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Releases: rainbowcake/rainbowcake


01 Nov 15:05
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Eleventh release of RainbowCake.

What's new:

The contentFrame ID that's used in the activity_main layout is now declared in a separate XML file to avoid crashes produced by it not being present if the layout is overridden.


01 Nov 15:05
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Tenth release of RainbowCake.

What's new:

Not much!

Updates of various dependencies

  • Dagger 2.24 (incremental by default!)
  • Kotlin 1.3.50
  • Coroutines 1.3.0
  • Gradle 5.6
  • Android Gradle plugin 3.5.0

Navigator documentation updates

The pop and popUntil methods now have documented return values.


18 Jun 17:35
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Ninth release of RainbowCake.

What's new:

ViewState handling fixes

Version 0.4.0 caused some unexpected behaviour when reading the viewState immediately after setting it to a new value, as continuously blocking the thread between these two operations didn't allow the set operation to complete, therefore the read showed an outdated state. This should be fixed now.

The postState method is now even more deprecated than before. You should really only update state via viewState and from the UI thread. Please.


09 Jun 20:53
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Eight release of RainbowCake.

What's new:

Dagger artifact

Dagger related code has been moved to a separate artifact, which you can include the following way:

implementation "co.zsmb:rainbow-cake-dagger:$rainbow_cake_version"

Some imports have also been changed to reflect this. Here's a quick table of what you'll need to migrate (should be just a quick search & replace, so no script this time):

Original Replacement
co.zsmb.rainbowcake.di.RainbowCakeComponent co.zsmb.rainbowcake.dagger.RainbowCakeComponent
co.zsmb.rainbowcake.di.RainbowCakeModule co.zsmb.rainbowcake.dagger.RainbowCakeModule
co.zsmb.rainbowcake.di.ViewModelKey co.zsmb.rainbowcake.dagger.ViewModelKey
co.zsmb.rainbowcake.RainbowCakeApplication co.zsmb.rainbowcake.dagger.RainbowCakeApplication
co.zsmb.rainbowcake.base.getViewModelFromFactory co.zsmb.rainbowcake.dagger.getViewModelFromFactory

Koin support

Why mess around with all that Dagger stuff? Because it's no longer the only game in town. You may now also use Koin 2.0 for your dependency injection needs with RainbowCake.

  1. Include the new Koin artifact:

    implementation "co.zsmb:rainbow-cake-koin:$rainbow_cake_version"
  2. Replace Dagger with Koin in your dependencies, here are some recommended artifacts:

    def koin_version = '2.0.1'
    implementation "org.koin:koin-core:$koin_version"
    implementation "org.koin:koin-android:$koin_version"
    implementation "org.koin:koin-android-viewmodel:$koin_version"
  3. Set up Koin. You won't need @Inject annotations any more, but you'll have to declare modules and start up your Koin (ideally, in your Application's onCreate method). See the getting started guide for more details.

Note: You may also use the two DI solutions within the same RainbowCake project simultaneously, for example if you're migrating a project piece by piece. Even shared ViewModels should work!

Proper license

The project is now licensed under Apache 2. One more step towards proper open source.

Android Studio template updates

The screen template now has an option to generate new screens that are powered by Koin, and both the screen and ListAdapter templates now support AndroidX!


09 Jun 20:58
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Seventh release of RainbowCake.

What's new:

Channels artifact

Channel related code has now been moved from the core library to the rainbow-cake-channels artifact. It also includes a new feature, converting a LiveData instance to a Channel:

fun getNews(): ReceiveChannel<List<News>> {
    return newsDao.getNews().toChannel()

This, as with other Channel related API, is experimental (but seems to work alright).


Navigation extension reorganization

Argument handling extensions have been moved from the core library to the navigation artifact. Their package names have also been changed to reflect this change. The old extensions are now deprecated.


The previously used documentation repo is now deprecated. See instead.

Version updates:

  • Coroutines 1.2.0

0.2.0 - The Breaking Changes Release

09 Jun 21:00
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This release contains many structural changes, and some new features. However, it contains no critical bugfixes. This means that if you don't want to suffer the cost of updating to this version right now, the previous version should keep working for you just fine.

