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NBA Modern Positions

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In this project, our group will describe the changes in playstyle types throughout the NBA’s history. We will perform PCA analysis to determine the essential traits for different players, and then use important principal components and unsupervised learning techinques to cluster players into different “types” and see the movement in the proportions of types over time.


The NBA, initially created in 1946, has seen much change throughout its history, for example, the introduction of the 3 point line in the 79/80 season and the elimination of hand checking in 1990. These changes have altered the playstyles of many teams; some players, especially former players, have critisized these changes, such as the reliance of many teams on jump shooting. If you look at the Houston Rocket’s shotchart, you may notice huge regions of white space away from the basket and the 3 point line in order to maximize the efficiency of their shots. We expect to see a steady increase in 3 point shooting from when the 3 point line was introduced in the NBA. We also expect to see a decrease in big, slow players that may have trouble defending these shots, and a decrease in players that specialize in shooting the midrange.

The data

We obtained our datasets from and We used the R package nbastatR to obtain the data from those websites.

Unit of observation and Variables

Our unit of observation is a player during one season, for example, Stephen Curry in 2018. Our original dataset consists of 21235 observations and 75 variables, but we’ve reduced this number to 10223 observations after selecting seasonsafter 1983 and players that have played in at least 600 minutes in the season. We’ve also taken out some unnecessary variables to make a 11695 observation, 49 variable dataset.

Variables used:


  • pctFTRate: The percentage of total field goal attempts that are Free Throws.
  • pct3PRate: The percentage of total field goal attempts that are 3-pt shots.
  • pctFG: Field Goal Percentage.
  • pctFG3: Field Goal 3-pt Percentage.
  • pctFG2: Field Goal 2-pt Percentage.
  • pctEFG: Effective Field Goal Percentage. (FGM + (0.5 * 3PM)/FGA). This statistic adjusts for the fact that a 3-pt field goal is worth one more point than a regular 2-pt field goal.
  • pctFT: Free Throw Percentage.
  • fgmPerGame: Field Goal Made per Game.
  • fgaPerGame: Field Goal Attempts per game
  • fg3mPerGame: Field Goal Made (3-pt) per game.
  • fg3aPerGame: Field Goal Attempts (3-pt) per game.
  • fg2mPerGame: Field Goal Made (2-pt) per game.
  • fg2aPerGame: Field Goal Attempts (2-pt) per game.
  • ftmPerGame: Free Throws Made per game.
  • ftaPerGame: Free Throw Attempts per game.
  • ptsPerGame: Points per game.


  • pctORB: Offensive Rebound Percentage (Rebound Rate).
  • pctTRB: Total Rebound Percentage (Rebound Rate).
  • pctDRB: Deffensive Rebound Percentage (Rebound Rate).
  • orbPerGame: Offensive Rebounds per game.
  • drbPerGame: Deffensive Rebounds per game.
  • trbPerGame: Total Rebounds per game.


  • pctAST: Assists Percentage.
  • pctTOV: Turnover Percentage.
  • astPerGame: Assists per game.
  • tovPerGame: Turnovers per game.


  • pctSTL: Steals percentage.
  • pctBLK: Blocks percentage.
  • stlPerGame: Steals per game.
  • blkPerGame: Blocks per game.
  • pfPerGame: Personal Fouls per game.

Efficiency stats

  • ratioPER: Player Efficiency Rating
  • ratioOWS: Offensive Win Shares.
  • ratioDWS: Deffensive Win Shares.
  • ratioWS: Win Shares.
  • ratioWSPer48: Win Shares per 48 minutes.
  • ratioOBPM: Offensive Box Plus/Minus.
  • ratioDBPM: Deffensive Box Plus/Minus.
  • ratioBPM: Box Plus/Minus.
  • ratioVORP: Value Over Replacement Player.
  • minutesPerGame: Minutes Per Game
  • pctUSG: Usage Percentage. (100 * ((FGA + 0.44 * FTA + TOV) * (Tm MP / 5)) / (MP * (Tm FGA + 0.44 * Tm FTA + Tm TOV))


  • namePlayer: Name of player
  • groupPosition: Player Position. Either Guard, Forward, or Center
  • yearSeason: Season year
  • countGames: Games played during season
  • minutes: Minutes played during season
  • isAllNBA: Did player make season’s all NBA team?
# Gets player stats from 1984 to 2020.
players_post1984 <- bref_players_stats(seasons = 1984:2020, tables = c("advanced", "per_game"), include_all_nba = TRUE, return_message = FALSE)
## Advanced
## Assigning NBA player dictionary to df_dict_nba_players to your environment
## PerGame
# Filters by amount of time they played.
ggplot(players_post1984, mapping = aes(x = minutes)) + 
   geom_histogram() +
   geom_vline(xintercept = 600, color = "tomato")

 players_post1984 <- filter(players_post1984, minutes > 600)

 # Variables to drop
dropping <-c("slugSeason", "idPlayerNBA", "namePlayerBREF", "urlPlayerBREF",
             "slugPlayerBREF", "urlPlayerThumbnail", "urlPlayerHeadshot",
             "slugPosition","urlPlayerPhoto", "urlPlayerStats",
             "isSeasonCurrent","slugPlayerSeason", "agePlayer",
             "slugTeamBREF", "isHOFPlayer", "slugTeamsBREF", 
             "countTeamsPlayerSeasonPerGame", "groupAllNBA",
             "numberAllNBATeam", "isAllNBA2", "isAllNBA1",
             "isAllNBA3" )
# Dropping variables
players_post1984 <- players_post1984[,!(names(players_post1984) %in% dropping)]

