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module BasicProgrammingInHaskell where

Basic Programming in Haskell

Haskell is an advanced functional programming language created in the 1980s to consolidate the designs of various functional programming languages that existed at the time. Today, the language is widely used in academia as a vehicle for exploring new language features, in particular, advanced type systems. It is also gaining traction in industry due to its safety guarantees, vibrant community and constantly-evolving ecosystem.

This file is a Literate Haskell file. In a standard Haskell file, code is interspersed with comments. In contrast, a Literate Haskell file is text interspersed with code. The text in question is Markdown, a common markup language designed for plaintext entry. Haskell code is enclosed in fenced code blocks delimited with triple backticks and the haskell tag. You can also run this file directly in ghci by using the markdown-unlit package:

  1. First, install the markdown-unlit package with cabal:

    $> cabal update && cabal install markdown-unlit
  2. Next, a technicality: ghci will only read files with a .lhs extension but Github will only render .md files as Markdown! To get around this, you will need to create symbolic links to versions of these Markdown files but with the .lhs extension. The script in this repository does this for you.

    $> ./
  3. Now, you can either run ghci with a flag telling it to use markdown-unlit on the .lhs version of the file.

    $> ghci -pgmL markdown-unlit 01-BasicProgrammingInHaskell.lhs

    You can also elide the flag if you invoke ghci in this repository because the .ghci file will instruct ghci to toggle this flag automatically.

I encourage you not just to read this file but also to load it in ghci and play around with the definitions and exercises. As they say, "programming is not a spectator sport," so make sure you are getting your practice in!

The Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC)

The main compiler for Haskell (which comes with the Haskell Platform distribution) is the Glasgow Haskell Compiler—GHC for short. There are two command-line programs we'll use to interpret and compile our Haskell programs:

  • ghci: the GHC interpreter which allows us to load Haskell source files and interact with them.
  • ghc: the GHC compiler which transform Haskell source files into executable programs.

For now, we'll use the GHC interpreter. You can pass Haskell source files to the interpreter, e.g., this source file:

$> ghci
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             (, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.

At the ghci prompt you can type in Haskell code snippets (later we'll talk about exactly what syntactic context we're operating in when we're at the ghci prompt) as well as additional ghci specific commands. You can get a list of these commands with the :help command:

*BasicProgrammingInHaskell> :help
 Commands available from the prompt:

(Lots and lots of spew)

Here are a few of the most helpful ghci commands that you'll need as you start out:

  • :quit or :q: Quits ghci.
  • :load <filename> or :l <filename>: Loads the given Haskell source file. The file extension should not be given.
  • :reload or :r: Reloads the currently loaded file. Very useful for incremental editing of a program.
  • :type <expr> or :t <expr>: Reports the type of the given expression.

Composability in Languages

Composition is the process of putting together components to form a completed thing. Typically, the set of components that we draw from is small in size, but carefully chosen to maximize the set of possible things we can build.

In contrast to more traditional languages that possess many language constructs, functional programming languages emphasize composability at two levels:

  • Syntax: functional programming languages feature a small set of language constructs from which we can build our programs.
  • Libraries: functional programming languages provide a small set of highly reusable library functions that allow us to concisely describe solutions to problems.

The upside to having a language that is highly composable is that there isn't much to memorize in the way of elementary things. The downside is that we'll need to learn to adopt our problem solving strategies to the compositional style of programming that Haskell promotes.


Like Racket, Haskell is a functional language. A functional programming language is one where the predominate way of organizing a program is through the composition of mathematical functions. The basic building block of a program in this paradigm is the expression which is simply a programming construct that evaluates to a value. For example, here are a number of expressions typed out at the ghci prompt:

*BasicProgrammingInHaskell> 3 + 5 / 2
*BasicProgrammingInHaskell> 1 + 1
*BasicProgrammingInHaskell> True
*BasicProgrammingInHaskell> True && False
*BasicProgrammingInHaskell> 3.5 / 1.9 + 1 * 2
*BasicProgrammingInHaskell> "hello " ++ "world!"
"hello world!"
*BasicProgrammingInHaskell> even 5

ghci kindly evaluates expressions that you give it down to their final values. The expression language is somewhat similar to other languages that you have seen, e.g., in Java. One notable exception is that function invocation or function application is written without parentheses. For example, the snippet even 5 is the application of the function even to the argument 5. If a function takes multiple arguments, then they are separated by spaces, e.g.,