If you keep using the old version and do find critical issues in it, report the issue, and a bugfix release using the old structure and package names will be provided for you, if necessary.

Update steps

Updating your project is going to be just a little bit more effort than usual (should still be about 2 minutes using Studio, really).

  1. Update your Gradle dependencies (as necessary, see the Repackaging section):

    def rainbow_cake_version = '0.2.0'
    implementation "co.zsmb:rainbow-cake-core:$rainbow_cake_version"
    implementation "co.zsmb:rainbow-cake-navigation:$rainbow_cake_version"
    implementation "co.zsmb:rainbow-cake-timber:$rainbow_cake_version"
  2. Perform the following search and replace actions in your project - Ctrl + Shift + R:

    Original Replacement
    hu.autsoft.rainbowcake co.zsmb.rainbowcake
    BaseViewModel RainbowCakeViewModel
    BaseFragment RainbowCakeFragment
    BaseActivity RainbowCakeActivity
    BaseApplication RainbowCakeApplication
    BaseModule RainbowCakeModule
    BaseComponent RainbowCakeComponent

    There is also a migration script available to perform this search and replace task. This script does its best to safely migrate your project, but be sure to check the changes it makes.

    The script can be invoked in the following way:

    ./ ~/projects/MyProject

    Or for example, on Windows, from a Git bash:

    ./ /c/projects/MyProject
  3. Add configuration to your project as necessary (see the New configuration options section for details).

    Note that previous versions of the library logged internal events to Timber by default, while the new configuration feature disables internal logging by default. This means you won't see stacktraces of uncaught Exceptions caught by JobViewModel anymore. If you wish to re-enable previous behaviour, set the following configuration options (again, details explained below):

    rainbowCake {
        isDebug = BuildConfig.DEBUG
        logger = Loggers.TIMBER
  4. Update your Android Studio templates (should be just a simple git pull).

Read on to see the explanation of why all these steps are required.

Huge changes


The package names of the framework, as well as the artifact group IDs have been changed from hu.autsoft to co.zsmb.

The framework is also no longer being published as a -SNAPSHOT. These are now regular, stable releases (albeit non-final, because nothing ever is).

As a modularization effort, the framework is being split up into multiple artifacts - only three, for now. This means including three separate Gradle dependencies in your project, if you actually need the features from all of them.

The currently available artifacts are:


implementation "co.zsmb:rainbow-cake-core:0.2.0"

Contains everything from previous versions, except for the navigation features.

Navigation addon

implementation "co.zsmb:rainbow-cake-navigation:0.2.0"

Contains all the navigation features that were part of the base artifact before.

Timber addon

implementation "co.zsmb:rainbow-cake-timber:0.2.0"

You only need this artifact if you want the framework to log about its internal events (this is mostly just the exceptions caught by JobViewModel), and you want it to do so using Timber. See details below.

Base classes renamed

The base classes BaseViewModel, BaseFragment, and BaseActivity have been renamed to RainbowCakeViewModel, RainbowCakeFragment, and RainbowCakeActivity, respectively.

This change makes the Base* names available for applications using the framework, so that they may create their own Base* classes that inherit from the framework classes, and include any app-specific extra behaviour there.

New configuration options

The framework now has a configuration DSL, which can be invoked in the onCreate method of your Application class.

Its usage looks like the following:

override fun onCreate() {

    rainbowCake {
        isDebug = false
        logger = Loggers.NONE
        consumeExecuteExceptions = true

The available settings, and their possible values:

  • isDebug: Boolean, false by default.
    • If set to false, it disables all internal logging of the framework, regardless of the setting of logger. May affect other behaviour in the future as well (in debug mode, prod behaviour will definitely not change). Recommended value is BuildConfig.DEBUG.
  • consumeExecuteExceptions: Boolean, true by default (to keep existing behaviour).
    • Determines whether the execute method in JobViewModel should catch and log any uncaught exceptions in coroutines, or let them crash the app. Recommended to be set to false at the very least for debug builds, and should be considered even for production.
  • logger
    • Determines how the framework should log its internal events. Available options by default are NONE (as in no logging) and ANDROID (logs to Logcat via Log.d).
    • If the rainbowcake-timber dependency is included, TIMBER may also be used to log via Timber. Note that this doesn't plant any Trees, you still have to do that yourself.

