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How to use ulog to print logs(API usage overview)

Please refer to the examples in the tests or examples folder, there are examples of asynchronous log output written in C++ and asynchronous output to files in the examples directory.

Detailed documentation is described in ulog.h

1 Initialization

Unix platform has default configuration, you can use it directly without configuration

1.1 Initialize the logger and set the string output callback function

The simplest configuration is just to configure the output callback.

user_data: Set by the user, each output will be passed to output_callback, output can be more flexible.

// Create a logger instance, the ULOG_GLOBAL is an existing global instance. If the system uses only one logger instance, there is no need to create it again.
struct ulog_s *logger_create(void);
void logger_destroy(struct ulog_s **logger_ptr);

// Set user data, each output will be passed to output_callback/flush_callback, making the output more flexible.
void logger_set_user_data(struct ulog_s *logger, void *user_data);

// Set the callback function for log output, the log is output through this function
typedef int (*ulog_output_callback)(void *user_data, const char *ptr);
void logger_set_output_callback(struct ulog_s *logger, ulog_output_callback output_callback);

// Set the callback function of log flush, which is executed when the log level is error
typedef void (*ulog_flush_callback)(void *user_data);
void logger_set_flush_callback(struct ulog_s *logger, ulog_flush_callback flush_callback);

// sample:
static int put_str(void *user_data, const char *str) {
  user_data = user_data; // unused
  return printf("%s", str);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  struct ulog_s *local_logger = logger_create();

  logger_set_output_callback(local_logger, put_str);
  logger_set_output_callback(ULOG_GLOBAL, put_str);

  logger_set_flush_callback(ULOG_GLOBAL, NULL);
  logger_set_flush_callback(local_logger, NULL);

  // ...


2 Print log

The LOGGER_XXX(fmt, ...) just uses ULOG_GLOBAL for LOGGER_LOCAL_XXXX example: #define LOGGER_TRACE(fmt, ...) LOGGER_LOCAL_TRACE(ULOG_GLOBAL, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)

2.1 Normal log

Same format as printf.

double pi = 3.14159265;
LOGGER_TRACE("PI = %.3f", pi); // Use a separate logger: LOGGER_LOCAL_TRACE(local_logger, "PI = %.3f", pi);
LOGGER_DEBUG("PI = %.3f", pi);
LOGGER_INFO("PI = %.3f", pi);
LOGGER_WARN("PI = %.3f", pi);
LOGGER_ERROR("PI = %.3f", pi);
LOGGER_FATAL("PI = %.3f", pi);
LOGGER_RAW("PI = %.3f\r\n", pi);

/* Output: ---------------------------------------------------------------
[2020-02-05 18:48:55.111] 14890-14890 T/(ulog_test.cpp:47 main) PI = 3.142
[2020-02-05 18:48:55.111] 14890-14890 D/(ulog_test.cpp:48 main) PI = 3.142
[2020-02-05 18:48:55.111] 14890-14890 I/(ulog_test.cpp:49 main) PI = 3.142
[2020-02-05 18:48:55.111] 14890-14890 W/(ulog_test.cpp:50 main) PI = 3.142
[2020-02-05 18:48:55.111] 14890-14890 E/(ulog_test.cpp:51 main) PI = 3.142
[2020-02-05 18:48:55.111] 14890-14890 F/(ulog_test.cpp:52 main) PI = 3.142

2.2 Print variable (Requires C++ 11 or GNU extension)

Output various tokens, the function will automatically recognize the type of token and print.

  @param token Can be float, double, [unsigned / signed] char / short / int / long / long long and pointers of the above type
#define LOGGER_LOCAL_TOKEN(logger, token) ...

Output multiple tokens to one line, each parameter can be a different type

 * @param token Same definition as LOGGER_TOKEN parameter, but can output up to 16
 * tokens at the same time
#define LOGGER_LOCAL_MULTI_TOKEN(logger, ...) ...


double pi = 3.14;
LOGGER_TOKEN(pi * 50.f / 180.f);
LOGGER_TOKEN(&pi);  // print address of pi

time_t now = 1577232000; // 2019-12-25 00:00:00
struct tm* lt = localtime(&now);
LOGGER_MULTI_TOKEN(lt->tm_year + 1900, lt->tm_mon + 1, lt->tm_mday);

/* Output: ---------------------------------------------------------
(float) pi => 3.140000
(float) pi * 50.f / 180.f => 0.872222
(void *) &pi => 7fff2f5568d8
lt->tm_year + 1900 => 2019, lt->tm_mon + 1 => 12, lt->tm_mday => 25

2.3 Hex dump

Display contents in hexadecimal and ascii. Same format as "hexdump -C filename"

 * @param data The starting address of the data to be displayed
 * @param length Display length starting from "data"
 * @param width How many bytes of data are displayed in each line
#define LOGGER_LOCAL_HEX_DUMP(logger, data, length, width) ...
#define LOGGER_HEX_DUMP(data, length, width) LOGGER_LOCAL_HEX_DUMP(ULOG_GLOBAL, data, length, width)


char str1[5] = "test";
char str2[10] = "1234";
LOGGER_HEX_DUMP(&str1, 20, 16);

/* Output: ---------------------------------------
hex_dump(data:&str1, length:20, width:8) =>
7fff2f556921  74 65 73 74  00 31 32 33  |test.123|
7fff2f556929  34 00 00 00  00 00 00 30  |4......0|
7fff2f556931  d3 a4 9b a7               |....|

2.4 Statistics code running time

 * Statistics code running time
 * @param Code snippet
#define LOGGER_LOCAL_TIME_CODE(logger, ...) ...



uint32_t n = 1000 * 1000;
while (n--);


/* Output: -----------------------------------------------
time { uint32_t n = 1000 * 1000; while (n--); } => 1315us

3 Output customization

// Enable log output, which is enabled by default
void logger_enable_output(struct ulog_s *logger, bool enable);
#define ULOG_F_COLOR 1 << 0       // Enable color output (default=on)
#define ULOG_F_NUMBER 1 << 1      // Enable line number output (default=off)
#define ULOG_F_TIME 1 << 2        // Enable time output (default=on)
#define ULOG_F_PROCESS_ID 1 << 3  // Enable process id output (default=on)
#define ULOG_F_LEVEL 1 << 4       // Enable log level output (default=on)
#define ULOG_F_FILE_LINE 1 << 5   // Enable file line output (default=on)
#define ULOG_F_FUNCTION 1 << 6    // Enable function name output (default=on)

* Enable log format, can use (ULOG_F_XXX | ULOG_F_XXX) combination
void logger_format_enable(struct ulog_s *logger, int32_t format);

* Disable log format, can use (ULOG_F_XXX | ULOG_F_XXX) combination
void logger_format_disable(struct ulog_s *logger, int32_t format);
// Set the log level. Logs below this level will not be output
// The default level is the lowest level, so logs of all levels are output.

// Different levels:
void logger_set_output_level(struct ulog_s *logger, enum ulog_level_e level);