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Suleyman Guney M-Guney
I study Management Information Systems at Necmettin Erbakan University, merging tech and business for innovative solutions in effective management.

Necmettin Erbakan University

Thiago da Silva Roque Thiago2807
System Development Technician - Jr. Dev. 👨🏽‍💻

São Paulo - SP

Ved Nig vednig
Simple Boring Dev <br 🍳 > I am building @Betaco-Open and @rug-gui


Altaf imaltf

Baroda, India

ArtisticMK artisticLogicMK
A dynamic software dev with a vision to develop solutions that resonate on a global scale | Creator of

Remote Abuja, Nigeria

Кирилл Леонов leonovk
Software Engineer. In love with computer science.

Potok.Digital Moscow

Breyden Taylor prompted365
The parameters are purring, the tokens are tasty, and as always... ``` >_ context is all ```

Prompted LLC Indiana


Asa Co. Tehran, Iran

Arun Balakrishnan Dev-Arun7
Python Django React Fullstack Developer


Retired professor of computer science, and business owner. One place i go to lurk/bask in the trillion lines of beautiful code. May the binary be kind to you :)
Ansh Bhimani anshbhimani
Actively trying to contribute to Computer Science Space.Working on Strengthening Information Security. Looking for Projects to collaborate with.
Olena Tokova OlenaTokova

International Research and Training Center for Information Technologies and Systems Boston, USA



Icaro Lordes Icarolordes-dev
Sou Ícaro, um programador iniciante em transição de carreira e muito sonhador. 👨🏾‍💻🔆

Vila Velha, ES

André M. andremarko

São Paulo, SP - Brasil

George Delaportas (ViR4X) g0d
Businessman, Enterprise Architect, IT Security Expert, Code Hacker


Jonel Muncan jonelm01
Current Comp. Sci. student at CUNY Hunter College. Reach me at,, or jonel.muncan

Queens, NY

YNSRC ynsrc
Electrical-Electronics Engineer
Praveen N napraveen
Aspiring web developer with a passion for creating dynamic and user-friendly website. Deeply interested in learning technologies.
Mukesh Selvaraj mukeshselv
🎉TypeScript + React ⚛️Open Source💡UI/UX + ✨NodeJS + 🐢 MUI + ✨TailwindUI + AntDesign + HighCharts + Framer Motion + 🚀Apple

Bengaluru, India

Aakash P AakashPuthussery
🌟 MCA student | Python | ML/DL | Ruby on Rails | SQL | Data Science Intern 🌟 Passionate about coding, exploring data, and building innovative solutions.


J. Igor Melo jigordev
Founder of @Digital-Age

@Digital-Age Brazil

Gabriel Anyosa gabrielanyosa1
Assistant Researcher at University of Navarra's Department of Communications, specializing in data science, ML, and NLP


Sam Morozov sammorozov
Data Scientist / Web3 dev / ex-Analyst in fintech 🇷🇺


sina E.sezza sinasezza
computer engineering student in BASU university (iran,hamedan)


Amrit Timalsina todaynext
Coding Enthusiast

Lalitpur, Nepal

David Dulce Arkantrust
Think. Innovate. Overcome.
Ayan Das DeveloperMindset123
Fullstack + Gen AI Developer Discord : the1sand0s

VIEW-Wildlife Remote

Farnaz Zinnah fzinnah17
The little girl finally fulfilling her childhood dream to become an engineer 👩🏻‍💻

New York