# Groups players by season, and normalizes by season.
for(year in 1984:2020){
  eval(parse(text = paste( "players_",year," <- filter(players_post1984, yearSeason == ",year,")", sep = "" )))
  for(i in 6:48){
    eval(parse(text = paste( "players_",year,"[,",i,"] <- normalize(players_",year,"[,",i,"],method = 'range', range = c(0,1))", sep = "")))

# Ungroups players by season.
players_post1984_normalized <- players_1984
for(year in 1985:2020){
  eval(parse(text = paste( "players_post1984_normalized <- rbind(players_post1984_normalized, players_",year,")", sep = "")))
players_post1984_all_nba_normalized <- players_post1984_normalized %>% filter(isAllNBA == TRUE)

Exploratory Data Analysis

#some summary statistics
summarystatistics1984 <- players_post1984 %>%
  group_by(yearSeason, groupPosition) %>%
  summarize(meanpctFTRate = mean(pctFTRate),
            meanpct3PRate = mean(pct3PRate),
            meanpctFG = mean(pctFG),
            meanpctFG3 = mean(pctFG3),
            meanpctFG2 = mean(pctFG2),
            meanpctEFG = mean(pctEFG),
            meanpctFT = mean(pctFT),
            meanfgmPerGame = mean(fgmPerGame),
            meanfgaPerGame = mean(fgaPerGame),
            meanfg3mPerGame = mean(fg3mPerGame),
            meanfg3aPerGame = mean(fg3aPerGame),
            meanfg2mPerGame = mean(fg2mPerGame),
            meanfg2aPerGame = mean(fg2aPerGame),
            meanftmPerGame = mean(ftmPerGame),
            meanftaPerGame = mean(ftaPerGame),
            meanptsPerGame = mean(ptsPerGame),
            meanpctORB = mean(pctORB),
            meanpctTRB = mean(pctTRB),
            meanpctDRB = mean(pctDRB),
            meanorbPerGame = mean(orbPerGame),
            meandrbPerGame = mean (drbPerGame),
            meantrbPerGame = mean(trbPerGame),
            meanpctAST = mean(pctAST),
            meanpctTOV = mean(pctTOV),
            meanastPerGame = mean(astPerGame),
            meantovPerGame = mean(tovPerGame),
            meanpctSTL = mean(pctSTL),
            meanpctBLK = mean(pctBLK),
            meanstlPerGame = mean(stlPerGame),
            meanblkPerGame = mean(blkPerGame),
            meanpfPerGame = mean(pfPerGame),
            meanratioOWS = mean(ratioOWS),
            meanratioDWS = mean(ratioDWS),
            meanratioWS = mean(ratioWS),
            meanratioWSPer48 = mean(ratioWSPer48),
            meanratioOBPM = mean(ratioOBPM),
            meanratioDBPM = mean(ratioDBPM),
            meanratioBPM = mean(ratioBPM),
            meanratioVORP = mean(ratioVORP),
            sdpctFTRate = sd(pctFTRate),
            sdpct3PRate = sd(pct3PRate),
            sdpctFG = sd(pctFG),
            sdpctFG3 = sd(pctFG3),
            sdpctFG2 = sd(pctFG2),
            sdpctEFG = sd(pctEFG),
            sdpctFT = sd(pctFT),
            sdfgmPerGame = sd(fgmPerGame),
            sdfgaPerGame = sd(fgaPerGame),
            sdfg3mPerGame = sd(fg3mPerGame),
            sdfg3aPerGame = sd(fg3aPerGame),
            sdfg2mPerGame = sd(fg2mPerGame),
            sdfg2aPerGame = sd(fg2aPerGame),
            sdftmPerGame = sd(ftmPerGame),
            sdftaPerGame = sd(ftaPerGame),
            sdptsPerGame = sd(ptsPerGame),
            sdpctORB = sd(pctORB),
            sdpctTRB = sd(pctTRB),
            sdpctDRB = sd(pctDRB),
            sdorbPerGame = sd(orbPerGame),
            sddrbPerGame = sd (drbPerGame),
            sdtrbPerGame = sd(trbPerGame),
            sdpctSTL = sd(pctSTL),
            sdpctBLK = sd(pctBLK),
            sdstlPerGame = sd(stlPerGame),
            sdblkPerGame = sd(blkPerGame),
            sdpfPerGame = sd(pfPerGame),
            sdratioOWS = sd(ratioOWS),
            sdratioDWS = sd(ratioDWS),
            sdratioWS = sd(ratioWS),
            sdratioWSPer48 = sd(ratioWSPer48),
            sdratioOBPM = sd(ratioOBPM),
            sdratioDBPM = sd(ratioDBPM),
            sdratioBPM = sd(ratioBPM),
            sdratioVORP = sd(ratioVORP)
## # A tibble: 6 x 76
## # Groups:   yearSeason [2]
##   yearSeason groupPosition meanpctFTRate meanpct3PRate meanpctFG meanpctFG3
##        <dbl> <chr>                 <dbl>         <dbl>     <dbl>      <dbl>
## 1       1984 C                     0.394       0.00437     0.512     0.0709
## 2       1984 F                     0.366       0.0154      0.494     0.128 
## 3       1984 G                     0.292       0.0497      0.470     0.215 
## 4       1985 C                     0.406       0.00487     0.505     0.0232
## 5       1985 F                     0.348       0.0202      0.490     0.129 
## 6       1985 G                     0.274       0.0665      0.478     0.239 
## # … with 70 more variables: meanpctFG2 <dbl>, meanpctEFG <dbl>,
## #   meanpctFT <dbl>, meanfgmPerGame <dbl>, meanfgaPerGame <dbl>,
## #   meanfg3mPerGame <dbl>, meanfg3aPerGame <dbl>, meanfg2mPerGame <dbl>,
## #   meanfg2aPerGame <dbl>, meanftmPerGame <dbl>, meanftaPerGame <dbl>,
## #   meanptsPerGame <dbl>, meanpctORB <dbl>, meanpctTRB <dbl>, meanpctDRB <dbl>,
## #   meanorbPerGame <dbl>, meandrbPerGame <dbl>, meantrbPerGame <dbl>,
## #   meanpctAST <dbl>, meanpctTOV <dbl>, meanastPerGame <dbl>,
## #   meantovPerGame <dbl>, meanpctSTL <dbl>, meanpctBLK <dbl>,
## #   meanstlPerGame <dbl>, meanblkPerGame <dbl>, meanpfPerGame <dbl>,
## #   meanratioOWS <dbl>, meanratioDWS <dbl>, meanratioWS <dbl>,
## #   meanratioWSPer48 <dbl>, meanratioOBPM <dbl>, meanratioDBPM <dbl>,
## #   meanratioBPM <dbl>, meanratioVORP <dbl>, sdpctFTRate <dbl>,
## #   sdpct3PRate <dbl>, sdpctFG <dbl>, sdpctFG3 <dbl>, sdpctFG2 <dbl>,
## #   sdpctEFG <dbl>, sdpctFT <dbl>, sdfgmPerGame <dbl>, sdfgaPerGame <dbl>,
## #   sdfg3mPerGame <dbl>, sdfg3aPerGame <dbl>, sdfg2mPerGame <dbl>,
## #   sdfg2aPerGame <dbl>, sdftmPerGame <dbl>, sdftaPerGame <dbl>,
## #   sdptsPerGame <dbl>, sdpctORB <dbl>, sdpctTRB <dbl>, sdpctDRB <dbl>,
## #   sdorbPerGame <dbl>, sddrbPerGame <dbl>, sdtrbPerGame <dbl>, sdpctSTL <dbl>,
## #   sdpctBLK <dbl>, sdstlPerGame <dbl>, sdblkPerGame <dbl>, sdpfPerGame <dbl>,
## #   sdratioOWS <dbl>, sdratioDWS <dbl>, sdratioWS <dbl>, sdratioWSPer48 <dbl>,
## #   sdratioOBPM <dbl>, sdratioDBPM <dbl>, sdratioBPM <dbl>, sdratioVORP <dbl>
ggplot(data = summarystatistics1984, mapping = aes(x = yearSeason, y = meanpctFG, color = groupPosition)) + 

