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Setting Up Ossia DMX on a Fresh Raspbian Image

  1. Flash the latest image of Raspbian Lite from to your MicroSD card.

  2. Add an empty file called ssh to the /boot directory of the card.

  3. Copy over a wpa_supplicant.conf configuration.

  4. Remove console=serial0,115200 from cmdline.txt (see

  5. Add dtoverlay=spi1-1cs to config.txt.

  6. Eject the card and insert it into your Pi

  7. Connect power to the system.

  8. Log in to your Pi over SSH as user pi with password raspberry.

  9. Create the directory ~/.ssh.

  10. Inside ~/.ssh, create the file authorized_keys and add your SSH key.

  11. Run sudo su, cd ~, and repeat the last two steps.

  12. Reboot and confirm that your SSH key works.

  13. Uncomment or add this line in /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

     PermitRootLogin prohibit-password
  14. Run sudo raspi-config and make these changes:

    1. Change your password.

    2. Set your hostname.

    3. Change your localization and timezone (if needed).

    4. Enable SPI.

    5. Set video memory allocation to the minimum of 16 MB.

  15. Reboot.

  16. Run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade.

  17. Run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ola.

  18. Disable unneeded plugins in OLA (e.g., at http://prop.local:9090). You can do this by navigating to New UI (from the bottom of the page). From the Plugins tab, uncheck all plugins except the following:

    • E1.31 (sACN) or ArtNet, depending on your preferred DMX input
    • GPIO
    • SPI

    If you need any of the other plugins, of course, leave them enabled.

  19. Run sudo adduser olad gpio.

  20. Copy wait.conf to /etc/systemd/system/dhcpcd.service.d. It forces dhcpcd to wait up to 60 seconds for a DHCP lease, as olad will be useless if the Pi has no IP address. This is basically the Wait for network at boot feature enabled in raspi-config, but with a specific timeout. Alternatively, you could set a static IP address for the Pi.

  21. Copy ola-gpio.service to /etc/systemd/system.

  22. Run sudo systemctl daemon-reload.

  23. Run sudo systemctl enable ola-gpio.

  24. Run echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="spidev", MODE="0666"' | sudo tee -a /etc/udev/rules.d/99-spi.rules > /dev/null (see

  25. Run sudo systemctl stop olad.

  26. Copy ola-gpio.conf to /etc/ola. In this file, you may adjust the DMX values to trigger a GPIO pin on/off. You may also change the gpio_slot_offset to change the start channel for these pins. Do not touch the gpio_pins line. It is set to GPIO connectors soldered to the header (23 and 24, if you followed the standard design for an Ossia DMX Pi). For details on this file, see

  27. Copy ola-spi.conf to /etc/ola. This is a sample configuration file. It sets up 3 segments of 2 APA102 pixels each on SPI0, as well as 2 segments of 2 APA102 pixels each on SPI1. For details on this file, see

  28. Reboot.