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Releases: suizokukan/katal


25 Oct 08:29
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v.0.1.3 (2015_10_25)

    o remove HEXDATE from the target file's formats.
    o remove the --quiet option
    o rename option : -c > -cfg

    o after --add or --select the informations about the target path are displayed,
      not about the source directory
    o fixed a critical bug in action__target_kill()
    o various messages improved
    o improved the documentation

    o 7 tests, pylint=10.0
    o version packaged and sent to Pypi (


23 Oct 08:11
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v0.1.2 Pre-release
v.0.1.2 (2015_10_23)

    o added the --rebase option : copy a target directory into a new one and change
      the filenames.
    o added two filename's formats : INTTIMESTAMP and HEXTIMESTAMP
    o fixed action__add()
      action__add() modifies the timestamp of the files in the target path so that
      this timestamp is equal to the original file.

    o replace fromtimestamp() by utcfromtimestamp()
    o improved normpath() : special strings like ".." are now developped.
    o improved remove_illegal_characters() : added the ("-", " ") characters to the list
      of the forbidden characters.
    o modified create_target_name()
      create_target_name() takes from now another parameter, the _parameter one,
      allowing to choose which config file is choosed when calling the function.
    o added the SQL__CREATE_DB constant
    o added main_actions_tags() function to relief main_actions().
    o improved messages in action__rebase__write() : added the number of the current
      file to be copied.
    o fixed the message displayed in action__rebase__write()

    o 7 tests, pylint=10.0
    o version packaged and sent to Pypi (


21 Oct 08:40
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v0.1.1 Pre-release
v.0.1.1 (2015_10_21)

    o fixed create_target_name() : added HEXDATE as a name format
    o added 2 checks at the end of fill_select()
      The function fill_select__checks() checks that :
      (1) future filename's can't be in conflict with another file in SELECT
      (2) future filename's can't be in conflict with another file already
      stored in the target path

    o fixed a bug in action__cleandbrm()
    o fixed main_warmup() : show informations if the -ti/--targetinfos paramater is given
    o fixed show_infos_about_source_path() : no returned value
    o added the call to actions__infos() if the --infos option is used
    o added normpath() function, used every time a os.path.* function is called

    o 7 tests, pylint=10.0
    o version packaged and sent to Pypi (


14 Oct 17:05
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0.1.0 Pre-release
v.0.1.0 (2015_10_14)

    o added the --targetpath option
    o added the -n/--new option
    o the configuration file, the trash/log/tasks subsubdirectories are now stored
      inside a "katal system" subdirectory inside the target directory. 

    o >
      the script has 2 new steps : 'pylint tests/' and 'git commit -a'.
    o added a global constant, DATABASE_FULLNAME
    o added a new global constant, DEFAULTCFGFILE_URL
    o removed the parameters_infos() function
    o added a new function, create_subdirs_in_target_path(), to relieve main_warmup()
    o the function action__downloadefaultcfg() now returns a (bool)success
    o the function action__downloadefaultcfg() now takes an argument, newname.
    o fixed the tests script (targetpath is defined outside the test class/methods)
    o the documentation, the error messages and katal.ini have been improved

    o 7 tests, pylint=10.0
    o version packaged and send to Pypi (


12 Oct 21:32
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v0.0.9 Pre-release
v.0.0.9 (2015_10_12)

    o --off option : don't write anything into the target directory or into
      the database.

    o added some files required by Pypi :, README.rst, setup.cfg and
      the katal/ subdirectory
    o added a function for the main entry point : main()
    o the documentation, the error messages and katal.ini have been improved
    o added the script

    o 7 tests, pylint=10.0
    o first version to be packaged and send to Pypi (


04 Oct 12:23
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v0.0.8 Pre-release

v.0.0.8 (2015_10_04)

o --rmnotags option : added the action__rmnotags() function
o deleted files are moved to a trash subdirectory, inside the target
  directory. (see issue #13)

o in modified action__target_kill() : return an error code if there's no database.
o fixed an important bug in modify_the_tag_of_some_files() :
  the files are now correctly choosed along with the --to argument's content
o modified logfile__opening(): rename old log files so that they can be
  easily deleted (issue #15)
o added a new column in the database : 'sourcedate'
o in logfile_opening() : if the opening mode is "append", save the last
  log file with a different name to prevent its overwriting.
o added global constant TAG_SEPARATOR
o database 'name' and 'hashid' are unique from now;
o the documentation and the error messages have been improved

o 7 tests, pylint=10.0


28 Sep 09:04
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v0.0.7 Pre-release
v.0.0.7 (2015_09_28)
    o --cleandbrm option : Remove from the database the missing files in
      the target path; added the action__cleandbrm() function (issue #1)

    o modified msg() function : new parameter "_important_msg"
      If _important_msg is False, the message will be printed only if
      LOG_VERBOSITY is set to "high" .
    o fixed a minor bug in fill_select() : number_of_discarded_files is
      now correctly computed
    o improved code readibility by using sqlite3.Row as a row factory.    
    o fixed show_infos_about_target_path()::draw_table() : characters like "║"
      are forbidden (problem with the cp1252 
    o modified msg() : messages are written to the console first
    o (issue #4) fill_select() adds a percentage of the work done based on
      the informations gathered by the --infos options.
    o modified show_infos_about_source_path() : added the number of the
      extensions found in the source directory (issue #2).
    o modified show_infos_about_source_path() : extensions are now sorted by name
    o the documentation and the error messages have been improved

    o 7 tests, pylint=10.0


23 Sep 08:37
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v0.0.6 Pre-release
v.0.0.6 (2015_09_23)
    o  added a new sieve (by date)
    o  added option -ddcfg / --downloaddefaultcfg
    o  added --rmtags option
    o  added --addtag option
    o  the --to option takes from now wildcards name, not a regex anymore

    o (database) 'tag' > 'strtag'; --settag > --setstrtag
    o  improved security : eval() function is now used in the secured way
    o  welcome_* functions now use the TIMESTAMP_BEGIN global variable
    o various parts of the documentation and error messages have been improved

    o 7 tests, pylint=10.0


16 Sep 21:58
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v0.0.5 Pre-release
v.0.0.5 (2015_09_17) :
    o  added --targetkill/-tk option and the action__targetkill() function
    o  improved show_infos_about_target_path() : each column has its own separator,
       the table is computed by the function : no more magic numbers
    o  added -ti, --targetinfos option (--targetinfos/-ti uses --quiet mode)
    o  added --settag, --to options
    o  fixed get_disk_free_space() for Windows systems
    o  added short options for some options : -c, -s, -ti, -m, -q
    o  'shortened_str' > 'shortstr'
    o  added a 'tag' field in the database


16 Sep 08:59
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v0.0.4 Pre-release

v.0.0.4 (2015_09_15) :
o Tests class (four tests ok)
o added eval formula in config file; added function eval_sieve_for_a_file()
o fixed a typo in size_as_str() : the '0 byte' case
o fixed a bug in hashfile64() : the hasher is now created every time
the function is called
o modified the SIEVES format for "size"
o moved the declaration of global variables at the beginning of the file
o added a block : if name == 'main', allowing to call the script
from another script.
o modified the database data types : hashid=varchar(44); primary key on hashid
o improved the way the program catches the exceptions
o improved action__infos() display : for each extension the size in bytes is
o updated .gitignore
o added FREESPACE_MARGIN constant
o renamed some functions (get_* > read_*)