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File metadata and controls

321 lines (244 loc) · 29.5 KB

Fabriclogger Configuration

For fine-grained control over fabriclogger's operation you can create a configuration file and tweak any of the settings available. Some settings can also be adjusted using CLI flags or environment variables (CLI flags and environment variables do take precedence over settings in the configuration, if specified).

The configuration file can be created either in YAML or in JSON format. You can specify the configuration file path using the --config-file (short -c) CLI flag:

$ fabriclogger -c path/to/myconfig.yaml

or, if omitted, fabriclogger will look for a file called fabriclogger.yaml in the current working directory. If this file is not present either, then fabriclogger will go with the default configuration.

The configuration file content will be layered on top of the defaults, so it is only necessary to specify settings where the default needs to be overridden.



    networkConfig: network.yaml
    user: fabric-logger
    keyFile: 'test/fixtures/testkey'
    certFile: 'test/fixtures/testcert'
    msp: 'msp'
        - myChannel
        - channelName: myChannel
          chaincodeId: myChaincodeId
    discovery: true
    peerPort: '7081'
    ordererPort: '7080'
    type: hec
    sourceTypePrefix: 'fabric_logger'
        url: https://localhost:8088
        token: 44422111-0000-3232-9821-26664c2e7515
        validateCertificate: false
        # Splunk 8.0 or higher support compact metrics HEC messages
        multipleMetricFormatEnabled: true
            index: myevents
            index: mymetrics

Debugging Fabriclogger Configuration

Fabriclogger has a dedicated flag --print-config to show the effective configuration after merging defaults, config file, environment variables and CLI flags.

$ fabriclogger -c myconfig.yaml --print-config

JSON Schema

You can find a JSON Schema for fabriclogger's configuration files here: config.schema.json.

Editor Integrations

Several editors can use JSON schemas to provide validation and auto-complete as you edit the config file.



Name Type Description
checkpoint Checkpoint Checkpoint configuration - how fabriclogger keeps track of state between restarts
fabric Fabric Fabric configuration
hec HecClients HTTP event collector
prometheus Prometheus Prometheus Scraper Configuration
output HecOutput | ConsoleOutput | FileOutput | DevNullOutput In the output configuration you can specify where fabriclogger will send generated events to. By default it will send all information to Splunk HEC, but you can instead send it to console output or a file.


The checkpoint is where fabriclogger keeps track of its state, which blocks have already been processed. This allows it to resume where it left off after being shut down and restarted.

Name Type Description Default
filename string File path (relative to the current working directory) where the checkpoint file will be stored .checkpoints
saveInterval Duration Maximum duration before saving updated checkpoint information to disk


Name Type Description
msp string The name of the MSP that the user is enrolled in
networkConfig string Network configuration file
user string The username to use for fabric logger
keyFile string The private key for the user
certFile string The signed certificate from the fabric certificate authority
clientCertFile string The client certificate file used when mutual TLS is enabled to authenticate with the peer
clientKeyFile string The client private key used when mutual TLS is enabled to authenticate with the peer
channels Array<string> Channels to listen to
ccevents Array<CCEvent> Chaincode events to listen to
blockType "filtered" | "full" | "private" Block Type full or private
discovery boolean Enable Discovery service
asLocalHost boolean Convert discovered addresses to localhost for docker


Chaincode event to listen to

Name Type Description
channelName string channel name
chaincodeId string chaincodeid
block number block


Name Type Description
default Hec Base settings that apply to all HEC clients. Overrides for events, metrics and internal metrics will be layered on top of the defaults and allow for using different HEC tokens, URL or destination index.
events Hec HEC settings (overrides for default) for events sent to Splunk
metrics Hec HEC settings (overrides for default) for metrics sent to Splunk
internal Hec HEC settings (overrides for default) for internal metrics sent to Splunk


Settings for the Splunk HTTP Event Collector client

Name Type Description Default
url string The URL of HEC. If only the base URL is specified (path is omitted) then the default path will be used
token string The HEC token used to authenticate HTTP requests
defaultMetadata object Defaults for host, source, sourcetype and index. Can be overridden for each message

See Use variables in metadata
defaultFields object Default set of fields to apply to all events and metrics sent with this HEC client

See Use variables in metadata
maxQueueEntries number Maximum number of entries in the HEC message queue before flushing it
maxQueueSize number Maximum number of bytes in the HEC message queue before flushing it
flushTime Duration Maximum number of milliseconds to wait before flushing the HEC message queue
gzip boolean Gzip compress the request body sent to HEC (Content-Encoding: gzip)
maxRetries number Maximum number of attempts to send a batch to HEC. By default this there is no limit
timeout Duration Number of milliseconds to wait before considering an HTTP request as failed
requestKeepAlive boolean Set to false to disable HTTP keep-alive for connections to Splunk
validateCertificate boolean If set to false, the HTTP client will ignore certificate errors (eg. when using self-signed certs)
maxSockets number Maximum number of sockets HEC will use (per host)
userAgent string User-agent header sent to HEC

See Use variables in metadata
retryWaitTime WaitTime Wait time before retrying to send a (batch of) HEC messages after an error
multipleMetricFormatEnabled boolean Enable sending multiple metrics in a single message to HEC. Supported as of Splunk 8.0.0
waitForAvailability Duration If set to > 0, then fabriclogger will wait for the HEC service to become available for the given amount of time by periodically attempting to request the collector/health REST endpoint. This can be useful when starting Splunk and fabriclogger for example in docker-compose, where Splunk takes some time to start.


