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East Brunswick, NJ

Mani maniroudsari
Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Gustavo Lozano gustavolsj
Hacker cultural en formación, Conservador de fotografías y documentos históricos, interesado en técnicas computacionales para su estudio y difusión.

Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas. UNAM CDMX, México

Nate Heppard jaggedprospect
Computers are fun.

Victoria's Secret New York, NY

Aoife aoifeml

Cambridge, MA

Matt Christiansen pythagoras-19
backend, graphics, games, guis, and tools
Vencel Bajnok Breinich
Computer Engineering Student interested in model-based systems design, cybersecurity and web development


Pablo Manriquez pab

Washington, D.C.

Zach Rottman zrottman
Developer, Data Enthusiast, Art Historian

Los Angeles, CA


Badisches Landesmuseum Karlsruhe

Co-Founder at Field of Vision
Howard Lee howardlee93
NYU grad living in Cupertino, CA.

Cupertino, CA

sung naturepoker
Amateur biologist

Binomica Labs NYC

Huang Lianghua huanglianghua
A researcher at Alibaba DAMO. Like scaling up model and data for representation learning and content generation.

Alibaba DAMO Academy

Mario Lazzari mariolazzari
Full Stack JavaScript developer Coccaglio (BS), Italy

JCC Coalllball
Data Analyst and Data Visualization Professional

Pratt Institute New York City

Nuno Roberto theworld365
Obsessed about Data, ML, AI, Analytics, Data Strategy, Governance, and Stewardship. I also dabble on RPAs. APAs, and everything else in between. Data Lakes rock


Valetta Valetta
I am a playwright, hoping to use data on the U.S. Congress via the Library of Congress and landed here during the sign up for LOC's API.

Atlanta Metro U.S.A.

Mariana Mena Mary-Mena21
Hello, my name is Mariana. I'm passionate about technology and design, and always eager to learn and solve problems.

@NSS Nashville

David Benjamin pilot92

Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

Shi Syk27syk

IQI Global Real Estate Asia (Malaysia & Singapore)

Adrien Carpentier bolinocroustibat
full-stack artist 🎨

@numerique-gouv, @etalab

Romy romyilano
I love to build things.

Snowyla San Francisco, CA

monlir monicaliz
creada para crear ||||||| certified SAFe Scrum Master ||||||||| software engineering student @ Flatiron

orl, fla

Vincent vinchibana
Hell is other people.

Los Angeles

Arya aryakaul
bioinfo phd @ hms