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MxBootswatch is a collection of free themes for Mendix using the Bootstrap framework. These themes are based on the themes provided by Bootswatch. Check it out at


MxBootswatch can be used in a number of ways to help speed up and improve styling in Mendix. You can use any of the zipped themes in the theme folder. Simply copy the theme into your theme folder for your application. Alternatively you can use the project package stored in the dist folder to preview the themes, see example styling and reuse layouts. All the source for the themes is stored in the theme-builder folder.

Using the installation instructions bellow will allow you to build custom themes easyily using grunt and less.


To use the theme builder you must have a number of components installed before being able to use the builder.

You can of course use the complied themes without the theme builder, but the theme builder gives you the flexibility of being able to change a couple of variables and build a new great looking theme.

To get started you will need to install Node.js. Node.js can be downloaded from here and you can install it on windows, mac or linux.

Once node.js is installed open up in the node.js command prompt on windows or open up the terminal on mac.

The first thing you will need to do is install Grunt. Grunt is a javascript task runner, which will allow you to build the correct zipped file structure for your themes.

In the terminal type the following command:

npm install -g grunt-cli

The next thing you will to install is the less compiler. To do this type the following: npm install less

We now have all the necessary components installed to build your themes.

We can now install our theme builder. Navigate to the theme-builder folder and type the command:

npm install


MxBootswatch is open source and you’re welcome to modify the themes.

Each theme is contained in its own theme folder inside the theme-builder folder.

Each theme consists of two LESS files. variables.less, which is included by default in Bootstrap, allows you to customize these settings. bootswatch.less introduces more extensive structural changes.

To compile the themes into a Mendix zipped theme file you can type the following command: grunt swatch : themename

The following themes exist in this project: amelia,cerulean, cupid, custom, cyborg, darkly,default, flatly, journal, lumen, paper, readable, sandstone, simplex, slate, spacelab, superhero, united & yeti

If you want to compile all the themes you can type the command: grunt swatch

When this command is run all themes will be compiled from LESS to CSS, placed in the correct folder structure, zipped up and placed in the Mendix theme folder. The file that performs these actions is called Gruntfile.js.

Check out the Help page for more details on building your own theme.


Simon Black

Thomas Park


Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton for Bootstrap.

Jenil Gogari for his contributions to the Flatly theme.

James Taylor for cors-lite.

Copyright and License

Copyright 2014 Simon Black

Copyright 2014 Thomas Park

Code released under the MIT License.


A Mendix implementation of the bootswatch themes. Used to help developers and business engineers style their Mendix applications even easier than before.







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