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File metadata and controls

127 lines (95 loc) · 3.21 KB


Dv8 gives you the ability to query against Rails.cache rather than your db. It works with all associations and queries.


Singular lookups eg. User.find() fetch against Rails.cache and end up hitting your db as a backup. After hitting your db the attributes of the record are stored in the cache. Until the record changes, any query where record is part of the result will pull from the cache - even when the record is part of a result set.

Multiple result lookups are handled a little differently. A query always hits your db, but it only returns the primary keys. The primary keys are then checked in the cache. Any missing keys are queried in full from your db in a single query. The result sets are merged together with all ordering preserved.

For example. Given 3 users A,B, and C exist with primary keys a,b, and c but only user A is in the cache, the resulting queries would occur if all users were queried:

# DB 
#  execute('select id from users')
#  => [a,b,c]
#  fetch('users-a')
#  => {...}
#  fetch('users-b')
#  => nil
#  fetch('users-c')
#  => nil
# DB
# execute('select * from users where id IN(b,c)')
#  write('users-b', {..})
#  write('users-c', {..})
# => [A,B,C] 

The next time all users are queried the following queries would take place (assuming the cache has not been invalidated):

# DB 
#  execute('select id from users')
#  => [a,b,c]
#  fetch('users-a')
#  => {...}
#  fetch('users-b')
#  => {...}
#  fetch('users-c')
#  => {...}
# => [A,B,C]


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'dv8'

And then execute:

$ bundle


To enable dv8 on a class just include the Dv8::Base module:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  include Dv8::Base

  belongs_to  :club
  has_many    :badges

Now that dv8 is enabled you can query through the cache via the #cfind() method.


Associations are queried through the cache by invoking cached_[association_name]:


To query through the cache on any random query, just invoke the cached scope:

User.cached.where(id: [1,2,3])

If you would like a class' #find() to always query through the cache you can include the Dv8::AlwaysCache module:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  include Dv8::Base
  include Dv8::AlwaysCache

The AlwaysCache module is generally good to use for seed data.


Dv8 is blindly aware of slugging. If your model responds to to_param, friendly_id, slug, cached_slug, etc Dv8 will read and write any/all those keys. So a model with a slug column will have two entries into the cache:

u = User.find('john')
# => ['users-44', 'users-john']

Invalidation of the cache is automatically taken care of when you include Dv8::Base into your model. It uses the after_update and after_touch callbacks to invalidate the cache.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request