Popiſh books.

    _ Poor people.

    _ Poſſeſſion actual and in Law.

    _ Preacher.

    _ Precept, vide Warrant.

    _ Praemunire.

    _ Preſentment.

    _ Prieſts, vide Jeſuites.

    _ Principal and Acceſſary, vide Acceſſary.

    _ Priſoners.

    _ Privy Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

    _ Proceſs.

    _ Proclamation.

    _ Promoters, vide Informers.

    _ Propheſying.

    _ Purveyors.

    _ Quarter-Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

    _ Rape, or Raviſhment.

    _ Rates, vide Taxation.

    _ Rebellious aſſemblies.

    _ Recognizance.

    _ Reconciliation, vide Treaſon.

    _ Records.

    _ Recuſants.

    _ Regrator.

    _ Releaſe.

    _ Religious Houſes.

    _ Replevin, vide Bailment.

    _ Reſcous of a Felon.

    _ Reſtitution of Poſſeſſion.

    _ Reſtitution of ſtoln goods.

    _ Return.

    _ Riots.

    _ Rivers.

    _ Robbery.

    _ Robbing of an houſe.

    _ Rogues.

    _ Rome, vide Pope, Co. 11. 36.

    _ Rout.

    _ Sacriledge.

    _ Sacraments.

    _ Salmons, vide Fiſh.

    _ Salt-peter-men.

    _ School-maſter.

    _ Seditious Sectaries.

    _ Sermon, vide Preaching.

    _ Servants, vide Labourers and Apprentices.

    _ Serving-men, vide Teſtimonial.

    _ Sewers.

    _ Sheep.

    _ Sheriff.

    _ Shoes.

    _ Shooting.

    _ Silk, vide Apparel.

    _ Sope, vide Veſſels.

    _ Souldiers.

    _ Star-chamber.

    _ Stolen goods.

    _ Stock of the ſhire.

    _ Subſidy.

    _ Suggeſtion, vide Information.

    _ Summons of the Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

    _ Sunday.

    _ Superſedeas.

    _ Supplicavit.

    _ Supremacy.

    _ Suſpicion and ſuſ•ects of felony.

    _ Swans.

    _ Swearing.

    _ Taxations vide Stock of the ſhire.

    _ Tale-bearers, vide News.

    _ Tanners, vide Leather.

    _ Tavern-keeper.

    _ Teſtimonial.

    _ Theft.

    _ Threatning.

    _ Tile-making.

    _ Tipling.

    _ Tithes.

    _ Tranſportation.

    _ Travelling beyond the Seas.

    _ Traveller.

    _ Treaſon.

    _ Treaſurer.

    _ Treſpaſs, vide Hedge-breakers.

    _ Trial.

    _ Turn of the Sheriff.

    _ VAgabons, vide Rogues.

    _ Venire facias.

    _ Verdict.

    _ Veſſels.

    _ Victuals and Victualler.

    _ Under-Sheriff.

    _ Unlawful games.

    _ Unlawful Aſſemblies.

    _ Uſury.

    _ Utlawry.

    _ Wages.

    _ Wainlings.

    _ Warrants.

    _ Warreners, vide Foreſters.

    _ Watches.

    _ Water-men.

    _ Wax.

    _ Weapons which be forcible. vide Forcible Entry.

    _ Weers.

    _ Weights and Meaſures.

    _ Witchcraft.

    _ Wines.

    _ Wood.

    _ Wooll and Wooll-ſeller.

    _ Woollen-yarn.

    _ 1. Question.

    _ 2 Q.

    _ 3 Q.

    _ 4 Q.

    _ 5 Q.

    _ 6 Q.

    _ 7 Q.

    _ 8 Q.

    _ 9 Q.

    _ 10 Q.

    _ 11 Q.

    _ 12 Q.

    _ 13 Q.

    _ 14 Q.

    _ 15 Q.

    _ 16 Q.

    _ 17 Q.

    _ 18 Q.

    _ 19 Q.

    _ 20 Q.

    _ 21 Q.

    _ 22 Q.

    _ 23 Q.

    _ 24 Q.

    _ 25 Q.

    _ 26. Q.

    _ 27 Q.

