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Eugene Mark Korku Barasu Mark-Eugene-Barasu
I have mastered HTML, CSS, SCSS & SASS, JavaScript, Node.JS, Python, MySQL, AngularJS, JSON, Java and still learning.

South Africa

Zuruh Zuruuh
19 yo Web Developper, I like php, typescript, docker, rust, stuff like that; profile picture from @daily_magolor on twitter


Fullsize Mania FullsizeMania
RepositΓ³rio oficial de cΓ³digos do clube Fullsize Mania.


Filmon Filimon4
Hi, i'm IT intusiast


John Shelburne thecatfix
Former sales guy that had zero coding experience who accidentally bought the IP for a ml platform that identifies bond trade opportunities.

CatFix Technology Dallas

Pete Warnock pwarnock

Southern California

TαΊ‘ HoΓ ng Anh anhth99
Study Computer

Việt Nam

Jianxing Zhang xingole

WuHu City in China

VANN YA thevannya
Born Donald Tyler Guest June 5, 1995 in Amherst Ohio. 1NONLYTG has over for 10 years music experience & also a talented creative developer.

Top Young Boss Entertainment, Inc. Toronto Ontario Canada

Ammar Jesliy ammar-jesliy
πŸš€ Building projects to turn ideas into reality.

Beruwala, Sri Lanka

Qiang-Liu LiuQhahah

null Nanjing,China

Michael Zhang beer-coder
Java Python & Go

Alibaba Beijing China

Terfa John CyberSage5
software developer || turning codes into decentralized magic πŸ’»πŸŒ


Angelique Kepshire watersavvy
Data Science Analyst | Machine and Deep Learning Engineer | Production Planner | ERP Specialist | AI Art Enthusiast | Aspiring Astronaut
Florian Fromm FlrnFrmm
Cloud Native Advocate & Rustacean πŸ¦€
B4NT3 EstebanArellanesConde
Bachelor Student of Computer Engineering. Currently at School of Engineering, UNAM.
An Tai Suanmd
Ph.D. candidate at National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition (NLPR), Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Harish Chilukuri nagaharish5
Passionate about learning tech. Linux admin & beginner DevOps engineer. Let's connect & innovate! πŸŒ±πŸ’» #TechEnthusiast #DevOps #LinuxAdmin


LOOX LOOXofficial
This is the official account of the mini-blogging service "LOOX".
Mustfa iqprogm
HI there

iraq ^_^

Trill Astro Buzz TrillAstro
Trill Astro Buzz is a digital AI character created by @Cybersoulja to educate and entertain the community of @onesecoConnect

Oneseco Media

Nereya Mantzur NereyaMantzur
hi i'm nereya and i'm a student in afeka collge in tel aviv
Hannah Hannah-Moon
Software Engineer | HCI & HCD Specialist | Crafting Valuable Experience to Assist People

Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh

Siqi Wu avalanchesiqi
Postdoc at UMSI. Computational Social Science, Social computing, Crowdsourcing. @avalanchesiqi

University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI

Tom Cohen TomCo2210

Pi-Crypto, Afeka - The Academic College of Engineering in Tel Aviv Tel Aviv