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Become a sponsor to Jeremy Winterberg

Hi 👋 I'm Jeremy!

💻 I'm a senior software engineer and private pilot based in Wisconsin.

✈️ I'm building a platform to help general aviation pilots stay proficient through personalized training programs. There are far too many accidents in aviation these days that could be completely avoided if pilots stayed proficient with basic maneuvers and decision making skills.

💰Your sponsorship will allow me to spent more time building this side project which will have an extensive free tier to help anyone in the community stay proficient with life saving maneuvers. Money will go towards server costs and my bills

I'm currently unemployed, so anything helps. If you cannot contribute financially, I am equally happy to connect with you and potentially gain leads on employment through networking.

Featured work

  1. JeremyDwayne/safer-pilot

    Go + Next.js: Creating safer pilots through intentional proficiency training


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$ a month

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$5 a month

  • Get a Sponsor badge on your profile

$700 a month


Biweekly one hour consulting or mentorship

$1,000 a month

  • I'll join your company chat app for help and support