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Implicit conversion from byte[] to ReadOnlyMemory<byte> #18252

Answered by ayende
danielmarbach asked this question in Q&A
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You are looking at the code that is running on the database side. And the types you use aren't actually identical to what is compiled. In this case, if you'll look at the index, the output would be something like:

In other words, it elided the actual types.
Note that by default, you need to add a converter to ReadOnlyMemory<byte> to support proper serialization on the client side, otherwise, you'll get:

In order to solve that, you can use:

var serializerConventions = (NewtonsoftJsonSerializationConventions)store.Conventions.Serialization;
serializerConventions.CustomizeJsonSerializer += serializer =>
    serializer.Converters.Add(new ByteArrayConverter());



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