#taking a look at some stats over time, grouped by year and position
#fg pct
ggplot(data = summarystatistics1984, 
       mapping = aes(x = yearSeason, y = meanpctFG, color = groupPosition)) +  geom_line()

#3FGPct, see the introduction of 3 point line
ggplot(data = summarystatistics1984, 
       mapping = aes(x = yearSeason, y = meanpctFG3,
                     color = groupPosition)) +

ggplot(data = summarystatistics1984, 
       mapping = aes(x = yearSeason, y = meanfgmPerGame,
                     color = groupPosition)) +

ggplot(data = summarystatistics1984, 
       mapping = aes(x = yearSeason, y = meanfgaPerGame,
                     color = groupPosition)) +

ggplot(data = summarystatistics1984, 
       mapping = aes(x = yearSeason, y = meanfg3mPerGame,
                     color = groupPosition)) +

ggplot(data = summarystatistics1984, 
       mapping = aes(x = yearSeason, y = meanfg3aPerGame, color = groupPosition)) +

ggplot(data = summarystatistics1984, 
       mapping = aes(x = yearSeason, y = meanftaPerGame, 
                     color = groupPosition)) +

ggplot(data = summarystatistics1984, 
       mapping = aes(x = yearSeason, y = meanftmPerGame,
                     color = groupPosition)) +

ggplot(data = summarystatistics1984, 
       mapping = aes(x = yearSeason, y = meanorbPerGame,
                     color = groupPosition)) +

ggplot(data = summarystatistics1984, 
       mapping = aes(x = yearSeason, y = meandrbPerGame,
                     color = groupPosition)) +

ggplot(data = summarystatistics1984, 
       mapping = aes(x = yearSeason, y = meanastPerGame, 
                     color = groupPosition)) +

ggplot(data = summarystatistics1984, 
       mapping = aes(x = yearSeason, y = meanstlPerGame,
                     color = groupPosition)) +

ggplot(data = summarystatistics1984, 
       mapping = aes(x = yearSeason, y = meanblkPerGame,
                     color = groupPosition)) +

ggplot(data = summarystatistics1984, 
       mapping = aes(x = yearSeason, y = meantovPerGame, 
                     color = groupPosition)) +

ggplot(data = summarystatistics1984, 
       mapping = aes(x = yearSeason, y = meanptsPerGame,
                     color = groupPosition)) +

