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Traffic Metrics

API Group:

API Version: v1alpha1


This specification describes a resource that provides a common integration point for tools that can benefit by consuming metrics related to HTTP traffic. It follows the pattern of for instantaneous metrics that can be consumed by CLI tooling, HPA scaling or automating canary updates.

As many of the implementations for this will be storing metrics in Prometheus, it would be possible to just standardize on metric/label naming. This, unfortunately, makes integration more difficult as every integration will need to write their own Prometheus queries. For more details, see the tradeoffs section.

Metrics are associated with a resource. These can be pods as well as higher level concepts such as namespaces, deployments or services. All metrics are associated with the Kubernetes resource that is either generating or serving the measured traffic.

Pods are the most granular resource that metrics can be associated with. It is common to look at aggregates of pods to reason about the traffic as a whole for an application. Imagine looking at the aggregated success rate for a deployment during canary rollouts. All resources that contain pods are aggregates of the metrics contained within the pods. These are calculated by the implementation itself. It is not possible to arbitrarily create groupings of pods to aggregate metrics.

In addition to resources, metrics are scoped to edges. An edge represents either the source of traffic or its destination. These edges restrict the metrics to only the traffic between the resource and edge.resource. edge.resource can either be general or specific. In the most general case, a blank edge.resource would have metrics for all the traffic received by resource.

Edges are only visible between two resources that have exchanged traffic. They are not declarative, all traffic is monitored and can only be queried in association with a specific resource. The list of edges for a specified resource can be returned, it is not possible to query specific, unique edges.

Being able to query for these metrics is an important piece of the puzzle. There are two main ways to query the API for metrics:

  • The supported resources (pods, namespaces, ...) are available as part of an APIResourceList. This provides both list and get support.
  • For supported resources, it is possible to use a label selector as a filter.
  • A sub-resource allows querying for all the edges associated with a specific resource.


The core resource is TrafficMetrics. It references a resource, has an edge and surfaces latency percentiles and request volume.

kind: TrafficMetrics
# See ObjectReference v1 core for full spec
  name: foo-775b9cbd88-ntxsl
  namespace: foobar
  kind: Pod
  direction: to
  side: client
    name: baz-577db7d977-lsk2q
    namespace: foobar
    kind: Pod
timestamp: 2019-04-08T22:25:55Z
window: 30s
- name: p99_response_latency
  unit: seconds
  value: 10m
- name: p90_response_latency
  unit: seconds
  value: 10m
- name: p50_response_latency
  unit: seconds
  value: 10m
- name: success_count
  value: 100
- name: failure_count
  value: 100


In this example, the metrics for traffic from the foo-775b9cbd88-ntxsl pod to the baz-577db7d977-lsk2q are observed at the client side i.e. at the foo-775b9cbd88-ntxsl pod. This can be used to define a DAG of resource dependencies.

  name: foo-775b9cbd88-ntxsl
  namespace: foobar
  kind: Pod
  direction: to
  side: client
    name: baz-577db7d977-lsk2q
    namespace: foobar
    kind: Pod

Alternatively, edges can also be observed at the server side. In this example, the metrics are observed at the foo-775b9cbd88-ntxsl pod and represent all the traffic from the bar-5b48b5fb9c-7rw27 pod. This effectively shows how foo-775b9cbd88-ntxsl is handling the traffic destined for it from a specific source. Just like to, this data can be used to define a DAG of resource dependencies.

  name: foo-775b9cbd88-ntxsl
  namespace: foobar
  kind: Pod
  direction: from
  side: server
    name: bar-5b48b5fb9c-7rw27
    namespace: foobar
    kind: Pod

Finally, resource can be as general or specific as desired. For example, with a direction of from and an empty resource, the metrics represent all the traffic received by the foo-775b9cbd88-ntxsl pod.

  name: foo-775b9cbd88-ntxsl
  namespace: foobar
  kind: Pod
  direction: from
  side: server
  resource: {}

Note: resource could also contain only a namespace to select any traffic from that namespace or only kind to select specific types of incoming traffic.