Events rework

Event handling has been significantly reworked under the hood, since they were quite broken in some edge cases.

  1. When using shared ViewModel instances with scopes, only a single one of the attached Fragment would receive the events, chosen randomly.
  2. If a Fragment was inactive (in the background) while its ViewModel posted events, only the last event posted would be delivered when it became active again, due to the nature of LiveData.

For the first issue: the new events mechanism ensures that all attached Fragments receive each event, so that they may each react to it as appropriate.

As for the second problem, you may now decide whether an event only makes sense for the Fragment to receive immediately (most events will fall in this category!), or if they should be remembered if the Fragment is not currently active, and delivered later.

Both of these types of events will still be received in the onEvent method of your RainbowCakeFragment or RainbowCakeActivity, but you have to send them in different ways.

Active observer only events

Events that should only be delivered immediately should still implement the OneShotEvent marker interface, and be sent using postEvent, just like before. (One small caveat: this method can now only be called from the UI thread, which you should already have been doing anyway.) If you send one of these events when the Fragment is not active, it will never be delivered.

Active only events

99% of the time, this is the behaviour you need for your events, and the type of events you should use.

Queued events

Events that matter even if they can't be delivered immediately have to implement the QueuedOneShotEvent marker, and be sent using postQueuedEvent. If the observing Fragment isn't currently active, the event will be queued, and all queued events will be delivered immediately when the Fragment becomes active again.

Queued events

Each Fragment instance has its own independent queue of events. Note that Fragments in the background can be destroyed and recreated by the framework, and their queues will be lost in this case - this is a best effort mechanism.

Events with shared ViewModels

Events wrapup

If all of this looks confusing at first, the good news is that you probably don't need all this! You can just keep using events like before, and they'll keep working. They're just much more reliable now.

MultiDex removed

The framework used to include the multidex support dependency and initialize MultiDex in BaseApplication by default. Forcing this on applications in this form was a mistake (most notably since apps targeting API 21+ don't need these to use multidex) and has now been removed.

Any apps targeting API levels below 21 should now perform these steps for themselves, if they require multidex.

Small changes

Slicker popUntil

The popUntil navigation method can now be used with a reified type parameter instead of a KClass parameter. So instead of navigator?.popUntil(HomeFragment::class), you can now navigator?.popUntil<HomeFragment>()!

ViewModel scoping improvements


Read more


09 Jun 21:01
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Fifth snapshot release of RainbowCake.

What's new:

New Navigator method to execute pending actions together

Previously, sequences of Navigator method calls have always executed individually, e.g. take this call:

navigator?.run {

Here, the current Fragments on top of HomeFragment would have first been removed, HomeFragment appeared for a split second, and then SomeFragment would be added on top.

You can now prevent this "flashing" behaviour by calling navigator.executePending() after a series of actions, like so:

navigator?.run {

Version updates:

  • Kotlin 1.3.21
  • Android Gradle plugin 3.3.1


09 Jun 21:02
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Fourth snapshot release of RainbowCake.

Update steps:

Update your dependency version:

implementation 'hu.autsoft:rainbow-cake:0.1.1-SNAPSHOT'

What's new:

Even more new argument handling methods

New methods have been added to support Fragment arguments with Int and Serializable types. Note that the latter of these still isn't a recommendation to pass around large objects as arguments, it's only meant to serve as a way to pass around some small objects like java.util.UUID easier, without having to convert it to a String and back.

These, again, conform to the naming convention of existing argument handling methods.

All of these Bundle methods are also now documented and tested according to their documented behaviour. (Their internal implementation has also been unified to simplify them and make them safer.)

A new Navigator convenience method

The Navigator interface now has a setStack(Iterable<Fragment>) method to complement the existing setStack(vararg Fragment) method, and avoid having to convert Lists and other iterables to arrays.