#also a correlation matrix plot
rcorr <- round(cor(players_post1984_normalized[,c(5:48)]),2)
corrplot(rcorr, method="color")


pca <- prcomp(players_post1984_normalized[,-c(1:5, 49)])
d <-$x)
pc1 <- pca$rotation[, 1]
##        ratioPER pctTrueShooting       pct3PRate       pctFTRate          pctORB 
##   -0.1984376111   -0.1098107324    0.0460597436   -0.0655952774    0.0008030325 
##          pctDRB          pctTRB          pctAST          pctSTL          pctBLK 
##   -0.0711980473   -0.0621075328   -0.0723587287    0.0237211222    0.0221780468 
##          pctTOV          pctUSG        ratioOWS        ratioDWS         ratioWS 
##    0.0468887522   -0.1559581240   -0.1734981531   -0.1601448301   -0.1982549458 
##    ratioWSPer48       ratioOBPM       ratioDBPM        ratioBPM       ratioVORP 
##   -0.1547083585   -0.1712344327   -0.0544363909   -0.1723823961   -0.1729173372 
##           pctFG          pctFG3          pctFG2          pctEFG           pctFT 
##   -0.0893714820   -0.0294037491   -0.0870310482   -0.0810320502   -0.0435988296 
##  minutesPerGame      fgmPerGame      fgaPerGame     fg3mPerGame     fg3aPerGame 
##   -0.2995076369   -0.2519943955   -0.2391536508   -0.0734615581   -0.0758321887 
##     fg2mPerGame     fg2aPerGame      ftmPerGame      ftaPerGame      orbPerGame 
##   -0.2396507263   -0.2383883046   -0.2097019488   -0.2065264117   -0.1248515952 
##      drbPerGame      trbPerGame      astPerGame      stlPerGame      blkPerGame 
##   -0.1749991672   -0.1676084771   -0.1194331543   -0.1458057990   -0.0820251513 
##      tovPerGame       pfPerGame      ptsPerGame 
##   -0.2129035686   -0.1381044037   -0.2474357260
pc2 <- pca$rotation[, 2]
##        ratioPER pctTrueShooting       pct3PRate       pctFTRate          pctORB 
##    0.0080525182    0.0246156367   -0.3018678081    0.1327272515    0.0838685970 
##          pctDRB          pctTRB          pctAST          pctSTL          pctBLK 
##    0.2740469286    0.3160639489   -0.1770599222    0.1245349511   -0.2389054402 
##          pctTOV          pctUSG        ratioOWS        ratioDWS         ratioWS 
##    0.0471613326   -0.0725192177   -0.0324444847    0.0691699026    0.0008569979 
##    ratioWSPer48       ratioOBPM       ratioDBPM        ratioBPM       ratioVORP 
##    0.0368879231   -0.1089040051    0.1664263458    0.0033287881   -0.0090401315 
##           pctFG          pctFG3          pctFG2          pctEFG           pctFT 
##    0.1602012479   -0.3392848612    0.0982034344    0.0408993365   -0.1483455277 
##  minutesPerGame      fgmPerGame      fgaPerGame     fg3mPerGame     fg3aPerGame 
##   -0.0771437794   -0.0611838259   -0.1013206731   -0.2794347058   -0.2900437638 
##     fg2mPerGame     fg2aPerGame      ftmPerGame      ftaPerGame      orbPerGame 
##    0.0162711757   -0.0061190151   -0.0216692786    0.0075270458    0.2247002604 
##      drbPerGame      trbPerGame      astPerGame      stlPerGame      blkPerGame 
##    0.1537876212    0.1871573170   -0.1495044038   -0.1097330759    0.1523015704 
##      tovPerGame       pfPerGame      ptsPerGame 
##   -0.0542167979    0.1336944653   -0.0749548282
pca3 <- pca$rotation[, 3]
d$namePlayer <- players_post1984_normalized$namePlayer
d$isAllNBA <- players_post1984_normalized$isAllNBA
d$yearSeason <- players_post1984_normalized$yearSeason

pcaplot <- ggplot(d, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2)) +
  geom_point(size = .5, alpha = .7) +
  ylab("Shooters vs Baseline") +
  xlab("Usage vs Non-Usage")

d1 <- tibble(PC = 1:43,
                PVE = pca$sdev^2 /

ggplot(d1, aes(x = PC, y = PVE)) +
  geom_line() + 

#some PCA exploration
pca_rotations <- data.frame(pca$rotation)
pca_rotations$variables <- rownames(pca_rotations)
PC1graph <- 
  ggplot(data = pca_rotations, mapping = aes(x = variables, y = PC1, 
                                          fill = variables)) +
  geom_col() +
  coord_flip() +
  theme(legend.position = "none") +
  labs(title = "Usage (-) vs Non-Usage (+)")