There are three different ways to get a TrafficMetricsList:

  • Requesting a specific kind such as pods or namespaces.

    kind: TrafficMetricsList
      kind: Pod

    Note: the values for resource would only be kind, namespace and apiVersion.

  • Requesting a specific kind such as pods and filtering with a label selector:

    kind: TrafficMetricsList
      kind: Pod
        app: foo

    Note: the label selector does not filter the metrics themselves, only the items that show up in the list.

  • Listing all the edges for a specific resource:

    kind: TrafficMetricsList
      name: foo-775b9cbd88-ntxsl
      namespace: foobar
      kind: Pod
        app: foo

    Note: this specific list is a sub-resource of foo-775b9cbd88-ntxsl from an API perspective.

Kubernetes API

The API will be exposed via a APIService:

kind: APIService
    name: mesh-metrics
    namespace: default
  version: v1alpha1

The default response, or requesting /apis/ would return:

apiVersion: v1
kind: APIResourceList
- name: namespaces
  namespaced: false
  kind: TrafficMetrics
  - get
  - list
- name: deployments
  namespaced: true
  kind: TrafficMetrics
  - get
  - list
- name: pods
  namespaced: true
  kind: TrafficMetrics
  - get
  - list

The full list of resources for this list would be:

  • namespaces
  • nodes
  • pods
  • replicationcontrollers
  • services
  • daemonsets
  • deployments
  • replicasets
  • statefulsets
  • jobs
  • trafficsplits

For resource types that contain pods, such as namespaces and deployments, the metrics are aggregates of the pods contained within.

Traffic Splits

The traffic split resource type is different from other resource types because a traffic split does not contain pods. The traffic metrics for a traffic split represent all requests which are sent to the traffic split's apex service. Each TrafficMetrics object is scoped to an individual backend of the traffic split and contains a backend field which indicates to which backend those metrics correspond.

kind: TrafficMetrics
# See ObjectReference v1 core for full spec
  name: my-traffic-split
  namespace: foobar
  kind: TrafficSplit
  direction: from
  side: client
  resource: {}
  apex: my-service
  name: my-service-v1
  weight: 90
timestamp: 2019-04-08T22:25:55Z
window: 30s
- name: p99_response_latency
  unit: seconds
  value: 10m
- name: p90_response_latency
  unit: seconds
  value: 10m
- name: p50_response_latency
  unit: seconds
  value: 10m
- name: success_count
  value: 100
- name: failure_count
  value: 100

Use Cases


Like kubectl top, a plugin could be written such as kubectl traffic top that shows the traffic metrics for resources.

$ kubectl traffic top pods
NAME                        SUCCESS      RPS   LATENCY_P99
foo-6846bf6b-gjmvz          100.00%   1.8rps           1ms
bar-f84f44b5b-dk4g9          75.47%   0.9rps           1ms
baz-69c8bb6d5b-gn5rt         86.67%   1.8rps           2ms

Implementation of this command would be a simple conversion of the API's response of a TrafficMetricsList into a table for display on the command line or a dashboard.


In combination with the TrafficSplit specification, a controller can:

  • Create a new deployment v2.
  • Add a new canary and service for v2.
  • Update the canary definition to send some traffic to v2.
  • Monitor for success rate to drop below 100%. If it does, rollback.
  • Update the canary definition to route more traffic.
  • Loop until all traffic is on v2.


Following the concept of kubectl traffic top, there could also be a kubectl traffic topology command. This could provide ascii graphs of the topology between applications. Alternative outputs could be graphviz's DOT language.

$ kubectl traffic topology deployment
                  |                               v
+---------+     +--------+     +---------+      +-------+
| traffic | --> | foo    | --> | bar     | <--> | baz   |
+---------+     +--------+     +---------+      +-------+

Implementation of this command would require multiple queries, one to get the list of all deployments and another to get the edges for each of those deployments. While this example shows command line usage, it should be possible for dashboards such as Kiali to be built entirely on top of this API.


