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Valerio Villani PHJT003
PhD Student at Royal Holloway University of London investigating the relationship between interoception and social cognition. Member of Lab of Action and Body.

@RHULPsychology United Kingdom

Hu Chuan-Peng hcp4715
School of Psychology, Nanjing Normal Uni

Nanjing Normal University Nanjing, China

Mohamed A. Fouad moresearch

Universidade Federal de Uberlândia Brazil

Olivia B. Newton small0live
Researcher @ UCF

University of Central Florida

Yunus Emre Tapan tapanyemre
Ph.D. student at Northeastern University

Northeastern University Boston

Eric Shapiro shapeseas
Currently reading: (very slowly) Sorting Things Out - Classification and Its Consequences
Juan Ignacio Cuiule juancuiule
Web Development at El Gato y La Caja 🧪👨‍💻 Studying Systems Engineering at UTN-FRBA 📚

@elgatoylacaja Buenos Aires

Ari Dyckovsky aridyckovsky
PhD candidate at Princeton University studying collective psychological phenomena.

@comanlab Brooklyn, NY