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How does versioning work for these packages? #76

Answered by sdnts
sdnts asked this question in Q&A
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Thanks for confirming @rektdeckard! I suppose this is a bug(?) or at least some sort of incompatibility in yarn 3. It's a tiny annoyance at best, really.

To answer your question: what I've generally seen/done is that the latest tag always points to the latest version like you do (so like v2.1.3), but the way people handle "canaries" is the next planned version number, appended with some kind of linearly increasing version (so like v2.2.0-alpha.1, v2.2.0-alpha.2, v2.2.0-alpha.342). Then you can promote this version when you feel like it (to v2.2.0). The next tag points to the latest of these "alpha" versions.

Some examples: (they use <…

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