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Benjamin Degenhart benjaminaaron
Software Developer @digitalservicebund. Knowledge Engineer @Citizen-Knowledge-Graph. Open Source, Linked Open Data, Sustainability, Graphs

@digitalservicebund Berlin, Germany

Mirza Jaun Scienticious
Mobile Application Dev | Flutter | Android | Dart | Kotlin GmbH Nürnberg, Germany

Predrag Tasevski stepcellwolf
Cybersecurity & Privacy by Design Advocate | Certified ISO, DPO, and more at Berlin, Germany

Daniel Böttner DanielBoettner
DevOps and a hype driven developer.

Leipzig, Germany

stephan lindauer stephanlindauer

@criticalmaps berlin, earth

Tell us a litlle bit about yourself... No! I'm just another guy trying get some money. #prepress #printing #enfocus #esko #web2print #php #node #aws #api

@kartenmacherei Germany

Mihir Rambhia mihirr93 Germany

Toa Toaaa

Lead developer at @Future-Studios Frankfurt // Germany

Emma Böcker emmaboecker
Your average Developer (but better) 🏳️‍🌈


vishal hirawat hirawatt
Writing software and building gizmos!

planet earth

spuxx spuxx1701
I'm a web developer and architect at Deutsche Bahn. In my spare time, I mostly create webapps and maintain a bare-metal Kubernetes cluster.

Deutsche Bahn AG In spaaace

Kaya Emilia kayatf
19 years old IT technician trainee.

Linz, Austria

Franziska Wegner franziska-wegner
Over 8 years of research and teaching experience, 10 years working in large well known companies, 2 scholarships, supervision & reviewer of 12 Bachelors/Master

ESRI Redlands

Tobi Nehrlich anothertobi
builds containers and runs container ships

@amazeeio Zurich, Switzerland

Wenzel creadicted
Senior Backend Engineer

just playing around Germany

Jan Oliver Rüdiger notesjor
#NLProc #TextMining #Linguistics #DataScience #DigitalHumanities #PostDoc - mother&father of: - 🏭: @IDS_Mannheim

IDS - Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache Düsseldorf

Kai KaiFu1984
Smalltalk TS a.s.o.
Paul Förster nachtsnochlicht
Qualified Nerd for: electrical-, event- & media Engineering embedded programming

@elmicro Leipzig - Germany

Andrei matzipan
Working hard to make those bits work.


Fabian Reinold freinold
IT Security student @ Munich University of Applied Sciences

Landeshauptstadt München / @it-at-m Augsburg, Germany

Ryan Guidry (Ryne) rguid31
engineering, art, blockchain, history, computing, and futurology.

Baton Rouge, LA

information science student • only undocumented prototypes • information & computer science stuff


Philo Phil228

@HopperStudios Germany

Paveen Kumar D P-aveen06
Software Development Engineer

the cloud company

Jan Kreutzfeld ds-jkreutzfeld

doubleSlash Net-Business GmbH Friedrichshafen, Germany

Rodolfo Matos rodmatos

@forto Berlin, Germany

Jonas Heinrich onny

Karlsruhe, Germany

PhiOfX PhiOfX
Φ(χ) software adventures
