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Abdul basit the-coder-o
CTO. Feminist. Lover. Maker. Fan of AI 🧠, environment 🌎, lean startup 📊, Figma 🖍️, Next.js 💻, surfskate 🛹, cappuccinos ☕, movies 🎬. Still learning.

Abdul Basit Uzbekistan

CHIKAMATSU Naohiro nao1215
Backend engineer with golang and AWS. Love CLI tool for Linux.

@fuller-inc Niigata, Japan

halka halka

@zunda-inc HKD

Nighthaven nostr-bluesky
Observing the behavior patterns of users who encounter new technologies from the perspective of evolutionary biology.

Human Interface Design Laboratory Kyoto

jist george0st
The architect with an overlap into development and analysis. "Almost everything is possible, it's just a matter of time⌚, resources💰 and quality⭐"

Europe, Prague

@RandyMcMillan RandyMcMillan
Operations Specialist @usnavy E616FA7221A1613E5B99206297966C06 BB06757B

@bitcoincore-dev ₿:8333

Shotaro Nakamura nakasyou
14 y/o, Junior High School, Japanese 中3男子/受験生

@Ablaze-MIRAI, @Liberluna, Tokyo, Japan

逆砂参角 invertedtriangle358
私はプログラマーではありません。このアカウントはNostrと伺かに関してのみ使われるでしょう。 I am not a programmer. This account will only be used for Nostr and Ukagaka.
ふぃろ otspace0715
Y.Naito TsukudaniVanish
I'm interested in algebraic geometry. I was studying a canonical divisor on a projective variety over a ring of Integers. C/C++, python, Haskell
kazuyasi kazuyasi


YamanoItsuki ituyama
Xtraveler,Inc/,Inc/DMM.comGroup フルスタックニート

Xtraveler.Inc Japan

hikari.huang hikaelis
software engineer?? ←Chiba Univ. Pharmaceutical Sciences💊


Atis Atis9

Tokyo, Japan

msyk knmsyk

Kyoto, Japan

hasundue hasundue
Code for conviction

Tokyo, Japan

22388o⚡️ 22388o
Developer TimeChain on ₿itcoin/Lightning Network / Cryptography/Nostr

@Bitcoin / @AreaLayer / @Horus-Org / @nostr-protocol / @lightningnetwork / @Holepunchto / @TBD54566975 / @Bitswap-BiFi / @FrostDevKit Bitcoin / Lightning Network / Nostr / TBD / Hypercore

タコ頭大吉(Daikichi Takoatama) tko-combinator

Nostr一般民 大阪湾

Small Long long-910
Embedded Software Engineer

Freelance Japan/Tokyo

ka kaosf
Rust, TypeScript, React, Next.js, Ruby, Rails, Docker, Bash, Lua npub15mclg5qgpdjm5aw63trn9ru3e98cx99je392wxw9z6zj52fc3u9s32dfza

Tokushima Japan

David Nishikaze davidxifeng
I ❤️ coding. 出身地は中国で、N1を目指して日本語を勉強中です。


yutaro yutaro21jp
bitcoin | I am Japanese | Live in Thailand 🤙 LN⚡️
