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Yu Zhou audreyeternal

KTH institute of technology Stockholm, Sweden

Shuo Yuan yuanshuoastro

National Astronomical Observatories of China (NAOC) China

Tim Ebert TimLEbert
Master of Physics Student at University of Heidelberg
Cem Daloglu cemdaloglu
I was a Scientific Computing Master's student at Heidelberg University.

@Validaitor Karlsruhe

Damjan Kalšan dkalsan
Helping computers see

Heidelberg, Germany

Matthew Allen Fisher mathyouf
XR + Gen. AI

Earth, the Solar System, Oort Cloud, Orion Arm, Milky Way Galaxy, Virgo Supercluster, Laniakea Supercluster, Universe.

Volkan Okbay volkbay
🔌 MSc in Electrical-Electronics Engineering 🤖 interested in CV & ML and millions of hobbies 🌲 amazed by the colors of nature

Ankara, Turkey

Pradeep Rajasekhar pr4deepr
Bioimage Analyst with a background in neuroscience and engineering. Particularly interested in Python, machine learning, data visualisation and analysis.

Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research Melbourne, Australia

Rafet Kavak rafetkavak
M.Sc. Student in Physics at Heidelberg University, Germany

Heidelberg University Heidelberg

Nick Zobel N1Z0

Frankfurt am Main

Hussein Abdulreda HRida
[-] Keep improving (Never ends) 👍 ;) [x] Find a Job [x] Finish Masters in Computer Science [x] Finish Bachelor in Computer Science

@Aditec Heilbronn, Deutschland

Baiyang Dai pmcesky

University of Chicago

Elias Olofsson eliaserland
M.Sc. Engineering Physics
Xiaoling Hu HuXiaoling
Research Fellow at MGH/Harvard Medical School

MGH/Harvard Medical School Boston