Version updates:

  • Kotlin 1.3.20


09 Jun 21:02
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Third snapshot release of RainbowCake.

Update steps:

Update your dependency version:

implementation 'hu.autsoft:rainbow-cake:0.1.0-SNAPSHOT'

Optionally, update your screen templates.

What's new:

Shared ViewModels between Fragments

ViewModels by default are scoped to their Fragment, meaning a new instance is created for every new instance of the Fragment (barring configuration changes), and they are cleared when their Fragment is destroyed (as in their lifecycle completely ends).

There are use cases where it would make sense to share ViewModel instances between Fragments, and the getViewModelFromFactory method now provides an opportunity for this in the form of an optional parameter. ViewModels may now be scoped to the current Activity or to a parent Fragment. For details, see the documentation.

A demo showcasing a ViewPager where the pages share a ViewModel scoped to their parent Fragment is also available.

Navigation improvements

The Navigator provided by the library contains a fade animation between screen changes by default. It's not possible to override this default behaviour.

You can override it globally, by providing new values for certain properties in your Activity that inherits from NavActivity:

class MainActivity : SimpleNavActivity() {

    override val defaultEnterAnim: Int = R.anim.slide_in_right
    override val defaultExitAnim: Int = R.anim.slide_out_left
    override val defaultPopEnterAnim: Int = R.anim.slide_in_left
    override val defaultPopExitAnim: Int = R.anim.slide_out_right

You can also override animations one by one, by using overloads of the add and replace methods:

    enterAnim = R.anim.slide_in_right,
    exitAnim = R.anim.slide_out_left,
    popEnterAnim = R.anim.slide_in_left,
    popExitAnim = R.anim.slide_out_right

Note that a simple 0 may be used for any of these values to disable an animation altogether.

Be sure to check the documentation for all of the properties and methods mentioned above, as they contain much more information.

New argument handling methods

New methods have been added to support Fragment arguments with Boolean and Parcelable types. These conform to the naming convention of existing argument handling methods.

New executeCancellable method

Previously, any coroutines started by making execute calls in the ViewModel were only cancelled when the ViewModel was cleared. If you need to manage the Job representing coroutines manually instead, you can now do so with the executeCancellable method:

class MyViewModel : JobViewModel<MyViewState>(Default) {

    private var loadingJob: Job? = null

    fun loadData() {
        loadingJob = executeCancellable {
            // do something


Note that you shouldn't ever return this Job to your Fragment, so do not do this, as the loadData method here has an implicit return type of Job, instead of Unit:

class MyViewModel : JobViewModel<MyViewState>(Default) {

    fun loadData() = executeCancellable {
        // do something


Bug fixes and performance improvements (yes, really)

  • Fragment backstack management fixes around the replace operation of the Navigator implementation.
  • The rootJob in JobViewModel is now a SupervisorJob so that it's not cancelled altogether if a child coroutine fails (based on this article's advice).
  • The coroutineContext used by the CoroutineScope in JobViewModel is now only created once at instantiation.
  • Channel observations are now explicitly cleared when a ChannelViewModel is cleared.

Version updates:

  • Kotlin 1.3.11
  • Coroutines 1.1.0
  • Android Gradle Plugin 3.3.0


09 Jun 20:57
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Second release of RainbowCake.

Update steps:

Update your dependency version:

implementation 'hu.autsoft:rainbow-cake:0.0.2-SNAPSHOT'

What's new:


withArgs has been renamed to the more fitting applyArgs (as it returns the Fragment it was called on). withArgs is still available, but should be migrated when possible. Automatic migration with intention action is available, should work project wide as well.

New features

Added an exhaustive extension property to force when to act as an expression and require all branches to be present, example usage:

when (viewState: ViewState) {
     is Loading -> { /* Show loading */ }
     is Errored -> { /* Show error */ }
     is Ready -> { /* Show ready */ }

Version updates:

  • Kotlin 1.3
  • Coroutines 1.0.0
  • Android Gradle Plugin 3.2.1