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{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}

module Polymorphism where


Next, we'll take a deep dive into parametric polymorphism. Recall that parametric polymorphism results from parameterizing values by types so that a single value can operate over many different types, i.e., generics in Java. In addition to allowing us to use one piece of code over many types, polymorphism, when used appropriately, can give us strong guarantees about the behavior of our code.

Polymorphism as Uniformity of Behavior

Haskell provides very simple syntax for specifying a polymorphic function. Any name used in a type that is not recognized as an already preexisting type is interpreted as a type variable.

id1 :: a -> a
id1 a = a

For example, the a in the type signature of id1 is not a preexisting type, therefore it is interpreted as a type variable. Thus, we can read the type of id1 as follows: "give id1 a value of an arbitrary type and it'll return a value of that same arbitrary type". Note that we could've used a different name for the type variable, e.g., dog:

id2 :: dog -> dog
id2 x = x

And this works fine. However, by convention, we tend to use single letter names for our type variables, in particular a and b.

In reality, the type a -> a is a type parameterized by another type. We can make this explicit with the forall type which explicitly quantifies a type by one or more type variables.

id3 :: forall a. a -> a
id3 x = x

Although in practice we do not use this explicit quantifier as it has other purposes (in particular, when used in conjunction with algebraic data types, we counter-intuitively obtain existential types)! Note that the forall type syntax is not standard Haskell; it is enabled by specifying the ExistentialQuantification language pragma at the top of this file.

From the client's perspective, id is a very general function that operates over many types. From the implementor-of-the-function's perspective, however, we have a very constrained function. In particular, because:

  1. The input and output are of an arbitrary type.
  2. The input type and output type must match.

The function cannot return a specific value, e.g., 5, because while the function may be instantiated to Int some of the time, this implementation won't make sense if the user instantiated the function to a different type such as String. It has to return something of the arbitrary type a. The only value of type a available is the parameter to the function and so we are forced to return it!

A Note on Non-Termination

Before continuing, it is worthwhile to note that this wasn't the only option for the implementation of id! Here is an implementation of id that successfully type checks:

id4 :: a -> a
id4 x = id4 x

This implementation is simply an infinite loop! Note that because id takes an a and returns and a, we can simply chain calls of id together:

id5 :: a -> a
id5 x = id5 (id5 x)

Recall that the composition operator (.) allows us to compose functions together, so id6 is equivalent to id5:

id6 :: a -> a
id6 = id6 . id6

And it is immediately clear that an infinite number of such functions is possible. But really, why do we need to compose id calls together? The following definition works as well as the others:

id7 :: a -> a
id7 = id7

All of these programs are infinite loops. In Haskell, we refer to these programs—and in general, any computation that does not complete successfully—as bottom. In logic, we write bottom as ⊥, a value that has any type.

bottom :: a
bottom = bottom

Indeed, you might recognize this type (forall a. a): it is the type of the undefined constant we use as a placeholder for functions to fill in later!

Because every type includes the bottom value, all of our forthcoming claims about the possible outputs of polymorphic functions must include "...and bottom too". Thus, rather than caveatting all of our future claims assume the absence of infinite loops or the bottom value. Putting it another way, we assume that all of the potential functions that we write are total or terminating.

Reasoning About Polymorphic Types

Our intuition is that code that possesses values of polymorphic type can only shuffle said values around. In particular, the code cannot inspect the value and make decisions based on its contents. To put it another way, we cannot make any assumptions about the shape of values of polymorphic type or the operations that such values support.

These constraints are powerful for both the user and designer of the programs that use polymorphic types. For the user, the type signature of the program now makes strong guarantees about the behavior of the function. For the implementor, the types greatly constrain what programs might typecheck

Exercise: for each of the following function signatures, describe the likely behavior of the function in its comment. To do this, describe how the function must produce its output in terms of its input.

-- TODO: fill me in
f1 :: a -> b -> a

-- TODO: fill me in
f2 :: (a -> b) -> a -> b

-- TODO: fill me in
f3 :: (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> a -> c

-- TODO: fill me in
f4 :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c

In type-directed programming, the structure of our types dictates the design of our programs. By leveraging the fact that Haskell has a rich static type system where the compiler enforces that our program is well-typed, we can frequently get away with simply getting our program to typecheck.

One way that GHC allows us to perform type-directed programming is with its hole construct. When writing a function, we can use an underscore in place of an expression (_). When compiling the program, GHC will flag an error for each hole, giving information about the intended type of the hole as well as relevant context information: the types of local variables that are in scope.

To see this in action, try replace undefined with _ in the body of id8 below as an example:

id8 :: a -> a
id8 x = undefined   -- TODO: Replace me with _ to see an example of a hole!
                    --       Implement me once you are done so you can
                    --       continue compiling this file!

When I do this on my machine, I receive the following error:

   • Found hole: _ :: a
     Where: ‘a’ is a rigid type variable bound by
              the type signature for:
                id8 :: forall a. a -> a
              at /Users/osera/Scratch/Polymorphism.hs:165:1-13
   • In the expression: _
     In an equation for ‘id8’: id8 x = _
   • Relevant bindings include
       x :: a (bound at /Users/osera/Scratch/Polymorphism.hs:166:5)
       id8 :: a -> a
         (bound at /Users/osera/Scratch/Polymorphism.hs:166:1)
     Valid hole fits include
       x :: a (bound at /Users/osera/Scratch/Polymorphism.hs:166:5)
       bottom :: forall a. a
         with bottom @a
         (defined at /Users/osera/Scratch/Polymorphism.hs:102:1)

  166 | id8 x = _
      |         ^

The error notes that:

  • I need to fill in an expression of type a in place of the hole.
  • Relevant bindings include x and id8, and
  • Valid completions include x and bottom.

Rather than having to manually track the types of all relevant variables and my goal, the compiler reports this information through holes! As a side note, you might note that there are quite a number of valid completions that are not reported by the compiler. As a thought experiment, you should think about why this might be the case!

Exercise: Program holes are a powerful tool for program design. Use them in an incremental fashion to implement the functions below by first replacing the undefined occurrences with holes, then refine your program incrementally, using sub-holes whenever there are pieces of your program that you aren't sure how to implement.

-- f1 :: a -> b -> a
f1 x y = undefined

-- f2 :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
f2 f x = undefined

-- f3 :: (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> a -> c
f3 f g x = undefined

-- f4 :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
f4 f x y = undefined

Exercise: in the above cases, there is a single choice of non-trivial implementation because of the structure of the types. Here are more complicated examples where multiple implementations are possible. For example, in f5 below, a perfectly valid implementation is to return the third argument of type a.

However, this is not a desirable implementation since we don't use all of the arguments in a productive way! Ideally, we should use all of the arguments in our implementation in a meaningful way. Find an implementation for the functions below that satisfies this criteria, describing its behavior in its comment. Use holes to guide your way when you get stuck!

(Hint: recall that you can use recursion on functions and pattern matching on algebraic data types as necessary. Note that algebraic data type constructors do not usually appear in the completion list when using holes.)

f5 :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
f5 f g x = undefined

f6 :: Int -> a -> [a]
f6 n x = undefined

f7 :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
f7 f x l = undefined

f8 :: b -> (a -> Maybe b) -> a -> b
f8 d f x = undefined

f9 :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> [b]
f9 f l = undefined