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Releases: rabbitmq/rabbitmq-jms-client


03 Nov 13:58
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Changes between 1.15.1 and 1.15.2

This is a patch release that includes a security fix. It is backward-compatible with 1.15.1. All 1.x users are encouraged to upgrade or even better, upgrade directly to 2.2.0, as 1.x extended support period ends on 31 December 2020.

Thanks to Roman Shemyakin for his contribution.

Limit StreamMessage deserialization

GitHub issue: #135


05 Jun 07:39
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Changes between 2.1.0 and 2.1.1

This is a patch release that includes bug fixes. It is backward-compatible with 2.1.0. All users are encouraged to upgrade. User of 1.x should especially consider upgrading, as 1.x general support period ends on 31 July 2020.

Reading JMSTimestamp from an 'amqp' destination results in exception

GitHub issue: #126

Make RMQConnectionFactory and RMQDestination compatible with RMQObjectFactory

GitHub issue: #128

RMQObjectFactory does not allow creating some variants of RMQDestination

GitHub issue: #129


05 Jun 07:31
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Changes between 1.15.0 and 1.15.1

This is a patch release that includes bug fixes. It is backward-compatible with 1.15.0. All 1.x users are encouraged to upgrade or even better, upgrade directly to 2.1.1, as 1.x general support period ends on 31 July 2020.

Reading JMSTimestamp from an 'amqp' destination results in exception

GitHub issue: #126

Make RMQConnectionFactory and RMQDestination compatible with RMQObjectFactory

GitHub issue: #128

RMQObjectFactory does not allow creating some variants of RMQDestination

GitHub issue: #129


20 May 13:50
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Changes between 2.0.0 and 2.1.0

This is a maintenance release that includes a new feature and dependency upgrades. It is backward-compatible with 2.0.0. All users are encouraged to upgrade. User of 1.x should especially consider upgrading, as 1.x general support period ends on 31 July 2020.

Thanks to @sdurrenmatt for his contribution.

Add channelsQos property to JNDI Factory

GitHub PR: #124

Bump dependencies

GitHub issue: #125


20 May 13:41
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Changes between 1.14.0 and 1.15.0

This is a maintenance release that includes a new feature and dependency upgrades. It is backward-compatible with 1.14.0. All 1.x users are encouraged to upgrade or even better, upgrade directly to 2.1.0, as 1.x general support period ends on 31 July 2020.

Thanks to @sdurrenmatt for his contribution.

Add channelsQos property to JNDI Factory

GitHub PR: #124

Bump dependencies

GitHub issue: #125


15 May 11:53
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2.1.0.RC1 Pre-release

Changes between 2.0.0 and 2.1.0.RC1

This is a release candidate for 2.1.0, a maintenance release that includes a new feature and dependency upgrades. It is backward-compatible with 2.1.0. All users are encouraged to experiment with this pre-release.

Thanks to @sdurrenmatt for his contribution on this pre-release.

Add channelsQos property to JNDI Factory

GitHub PR: #124

Bump dependencies

GitHub issue: #125


15 May 11:45
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1.15.0.RC1 Pre-release

Changes between 1.14.0 and 1.15.0.RC1

This is a release candidate for 1.14.0, a maintenance release that includes a new feature and dependency upgrades. It is backward-compatible with 1.13.0. All users are encouraged to experiment with this pre-release or even better, test 2.1.0.RC1, as 1.x general support period ends on 31 July 2020.

Thanks to @sdurrenmatt for his contribution on this pre-release.

Add channelsQos property to JNDI Factory

GitHub PR: #124

Bump dependencies

GitHub issue: #125


17 Feb 10:06
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Changes between 1.x.x and 2.0.0

This major release introduces a few breaking changes, but the core of the API (support of the JMS API 1.1) is unchanged. The major changes are a requirement on Java 8 or more and the internal use of the RabbitMQ AMQP Client 5.x.

When upgrading from 1.x to 2.x, application code might no longer compile when configuring RMQConnectionFactory (see below for details). Application code for "usual" operations such as publishing and consuming should still compile without any changes.

All users are encouraged to use or upgrade to this version, as it is now the production line before 1.x goes end-of-life in the next few months.

Breaking changes

Java 8 is Now Required

The client no longer supports JDK 6 and 7. JDK 8 is now required to both build and run (use) this library.

Because of the Java 8 requirement, this client only supports Android 7.0 or later.


  • setAmqpPropertiesCustomiser accepts a BiFunction<AMQP.BasicProperties.Builder, Message, AMQP.BasicProperties.Builder> instead of a AmqpPropertiesCustomiser.
  • setAmqpConnectionFactoryPostProcessor accepts a Consumer<com.rabbitmq.client.ConnectionFactory> instead of AmqpConnectionFactoryPostProcessor.
  • setHostnameVerifier(HostnameVerifier) is removed, as the JVM can perform hostname verification itself as of Java 7. Use setHostnameVerification(true) instead.


07 Jan 14:43
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2.0.0.RC1 Pre-release

Changes between 1.x.x and 2.0.0.RC1

This is a pre-release for a major release. It introduces a few breaking changes, but the core of the API (support of the JMS API 1.1) is unchanged. The major changes are a requirement on Java 8 or more and the internal use of the RabbitMQ AMQP Client 5.x.

When upgrading from 1.x to 2.x, application code might no longer compile when configuring RMQConnectionFactory (see below for details). Application code for "usual" operations such as publishing and consuming should still compile without any changes.

Users are encouraged to experiment with this pre-release as 2.x is going to become the main production line before 1.x goes end-of-life in the next few months.

Breaking changes

Java 8 is Now Required

The client no longer supports JDK 6 and 7. JDK 8 is now required to both build and run (use) this library.

Because of the Java 8 requirement, this client only supports Android 7.0 or later.


  • setAmqpPropertiesCustomiser accepts a BiFunction<AMQP.BasicProperties.Builder, Message, AMQP.BasicProperties.Builder> instead of a AmqpPropertiesCustomiser.
  • setAmqpConnectionFactoryPostProcessor accepts a Consumer<com.rabbitmq.client.ConnectionFactory> instead of AmqpConnectionFactoryPostProcessor.
  • setHostnameVerifier(HostnameVerifier) is removed, as the JVM can perform hostname verification itself as of Java 7. Use setHostnameVerification(true) instead.


30 Oct 14:29
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Changes between 1.13.0 and 1.14.0

This is a maintenance release that includes a new feature and a usability improvement. It is backward-compatible with 1.13.0. All users are encouraged to upgrade to this release.

Thanks to @SethPyle376 and @meaghek for their contribution on this release.

Messages can be nack-ed on transaction rollback

GitHub issue: #121

Expose queue declare arguments in RMQSession

GitHub issue: #120