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HudsonShi HudsonShi
SDE@IBM Alumni@CHD Traffic Eng 16' Alumni@SIT Civil Eng 19' Alumni@UBama Civil Eng 28'

IBM Shenzhen

朴睦 dengwenj
JavaScript | Java

Shanghai, China

codez Zjianru
I love coding
Ji Pyo Hong devMuscle
차근차근 꾸준히 성장하고 싶은 백엔드 개발자 입니다
Mark Huang tinybyhuang
Java JavaScript Go Python

Shenzhen University ShenZhen China

Abolfazl Karimi abol-karimi
PhD student in computer science at UNC-Chapel Hill
José Souza joseluisdesouza
Developer Java

Porto Alegre

Crazy_Coder sunhao-java
Talk is cheap,show me the code.

@lodsve NanJing, Jiangsu, China

Strolling on a long way from Programmer to Hacker.

the P.R.C.

Eduardo Bortolatto Lopes bortolatto
Gosto muito de estudar como as coisas funcionam nos bastidores. Acredito que o domínio em uma determinada tecnologia nos faz ter melhores decisões arquiteturais

Softplan Florianópolis/SC

keyu4work coco2023
Backend&Full-Stack || Connect Keyu via Working Wechat: chu20212023 || Working Tel: 217-200-2228 || 跑快跑快 多多学快快学
Song Myeong Jin RumbleKAT
호기심 많은 개발자 👍

삼성 SDS Seoul

Server / Web Application Programmer
Buster Hockenberry 508284405
As a coding enthusiast,I,Horace Morro,excel in Python,Java,and C++.I eagerly participate in competitions and aspire to make an impact in the tech world
Mahmoud Abdelaal Dev-MahmoudAbdelaal
Software Engineer

Faculty of Computers and Information ,Menoufia University Cairo