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Martin Riedel mrtnrdl
build & break things.

codecentric AG Germany

Jean Doyon jeandoyon

TurboLabs Val-David

Eriberto Mendz eribertto
Veteran field construction engineer moving to coding/web development. Avid Linux user interested in programming, web development, sysadmin.

Saudi Arabia

computer science student


SneakyMthrFckr turdfurgeson78
Never underestimate the sneakiness.
Why join the navy if you can be a pirate? 🏴‍☠️


Oussama EL GHANNAMI iamoeg
Just a nerd doing nerdy things 🤖


Willis Briggs techbeardnc
Beginner bash scripter, family man, language learner Graham, NC

Matthew Utin mattu08
Software Developer, GitLab & BitBucket User.

@hiltonbaird Group UK

Jakob Edvardsson JakobEdvardsson
CS Student | Java | Data Structures | Algorithms | Linux | Nix | TS/JS | React | Next.js | DB

Malmö, Sweden

Alexis datalex-fr
👋 Hi, I’m @datalex-fr 👀 I’m interested in datascience 🌱 I learned EDA/ML and statistics with OpenClassrooms 👀 I'm currently Data Analyst


Stephen Kamau muiga
Full Stack Web Developer (Angular, React, NodeJS)

mainrow africa Nairobi, Kenya

Matt themattgillam

Tasmania, Australia

@OffixRO OffixRO
The best way to predict the future is to invent it!

OffiX Romania

Hugh Smalley hsmalley
Dad, Linux Engineer, Amateur Radio Operator. I spend most of my professional life in a terminal and automating things. I write a lot of scripts...

Lexis Nexis Risk Solutions Florida

ktaf ktaf

@bolteu Tallinn, Estonia

Bill Graef bgraef

Oracle Winter Park