Name Type Description
scrapeInterval Duration Time between scrapes of Prometheus endpoints.
path string URL path to use when scraping Prometheus metrics
protocol string Protocol to use when scraping Prometheus metrics
port string Port to use when scraping Prometheus metrics.
timeout number Request timeout
allowCompression boolean If not disabled, this will allow the prometheus server to respond with compressed body (gzip or deflate)
validateContentType boolean If set to false, the scraper will not check the content type of the response from the server
validateCertificate boolean If set to false, the HTTP client will ignore certificate errors (eg. when using self-signed certs)
userAgent string User-agent header sent to metrics endpoint


Name Type Description
scrapeInterval Duration Time between scrapes of Prometheus endpoints.
path string URL path to use when scraping Prometheus metrics
protocol string Protocol to use when scraping Prometheus metrics
port string Port to use when scraping Prometheus metrics.
timeout number Request timeout
allowCompression boolean If not disabled, this will allow the prometheus server to respond with compressed body (gzip or deflate)
validateContentType boolean If set to false, the scraper will not check the content type of the response from the server
validateCertificate boolean If set to false, the HTTP client will ignore certificate errors (eg. when using self-signed certs)
userAgent string User-agent header sent to metrics endpoint
discovery boolean Enable prometheus endpoint discovery.
namePrefix string A common prefix for all Prometheus metrics emitted to Splunk
peerPort string Default port to try for discovered peers (overrides port).
peerPath string Default path to try for discovered peers (overrides path).
ordererPort string Default port to try for discovered orderers (overrides port).
ordererPath string Default path to try for discovered orderers (overrides path).
endpoints Array<PrometheusEndpoint> Prometheus endpoints to scrape


Name Type Description
scrapeInterval Duration Time between scrapes of Prometheus endpoints.
path string URL path to use when scraping Prometheus metrics
protocol string Protocol to use when scraping Prometheus metrics
port string Port to use when scraping Prometheus metrics.
timeout number Request timeout
allowCompression boolean If not disabled, this will allow the prometheus server to respond with compressed body (gzip or deflate)
validateContentType boolean If set to false, the scraper will not check the content type of the response from the server
validateCertificate boolean If set to false, the HTTP client will ignore certificate errors (eg. when using self-signed certs)
userAgent string User-agent header sent to metrics endpoint
url string Full URL to scrape for Prometheus metrics


Name Type Description
type "hec"
sourceTypePrefix string A common prefix for all unknown events emitted to Splunk
sourcetypes Sourcetypes Sourcetypes to use for different kinds of events we send to Splunk


Configurable set of sourcetype field values emitted by fabriclogger

Name Type Default
block string "fabric_logger:block"
endorser_transaction string "fabric_logger:endorser_transaction"
ccevent string "fabric_logger:ccevent"
config string "fabric_logger:config"
nodeMetrics string "fabric:node:metrics"


Console output prints all generated events and metrics to STDOUT

Name Type
type "console"


File output will append all generated messages to a file. (this output type has not been implemented)

Name Type Description
type "file"
path string Path to output file


Null output will just drop all generated events and metrics

Name Type
type "null"


A duration in fabriclogger's config can be specified either as as a number or a string.

Type Description Examples
number Number of milliseconds 500
string Golang-style duration string
"1h", "3m30s500ms"


Wait time expresses how long to wait between retry attempts based on the number of attempts made so far.

Type Description
Duration Absolute and static time to wait after each attempt
ExponentialBackoff Exponentially increasing wait time with randomness
LinearBackoff Linear increasing wait time


Exponentially increasing wait time with randomness. The wait time will be a random number between min and 2attempts (up to max) after each attempt.

Name Type Description
type "exponential-backoff"
min Duration Minimum wait time
max Duration Maximum wait time


{ "type": "exponential-backoff", "min": 0, "max": "5m" }


Linear increasing wait time

Name Type Description
type "linear-backoff"
min Duration Minimum wait time (after the first failure)
step Duration Increase of wait time for each failure after the first until max is reached
max Duration Maximum wait time


{ "type": "linear-backoff", "min": 0, "step": "30s", "max": "5m" }

Metadata Variables

Fabriclogger supports a set of variables you can use in metadata sent to Splunk (host, sourcetype, source and other fields). Those variables will be automatically substituted. Below is a list of variables available:

Variable Description
$HOSTNAME Hostname of the machine fabriclogger is running on
$PID The fabriclogger PID
$VERSION Fabriclogger version
$NODE_VERSION The node.js version fabriclogger is running on