*BasicProgrammingInHaskell> mod 4217 5

Here mod is equivalent % operator found in Java. As a convenience, we can write any binary function (a function that takes two arguments) as an infix operator by surrounding the function name in backticks, e.g.,

*BasicProgrammingInHaskell> 4217 `mod` 5

Dually, we can treat any infix operator as a regular function by surrounding it in parentheses

*BasicProgrammingInHaskell> (+) 3 5

In Haskell, conditionals are also expressions, e.g.

*BasicProgrammingInHaskell> if True then 3 else 5
*BasicProgrammingInHaskell> 1 + if False then 3 else 5

Finally, if we wanted to embed these expressions into this Haskell file, we cannot simply type them out as Haskell does not allow bare expressions at the top level. Instead, we must bind them to a variable, e.g., for all of the expressions we've seen so far:

e1 = 3 + 5 / 2
e2 = 1 + 1
e3 = True
e4 = True && False
e5 = 3.5 / 1.9 + 1 * 2
e6 = "hello " ++ "world!"
e7 = even 5

Like other languages, we can use these variables in expressions, build up expressions in terms of smaller expressions, etc.


Unlike Racket, Haskell is statically-typed language. This means that every expression has a type associated with it. This type classifies the value that the expression eventually evaluates to. As mentioned above, we can use the :t command in ghci to have the compiler print the type of an expression for us:

*BasicProgrammingInHaskell> :t e1
e1 :: Double
*BasicProgrammingInHaskell> :t e2
e2 :: Integer
*BasicProgrammingInHaskell> :t e3
e3 :: Bool
*BasicProgrammingInHaskell> :t e4
e4 :: Bool
*BasicProgrammingInHaskell> :t e5
e5 :: Double
*BasicProgrammingInHaskell> :t e6
e6 :: [Char]
*BasicProgrammingInHaskell> :t e7
e7 :: Bool

Note that the type of a string in Haskell is really a [Char] which is a list of characters.

Being a statically-typed language, Haskell ensures that we don't compose expressions in such a way that the types don't make sense. For example:

*BasicProgrammingInHaskell> e6
"Hello World!"
*BasicProgrammingInHaskell> 1 + e6

    No instance for (Num [Char]) arising from a use of ‘+’
    In the expression: 1 + e6
    In an equation for ‘it’: it = 1 + e6

We'll get used to reading Haskell's somewhat cryptic error messages as the course progresses. Here, we can see that by reading the error message from bottom-to-top Haskell pinpoints the problem to the use of the + operator. The "No instance" part of the error message refers to the fact that a list of characters (type [Num]) cannot be treated as a number which is the error in the program.

Function types in Haskell are written in a particular way, for example with mod:

*BasicProgrammingInHaskell> :t mod
mod :: Integral a => a -> a -> a

mod has type Integral a => a -> a -> a. If we think of the Integral a part as a specification saying "a must be an Integer", then we can read the type as Integer -> Integer -> Integer. We write the types of arguments of the function in order followed by the return type, separated by arrows. Thus mod is a two-argument function that takes two Integers and returns an Integer. Likewise, abs has type:

*BasicProgrammingInHaskell> :t abs
abs :: Num a => a -> a

Interpreting a as "Number" (either an integer or a floating-point value), abs takes a Number as an argument and produces a Number as a result.

Function Definitions

Because we write so many functions in Haskell, function declaration has a very concise notation. For example, here is the declaration for an increment function:

inc1 x = x + 1

inc1 is a function that takes an argument, call it x, and produces the value x + 1. We can inspect the type of inc1 with :t:

*BasicProgrammingInHaskell> :t inc1
inc1 :: Num a => a -> a

And find that even though we didn't write a type down, Haskell inferred a suitable type for it anyways. We can (and should) also write down the type explicitly before giving the implementation of the function:

inc2 :: Integer -> Integer
inc2 x = x + 1

We give multiple arguments to a function by separating them with spaces:

myAdd :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
myAdd x y = x + y


Functions and basic expressions are pretty standard in Haskell. Things start getting interesting with lists. Recall that a list is a sequential, homogeneous, arbitrary-sized data type. That is:

  1. The elements of the list have an order,
  2. They all share the same type, and
  3. The list can be as large as we'd like.

