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reversTeam edited this page Nov 23, 2014 · 4 revisions



  1. curl | sh


Vim with a few more features :

  1. Control of the code mistakes which could obstruct the compilation
  2. Activation of keyboard shortcuts
  3. Easy and quick check of the norm
  4. Files on the side
  5. Easy and quick display of the commands history
  6. Autocompletion
  7. Design molokai
  8. Easier switch management
  9. Easier tab management
  10. Multi-cursors management

Keyboard shortcuts list :

Editing and command :

Command Action
1 Ctrl + c Copy
2 Ctrl + x Cut
3 Ctrl + v Paste
4 Ctrl + a Select all
5 Ctrl + u Restore modifications
6 F6 Multi-cursors mode
7 Ctrl + d Multi-cursors : Next occurrence
8 Ctrl + p Multi-cursors : Previous occurrence
9 Ctrl + m Multi-cursors : Skip the occurrence
10 Echap Multi-cursors : Quit the Multi-cursors mode
11 Ctrl + w Close without saving
12 Ctrl + s Save
13 Ctrl + q Quit the files opened

Command mode :

Command Action
1 Ctrl + d Vertical split
2 Maj + d Horizontal split
3 Ctrl + t New tab
4 Ctrl + n Check Norminator
5 Tab Next tab
6 Maj + Tab Previous tab
7 Ctrl + r File reload
8 Ctrl + g Display/Hide Files
9 Ctrl + k Run the rule make of the Makefile
10 Ctrl + h Display/Hide modifications history
11 Space Space Display vim configurations
12 u Go back in the modifications history
13 Ctrl + u Go forward in the modifications history
14 Maj + left Switch on the left split
15 Maj + right Switch on the right split
16 Maj + up Switch on the up split
17 Maj + down Switch on the down split
18 Ctrl + p Run the lock session

Installed package list

  1. addon_mw_utils
  2. autocomplpop
  3. gundo
  4. nerdcommenter
  5. nerdtree
  6. powerline
  7. snipmate
  8. snippets
  9. surround
  10. syntastic
  11. tlib
  12. tube
  13. twig
  14. multiple-cursors

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