  • View metrics for all resources and edges.

    kind: Role
      name: traffic-metrics
    - apiGroups:
      resources: ["*"]
      verbs: ["*"]
  • View only the metrics for edges of pods.

    kind: Role
      name: traffic-metrics
    - apiGroups:
      resources: ["pods/edges"]
      verbs: ["*"]

Example implementation

This example implementation is included to illustrate how TrafficMetrics are surfaced. It does not prescribe a particular implementation. This example also does not serve as an example of how to consume the metrics provided.

Metrics Architecture

For this example implementation, metrics are being stored in Prometheus. These are being scraped from Envoy periodically. The only component in this architecture that is custom is the Traffic Metrics Shim. All others do not require any modification.

The shim maps from Kubernetes native API standards to the Prometheus store which is an implementation detail of the service mesh. As the shim itself is doing the mapping, any backend metrics store could be used.

Walking through the request flow:

  1. An end user fires off a request to the Kubernetes API Server:

    kubectl get --raw /apis/
  2. The Kubernetes API server forwards this request to the Traffic Metrics Shim.

  3. The shim issues multiple requests to Prometheus. An example for the total requests grouped by success and failure would be:

    sum(requests_total{namespace='default',kind='deployment'}) by (name, success)

    Note: there are multiple queries required here to fetch all the metrics for a response.

  4. On receiving the responses from Prometheus, the shim converts the values into a TrafficMetrics object for consumption by the end user.

Envoy Mesh

Envoy Mesh

While the mesh itself is outside the scope of this example, it is valuable to see that piece of the architecture as well. Prometheus has a scrape config that targets pods with an Envoy sidecar and periodically requests /stats?format=prometheus.


  • APIService - it would be possible to simply be proscriptive of metrics and label names for Prometheus, configure many of these responses as recording rules and force integrations to query those directly. This feels like it increases the bar for metrics stores to change their internal configuration around to support this specification. There is also not a multi-tenant story for Prometheus series visibility that maps across Kubernetes RBAC. From the other side, consumers of these metrics will have to do discovery of Prometheus' location in the cluster and do some kind of queries to surface the data that they need.

  • Edges - while it is valuable to see all the traffic metrics associated with a specific resource, debugging regularly requires understanding the path that traffic is taking between specific resources. Additionally, seeing the edges opens up a new set of integrations such as topology graphs and more flexible canary policy.

  • Aggregation - being able to look at metrics across higher level concepts such as deployments (imagine tracking v2 of a deployment during a canary rollout). These are hard to aggregate without access to the underlying data and so it is valuable to access the data pre-aggregated from the API perspective.

  • custom.metrics vs metrics styles - this API groups metrics together by resource. The API presents a long list of metrics with names that suggest the resource. Because the primary use is to fetch a group of metrics associated with a resource, this API matches the style a little bit more.

  • Counts - most users will want to see RPS and success rates instead of raw counts. As these are trivial to calculate from success/failure counts and cover up some important data, counts are being used.

Out of scope

  • Edge aggregation - it would be valuable to get a resource such as a pod and see the edges for other aggregates such as deployments. For now, the queries to do this are not defined.
  • Label selectors - this API uses label selectors to impact filtering of resources and does not use these selectors for the actual metric series. Using the selectors against metric series is very valuable, imagine getting per-route metrics surfaced.
  • Historical data - while this API could support delivering historical data, it is not called out explicitly right now. The primary use cases currently are immediate requirements: how is the canary rollout going? what is my topology? what is happening to my application right now?

Open Questions

  • stddev - the best integration for canary deployments or things like HPA would be surfacing the stddev of metrics. Then, monitoring could be +/- outside of the last measurements. This API is not particularly well setup to surface these numbers and it might not be as useful as they look.