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Kishoraditya Chaudhari Kishoraditya
A little bit of everything!

GitcoinDAO Navi Mumbai

Sharan Wakade sharan12221
👋 Hi there, I'm Sharan ! 🚀 I'm passionate about Blockchain and Decentraizetion, and I love creating Decentralized applications on Ethereum (EVM based).

Mobiloitte Baner, Pune.

Antonio Garofalo Endless077
Our democracy has been hacked.

Università degli Studi di Salerno Naples

Atharva Kanherkar Atharva-Kanherkar
I like to laugh, code and eat. UG student at IIIT Jabalpur.

Self Employed Jabalpur

Wiseman Lim WisemanLim

Wise Science Inc. Seoul

Paulo Vidal vidalpaul
Blockchain Developer @ Celfocus

Celfocus Lisbon, Portugal

José Castillo Lema josecastillolema
Software Engineer @RedHatOfficial

Red Hat Santiago de Compostela, Spain

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing

Davin Young Frozies
CTO at Florida

Christine Belzie CBID2
IT HelpDesk Support | Techncial Writer | Open Source Enthusiast

@EddieHubCommunity @AccessibleForAll @open-sauced New York

Tony Izquierdo X310t0x01
Physics and Robotics Engineering at The City University of New York

United States

Mohit Bisht Mohiit70
👨‍💻 DevOps, Cloud Computing, and Golang! Open Source and Community Collaboration

Developer India

Fabrian Ibrahim fabrianibrahim
Software Engineer

Melbourne, Australia

Chinnon Santos chinnonsantos
Tech Lead | Backend Senior Software Engineer - PIX / Payment Team at MAPS S.A. | ex-C6 Bank

MAPS S.A. Goiânia-GO

Shivansh Bhatnagar shivansh-bhatnagar18
IITBHU-Mathematics And Computing (Sophomore)
Ganesh Kanchi ganesh-kanchi
Aspiring Web Developer | 20 |


kushal thapa oekush
Its's all about the zeroes and ones. Blockchain Enthusiast || Web3 Developer

BinaryBlockDelivery kathmandu, Nepal

Abhinav Pandey Sweetdevil144
Sophomore at IIT Varanasi with love for programming and astronomy.


Paola Guarasci paolaguarasci
I'm programmer, i ♥️ write code. 🛠️ ↝ 🎧 + ❤️ + 💻


Ahmed Moussa hamada147
Programmer in the making ;)

Computer Robotics Egypt