#note important characteristics: tov, pts, minutes, fgm, fga
PC2graph <- 
  ggplot(data = pca_rotations, mapping = aes(x = variables, y = PC2, 
                                          fill = variables)) +
  geom_col() +
  coord_flip() +
  theme(legend.position = "none")+
  labs(title = "Shooters (-) vs Baseline(+)")

#note important characteristics: (+) rebounding stats, (-) 3pt shooting, asts
PC3graph <- 
  ggplot(data = pca_rotations, mapping = aes(x = variables, y = PC3, 
                                          fill = variables)) +
  geom_col() +
  coord_flip() +
  theme(legend.position = "none") +
  labs(title = "Outside the Arc (-) vs Inside the Arc (+)")

#important characteristics: (+) turnovers, usage, field goals worth 2
#                            (-) True shooting, EFG, 3 pointers

#lets now create a plot with some players that we will recognize
currentplayersplot <- ggplot(d, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2)) +
  geom_point(size = .5, alpha = .1) +
  geom_text_repel(data = subset(d, isAllNBA == TRUE & 
                            yearSeason %in% 2017:2019 ),
            aes(label = namePlayer)) +
  geom_point(data = subset(d, isAllNBA == TRUE & 
                            yearSeason %in% 2017:2019), 
             mapping = aes(x = PC1, y = PC2),
             size = .5, alpha = .7, color = "purple2") +
  ylab("Shooters vs Baseline") +
  xlab("Usage vs Non-Usage")

famousplayersplot <-  ggplot(d, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2)) +
  geom_point(size = .5, alpha = .1) +
  geom_text_repel(data = subset(d, namePlayer %in% c("Lebron James", 
                                               "Michael Jordan",
                                               "Stephen Curry",
                                               "Kobe Bryant",
                                               "Tim Duncan",
                                               "Magic Johnson",
                                               "Kevin Durant")),
            aes(label = namePlayer)) +
  geom_point(color = "purple",
             data = subset(d, namePlayer %in% c("Lebron James", 
                                               "Michael Jordan",
                                               "Stephen Curry",
                                               "Kobe Bryant",
                                               "Tim Duncan",
                                               "Magic Johnson",
                                               "Kevin Durant"),
             size = .5, alpha = .6)) +
  ylab("Shooters vs Baseline") +
  xlab("Usage vs Non-Usage")

#animated plot, allstars throughout the seasons
allnbaplayerspca <- d %>%
  filter(isAllNBA == TRUE)
staticplot <- ggplot(data = allnbaplayerspca, 
                     mapping = aes(x = PC1, y = PC2)) +
  geom_point(alpha = .8, color = "purple") + 
  geom_text_repel(data = allnbaplayerspca, 
                  mapping = aes(label = namePlayer)) +
  geom_point(data = d, mapping = aes(x = PC1, y = PC2), alpha = .1) +
  ylab("Shooters vs Baseline") +
  xlab("Usage vs Non-Usage")

byseasonplot <- staticplot + transition_time(yearSeason) +
  labs(title = "Season: {frame_time}")

animate(byseasonplot, renderer = gifski_renderer(), nframes = 37, fps = 2)

n_pcas <- as_tibble(pca$x[,1:3])
#choosing k for kmeans
n_clusters_kmeans1<-kmeans(n_pcas, centers = 1, nstart = 20)
n_clusters_kmeans2<-kmeans(n_pcas, centers = 2, nstart = 20)
n_clusters_kmeans3<-kmeans(n_pcas, centers = 3, nstart = 20)
n_clusters_kmeans4<-kmeans(n_pcas, centers = 4, nstart = 20)
n_clusters_kmeans5<-kmeans(n_pcas, centers = 5, nstart = 20)
n_clusters_kmeans6<-kmeans(n_pcas, centers = 6, nstart = 20)
kmeansvariation <- tibble("K" = 1:6,
                              "SS" = c(n_clusters_kmeans1$tot.withinss,
kmeansvariationplot <- 
  ggplot(data = kmeansvariation, mapping = aes(x = K, y = SS)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_point() +
  labs(title = "K means scree plot")

#does not seem to be a dinstinct elbow. We will decide on K=3, as it is
#near the middle of complete aggregation and no aggregation, and because
#generally, there seem to be three types of players

n_pcasdist <- dist(n_pcas)
distmatrix <- as.matrix(n_pcasdist)

                           xlab = "", ylab = "", sub = "", 
                           main = "Complete Linkage")
abline(h = 3.7, col = "tomato")

n_clusters_hier_cut <- cutree(n_clusters_hier, 3)

n_pcas_kmeans <- n_pcas %>% mutate(cluster = n_clusters_kmeans3$cluster)
n_pcas_hier <- n_pcas %>% mutate(cluster = n_clusters_hier_cut)

ggplot(n_pcas_kmeans, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2,
                          color = as.factor(cluster))) + 
  geom_point(alpha = .6) +
  labs(title = "kmeans clustering")

ggplot(n_pcas_hier, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, 
                        color = as.factor(cluster))) +
  geom_point(alpha = .6) +
  labs(title = "hierarchical clustering")