    _ 28 Q.

    _ 29 Q.

    _ 30 Q.

    _ 31 Q.

    _ 32 Q.

    _ 33 Q.

    _ 34 Q.

    _ 35 Q

    _ 36 Q.

    _ 37 Q.

    _ 38 Q.

    _ The Juſtices opinion touching the Commiſſions by which the Juſtices ſit at Newgate.

    _ Hammonds Caſe Mich. 3 Car. Kings Bench.

    _ Concerning providing for Baſtard-children.

    _ Caſes concerning proviſion for poor people.

    _ The Articles of the Charge.

  3. A Compendious Charge to be given at the Quarter-Seſſions.

    _ Abjuration.

    _ Abſolve, Vide Treaſon.

    _ Acceſſary and Principal.

    _ Acquital, vide Enditements.

    _ Affray and Affrayers.

    _ Agnus Dei, Croſſes, Beads, &c.

    _ Alehouſes.

    _ Alias dictus, vide Eudictment. Alien and his trial, vide Trial. Allegiance, vide Supremacy.

    _ Amerciaments.

    _ Appearance.

    _ Appeachment, vide Approvers.

    _ Appeal.

    _ Apprentices.

    _ Approvers or Appeachers.

    _ Archery.

    _ Armour.

    _ Arreſts.

    _ Arraignment.

    _ Artificers, vide Labourers.

    _ Aſſault.

    _ Aſſembly unlawful, vide Unlawful Aſſembly.

    _ Aſſize of Bread and Beer.

    _ Attainder.

    _ A wait lying, vid, Way-laying.

    _ Averments.

    _ Badgers and Drovers.

    _ Bailment.

    _ Bailiffs:

    _ Bakers, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

    _ Barettor.

    _ Bargain and Sale, vide Inrolement. Bark of Trees, vide Leather.

    _ Baſtardy.

    _ Battery lawful, vide Riot, Aſſault,

    _ Breach of the Peace. Bath and Buxton, vide Licence.

    _ Bawdery.

    _ Beads, vide Agnus Dei.

    _ Bear-wards, vide Licence.

    _ Beer and Beer-brewers, vide Victual•ers.

    _ Beggers, vide Rogues and poor people.

    _ Blockwood, vide Logwood.

    _ Bloudſhed.

    _ Bonds, vide Recognizances.

    _ Bowyers, vide Archery.

    _ Braſs and Pewter.

    _ Breach of the Peace, or good behaviour.

    _ Brewers vide Victuallers.

    _ Bridges.

    _ Buckſtalls.

    _ Buggery.

    _ Bull from Rome, vide Treaſons.

    _ Burglary.

    _ Burning of houſes.

    _ Butchers.

    _ Butter and Cheeſe, vide Victuals.

    _ Butts. Buying and ſelling, vide Cattel. _ Calves and Kine.

    _ Captains.

    _ Caſtle, vide Felony.

    _ Cattel.

    _ Certificate.

    _ Certiorari.

    _ Challenge.

    _ Champerty.

    _ Chance-medly, vide Homicide.

    _ Chaſtiſement, vide Correction.

    _ Church and Church-yard.

    _ Church-Wardens.

    _ Clark of the Peace.

    _ Clark of a Juſtice his fees, v. Fees.

    _ Clark of the Crown, what Records he ought to certifie, vide Certificate.

    _ Clark of the Market.

    _ Clergy and Sanctuary.

    _ Cloth.

    _ Commiſſion of the Peace.

    _ Commons.

    _ Concealment, vide Jurors.

    _ Confeſſion.

    _ Conjuration.

    _ Conſervers of the Peace.

    _ Conſtables.

    _ Conventicles.

    _ Conies, vide Hunting.

    _ Corn.

    _ Cutter and carriers away of cor•Vide Hedge breakers.

    _ Coroners.

    _ Coroners fees, vide Fees.

    _ Cottages.

    _ County.

    _ Cozeners and Cozenage.

    _ Croſſes, vide Agnus Dei.

    _ Croſs-bows and Hand-guns:

    _ Curriers, vide Leather.

    _ Cuſtomer, vide Corn.

    _ Cuſtos Rotulorum.

