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Visionaray Viewer

Command line

   src/viewer/viewer [OPTIONS] [filenames...]

Positional options:
   [filenames...]         Input files in wavefront obj format

   -algorithm=<ARG>       Rendering algorithm:
      =simple             - Simple ray casting kernel
      =whitted            - Whitted style ray tracing kernel
      =pathtracing        - Pathtracing global illumination kernel
      =costs              - BVH cost kernel
   -ambient               Ambient color
   -bgcolor               Background color
   -bounces=<ARG>         Number of bounces for recursive ray tracing
   -bvh=<ARG>             BVH build strategy:
      =default            - Binned SAH
      =split              - Binned SAH with spatial splits
      =lbvh               - LBVH (CPU)
   -camera=<ARG>          Text file with camera parameters
   -colorspace=<ARG>      Color space:
      =rgb                - RGB color space for display
      =srgb               - sRGB color space for display
   -device=<ARG>          Rendering device:
      =cpu                - Rendering on the CPU
      =gpu                - Rendering on the GPU
   -dof=<ARG>             Activate depth of field
   -envmap=<ARG>          HDR environment map
   -frames=<ARG>          Number of path tracer convergence frames
   -fullscreen            Full screen window
   -groundplane=<ARG>     Add a ground plane
   -headlight=<ARG>       Activate headlight
   -height=<ARG>          Window height
                          Base name (w/o suffix!) for screenshot files
   -spp=<ARG>             Pixels per sample for path tracing
   -ssaa=<ARG>            Supersampling anti-aliasing factor:
      =1                  - 1x supersampling
      =2                  - 2x supersampling
      =4                  - 4x supersampling
      =8                  - 8x supersampling
   -width=<ARG>           Window width


The viewer supports the following mouse interaction modes and keyboard shortcuts:

  • LMB: Rotate the scene.
  • MMB: Pan the scene (Mac OS X: LMB + Key-ALT).
  • RMB: Zoom into the scene.
  • Key-1: Switch to ray casting algorithm (default).
  • Key-2: Switch to ray tracing algorithm.
  • Key-3: Switch to path tracing algorithm.
  • Key-b: Toggle displaying outlines of the BVH.
  • Key-c: Toggle color space (RGB|sRGB).
  • Key-h: Toggle visibility of head up display.
  • Key-l: Toggle headlight.
  • Key-m: Switch between CPU mode and GPU mode (must be compiled with CUDA).
  • Key-p: Make a screenshot and store it in "screenshot.pnm".
  • Key-s: Toggle supersampling anti-aliasing mode. Only applies to ray casting and ray tracing algorithm (simple|whitted). Supported modes: 1x, 2x, 4x, and 8x supersampling.
  • Key-u: Store the current camera in the working directory (visionaray-camera.txt).
  • Key-v: Load the file "visionaray-camera.txt" from the current working directory, if it exists, and adjust the camera accordingly.
  • Key-F5: Toggle full screen mode.
  • Key-ESC: Exit full screen mode.
  • Key-Space: Toggle path tracing convergence frame rendering paused or active.
  • Key-q: Quit viewer application.