#plot_ly(n_pcas_kmeans, x = ~PC1, y = ~PC2, z = ~PC3, color = ~cluster)

players_post1984_pca_clusters <- players_post1984 %>% 
  mutate(PC1 = pca$x[,1], PC2 = pca$x[,2], PC3 = pca$x[,3],
         hier_cluster = n_clusters_hier_cut, kmeans_cluster = n_clusters_kmeans3$cluster)

players_post1984_pca_clusters_year <- players_post1984_pca_clusters %>% 
  group_by(yearSeason, kmeans_cluster) %>% count

players_post1984_pca_year <- players_post1984_pca_clusters %>% 
  group_by(yearSeason) %>% count
players_post1984_pca_clusters_year_1 <- players_post1984_pca_clusters_year %>%
  filter(kmeans_cluster == 1)
players_post1984_pca_clusters_year_2 <- players_post1984_pca_clusters_year %>%
  filter(kmeans_cluster == 2)
players_post1984_pca_clusters_year_3 <- players_post1984_pca_clusters_year %>%
  filter(kmeans_cluster == 3)

cluster_proportions_1 = players_post1984_pca_clusters_year_1$n/players_post1984_pca_year$n
cluster_proportions_2 = players_post1984_pca_clusters_year_2$n/players_post1984_pca_year$n
cluster_proportions_3 = players_post1984_pca_clusters_year_3$n/players_post1984_pca_year$n
cluster_proportions <- tibble(year = c(1984:2020), one = cluster_proportions_1, two = cluster_proportions_2, three = cluster_proportions_3)

clusterdataframe <- data.frame(cluster1 = cluster_proportions_1,
                               cluster2 = cluster_proportions_2,
                               cluster3 = cluster_proportions_3,
                               year = c(1984:2020))
clusterdf <- data.frame(year = rep(c(1984:2020), 3),
                        proportion = c(cluster_proportions_1,
                        cluster = c(rep("Cluster 1", 37),
                                    rep("Cluster 2", 37),
                                    rep("Cluster 3", 37)))

ggplot(clusterdf, mapping = aes(x = year, y = proportion, color = cluster)) +

#what clusters do all-nba players end up in?
allnbaclusterssummary <- players_post1984_pca_clusters%>%
  filter(isAllNBA == TRUE) %>%
  group_by(hier_cluster) %>%
  summarize(n = n())
allnbahierchdata <- players_post1984_pca_clusters%>%
  filter(isAllNBA == TRUE)

allnbaclusterstatic <- ggplot(data = allnbahierchdata, 
       mapping = aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, color = as.factor(hier_cluster))) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_point(data = n_pcas_hier, 
             mapping = aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, 
                        color = as.factor(cluster)),
             alpha = .1)
allnbabyseasonplot <- allnbaclusterstatic+
  transition_time(yearSeason) +
  labs(title = "Season: {frame_time}")
        renderer = gifski_renderer(), nframes = 36, fps = 2)

#now for all-nba pca analysis

pca_all_nba <- prcomp(players_post1984_all_nba_normalized[,-c(1:5, 49)])
d_all_nba <-$x)

ggplot(d_all_nba, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2)) +
  geom_point(size = .5, alpha = .7)

d2 <- tibble(PC = 1:43,
                PVE = pca$sdev^2 /

d3 <- tibble(PC = 1:43,
             PVE = pca_all_nba$sdev^2 / sum(pca_all_nba$sdev^2))

ggplot(d2, aes(x = PC, y = PVE)) +
  geom_line() + 
  geom_point() +
  labs(title = "Skree Plot for NBA")

ggplot(d3, aes(x = PC, y = PVE)) +
  geom_line() + 
  geom_point() +
  labs(title = "Skree Plot for All-NBA")

pca_all_nba_rotations <- data.frame(pca_all_nba$rotation)
pca_all_nba_rotations$variables <- rownames(pca_all_nba_rotations)

PC1_all_nba_graph <- 
  ggplot(data = pca_all_nba_rotations, mapping = aes(x = variables, y = PC1, 
                                          fill = variables)) +
  theme(legend.position = "none") +
  labs(title = "Rebounders(-) vs Shooters(+)")

PC2_all_nba_graph <- 
  ggplot(data = pca_all_nba_rotations, mapping = aes(x = variables, y = PC2, 
                                          fill = variables)) +
  theme(legend.position = "none") +
  labs(title = "Efficient (-) vs Not Efficient (+) ")

PC3_all_nba_graph <- 
  ggplot(data = pca_all_nba_rotations, mapping = aes(x = variables, y = PC3, 
                                          fill = variables)) +
  theme(legend.position = "none") +
  labs(title = "Team (-) vs Scoring (+)")

PC4_all_nba_graph <- 
  ggplot(data = pca_all_nba_rotations, mapping = aes(x = variables, y = PC4, 
                                          fill = variables)) +
  theme(legend.position = "none")

n_pcas_all_nba <- as_tibble(pca_all_nba$x[,1:3])
n_clusters_kmeans_all_nba <-kmeans(n_pcas_all_nba, centers = 3)
n_clusters_hier_all_nba <-hclust(dist(n_pcas_all_nba))
abline(h = 2.7, col = "tomato")

n_clusters_hier_cut_all_nba <- cutree(n_clusters_hier_all_nba, 3)

n_pcas_kmeans_all_nba <- n_pcas_all_nba %>% mutate(cluster = n_clusters_kmeans_all_nba$cluster)
n_pcas_hier_all_nba <- n_pcas_all_nba %>% mutate(cluster = n_clusters_hier_cut_all_nba)

ggplot(n_pcas_kmeans_all_nba, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2,
                                  color = as.factor(cluster))) +
  geom_point() +
  labs(title = "all-nba kmeans clustering")

ggplot(n_pcas_hier_all_nba, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, 
                                color = as.factor(cluster))) + 
  geom_point() +
  labs(title = "all-nba hierarchical clustering")

