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Onsets and Frames: Dual-Objective Piano Transcription

State of the art piano transcription, including velocity estimation.

For model details, see our paper on arXiv: Onsets and Frames: Dual-Objective Piano Transcription. You can also listen to the Audio Examples described in the paper.

Colab Notebook

The easiest way to use the model is with our Onsets and Frames Colab Notebook. You can upload arbitrary audio files and receive a transcription without installing any software.

Transcription Script

If you would like to run transcription locally, you can use the transcribe script. First, set up your Magenta environment.

Next, download our pre-trained checkpoint, which is trained on the MAESTRO dataset.

After unzipping that checkpoint, you can run the following command:

CHECKPOINT_DIR=<path to unzipped checkpoint, should have 'train' subdir>
onsets_frames_transcription_transcribe \
  --acoustic_run_dir="${CHECKPOINT_DIR}" \
  <piano_recording1.wav, piano_recording2.wav, ...>

Train your own

If you would like to train the model yourself, first set up your Magenta environment.

Dataset creation

First, you'll need to download a copy of the MAPS Database. Unzip the MAPS zip files after you've downloaded them.

Next, you'll need to create TFRecord files that contain the relevant data from MAPS by running the following command:

MAPS_DIR=<path to directory containing unzipped MAPS dataset>
OUTPUT_DIR=<path where the output TFRecord files should be stored>

onsets_frames_transcription_create_dataset \
  --input_dir="${MAPS_DIR}" \


Now can train your own transcription model using the training TFRecord file generated during dataset creation.

TRAIN_EXAMPLES=<path to maps_config2_train.tfrecord generated during dataset creation>
RUN_DIR=<path where checkpoints and summary events should be saved>

onsets_frames_transcription_train \
  --examples_path="${TRAIN_EXAMPLES}" \
  --run_dir="${RUN_DIR}" \

You can also run an eval job during training to check approximate metrics:

TEST_EXAMPLES=<path to maps_config2_test.tfrecord generated during dataset creation>
RUN_DIR=<path where checkpoints should be loaded and summary events should be saved>

onsets_frames_transcription_train \
  --examples_path="${TEST_EXAMPLES}" \
  --run_dir="${RUN_DIR}" \

During training, you can check on progress using TensorBoard:

tensorboard --logdir="${RUN_DIR}"


To get final performance metrics for the model, run the onsets_frames_transcription_infer script.

TEST_EXAMPLES=<path to maps_config2_test.tfrecord generated during dataset creation>
RUN_DIR=<path where output should be saved>

onsets_frames_transcription_infer \
  --acoustic_run_dir="${CHECKPOINT_DIR}" \
  --examples_path="${TEST_EXAMPLES}" \

You can check on the metrics resulting from inference using TensorBoard:

tensorboard --logdir="${RUN_DIR}"

Note that the stats you get may differ slightly from our paper due to small differences between our internal and external codebase.