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Active Information

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Active Information Gathering

Software Installation

To play-around with active information gathering concepts, Metasploitable2 is the best option to go with.
Metasploitable is intentionally vulnerable VM, which emulates a vulnerable target and is used to practice common penetration methods.


  • NMap or network-mapper is free and open source tool used for vulnerability scanning and discovery.
  • Identifies devices that are running on your local network.
  • It scans multiple hosts
  • Nmap work by sending raw packets to system hosts. By doing this it listens to responses and determines whether ports are open or close.
  • Nmap also detect OS running on web you are scanning and detects vulnerabilities.
S.No N-Map commands Description
1. nmap <your-ip-address> Scan a single IP
2. nmap -A <your-ip-address> Detect OS and Services
3. nmap -sV <your-ip-address> Standard service detection
4. nmap -sT Scan using TCP connect. Performs full 3-way handshake inorder to scan target.
5. nmap -sS Scan using TCP SYN scan (default)
6. nmap -Pn Discovers open ports.

By-pass Firewalls with Nmap

  • ACK signal can be used to bypass some of the rules of router.
  • If there is a rule that allows SYN-packets only from inter-network (machines that are on target machine's local network), and a 3-way handshake rule is enabled, you can trick the target PC by sending only ACK signal, which would make PC think it is a response to previous SYN-ACK bit.
  • Whenever N-Map sends packets and if target PC knows that N-Map exists, they can make a rule that blocks any packets of standard N-Map size.
S.No N-Map commands Description
1. nmap -sA <your-ip-address> Use when there is a blockage of SYN bit-set on target
2. nmap --data -length <your-ip-address> Detect standard length of N-Map's packet size

Spoofing MAC Address using Nmap

  • White-listing IP-addresses means that the target PC has allowed list of certain IP-addresses to pass through.
  • Black-listing IP addresses means that the target PC has blocked list of certain IP-addresses to pass through.
  • Type in the following commands to spoof your MAC address with white-listed IP-address.
root@kali: nmap -g 80 <your-IP-address>
nmap --spoof --mac <sppof-MAC-address> <your-IP-address>

Advanced Nmap Scripts

  • Nmap scripts can be found in this location : cd /usr/share/nmap/scripts.
  • Clone the following repository : VulScan
  • Following commands rates a website based on vulnerability on a scale of 1-10.
root@kali: nmap --script=ssh-brute.nse <your-IP-address>
nmap --script vulscan, nmap-vulners -sV <your-IP-address>