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module ListProgramming where

List Programming

Previously, we reviewed basic programming in Haskell–expressions and functions. Over the next two days, we'll review the main programming technique used in any functional programming: recursion. Because functional programming languages, especially a pure one like Haskell, discourages mutable variables, we must use recursion to get work done. This is convenient because many algorithms are concisely expressed using recursion.

A Brief Note on Polymorphic Types

In Java, we use parametric polymorphism, i.e., generics to make types that are parameterizable by other types. Haskell provides very lightweight syntax for using polymorphic types. The type of the standard length function over lists is written [a] -> Int. The type of a list of, e.g., integers is written [Int].

The length function does not care what the carrier type of the list is, i.e., the type of elements that the list holds. We denote this fact by introducing a type variable into the type. In fact, Haskell will interpreter any identifier in a type that is not an actual declared type as a type variable, so you can write the following implementation of the polymorphic identity function:

myId :: wee -> wee
myId x = x

Where the wee in the type is a type variable. As a matter of style, however, we usually reserve single letter names for polymorphic types, e.g., a, b, and m.

Functions and Pattern Matching

We learned that conditionals are part of the expression language. We can combine conditionals and equality to write recursive functions over lists, e.g., a function that computes the length of a list:

myLength :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Int
myLength l = if l == [] then 0 else 1 + myLength (tail l)

Note that myLength's type signature puts a type class constraint on the polymorphic variable a because we use equality (==) over lists which in turn requires that the a implements the Eq type class (which provides the (==) function).

This translation of how we recursively compute the length of a list in Racket into Haskell is not incorrect, but it is not how we would actually write down this recursive function. Rather than using equality and the tail function, we use a powerful programming construct known as pattern matching to get the job done:

myLength' :: [a] -> Int
myLength' []     = 0
myLength' (x:xs) = 1 + myLength' xs

You can think of a pattern match as a conditional on the structure of a particular data type. Here, we are breaking up the definition of myLength' (note the apostrophe!) into two cases: when the input list is empty ([]) and when the input list is non-empty written using the cons operator (x:xs). Execution of the function proceeds by first determining which of the two patterns match the given input, e.g.,

v1 = myLength' []         -- Evaluates to the first condition and produces 0
v2 = myLength' [1, 2, 3]  -- Evaluates to the second condition, eventually producing 3

In the second condition, x and xs are pattern variables which are bound to the appropriate components of the input list. For example, we can view the list [1, 2, 3] as a sequence of cons operations 1 : (2 : 3 : []) so x becomes bound to 1 and xs to 2 : 3 : [] or [2, 3].

Finally, note that myLength' does not require a type class constraint on the carrier type of list. This is because we are not actually using the == operator. Instead, Haskell looks directly at the shape of a list to determine which condition of the function to evaluate. This notion of breaking down a value by its possible shapes is the cornerstone of a language feature we'll discuss next week: algebraic data types.


Pattern matching forms a way to condition the behavior of a function. It works over the structure of values, however, we are unable to condition on arbitrary behavior of a pattern, e.g., testing if an integer is greater than 0.

Haskell provides special syntax, called guards, to capture arbitrary conditions on function alternatives. For example, here is a Haskell implementation of the Ackermann function:

ack :: Int -> Int -> Int
ack m n | m == 0          = n + 1
        | m > 0 && n == 0 = ack (m-1) 1
        | otherwise       = ack (m-1) (ack m (n-1))

Guards are simply boolean conditions that are tested to see if a particular function alternative are chosen. This is really equivalent to an top-level if-expression in the function body, but is arguably much more readable. Compare the ack function definition to its formal description on Wikipedia.


Fill in the definition of each of the functions below. For the type signatures of each of the functions, use the most general type possible (read: use polymorphic types and type class constraints whenever possible).

  1. Write a function myAll that takes list of booleans as input and returns true iff the list only contains True values.
all = undefined
  1. Write a function append that takes two lists (of the same type) as input and returns a new list that is the result of appending the second list onto the end of the first.
append = undefined
  1. Write a function contains that takes an element and a list and returns True iff the element is in the list. (Hint: what type class constraint do you need on the elements of the list to ensure you can compare them for equality?).
contains = undefined
  1. Write a function snoc that takes an element and a list and appends that element onto the end of the list.
snoc = undefined
  1. Write a function rev that takes a list and returns a reversed version of that list. (Hint: can you use a previous function to do this?)
rev = undefined