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hikari hikarika
primary programmer
lightless lightless233
Alibaba Security. @vidar-team.


phak Sinicaphak
just a student forever。。。

Fuzhou University fuzhou

一期一会 Software Engineering is about tradeoffs, there is no one right answer.

NEUQ -> Keio University China.Hebei -> China.Beijing -> Japan.Tokyo -> Japna.Kansai

略略噜啦嘿 KeyBor

Hunan University of Technology and Business Shanghai

V.O.T makluganteng
Hi, im a Software Engineer :) who loves to build and explore the technology space. Focus on Zero Knowledge Proof research and building projects.


Zhao Cake ZhaoCake
A student in university, now interested in development of Embodied AI and Digital Design.

Chengdu, Sichuan in China

Cheng JIANG GopherJ
Rust, C++, TypeScript, Solidity, Go Developer. ZK Engineer @QEDProtocol @L2Ordinals ex-Core @parallel-finance @para-space @Ubudu @casbin

@QEDProtocol c(x, w) = 0

Zheng Quancheng ZhengQuancheng
Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.
Tianyang Yu AiQiYang
I am currently studying Master of IT at UNSW, with a keen interest in computer systems, and aspire to become an excellent software engineer.

The University of New South Wales Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

黄铭涛 1037827920
Student of South China University of Technology

South China University of Technology

Mohan ZHENG CybCom
An ordinary one in the third year at @Nanjing-University. Major in software engineering. Minor in astronomy.

Nanjing University Planet Earth

J jailyao
freshman on the road


BabOrzzZ zhenzhenChange
Awakening Unknown ......

Awakening Unknown ... Shen - Zhen

Seeker Seeker0472


zhoucj zcjie1
vegetable dog interested in operating system
J 1996 jameingh


Dunjia xudong7
student of Sun Yat-sen University@Sun Yat-sen University

Sun Yat-sen University

lance lance-e
walking slowly will be fast
Yi Wang up2wing

@Tencent ChengDu, China

spg spg-one

UESTC Hangzhou,China