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executable file
86 lines (64 loc) · 4.18 KB

OXAI website

Welcome to the repository for the website of the Oxford Artificial Intelligence Society

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To edit the website you need a Github account and to join as a collaborator on this repository. Then you can follow the instructions below. If you know how to do pull requests, you can also do that.

To add/edit Partners & Sponsors

Drag and drop an image into the folder /img/partners/ or /img/sponsors (then press "Commit changes on the bottom). Then add a new record by editing the file in the /_data folder. It is /_data/partners.yml for partners and /_data/sponsors/[gold/silver/bronze].yml for the three tiers of sponsorships. Look for the file, and click the edit button on the top right corner, which looks like

edit button

then add the field with the format like:

- name: Herbertsmith Freehills
  img: /img/sponsors/hsf.png

where the thing in img should point to the image file which you dropped in the img folder before. The press "Commit changes". And that's it.

To add/edit team members

Edit the file _data/team.yml, and add or edit a record with the format:

- name: Guillermo Valle
  picture: /img/people/guillermo.jpg
  role: Labs Technology Officer

Where the only compulsory fields are name and role. If you want to change the profile picture you should drop it in /img/people/ and then update the field picture above. If you don't have a picture field, then the picture defaults to /img/people/anonymous.

How to add a post to the blog

Open folder /_posts/. Click on the button "Create new file" on the top right. Name your file with a name like, where the first bit should be the date of the post, and the next can be anything but use underscores "_" instead of spaces. Then the content of the file can use Markdown syntax, to do things like include links, images (which you can put in the /img/ folder), urls, etc. Markdown should be a pretty easy language to learn, as it's designed to be very minimal. If you want though you can use a markdown editor, of which there are many online (e.g., which can give you a GUI to create markdown documents. It also supports HTML if you wanna include something fancy :D

layout: post 
title: 'Tips for Securing Careers in AI: Communication'
author: Timothy Seabrook

Content of the blog post here blah blah

where you put the content instead of the "Content of the blog post here blah blah", you replace the field title with the title of the post, the field author with the author, and email with their email. The content of the post can use

To add events

Really we'll be using this if we are going to have "event posts", but for completeness: You can manually add events by editing /_data/events.yml for "current/future" events, or /_data/pastevents.yml for past events. Both will be shown in The format is

 - title: Test event
   datetime: 2019-08-21
   day: 21
   month: Aug
   year: 2019
   time: 8:00 PM
   desc: This is a test event