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Umesh Joshi slackuj
a realist!


Pos-doc at the university of Aveiro.

Universidade de Aveiro Aveiro

Soumyadip Barman soumyadipbarman
Research Fellow, CMS collaboration, CERN

Visva Bharati University India

Anuj C FortKnoxWasTaken
a graduate figuring how life works lol

Vancouver, Canada

Maciej Szymański maszyman
Assistant Computational Scientist at @Argonne-National-Laboratory, working on the @atlascollaboration experiment @CERN.

Argonne National Laboratory

Haifeng Yao neutrinomagician
student of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

richard randria
CNRS Research Engineer @ Nantes

CNRS Nantes, FR

mnh maruthinh
Scientific computing, HPC, AL/ML

Indian Institute of Science Bangalore

vugia truong gachiemchiep
Computer vision engineer.

Johnan innovation Lab Japan

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@aruba The edge of knowing

Kentaro Sugimoto tarotene
Software Engineer / Ph.D (Physics)

@arkedge Ota, Tokyo

Marshall McDonnell marshallmcdonnell
Research Software Engineer

Oak Ridge National Laboratory Oak Ridge, TN

Paras Koundal ParasKoundal
PostDoctoral Researcher at University of Delaware. PhD @ Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany. Focused on Cosmic-Ray Physics and Graph Neural Networks.

University of Delaware United States

Raj Bhattacherjee AstroQuanta
Undergraduate Researcher in the Department of Physics in BITS Pilani, Pilani

BITS Pilani, Pilani

Ananya Gupta Ananya2003Gupta
IGDTUW'25 | HSF India Trainee 2023 @CERN
Xinxin (Cissie) Mei cissieAB
Computer Scientist at Jefferson Lab.

Jefferson Lab

Guillermo A. Fidalgo-Rodríguez GuillermoFidalgo
Graduate Physics Student at the University of Puerto Rico - Mayagüez @iris-hep @hsf-training Interests: Machine Learning and HEP

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Shuo Zhan zzsqwq
Love cats and dogs. From NWPU.

@nwpu-v5-team ShaanXi, Xi'an, China

Alaa Abdelhamid A-A-Abdelhamid
Physics grad student

University of Tennessee Knoxville

John Pinto JohnPPinto
Doing something with neural networks, learning and building amazing stuff.


Alexander Moreno Briceño amorenobr
Particle physicist

Ibagué, Colombia

Saransh Chopra Saransh-cpp
CERN / IRIS-HEP | Undergrad who likes open-source scientific software

@cern / @iris-hep Geneva, Switzerland