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jetviper21 edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 20 revisions
require 'nimble.php';
class Test extends C{
    public function index(){
        echo 'Hello';

Easy to deploy

Just drop the files into a folder in your Apache server!

Nice urls


Tutorial for those who do not have time

  1. Get the file
  2. Put them in you Document root
  3. Create an index.php
  4. Just:


    5. Make urls like this, define the url, class, method and HTTP method:
    More on Routing


    Ruby on Rails-style route patterns work too, with a default pattern of [a-zA-Z0-9_-]+:


    5a. for helpers to use in your application to call these routes see UrlBuilders and Helpers

    6. Write a class that extends C or Controller
    More on Controller

    class Test extends C{}
    class Test extends Controller{}

    7. Write a method p_tag

    public function p_tag($tag){ echo $tag; }

    8. And


    9. Open in your browser: http://localhost/tag/dog
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