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Jeffrey Benjamin Brown edited this page May 17, 2017 · 12 revisions

This is a stream-of-consciousness list of things we would like to see in upcoming releases. Comments and contributions are welcome. They do not need to refer to any specific component or existing feature.

Application shortcuts

When you have a thought, or want to do a search, it takes valuable time to locate Emacs, open it up, and then enter your SmSn command. Let's add OS-specific shortcuts which will allow you to enter the command from anywhere... start typing instantly, without the use of the mouse.

Smarter browser plugin

Similar to the above, the Chrome plugin should, ideally, open Emacs in addition to copying a new note to the clipboard. When you visit a web page which is present in your graph, the plugin should respond in some way.

Faster graph sync

Graph synchronization via Git is a great feature, but it is still pretty slow. I often run SmSn on two computers concurrently, and would like to be able to quickly switch between them. It should be possible to sync a small graph (< 100k notes) in just a few seconds, and it would be nice if the entire process were triggered by a single command.

General-purpose markdown views

Very often, we put information in the graph which is of interest to individuals or groups other than the repository committers. It would be nice to have an HTML-via-Markdown view of any publicly-visible note which is automatically published on the Web, e.g. via a version-controlled wiki. A gist-like service would be useful, as well.

Fast multi-parenting

Often I'll add a note N that is about X, Y and Z. I want it to be a child of all of them. Currently I have to search for X, put N there; search for Y, put N there; etc. I'd like to be able to write something like "(X & Y & Z) / N" and eschew the searching and copying.