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File metadata and controls

221 lines (169 loc) · 6.14 KB

Tabeo DevOps Challenge

A developer has created a system for booking space travel. The system has a server component that provides an API. It also has a cronjob component.

Your task is to:

  1. Create a Github Actions pipeline that builds and pushes docker images on a docker registry (use The action should be triggered with every commit in the main branch.
  2. Deploy the application using kubernetes to a kubernetes cluster. Add the kubernetes yml files to a folder named k8s.

Bonus tasks:

  1. Add nginx in front of API as a reverse proxy using a self-signed certificate.
  2. Incorporate the tests in the deployment pipeline.


Please fork this repo to your GitHub account and do all work in your fork.

For Kubernetes deployment, you can either use K3s or one of the free tiers/options available ( is useful).

For convenience we have provided a Vagrantfile. It setups a kubernetes cluster in your local machine.

vagrant up

After vagrant up is done you can ssh into the Vagrant environment and retrieve the kubernetes config used by kubectl.

We want to copy this file's contents into our local environment so that kubectl knows how to communicate with the K3s cluster.

sudo cat /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml

Copy the content and type exit to exit the virtual OS. You will find yourself back in your computer's session.

Create the file ~/.kube/config (or replace it if it already exists).

Paste the contents of the k3s.yaml output into the config file.

Test that kubectl works by running the command

kubectl describe services

It should not return any errors.

You will be given the contact information for the developer with whom you may ask questions just like in any real work situation. Feel free to contact the developer for any clarifications.

Space Travel Booking System


  1. Install lastest version of postgresql and Go version 1.16+
  2. Create a user (postgres) and a database (space)
  3. Install tern following instructions here:
  4. Run the migrations using tern
PGHOST=localhost PGDATABASE=space PGUSER=postgres PGPASSWORD=postgres tern migrate -m ./migrations
  1. Get depedencies:
go mod download
  1. Build:
go build -o booking-server cmd/booking-server/main.go
  1. Run

Please setup environment variables: Check the ones that are needed in the source file: internal/pkg/config/config.go around line 56

Run the write-hello (should be a cron running every 15 minutes but on Sundays only every hour)

(environment variables are the same [ look above ])

go run cmd/write-hello/main.go

Build swagger documentation

curl -o ~/bin/swagger -O -J -L && chmod a+x ~/bin/swagger

~/bin/swagger generate spec -m -c "spacetrouble/*" -o swagger.yml

Follow installations here:

See also in the end for document

Example Requests

Make a booking

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:5000/v1/bookings' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "FirstName": "Giorgos",
    "LastName": "Komninos",
    "Gender": "male",
    "LaunchpadID": "5e9e4501f509094ba4566f84",
    "DestinationID": "05c7f2ca-aa9a-4ea8-a6d5-4cb691468830",
    "Date": "2021-10-25",
    "Birthday": "1928-12-01"

Success status code is 201 Sample Response body:

    "ID": "06539a98-ab56-4152-ba1a-c274f8fa87d8",
    "User": {
        "Birthday": "1928-12-01",
        "Gender": "male",
        "ID": "c6554ab3-40d5-4826-a47a-1f7f7896c04b",
        "FirstName": "Giorgos",
        "LastName": "Komninos"
    "Flight": {
        "Date": "2021-10-25",
        "ID": "3e086bd3-a9cd-43ec-bbec-ef61f0e9bbbc",
        "LaunchpadID": "5e9e4501f509094ba4566f84",
        "Destination": {
            "ID": "05c7f2ca-aa9a-4ea8-a6d5-4cb691468830",
            "Name": "Mars"
    "Status": "active",
    "CreatedAt": "2021-04-07T10:29:47.874277686Z"

Fetch all bookings

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:5000/v1/bookings' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

Success status code is 200 Sample Response Body:

    "bookings": [
            "ID": "06539a98-ab56-4152-ba1a-c274f8fa87d8",
            "User": {
                "Birthday": "1928-12-01",
                "Gender": "male",
                "ID": "c6554ab3-40d5-4826-a47a-1f7f7896c04b",
                "FirstName": "Giorgos",
                "LastName": "Komninos"
            "Flight": {
                "Date": "2021-10-25",
                "ID": "3e086bd3-a9cd-43ec-bbec-ef61f0e9bbbc",
                "LaunchpadID": "5e9e4501f509094ba4566f84",
                "Destination": {
                    "ID": "05c7f2ca-aa9a-4ea8-a6d5-4cb691468830",
                    "Name": "Mars"
            "Status": "active",
            "CreatedAt": "2021-04-07T10:29:47.874277Z"
    "limit": 10,
    "cursor": "MjAyMS0wNC0wN1QxMDoyOTo0Ny44NzQyNzdaLDA2NTM5YTk4LWFiNTYtNDE1Mi1iYTFhLWMyNzRmOGZhODdkOA=="

Notice: Results are paginated. Use the cursor as a query parameter to fetch the next page.

Run the tests

go test -tags=test -v ./...

The tests are using testcontainers-go to start a real database in a docker contaner.

Notes: I added tests only for the booking service to check that the business rules are enforced.

Notes for Development

To generate the swagger documentation and run locally

Note: Replace the mount point with your own path

mkdir -p ~/swagger-docs
swagger generate spec -m -i "spacetrouble*" -o ~/swagger-docs/swagger.yml
docker run -p 5001:8080 -e SWAGGER_JSON=/foo/swagger.yml -v /home/yourUserName/swagger-docs/swagger.yml:/foo/swagger.yml swaggerapi/swagger-ui

Create a new migration:

PGHOST=localhost PGDATABASE=space PGUSER=postgres tern new initial_tbls -m ./migrations