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HARESH SUPPIAH hareshsuppiah

La Trobe University Melbourne, Australia

David Dennison davidldennison
I'm an SEO and Content Marketer!

David Dennison SEO Las Vegas, NV

yoonjong.park yoonjong-park
Front-end Developer
James Osei-Mensa Aduboahen
Bioinformatics enthusiast.

Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research in Tropical Medicine Ghana

Zhang Shoujia sdnuzsj
My name is Zhang Shoujia, as a Ph.D candidate at Shandong University of China. My major in computer science and technology.

Shandong University Qingdao, China

Alex Michaud zole

Bucket o' Software Seattle

Halil İbrahim Ergül halilergul1
I specialize in the unique intersection of machine learning, NLP and behavioral data.

Sabancı University Turkey/Istanbul

Fahad Mirza fahad-mirza
Economist, Data Analyst & Visualizer @worldbank & @CERP. Debunking #Stata Myths. #Stata Data Visualization & Analysis code shared.

@worldbank | @CERP Pakistan

Anthea Z Irreel

University of Washington

Miklós Koren korenmiklos
Economist running code and trails.

@ceumicrodata and @CEU-Economics-and-Business Vienna

saúl z mtz szmtz
graduate student : advanced data analytics. interests include data exploration, analysis and visualization.
ishida ishida83

homocyber shanghai

Mohandeep Singh mathephysicist7
📚 Philomath 😮 Extremely curious ☮️ Empathetic & Compassionate ⚛️ Novice Mathematical Physicist
Fauzee fauzyMss
A lady with an insatiable need for knowledge. print("hi there")

Kyif Katsina State

《Python Streamlit 从入门到实战》作者


Hertz isLinXu
world is large model.

@Tencent China

Steve Kerr smkerr
MSc Data Science for Public Policy candidate at the Hertie School in Berlin

Hertie School Berlin, Germany

Robert Edwards rtedwards

@thegeneralsystem London

Callistus Ndemo callistusndemo
An aspiring web developer.

Brooklyn, NY