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Ibrahim Yoonus Yoonus4040
Web Developer


Reza rezajax
Flutter, Kotlin, TS, Tailwind, React, Figma
YNSRC - Open Source ynsrc
Electrical-Electronics Engineer
Fardin Kamal fardinkamal62
A legendary hero sailing a powerful ship on an epic journey {~,~}

DeepThought Growth management System Dhaka, Bangladesh

palomaBabot Uxoa
Higher Technician in Web Applications Development - Junior Java Developer - +Cross Functional Full Stack Developer +Drummer & Rural FemCoder
a senior engineer with extensive experience in developing distributed and cloud-based solutions, I have a proven track record of leading teams towards success
Ji.Pandit.G Pandit-G
Be Smiling

Jatin Corporation India

Pat Sullivan sullivanpj
A financial technology developer with a passion for learning new things, solving complicated problems, and giving back to the open source community.

@storm-software New York metropolitan area

Frank Jesus Gonzales Thedreamerone
5year into my tech career I've already accomplished many milestones to keep up with. I I'm just happy that every time I create my entitie is there to direct me. Alameda, CA

Daniel Tsega DannySanchez6658

Lime Software Inc. Ethiopia

BaLa mm-2d-tips-by-bala
Hello , I' m Wai Zin Htun (BaLa). I live in Myanmar County and I' m interested Python Programming Languages. I want to collaborate and learn with your. Thanks.

Myanmar-2D Tips Hpa Aung Wea, Daik-U, Bago Region, Myanmar (Burma)

reishoku reishoku


Çınar Civan cinarcivan
@Sci-Hook Organization Founder & CEO | @Bilimetri Founder & Editorial Director | Natural Sciences Author & Science Communicator

@Sci-Hook Organization Ankara, Türkiye

King Jerry Kingjerr
A WhatsApp bot producer
Alan Lima da Silva Guerra alanguerra23
Engenheiro de Software focado em estudar tecnologias de back-end e arquitetura de projetos. Forte em infraestrutura de aplicações e escalabilidade.

Asa Inovações Goiânia - GO, Brasil