    _ Cutting out of tongues.

    _ Cutting of a Pond head.

    _ Deer and Deer-hayes.

    _ Demurrer.

    _ Deputy.

    _ Divine Service.

    _ Dogs, vide Hunting, & Partridges

    _ Drovers, vide Badgers.

    _ Dier, vide Cloth.

    _ Drunkenneſs.

    _ Eccleſiaſtical cauſes and perſons.

    _ Eggs of wild-fowl.

    _ Egyptians.

    _ Embezeling of Records, vide Records. Embracer, vide Maintainer.

    _ Enditements.

    _ Enquiry.

    _ Enquiry of a forcible entry, vide Forcible entry.

    _ Enquiry by examination, vide Examination.

    _ Enquiry by information, vide information.

    _ Eſcapes.

    _ Evesdroppers.

    _ Evidences

    _ Eſtreats.

    _ Examination.

    _ Extolling forein power, vide Treaſon.

    _ Extortion.

    _ Fairs and Markets.

    _ Falſe impriſonment vide Arreſt. Falſe tokens, vide Cozeners.

    _ Fees.

    _ Felo de ſe.

    _ Felony.

    _ Felonies by Statute.

    _ Felony of his own goods, vide Theft.

    _ Ferrets, vide Hunting.

    _ Fewell.

    _ Fines.

    _ Fines of Rioters, vide Riots.

    _ Fines of Brewer, Baker, Tipler, vide Aſſiſe of Bread.

    _ Fiſh.

    _ Fiſh-days.

    _ Flax.

    _ Fleſh, vide Fiſh-daies.

    _ Forein power, vide Treaſon.

    _ Forein plea, vide Trial.

    _ Force.

    _ Forfeitures of a Recognizance taken for the Peace.

    _ Forgery.

    _ Forein plea.

    _ Forreſter.

    _ Foreſtalling and Foreſtallers.

    _ Fowlers and Fowling.

    _ Games, vide Unlawful games.

    _ Goal. Goaler.

    _ Glaſs-men.

    _ Goldſmith.

    _ Good abearing.

    _ Greyhounds, vide Hunting.

    _ Guns and Gunners.

    _ Hares.

    _ Harneſs and Habiliments of war.

    _ Hart proclaimed, vide Deer,

    _ Harveſt.

    _ Hawks and Hawking.

    _ Hay and Oats.

    _ Hedge-breakers.

    _ High-waies.

    _ Homicide.

    _ Horſes and Mares.

    _ Horſe-bread.

    _ Hoſpital.

    _ Hoſpitality; vide Religious houſe.

    _ Houſe.

    _ Houſe of Correction.

    _ Hunting.

    _ Hundred.

    _ Hue and Cry.

    _ Jeſuites and Seminary Prieſts.

    _ Impriſonments, vide Priſon.

    _ Indictments, vide Enditements.

    _ Information.

    _ Informers and Promoters.

    _ Ingroſſer.

    _ In-holder

    _ Inmates, vide Cottages.

    _ Inrolement.

    _ Iſſues.

    _ Judgement.

    _ Juglers, vide Licence.

    _ Jurors.

    _ Juſtices of the Peace.

    _ Laboures and Servants.

    _ Larceny.

    _ Leets.

    _ Lent, vide Fiſh-daies.

    _ Liberties and Franchiſes.

    _ Libellers.

    _ Licenſes.

    _ Linnen cloth.

    _ Lying in a way, vide Way-lying.

    _ Log-wood, alias Block-wood.

    _ Long bows.

    _ Maſons.

    _ Mainpriſe, vide Bailment.

    _ Maintainers and Embracers,

    _ Maim.

    _ Malt.

    _ Manſlaughter, vide Homicide.

    _ Mariner.

    _ Market-overt.

    _ Marriage.

    _ Maſs.

    _ Maſter, v. Servant and Labourers.

    _ Meaſure, vide Weight.

    _ Meſſages falſe.

    _ Milch-Kine, vide Calves.

    _ Minſtrels, vide Rogues.

    _ Miſpriſion.

    _ Miſpriſon of Treaſon.

    _ Miſpriſion of Felony.