#plot_ly(n_pcas_hier_all_nba, x = ~PC1, y = ~PC2, z = ~PC3, color = ~cluster)

players_post1984_pca_clusters_all_nba <- players_post1984_all_nba_normalized %>% 
  mutate(PC1 = pca_all_nba$x[,1], PC2 = pca_all_nba$x[,2], PC3 = pca_all_nba$x[,3],
         hier_cluster = n_clusters_hier_cut_all_nba, kmeans_cluster = n_clusters_kmeans_all_nba$cluster)
players_post1984_pca_clusters_year_all_nba <- players_post1984_pca_clusters_all_nba %>% 
  group_by(yearSeason, hier_cluster) %>% count

players_post1984_pca_year_all_nba <- players_post1984_pca_clusters_all_nba %>% 
  group_by(yearSeason) %>% count
players_post1984_pca_clusters_year_1_all_nba <- players_post1984_pca_clusters_year_all_nba %>%
  filter(hier_cluster == 1)
players_post1984_pca_clusters_year_2_all_nba <- players_post1984_pca_clusters_year_all_nba %>%
  filter(hier_cluster == 2)
players_post1984_pca_clusters_year_3_all_nba <- players_post1984_pca_clusters_year_all_nba %>%
  filter(hier_cluster == 3)

cluster_proportions_1_all_nba = players_post1984_pca_clusters_year_1_all_nba$n/players_post1984_pca_year_all_nba$n
cluster_proportions_2_all_nba = players_post1984_pca_clusters_year_2_all_nba$n/players_post1984_pca_year_all_nba$n
cluster_proportions_3_all_nba = players_post1984_pca_clusters_year_3_all_nba$n/players_post1984_pca_year_all_nba$n

cluster_proportions_all_nba <- tibble(year = c(1984:2019), one = cluster_proportions_1_all_nba, two = cluster_proportions_2_all_nba, three = cluster_proportions_3_all_nba)

#new graph:
allnbaclusterdf <- data.frame(year = rep(c(1984:2019), 3),
                        proportion = c(cluster_proportions_1_all_nba,
                        cluster = c(rep("Cluster 1", 36),
                                    rep("Cluster 2", 36),
                                    rep("Cluster 3", 36)))
ggplot(allnbaclusterdf, mapping = aes(x = year, y = proportion, 
                                      color = cluster)) + 

#some more animated graphs
nbaclusters <- tibble(n_pcas_kmeans_all_nba$cluster, 
                          allnbaplayerspca$yearSeason) %>%
  mutate(kmeanscluster=n_pcas_kmeans_all_nba$cluster ,
         hierarchicalcluster = n_pcas_hier_all_nba$cluster,
         yearSeason= allnbaplayerspca$yearSeason)
nbaclusters <- nbaclusters[,-c(1:3)]

clustercountkmeansallnba <- nbaclusters %>%
  group_by(yearSeason, kmeanscluster) %>%
  summarize(count = n())
clustercounthierchallnba <- nbaclusters %>%
  group_by(yearSeason, hierarchicalcluster) %>%
  summarize(count = n())

#allnba kmean and hierarchical clusters over time
kmeansclustergraphallnba <-
  ggplot(data = clustercountkmeansallnba, 
         mapping = aes(x = yearSeason, y = count, color = 
                         as.factor(kmeanscluster))) +
  geom_line() +

hierarchicalgraphallnba <-
  ggplot(data = clustercounthierchallnba, 
         mapping = aes(x = yearSeason, y = count,
                       color = as.factor(hierarchicalcluster))) +
  geom_line() +

#all-nba player's clusters over time
n_pcas_kmeans_all_nba <- n_pcas_kmeans_all_nba %>%
  mutate(yearSeason = allnbaplayerspca$yearSeason) 
n_pcas_hier_all_nba <- n_pcas_hier_all_nba %>%
    mutate(yearSeason = allnbaplayerspca$yearSeason) 
allnbakmeans <- 
  ggplot(n_pcas_kmeans_all_nba, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, 
                                    color = as.factor(cluster)))+
  ylab("Shooters vs Baseline") +
  xlab("Usage vs Non-Usage") +
  labs(title = "All NBA teams over time - kmeans")

allnbahierch <- 
  ggplot(n_pcas_hier_all_nba, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, 
                                  color = as.factor(cluster))) + 
  ylab("Shooters vs Baseline") +
  xlab("Usage vs Non-Usage") +
  labs(title = "All NBA teams over time - hierarchical")

byseasonplotkmeans  <- allnbakmeans + transition_time(yearSeason) +
  labs(title = "Season: {frame_time}") 
        renderer = gifski_renderer(), nframes = 36, fps = 2)
byseasonplothierch <- allnbahierch + transition_time(yearSeason) +
  labs(title = "Season: {frame_time}")
        renderer = gifski_renderer(), nframes = 36, fps = 2)

