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Jeffrey Benjamin Brown edited this page Apr 8, 2017 · 87 revisions

Welcome to Semantic Synchrony!

The experience | Why

You might enjoy the video introduction.

Semantic Synchrony is a tool for expressing, investigating, and sharing knowledge. It has many uses: It can be a calendar, a notebook for studies, a web of quotations, a diary, an artist's sketchpad, a set of overlapping tables of contents, a filesystem with overlapping hierarchies. Using Semantic Synchrony is the art of creating and meditating on mandalas -- practical ones like grocery lists, or deep ones like notes about the self. If you choose, Semantic Synchrony lets you and others join your plans, your studies, your philosophy, logic, art, thoughts -- any expressible thing.

The software | How

Semantic Synchrony is a semantic graph database, a nonlinear word processor, allowing the expression and quick traversal of highly connected data.

Semantic Synchrony is among the easier Docker applications to install -- just run the Docker container, add a few lines to your .emacs config file, start Emacs, and run the smsn-mode command. You don't need to be good at Emacs.

This brief howto explains everything you will need to know to use Semantic Synchrony. It assumes no prior familiarity with Emacs, knowledge graphs, or any other technology. (For a complete list of commands, see the smsn-mode command reference.)

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