    _ Mitigation of fines and forfeitures vide Lamb 577.

    _ Mittimus.

    _ The form of the Mi•timus.

    _ Monaſteries, v. Religious houſes.

    _ Mortuaries.

    _ Multiplication of gold and ſilver.

    _ Murder.

    _ Muſters.

    _ Name.

    _ Nets, vide Hunting, Partridges and Pheſants.

    _ News.

    _ Next Juſtice.

    _ Night-walkers, vide Watches,

    _ Noble Perſonages.

    _ Non ſanae memoriae.

    _ Nuſance.

    _ Obedience to the King.

    _ Colore Officii.

    _ Ordinary.

    _ Oath.

    _ Orchards and Gardens, vide Hedge-breakers.

    _ Overſeers of the Poor.

    _ Pannel, Ʋide Jurors.

    _ Pardon.

    _ Park and Parker.

    _ Parſon and Vicar, vide Eccleſiaſtical cauſes.

    _ Peace.

    _ Peers, vide Noble perſonages.

    _ Pedlers, vide Rogues.

    _ Perjury.

    _ Petty-treaſon.

    _ Pewter, vide Braſs.

    _ Phyſician.

    _ Pictures brought from Rome vide Agnus Dei.

    _ Plays and Players, vide Unlawful games, vide Rogues.

    _ Plaints in Court.

    _ Pond and Pond-heads, vide Fiſh.

    _ Poiſoning, vide Murder.

    _ Pope.

    _ Popiſh books.

    _ Poor people.

    _ Poſſeſſion actual and in Law.

    _ Preacher.

    _ Precept, vide Warrant.

    _ Praemunire.

    _ Preſentment.

    _ Prieſts, vide Jeſuites.

    _ Principal and Acceſſary, vide Acceſſary.

    _ Priſoners.

    _ Privy Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

    _ Proceſs.

    _ Proclamation.

    _ Promoters, vide Informers.

    _ Propheſying.

    _ Purveyors.

    _ Quarter-Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

    _ Rape, or Raviſhment.

    _ Rates, vide Taxation.

    _ Rebellious aſſemblies.

    _ Recognizance.

    _ Reconciliation, vide Treaſon.

    _ Records.

    _ Recuſants.

    _ Regrator.

    _ Releaſe.

    _ Religious Houſes.

    _ Replevin, vide Bailment.

    _ Reſcous of a Felon.

    _ Reſtitution of Poſſeſſion.

    _ Reſtitution of ſtoln goods.

    _ Return.

    _ Riots.

    _ Rivers.

    _ Robbery.

    _ Robbing of an houſe.

    _ Rogues.

    _ Rome, vide Pope, Co. 11. 36.

    _ Rout.

    _ Sacriledge.

    _ Sacraments.

    _ Salmons, vide Fiſh.

    _ Salt-peter-men.

    _ School-maſter.

    _ Seditious Sectaries.

    _ Sermon, vide Preaching.

    _ Servants, vide Labourers and Apprentices.

    _ Serving-men, vide Teſtimonial.

    _ Sewers.

    _ Sheep.

    _ Sheriff.

    _ Shoes.

    _ Shooting.

    _ Silk, vide Apparel.

    _ Sope, vide Veſſels.

    _ Souldiers.

    _ Star-chamber.

    _ Stolen goods.

    _ Stock of the ſhire.

    _ Subſidy.

    _ Suggeſtion, vide Information.

    _ Summons of the Seſſions, vide Seſſions.

    _ Sunday.

    _ Superſedeas.

    _ Supplicavit.

    _ Supremacy.

    _ Suſpicion and ſuſ•ects of felony.

    _ Swans.

    _ Swearing.

    _ Taxations vide Stock of the ſhire.

    _ Tale-bearers, vide News.

    _ Tanners, vide Leather.

    _ Tavern-keeper.

    _ Teſtimonial.

    _ Theft.

    _ Threatning.

    _ Tile-making.

    _ Tipling.

    _ Tithes.

    _ Tranſportation.

    _ Travelling beyond the Seas.

    _ Traveller.

    _ Treaſon.

    _ Treaſurer.

    _ Treſpaſs, vide Hedge-breakers.

    _ Trial.

