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Become a sponsor to Michael Babker


Michael Babker

Tampa, FL, USA

In addition to being a long tenured open source developer and contributor to the PHP community. I have authored and released several packages of my own via and am presently a maintainer for packages under the umbrella. Recently, I became the maintainer for the Pagerfanta library. I have also contributed various bug fixes and minor features for a large number of PHP packages and frameworks across the ecosystem.

7 sponsors have funded mbabker’s work.

Private Sponsor

Featured work

  1. BabDev/laravel-server-push-manager

    HTTP/2 server push manager for Laravel

    PHP 2
  2. BabDev/laravel-twilio

    Twilio SDK integration for Laravel

  3. BabDev/MoneyBundle

    Integrates the Money for PHP library into Symfony applications

    PHP 13
  4. BabDev/Pagerfanta

    Pagination library for PHP applications with support for several data providers

    PHP 373
  5. GeniusesOfSymfony/PubSubRouterBundle

    🚦 PubSub Router for Symfony applications

    PHP 42
  6. GeniusesOfSymfony/WebSocketBundle

    〽️ Websocket server for Symfony applications (powered by Ratchet), includes a Autobahn.JS based JavaScript client

    PHP 606

Select a tier

$ a month

You'll receive any rewards listed in the $10 monthly tier. Additionally, a Public Sponsor achievement will be added to your profile.

$1 a month


You're Awesome!

You've used a piece of software I've contributed to and just want to say thanks. Your contribution will help keep the ☕️ fund going and help my days start off right.

$5 a month


Keep It Up!

You've benefited from one of the projects I've worked on and want to pay it forward. I greatly appreciate it.

$10 a month


Special Thanks!

You've benefited from one (or many) of the projects I've worked on and want to show your support. Public sponsors at this level will be recognized with their name on the BabDev website.

$25 a month


Company Support

If you are working for a company that uses one of the projects I have worked on, please consider sponsoring at this level. Over 95% of my time working on open-source software has come in my free time and your support at this level helps recognize the many hours of work that go into maintaining my free and open-source software. Public sponsors at this level will be recognized with their name and logo on the BabDev website.

$500 a month


Personalized Support

Often in the open-source community, maintainers are providing support on a best effort basis. Sometimes this means bug reports go unanswered for weeks at a time, or support questions are ignored. If you sponsor me at this level, I will provide up to 10 hours per month of personalized support on my open-source projects. Sponsors at this level will be recognized with their name and logo prominently featured on the BabDev website.