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Phutility is a collection of tools to make life in php more livable. Primarily
it is meant to scratch the itch of a beaver who want's to play guitar but is 
stuck trying to play keyboard whilst pretending to be a duck 9-5.

Invokable is a utility for creating simple callbacks when dealing w/ objects.

$collection->map(function($i) use($var1, $var2) { 
    return $i->someMethod()->someOther($var1)->someOther($var2);


use Phutility\Invokable as I;


As you may have inferred Invokable is a class which builds up a stack using __call and __get
and then further, implements the __invoke method so it may be used in any context
which an anonymous function would other wise. 


$x = I::callMethod(30)->secondMethod($arg2);


Which is equivalent to:


Appos is useful for when you want to do things that would previously require
passing around associative arrays i.e.

$f = function($options) { 
	echo $options['name'] . " is " . $options['age'];

$f(array('name' => 'peter', 'age' => 50));

Can now be: 
$f = function($options) { 
	$options = Appos::create($options);
	echo $options['name'] . " is " . $optjons['age'];

$f('name', 'peter', 'age', 50);

Or even better you can use a higher order function like options or rest: 

use Phutility\Func as F;

Func gives us even more sugar:
$f = F::options(function($options) {

Rest args are fun too:
$f = F::rest(function($a, $b, $rest) {
	echo "a is $a with b of $b and " . json_encode($rest);

$f($obj1, $obj2, 
	'sortBy', 'col1', 
	'sortDir', 'desc');
Keyword args are super cool:

$keywordFunc = F::keyword(function($name, $age) {


	age, 34,
	name, 'peter jensen');