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208 lines (195 loc) · 5.61 KB


File metadata and controls

208 lines (195 loc) · 5.61 KB

Modern Menu

Modern layout support icons. Icons will be in same folder.

Modern layout contains horizontal toolbars where you can add menus/actions. So toolbar can contain items from available options. You can further customized that.

You can create many layouts but only one can be active. You have to rename it properly and reload editor i.e. ModernMenuLayout

Icon folder contain icons with exactly same name as actions and for menus just append m- in-front of icon.

  1. Whitespace will be ignored. After any changes KiWi needs restart.
  2. JSON must be valid. Use online versions to check and validate
  3. Available menus and actions can be added into any order in any toolbar.
  4. Create new toolbars and append or insert in current order. 1_, 2_ shows the position of toolbar.
  5. Play and Have fun :)


  1. IconName : Current active theme name
  2. Layouts : Contains list of tool bars
  3. Options : List for available options

Default Layout

“1_ToolBar” : “actionCut|cut, actionCopy|copy, actionPaste|clipboard, actionZoomIn|searchplus, actionZoomOut|searchminus, actionZoomReset|search, menuFlavours,actionAbout”,
“2_ToolBar” : “menuNew|fileo, actionOpen|folderopeno, menuSave|save, Seperator, actionSelectAll, Seperator, actionUndo,actionRedo, Seperator, actionFind, actionFindFiles, actionFindNext, actionFindPrevious, actionReplace,actionFindInCurrent”,
“3_ToolBar” : “actionNewProject|file, actionOpenProject|folderopen, actionClearAll|eraser, actionClearAllProjects”,
“4_ToolBar” : “actionDuplicateLineUp|arrowcircleup, actionDuplicateLineDown|arrowcircledown, actionCopyLine, actionCutLine, actionMoveLineUp|arrowcircleoup, actionMoveLineDown|arrowcircleodown”,
“5_ToolBar” : “actionToggleBookmark|bookmarko, actionNextBookmarkCurrent|bookmark, actionPreviousBookmarkCurrent, actionNextBookmark, actionPreviousBookmark”,
“6_ToolBar” : “actionExplorer|columns, actionWelcomeScreen|list, actionStatusBar|square, actionShowTab|folder,actionToolbar, actionOutputWindow,actionPreferences”

Available options

  1. Space
  2. Seperator
  3. actionPlain
  4. actionCSS
  5. actionHTML
  6. actionJavascript
  7. actionPHP
  8. actionOpen
  9. actionNewProject
  10. actionOpenProject
  11. actionCloseAll
  12. actionCloseOthers
  13. actionCopy
  14. actionCut
  15. actionPaste
  16. actionUndo
  17. actionRedo
  18. actionDuplicate
  19. actionOpenLocation
  20. actionRenameFile
  21. actionDeleteFiles
  22. actionOpenFiles
  23. actionCutFiles
  24. actionCopyFiles
  25. actionPasteFiles
  26. actionNewFile
  27. actionFolder
  28. actionFile
  29. actionWordWrap
  30. actionExit
  31. actionSaveCurrent
  32. actionSaveAll
  33. actionSaveAs
  34. actionSaveAsPDF
  35. actionClearAll
  36. actionClearAllProjects
  37. actionLeftExplorer
  38. actionCloseCurrent
  39. actionSelectAll
  40. actionMinify
  41. actionToggleEditor
  42. actionToggleGuiEditor
  43. actionToggleWebPreview
  44. actionParse
  45. actionFullscreen
  46. actionToolbar
  47. actionAbout
  48. actionSubmitFeedback
  49. actionHelp
  50. actionCssReferences
  51. actionHTMLReferences
  52. actionJavascriptReferences
  53. actionXHTMLReferences
  54. actionPreferences
  55. actionNormalStyle
  56. actionInlineStyle
  57. actionCustomStyle
  58. actionCss21
  59. actionCss3
  60. actionCss1
  61. actionCss2
  62. actionWelcomeScreen
  63. actionFind
  64. actionFindFiles
  65. actionFindPrevious
  66. actionReplace
  67. actionOutputWindow
  68. actionFindInCurrent
  69. actionLess
  70. actionSQL
  71. actionXML
  72. actionJSON
  73. actionDuplicateLineUp
  74. actionDuplicateLineDown
  75. actionCopyLine
  76. actionCutLine
  77. actionMoveLineUp
  78. actionMoveLineDown
  79. actionUpper
  80. actionLower
  81. actionToggleAllFold
  82. actionOpenAllFold
  83. actionCloseAllFold
  84. actionToggleBookmark
  85. actionNextBookmark
  86. actionPreviousBookmark
  87. actionNextBookmarkCurrent
  88. actionPreviousBookmarkCurrent
  89. actionCloseCurrentFold
  90. actionOpenCurrentFold
  91. actionMergeLines
  92. actionDeleteLine
  93. actionJavascriptMinify
  94. actionTitle
  95. actionSwap
  96. actionIndent
  97. actionUnident
  98. actionMinimap
  99. actionSelectorsPanel
  100. actionPython
  101. actionShowTabs
  102. actionShowTabsSpaces
  103. actionShowLineParagraphSeparators
  104. actionAddSpaceLineParagraphSeparators
  105. actionDistractionFreeMode
  106. actionCopyFilePath
  107. actionOpenFileLocation
  108. actionStatusBar
  109. actionCloseAllProjects
  110. actionToggleComments
  111. actionScss
  112. actionRefresh
  113. actionQSS
  114. actionZoomIn
  115. actionZoomOut
  116. actionZoomReset
  117. actionPrintFile
  118. actionPreviewFile
  119. actionMenuBar
  120. actionSessionManager
  121. actionGoToLine
  122. actionSaveSession
  123. actionHTMLIndenter
  124. actionUnix
  125. actionMac
  126. actionWindows
  127. actionFindNext
  128. actionFindAll
  129. actionReplaceNext
  130. actionReplaceAll
  131. actionReplacePrevious
  132. actionFindInProjects
  133. actionFindInOpenedFiles
  134. actionWhiteTheme
  135. actionRightExplorer
  136. actionPHPSyntaxChecker
  137. actionparsePhp
  138. actionparsePhpProject
  139. actionViewNav
  140. actionHide_project
  141. actionToggle_work
  142. menuFile
  143. menuNew
  144. menuClose
  145. menuSave
  146. menuRecentFiles
  147. menuPrint
  148. menuProject
  149. menuRecentProjects
  150. menuCloseProject
  151. menuEdit
  152. menuAdvanced
  153. menuLineOperations
  154. menuCaseConversion
  155. menuFold
  156. menuBookmarkNavigation
  157. menuShowWhitespaces
  158. menuFileOperations
  159. menuNewFileAndFolders
  160. menuViews
  161. menuZoom
  162. menuCss
  163. menuFormat
  164. menuCssVersion
  165. menuHelp
  166. menuOnline_References
  167. menuOptions
  168. menuSearch
  169. menuJavaScript
  170. menuExtra
  171. menuFlavours