We use lists so much in Haskell that the language provides direct syntax for working with them. To create a list, we can use a list literal:

exampleList1 = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Alternatively, if we are creating a list that encompasses a range of values, we can use .. to have Haskell fill in the values for us:

exampleList2 = [0 .. 5]       -- [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
exampleList3 = [1, 3 .. 10]   -- [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]

Finally, we can use a list comprehension to build a list in such a way we might specify the elements of a set in mathematical notation:

exampleList4 = [x + y | x <- [0 .. 5], y <- [0 .. 5]]

exampleList4 contains 25 values where the values are drawn from all possible combinations of sums of values for x and y.

We can use a list comprehension to transform the elements of a list to another type or selectively filter the elements of a list. For example, consider starting with a list of names:

names :: [String]
names = ["John", "Jane", "Jo", "Janet", "Joss", "Jupiter", "Jimmy", "Jenkins"]

We can transform this list into a list of the lengths of these strings with the length function along with a comprehension:

lengthsOfNames :: [Int]
lengthsOfNames = [length n | n <- names]

Finally, we can find the average length of these names using the sum function and some arithmetic:

averageLengthOfNames = (sum lengthsOfNames) `div` (length lengthsOfNames)

Here we need to use the div function which performs integral, rather than fractional division.

If we wanted to only consider all of the names that have odd length, we can add filter for those names.

oddLengthNames :: [String]
oddLengthNames = [n | n <- names, odd (length n)]

For each n in names, the comprehension keeps that n as long as odd (length n) evaluates to True.

To work with lists, Haskell provides a number of list manipulation functions in its standard prelude (the part of the standard library that is automatically imported for you). Rather than listing them out in detail here, I'll refer you to the documentation for a complete list:


Here are some exercises to help you put together some of these basic Haskell programming constructs. In the fragments below, undefined is a placeholder constant in the standard library that throws an exception whenever it is evaluated. Fill it in with an appropriate function signature and implementation. Make sure to test out your code in ghci as well!

  1. Write a function cToF that takes an Float that is an amount in Celsius and returns a Float that is the corresponding temperature in Fahrenheit.
cToF = undefined
  1. Write a function countInRange that takes a list of Floats and two additional Floats—a min and max value—and returns the number of values in the list that are in the range min < x < max. Use this function to compute the number of temperature values recorded for New Haven that are between 50 and 52 degrees.
-- Average yearly temperatures for New Haven from 1912--1971
nhtemp = [ 49.9, 52.3, 49.4, 51.1, 49.4, 47.9, 49.8, 50.9, 49.3, 51.9, 50.8
         , 49.6, 49.3, 50.6, 48.4, 50.7, 50.9, 50.6, 51.5, 52.8, 51.8, 51.1
         , 49.8, 50.2, 50.4, 51.6, 51.8, 50.9, 48.8, 51.7, 51, 50.6, 51.7
         , 51.5, 52.1, 51.3, 51, 54, 51.4, 52.7, 53.1, 54.6, 52, 52
         , 50.9, 52.6, 50.2, 52.6, 51.6, 51.9, 50.5, 50.9, 51.7, 51.4, 51.7
         , 50.8, 51.9, 51.8, 51.9, 53 ]

countInRange = undefined
  1. Recall that tuples are sequential structures that are heterogeneous but fixed-size, for example the exampleTuple variable below. Write a function, assignIndices that takes a string and creates a list of pairs of integers and characters where the ith character is paired with integer value i.
exampleTuple :: (Int, Bool, [Char])
exampleTuple = (1, True, "hello")

assignIndices = undefined
  1. Use assignIndices to write a function pruneEveryOther that takes a string and produces a new string that removes every other character of the string, starting with the second.
pruneEveryOther = undefined
  1. Write a function fizzbuzz that takes an integer n and returns a list of strings. The ith element of this list should be:
    • "fizz" if the number is a multiple of 3.
    • "buzz" if the number is a multiple of 5.
    • "fizzbuzz" if the number is a multiple of both 3 and 5.
    • The original number if the number is neither a multiple of 3 nor 5.
fizzbuzz = undefined