#nice animated and 3d plots. 3d plots had to be commented when knitted
#animate(byseasonplot, renderer = gifski_renderer(), nframes = 37, fps = 2)
#plot_ly(n_pcas_kmeans, x = ~PC1, y = ~PC2, z = ~PC3, color = ~cluster)
#plot_ly(n_pcas_hier, x = ~PC1, y = ~PC2, z = ~PC3, color = ~cluster)
#plot_ly(n_pcas_hier_all_nba, x = ~PC1, y = ~PC2, z = ~PC3, color = ~cluster, type = "scatter3d")


Looking at PCA (Principal Component Analysis)

  • PC1 seems to be a case of an “Usage” (-) vs “Non-Usage” (+) battle. In the negative side, we see characteristics such as ptsPerGame, fgmPerGame, fg2mPerGame, fg2aPerGame, minutesPerGame. The other types of variables do not tend to take on positive values, but the ones that are include: pctBLK, pctSTL, pctTOV.
  • PC2 could be classified as “Shooters” (-) vs “Baseline” (+). We see positive values for shooting characteristics, such as pct3PRate, fg3mPerGame, fg3aPerGame, and negative values for characteristics typical for tall, big players:pctDRB, pctTRB, blkPerGame.
  • PC3 is the distinction between “Outside the Arc” (-) and “Inside the Arc” (+) Extreme negative values appear for pctTrueShooting, pctEFG, pct3PRate. On the positive side, we see tovPerGame, pctUSG, pctBLK, and fg2aPerGame.


For the entirety of the NBA, we decided on using K-means clustering as our basis for determining the different “types” of players. This is because, as you can see from the plot, hierarchichal clustering created three different groups based on solely their usage. Players were slotted into high, medium, and low usage. We felt that this was not indicative of the types of players they were, so we used K-means to look at the actual characteristics of the players. The three types we created were:

  • Cluster 1: low usage shooters
  • Cluster 2: low usage baseline players
  • Cluster 3: high usage players with a spread for baseline/shooting

We found that both hierarchical and k-means clustering did not seperate players into clusters based on our third principle component, outside vs. inside the arc. Additionally, we found that while the proportions of each cluster changed year by year, cluster 1 remained the highest proportion of NBA players in each season, and that the proportions of each cluster, present day, are relatively similar to the proportions we found in 1984.

Looking at All-NBA

When we narrow our observations to just the 15 players that were voted into the all-nba team each season.

  • PC1 is the distinction between “Rebounders” (-) and “Shooters” (+). Negative variables include trbPerGame, pctTRB, pctDRB, orbPerGame.
  • PC2 could be classified a battle between “Efficient” (-) and “Not Efficient” (+) players. We don’t have many variables for the non-efficient side, mainly turnovers and blocks, but for the efficient aspect of the principle component, high magnitude variables include ptsPerGame, VORP, ftmPerGame, and ftaPerGame.
  • PC3, I would classify as “Team” (-) vs “Scoring” (+) players. “Team” stats include ratioVORP, ratioBPM, pctAST, and astPerGame, whereas the “Scoring” variables include pstPerGAme, pctUSG, fgmPerGame, and fg2aPerGame.

Clustering for All-NBA

It seems that all of the clusters have some spread in PC3, the “Team” vs “Scoring” principle component. Cluster 2 does have the more scoring players however. The different types:

  • Cluster 1: Shooters, mixed efficiency, generally Scorers. Some examples for these type of players would be Stephen Curry, Damian Lillard, Lebron James.
  • Cluster 2: Pretty diverse set of Rebounders and Shooters. Shooters tend to be scorers while Rebounders are Team players. Players are efficient. An example for this type of player is Giannis Antetokounmpo.
  • Cluster 3: Team Rebounders, however, not very efficient Remember though, all of these players are All-NBA players, so their stats are being compared to the best players each year in the NBA. Some players representing this cluster are Draymond Green and Rudy Gobert.

We find that the proportion of shooting focused players among All-NBA teams remains the highest in each season since 1984, and that in recent years, that this proportion has increased dramatically. Cluster 2 and 3 proportions are pretty similar, although Cluster 3, the Team Rebounders have taken a dramatic drop in recent years.

Further Exploration

In future projects, we would like to look at different combinations of number of principle components, clusters, and cluster methods. Increasing the number of principle components and clusters would allow us to create a more detailed collection of increasingly specific types of players.

Additionally, we would like to perform an in depth dive for one specific team, preferably one that has some championships under its belt, and how its general manager responds to challenges, such as players leaving under free agency, injuries, or how he/she seeks to build a contending roster. Also, even if the team wins the championship, does he/she feel the need to add new players that could potentially better the team, but also potentially mess up team chemistry?

Related to the last inquiry, another question we could ask is how does team composition affect success? What combination of player types is optimal in the league? What types of players should managers try to pick up with a limited salary, limited number of players on a team, and limited touches for each player? There is only one basketball after all.


To obtain data for this project, we used a package “nbastatR”, developed by Alex Bresler, which took data from the websites and