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Reproducing the experiments from our SBGames 2022 paper

This readme file contains the information necessary to reproduce the experiments from our paper in SBGames 2022 named "Exploring Deep Reinforcement Learning for Battling in Collectible Card Games." Although we mention in the paper that we use gym-locm's version 1.3.0, any future version should also suffice. Please contact me at in case any of the instructions below do not work.

Experiment 1: hyperparameter search

We use Weights and Biases (W&B) to orchestrate our hyperparameter search. The hyp-search.yaml file contains the search configuration, including hyperparameter ranges. Having W&B installed, executing the following command on a terminal will create a "sweep" on W&B:

wandb sweep gym_locm/experiments/papers/sbgames-2022/hyp-search.yaml

This command will output a sweep ID, including the entity and project names. Save it for the next step. From this moment on, the hyperparameter search can be observed on W&B's website. However, no training sessions will happen until you "recruit" one or more computers to run the training sessions. That can be done by executing the following command on a terminal:

wandb agent <sweep_id>

Where the sweep_id parameter should be the sweep ID saved from the output of the previous command. From now on, the recruited computers will run training sessions continuously until you tell them to stop. That can be done on W&B's website or by issuing a CTRL + C on the terminal where the training sessions are being executed. In our paper, we executed 35 training sessions. All the statistics can be seen on W&B's website, including which sets of hyperparameters yielded the best results. For more info on W&B sweeps, see the docs.

Experiment 2: training in self-play

Using the best set of hyperparameters found in the previous experiment, we executed five training sessions, each with a different random seed. To reproduce the training sessions we used for the paper, execute the following command on a terminal:

python gym_locm/experiments/ --act-fun=relu --adversary=self-play \
--cliprange=0.2 --concurrency=4 --draft-agent=random --ent-coef=0.005 \
--eval-episodes=500 --gamma=0.99 --layers=7 --learning-rate=0.0041142387646692325 \
--n-steps=512 --neurons=455 --nminibatches-divider=1 --noptepochs=1 --num-evals=100 \
--path=gym_locm/experiments/papers/sbgames-2022/self-play --role=alternate \
--seed=<seed> --switch-freq=10 --task=battle --train-episodes=100000 --vf-coef=1

Repeating five times, each with a different seed parameter. The seeds we used were: 91577453, 688183, 63008694, 4662087, and 58793266.

Experiment 3: training against a fixed battle agent

This experiment uses almost the same command as the previous:

python gym_locm/experiments/ --act-fun=relu --adversary=fixed \
--battle-agent=<battle_agent> --cliprange=0.2 --concurrency=4 --draft-agent=random \
--ent-coef=0.005 --eval-episodes=500 --gamma=0.99 --layers=7 \
--learning-rate=0.0041142387646692325 --n-steps=512 --neurons=455 \
--nminibatches-divider=1 --noptepochs=1 --num-evals=100 \
--path=gym_locm/experiments/papers/sbgames-2022/fixed --role=alternate --seed=<seed> \
 --switch-freq=10 --task=battle --train-episodes=100000 --vf-coef=1

Repeating ten times, each with a different combination of battle_agent and seed parameters. The seeds we used were: 91577453, 688183, 63008694, 4662087, and 58793266. The battle agents we used were max-attack (MA) and greedy (OSL).