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Learnings: Java: RXJava

Table Of Contents


See also:

  • ProjectReactorTypesToRxJavaTypes

Interface Observable

interface Observable {
	Subscription subscribe(Observer s)

interface Observer<T> {
	void onNext(T t)
	void onError(Throwable t)		// <-- terminal event
	void onCompleted()				// <-- terminal event

	void unsubscribe()
	void setProducer(Producer p)

Observable operations are synchronous

Hot vs cold flux <<Reactive_Hot_vs_Cold>>

Cold flux

/* point a */ Observable<T> someData = Observable.create( /*Subscription */ s -> {
    someAsyncCall(args, data -> {

/* point b */

someData.subscribe( /* T */ value -> {   /* Consumer functional interface that gives you the T type you passed */
    System.out.println( value )
/* point c */

Note: Observable will not start at point b here, it will start on subscription (so actually point c-ish).

But it means you can set up your reactive data processing and then subscribe when you're ready

Hot Flux

Source produces the events, but none of the operators happen until someone actually subscribes.

Observable (producer) notes

Have helped function to wrap try/catch+onError around: Obserable.fromCallable( -> ...)

Observe.create( -> someMethod ) is called once per subscribe

RxJava and concurrency strategy <<Learning_Java_Rx_Concurrency_Parallel_Execution_Schedulers>>

At any point before subscribing, can do .subscribeOn and provide a Scheduler instance. (Can use provided ones, or ExecutorService).

Then the create lambda is executed in the context of the schedule

... but these are low level tools...


  • Schedulers.newThread <-- no thread pool, thread created and destroyed
  • <-- like ThreadPoolExecutor, but really really is meant for tasks that perform IO
  • Schedulers.computation <-- CPU bound tasks, will limit "thread pool" to # of actual cores, queue will "just" keep backing up if needs > resources
  • Schedulers.from <-- takes subclass of Executor
  • Schedulers.test <-- lets you play with the clock ie for testing

Can also put these on observeOn instead of just subscribeOn ie if you need to be on the main thread to update a UI.

Can switch observe on in the middle of a chain if you need to Ie switch threads the results of it all is displayed on.


With blocking Observables:

  • Observable without any Scheduler works like single threaded blocking program
  • Observerable with single subscribeOn like doing work in background thread
  • Observable using flatMap where internal Observable has a subscribeOn like ForkJoinPool where each substream is a fork and flatMap is the safe join phase.

With non blocking Observables: knowing how they are combined and when subscription occures

Consumers and Producers in RxJava <<Learning_Java_Rx_Subscribers_Observable_Producer_Consumer>>

Consumer Strategy (subscribe)

  • filter and map are sync executed on the thread that emits the events

the implicit concurrency in flatmap

flatMap consumers can return an Observable. Because it's an Observable it can wrap a concurrent operation, or not. flatMap subscribes to those observables returned and quasi-joins that into a single output stream.

Thus this provides easy wrappers for concurrent operations.

Can also use flatMap to apply backpressure on an operation.

why use flatMap

  • result of transformation in map must be an Observable. (ie long running or async operation)
  • one to many transformation

Producer Strategy (onNext/onCompleted/onError)

Unless required by some operator RxJava doesn't implicitly run your code in any thread pool.

Events can never be emitted concurrently. By this I mean you can not have multiple threads and emit to the same Subscription.

Error handling strategy: let caller / RxJava chain creator worry about it

Consumer Functional Interface

Interesting methods

Observable Method What it does
zip waits until your N Observable parameters all complete, then function called result happens
merge Your subscription will be fired when data down any Observable parameters happens
unsubscribe What it says on the tin
just creates Observable instance that emits one value to all future subscribers
cache will subscribe to an Observable and cache the events for later reply into Subscriptions
refCount the create method('s lambda) is called only once per many subscriptions. When count -> 0 it unsubscribes
share does a publish().refCount()
publish returns a ConnectableObservable
doOnNext <-- way to insert logging etc into your operator pipeline
flatMap a stream can returned 1 or more bits of data. Side effect: will not group output streams: ([S,M,S]
concatMap a stream can return 1 or more bits of data, but these are grouped by originating streams ([S,S,M]) . BUT no concurrency / parallelism at all wrt asynchronous work
empty useful when you don't care about the results of a stream (maybe you only care about completion, not onNext progress)
combineLatest emits a pair every time any events from a stream happens, and if has to joins the current value with the last value from the other stream
withLatestFrom like combineLatest but you can control which stream matters more
scan return accumulated values as they come in
reduce at the end of the stream produce the result of accumulation
collect abstraction over reduce with same restrictions about end of stream
onErrorResumeNext pass control to another Publisher rather than invoking onError if error


  • can pass a lambda called onNext
  • can pass a lambda called onNext, onError, onComplete
  • can pass a implementor of Observer which @overrides onNext, onError, onComplete methods, if needs data based functor


creating own custom operators

Use Transformer, really a Functional< Observable<T>, Observabl<R> >.0

private <T, R> Transformer<T, R> onlyPickOdd() {
	return new Transformer<T, R>() {

		public Observable<R> call(Observable<T> observable) {


or, with lambda syntax (but with less clarity...)

private <T, R> Transformer<T, R>  onlyPickOdd() {
	return upstream -> upstream.zipWith(...).map(...)


  1. Pass downstream Subscriber as a constructor argument to the new Subscriber when creating own operators, to avoid places where you stop listening but don't tell upward subscribers to stop too.

See also:

How these operators actually work: lift

Modify a top level observer: aka in a chain of operators, travel to the top of the Observable change and modify the original subscriber

Technically can write operator chains like so:

Obeservable.range(1, 1000)
           .lift(new OperatorFilter<>(x -> x % 3 == 0 ) )
           .lift( new OperatorDistinct.<Integer>instance() )

Outstanding Classes

  • Single
  • Completable <-- "yes, it completes, but doesn't actually return anything
  • Observer implements Subscriber
  • ConnectableObservable <-- always creates at least one subscriber (even if count == 0 or count == WAY_HUGE_MANY). Can force subscription
  • BlockingObserver <-- really just a transitional class: for non-reactive projects: but blocks until Observer completely fulfilled


RxJava 1

Can sample observable, can batch up events for downstream processors

Some operators have built in (actual) backpressure

Your custom operators can implement onStart / your constructor and ask for how many elements to be given up front (all is default)

But if operators totally ignore backpressure requests, can use operator onBackpressureBuffer or onBackpressureDrop to front bad data sources. onBackpressureBuffer can be given a limit and a callback to call if buffet exceeds those limits

If really need can use SyncOnSubscribe class - this has useful methods re backpressure etc.

RxJava 2

Flowable — implements batching up events Iin slightly better way than RXJava 1

Can create instances of this and set properties / strategies, then listen to your subscriber

Flowable.generate lets you create backpressure respecting Observables. (Or higher level method, Flowable.fromIterator)

Processor — like an Subject, but for Flowables

See also

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