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Developer Izi edited this page Jan 14, 2021 · 14 revisions

Raspberry Pi Linux Kernel Wiki2

This github repository contains the source code for the Linux kernel used on all models of Raspberry Pi. It also provides issue tracking for the kernel.

We also have github repositories for tracking issues with the Raspberry Pi Firmware, Raspberry Pi Userland Apps and the Raspberry Pi Documentation. If you wish to report a problem, please make sure you are reporting it in the correct repository.

If you are looking for information on how to build the Raspberry Pi Linux kernel found in this repository, please see our Kernel Documentation

Why a custom Kernel?

There are a number of features on the Raspberry Pi that require specific drivers that have not yet been 'upstreamed' to the mainline kernel, and some of those driver may never be upstreamed. There is an ongoing effort to move as much as possible to upstream, but currently there is still work to do. See the Upstreaming page for information on this effort.

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