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Stepan Samutichev Samutichev
BaseALT LLC • ALT Academy 🦭

BaseALT LLC Worldwide

Miguel Rodríguez mrp500
Learning web development.


Sai madoptics
Bug reporter, vector illustrator and animator
Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


Tristan B. Velloza Kildaire deavmi
I ❤️ programming and computers. I have a big interest in compiler and interpreter design and implementation and also an interest in networking and fmts/protos.

iPay (Pty) Ltd. Worcester, Western Cape, South Africa

李国雄 Guoxiong Li lgxbslgx
OpenJDK Reviewer/Committer

2013 JNU Guangdong, China

-Data Science


Luke Simmons Skyluker4
I like computers.

The University of Arkansas Fayettville, AR

Billy Schwartz BillySchwartz16
🛡️ Security SRE | Cybersecurity Enthusiast | 🔒 | Automate everything | 🌊 🏝️ 🎸

New york

NikolozK NoMrBody

Georgia, Kutaisi

Hoku Ishibe is-hoku
TUT B3 3系

Toyohashi University of Technology Aichi, Japan

Abdullah Mahmood abdullahau

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Martin von Reichenberg MartinVonReichenberg
I am here to expand the nostalgic geekyness of my curiosity about hacking and tweaking of previous and today's technology.I Want to help others with convenience

Liberec, Czechia

Israel Bermudez Sepulveda issy62
Software Developer for over two decades. C++ is my weapon of choice. But C++ like any other language, it's just a tool and I have a toolbox.

Florida, USA

Linda Benboudiaf linda-benboudiaf

@ali-scube @Datachok Paris

Chikita Isaac chikitai
New developer

Cash app United States

Narendra Joshi narendraj9

@merantix Berlin, Germany

Abolfazl Karimi abol-karimi
PhD student in computer science at UNC-Chapel Hill
FermiQ FermiQ
Im an intergalactic dust particle; hanging on a limited lifespan; anticipating a lightYr. old ray of luv 2 consummate with QFT; QT; Statistical Probabilistic QC


Charles Maxwel Githinji Waweru maxwellgithinji
Opensource Software Developer

@savannahghi @savannahinformatics United States

Nelson Mfinda nelsonmfinda
👨🏾‍💻 Application Developer | Technology Enthusiast 😎 | Always up for learning new things 🥇 | Love open source 💪🏾

Lisbon, Portugal

Short-Term Action, Long-Term Impact.

Macau, Macao

Damien Tan dtjldamien
cop lights, flash lights, spotlights, strobe lights, street lights

@workato over the moon

juno jultty
Software developer, translator and Systems Analysis student at the São Paulo Federal Institute.

NEWEN Linguagens & Tecnologia Jacareí, SP - Brasil

Oussama EL GHANNAMI iamoeg
Just a nerd doing nerdy things 🤖


haruki7049 haruki7049
I can not speak English well


Jacob Ogle JacobOgle
Building and Learning