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16 lines (13 loc) · 998 Bytes

File metadata and controls

16 lines (13 loc) · 998 Bytes


Instructions for Redeploying Pursuit

After making a new compiler release, do the following to redeploy Pursuit using the new compiler.

  1. Submit a PR with the following changes:
    • In pursuit.cabal, do the following:
      • update the version field to the next release using the X.X.X version schema.
      • update the purescript version to the next release (e.g. == 0.15.0)
    • In stack.yaml, update purescript to use its new version.
    • Update the LICENSE file by running ./license-generator/generate which executes cabal-plan
    • Update the to include a new section for the new release
  2. Once the PR is merged, create a new GitHub tagged release using vX.X.X as the version schema. The release will trigger a GitHub Actions build.
  3. Wait for the GitHub Actions build to finish (it builds the assets)
  4. Run ./deploy/ vX.X.X, replacing X.X.X with the version you created.