    _ Turn of the Sheriff.

    _ VAgabons, vide Rogues.

    _ Venire facias.

    _ Verdict.

    _ Veſſels.

    _ Victuals and Victualler.

    _ Under-Sheriff.

    _ Unlawful games.

    _ Unlawful Aſſemblies.

    _ Uſury.

    _ Utlawry.

    _ Wages.

    _ Wainlings.

    _ Warrants.

    _ Warreners, vide Foreſters.

    _ Watches.

    _ Water-men.

    _ Wax.

    _ Weapons which be forcible. vide Forcible Entry.

    _ Weers.

    _ Weights and Meaſures.

    _ Witchcraft.

    _ Wines.

    _ Wood.

    _ Wooll and Wooll-ſeller.

    _ Woollen-yarn.

    _ 1. Question.

    _ 2 Q.

    _ 3 Q.

    _ 4 Q.

    _ 5 Q.

    _ 6 Q.

    _ 7 Q.

    _ 8 Q.

    _ 9 Q.

    _ 10 Q.

    _ 11 Q.

    _ 12 Q.

    _ 13 Q.

    _ 14 Q.

    _ 15 Q.

    _ 16 Q.

    _ 17 Q.

    _ 18 Q.

    _ 19 Q.

    _ 20 Q.

    _ 21 Q.

    _ 22 Q.

    _ 23 Q.

    _ 24 Q.

    _ 25 Q.

    _ 26. Q.

    _ 27 Q.

    _ 28 Q.

    _ 29 Q.

    _ 30 Q.

    _ 31 Q.

    _ 32 Q.

    _ 33 Q.

    _ 34 Q.

    _ 35 Q

    _ 36 Q.

    _ 37 Q.

    _ 38 Q.

    _ The Juſtices opinion touching the Commiſſions by which the Juſtices ſit at Newgate.

    _ Hammonds Caſe Mich. 3 Car. Kings Bench.

    _ Concerning providing for Baſtard-children.

    _ Caſes concerning proviſion for poor people.

    _ The Articles of the Charge.

Types of content

  • There are 2 verse lines!
  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

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Character listing

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16. p 2864 @n (163) : 1 (26), 2 (26), 3 (26), 4 (23), 5 (17), 6 (10), 7 (8), 8 (6), 10 (3), 9 (4), 11 (2), 12 (2), 13 (2), 14 (2), 15 (2), 16 (2), 17 (1), 18 (1)
17. pb 409 @facs (409) : tcp:172217:1 (1), tcp:172217:2 (2), tcp:172217:3 (2), tcp:172217:4 (2), tcp:172217:5 (2), tcp:172217:6 (2), tcp:172217:7 (2), tcp:172217:8 (2), tcp:172217:9 (2), tcp:172217:10 (2), tcp:172217:11 (2), tcp:172217:12 (2), tcp:172217:13 (2), tcp:172217:14 (2), tcp:172217:15 (2), tcp:172217:16 (2), tcp:172217:17 (2), tcp:172217:18 (2), tcp:172217:19 (2), tcp:172217:20 (2), tcp:172217:21 (2), tcp:172217:22 (2), tcp:172217:23 (2), tcp:172217:24 (2), tcp:172217:25 (2), tcp:172217:26 (2), tcp:172217:27 (2), tcp:172217:28 (2), tcp:172217:29 (2), tcp:172217:30 (2), tcp:172217:31 (2), tcp:172217:32 (2), tcp:172217:33 (2), tcp:172217:34 (2), tcp:172217:35 (2), tcp:172217:36 (2), tcp:172217:37 (2), tcp:172217:38 (2), tcp:172217:39 (2), tcp:172217:40 (2), tcp:172217:41 (2), tcp:172217:42 (2), tcp:172217:43 (2), tcp:172217:44 (2), tcp:172217:45 (2), tcp:172217:46 (2), tcp:172217:47 (2), tcp:172217:48 (2), tcp:172217:49 (2), tcp:172217:50 (2), tcp:172217:51 (2), tcp:172217:52 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18. q 247
19. row 407
20. salute 1
21. seg 1 @rend (1) : decorInit (1)
22. table 2
23. trailer 1